348 research outputs found

    Collective Action for Watershed Management: Field Experiments in Colombia and Kenya

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    The dilemma of collective action around water use and management involves solving both the problems of provision and appropriation. Cooperation in the provision can be affected by the rival nature of the appropriation and the asymmetries in the access. We report two field experiments conducted in Colombia and Kenya. The Irrigation Game was used to explore the provision and appropriation decisions under asymmetric or sequential appropriation, complemented with a Voluntary Contribution Mechanism experiment which looks at provision decisions under symmetric appropriation. The overall results were consistent with the patterns of previous studies: the zero contribution hypotheses is rejected whereas the most effective institution to increase cooperation was face-to-face communication, and above external regulations, although we find that communication works much more effectively in Colombia. We also find that the asymmetric appropriation did reduce cooperation, though the magnitude of the social loss and the effectiveness of alternative institutional options varied across sites.Collective Action, Watersheds, Field Experiments, Colombia, Kenya, Community/Rural/Urban Development, Environmental Economics and Policy, Institutional and Behavioral Economics, Q0, Q2, C9, H3, H4,

    Materiales, recursos y juego: una distinción y relación necesaria en el aula de matemáticas

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    Elementary school teachers, particularly us in the math area, ask ourselves what the best teaching material is to develop classes with specific themes; we have repertoires that help us adapt games or materials to different teaching situations. However, it is a common mistake to name resources, materials and games as synonyms, alluding to the same objective: to enhance the understanding of mathematical objects and improve the interest of students. Naming them as equals prevents the development of differentiated but related teaching and learning processes in particular classroom scenarios. This article aims to recognize the limits between resources, teaching materials, and games, as well as the way in which they improve processes such as reasoning, modeling, representing, communicating, among others. The reflections hereby exposed are the product of some research conducted by the authors as primary school teachers and teacher educators.Los docentes de básica primaria, en particular de matemáticas, nos preguntamos cuál es el mejor material didáctico para desarrollar clases con temáticas específicas; tenemos repertorios que nos ayudan a adaptar los juegos o materiales a distintas situaciones de enseñanza. Sin embargo, es un error común nombrar los recursos, los materiales y los juegos como sinónimos, aludiendo al mismo objetivo: potenciar la comprensión de objetos matemáticos y lograr mejorar el interés de los estudiantes. Nombrarlos como iguales impide que se desarrollen procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje diferenciados pero relacionados en escenarios particulares de la clase. Este artículo pretende reconocer los límites entre el recurso, el material didáctico y el juego, así como la manera en que estos potencian procesos como razonar, modelar, representar, comunicar, entre otros. Las reflexiones aquí expuestas son producto de algunas investigaciones adelantadas por las autoras como docentes de básica primaria y formadoras de formadores

    Design and implementation of the web : linguistic and ethnographic atlas of Colombia

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    The Atlas Lingüístico y Etnográfico de Colombia (Linguistic and Ethnographic Atlas of Colombia), known by “ALEC” is a compilation of popular speaking Spanish of the populations of Colombia; such research was carried out for more than fifty years. The result of this work is a collection of thematic maps organized in six volumes and its supplements in analog format. In that sense was created the project entitles “Interactive ALEC” which main objective is to develop a digital and interactive web version of the ethnographic and Linguistic Atlas of Colombia (1983) and its supplements. In this way the Corpus linguistics research group belonging to the Institute Caro y Cuervo and the research group NIDE of the Universidad Distrital “Francisco José de Caldas” have been working together in the design and development of the Atlas Web, that allows the visualization and consulting of the spatial information contained in the volume III of the analog ALEC Atlas, applying concepts of Geographical Information Systems and web cartography. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to show the process of design and development of the web prototype of the ALEC as a collection of static and dynamic maps, which show spatial information, combined with multimedia content, taking into account that in addition to all maps, the total compendium includes images, illustrations, photographs, audio and text comments. Likewise, the interactive ALEC is a good example of how to use geo-technology tools nowadays, because they are essential for the dissemination of geo linguistic information through internet, achieving more access and distribution of the Atlas web

    Factores de riesgo de mortalidad por COVID-19 en pacientes hospitalizados: Un modelo de regresión logística: Risk Factors for Mortality from COVID-19 in Hospitalized Patients: A Logistic Regression Model

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    Introduction: The population is susceptible to COVID-19 and knowing the most predominant characteristics and comorbidities of those affected is essential to diminish its effects. Objective: This study analyzed the biological, social and clinical risk factors for mortality in hospitalized patients with COVID-19 in the district of Trujillo, Peru. Methods: A descriptive type of study was made, with a quantitative approach and a correlational, retrospective, cross-sectional design. Data was obtained from the Ministry of Health’s database, with a sample of 64 patients from March to May 2020. Results: 85,71% of the total deceased are male, the most predominant occupation is Retired with an 28,57% incidence, and an average age of 64,67 years. When it came to symptoms of deceased patients, respiratory distress represents the highest percentage of incidence with 90,48%, then fever with 80,95%, followed by malaise in general with 57,14% and cough with 52,38%. The signs that indicated the highest percentage in deaths were dyspnea and abnormal pulmonary auscultation with 47,62%, in Comorbidities patients with cardiovascular disease were found in 42,86% and 14,29% with diabetes. The logistic regression model to predict mortality in hospitalized patients allowed the selection of risk factors such as age, sex, cough, shortness of breath and diabetes. Conclusion: The model is adequate to establish these factors, since they show that a fairly considerable percentage of explained variation would correctly classify 90,6% of the cases.Introducción: La población es susceptible al COVID-19 y conocer las características y comorbilidades más predominantes de los afectados resulta imprescindible para disminuir sus efectos. Objetivo: El presente estudio analizó los factores biológicos, sociales y clínicos de riesgo de mortalidad en pacientes hospitalizados con COVID-19 en el distrito de Trujillo, Perú. Métodos: El tipo de estudio fue descriptivo, de enfoque cuantitativo y diseño correlacional, retrospectivo, de corte transversal. Se obtuvieron los datos del sistema del Ministerio de Salud, con una muestra de 64 pacientes de marzo a mayo del 2020. Resultados:El 85,71% del total de fallecidos son del sexo masculino, la ocupación más predominante es jubilados con un 28,57% y tienen una edad promedio de 64,67 años. En el caso de los síntomas en pacientes fallecidos la dificultad respiratoria representa el mayor porcentaje 90,48%; la fiebre con un 80,95%, seguido de un malestar en general con un 57,14% y tos con un 52,38%. Los signos con mayor porcentaje en fallecidos fueron la disnea y auscultación pulmonar encontraron anormal con un 47,62%, en Comorbilidades se pacientes con enfermedad cardiovascular en un 42,86% y un 14,29% con diabetes. El modelo de regresión logística para predecir la mortalidad en pacientes hospitalizados incluidos la selección de factores de riesgo como edad, sexo, tos, dificultad respiratoria y diabetes. Conclusión: El modelo es el adecuado para establecer estos factores, ya que mostró que un porcentaje de variación explicada bastante considerable, clasificaría correctamente el 90,6% de los casos

    Physiology and production of 'Niagara Rosada' grapevine in vertical shoot positioning and in Y-shaped training systems

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar as variáveis fisiológicas e produtivas da videira 'Niágara Rosada' (Vitis labrusca) nos sistemas de condução em espaldeira e em Y, nos dois primeiros anos de produção. Nos ciclos produtivos de 2014 e 2015, avaliaram-se os seguintes parâmetros: índice de área foliar, fotossíntese, transpiração, condutância estomática, área de superfície foliar, variáveis de produção e qualidade do fruto. No primeiro ano de produção, houve diferenças entre os sistemas de condução quanto às variáveis ecofisiológicas influenciadas pela área de superfície foliar dos dosséis. No segundo ano de produção, não houve diferenças entre as variáveis ecofisiológicas. O número de cachos por área de superfície foliar, a massa do cacho, o número de bagas por cacho e a produção por planta não apresentaram diferenças entre os sistemas de condução. Videiras do primeiro e do segundo ano de produção não apresentaram diferenças entre os sistemas de condução, quanto às relações entre área de superfície foliar e produção; porém, a produtividade foi superior no sistema em espaldeira, em função do maior número de plantas por hectare. Frutos produzidos no sistema em Y apresentaram maior quantidade de pigmentos, como antocianinas e flavonóis, do que aqueles no sistema em espaldeira, com a mesma a quantidade de sólidos solúveis totais.The objective of this work was to characterize the physiological and productive variables of 'Niagara Rosada' vine (Vitis labrusca) trained in vertical shoot positioning (VSP) and in Y-shaped systems, in the first two years of production. In the 2014 and 2015 growing seasons, the following parameters were evaluated: leaf area index, photosynthesis, transpiration, stomatal conductance, leaf surface area, production variables, and fruit quality. In the first year of production, there were differences between the training systems for the ecophysiological variables affected by the leaf surface area of the canopies. In the second year of production, there were no differences between the ecophysiological variables. The number of clusters per leaf surface area, cluster mass, number of berries per cluster, and production per plant showed no differences between the training systems. Vines in the first and second years of production showed no differences between the two training systems for the relationships between leaf surface area and production; however, yield was higher in the VSP system because of the greater number of plants per hectare. Fruit produced in the Y-shaped system showed a greater amount of pigments, such as anthocyanins and flavonols, than those in the VSP system, with the same amount of total soluble solids


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    This article was prepared as one of the topics of the research project “Impact of Emotional Intelligence starting from artistic languages in the pedagogical practices at the school”. It is intended to present some of the reflections of the work team issued in the course of the research process, concerning the inclusion of emotional intelligence and artistic languages in pedagogical and life experiences of teachers from the Capital District. It becomes our challenge to think about the theoretical approaches regarding the relationships: emotion-cognition, emotional intelligence-school, school-art-emotion, artistic languages-school, as well as about the role they play in the production of new knowledge and the methodological entries that are being generated in educational research to understand these processes.We are aware that artistic languages and emotional intelligence, when they are viewed through a pedagogical approach, may well constitute scenarios of recognition and transformation not only for pedagogical practices, but even for the human being who learns, teaches and lives daily the encounter with knowledge.El presente artículo se elabora en el marco del proyecto de investigación “Incidencia de la inteligencia emocional a partir de los lenguajes artísticos en las prácticas pedagógicas en la escuela”1. Se pretende plantear algunas de las reflexiones del equipo de trabajo alrededor del proceso investigativo en torno a la inclusión de la inteligencia emocional y los lenguajes artísticos en experiencias pedagógicas y de vida de maestros y maestras del Distrito Capital.Pensar en los discursos teóricos que circulan en torno a las relaciones: emociones-cognición; inteligencia emocional-escuela; escuela-arte-emoción; lenguajes artísticos-escuela; y el papel que juegan en la configuración de nuevos saberes en la escuela y las entradas metodológicas que se están generando desde la investigación educativa para comprender estos procesos, se convierte en nuestra apuesta.Reconocemos que los lenguajes artísticos y la Inteligencia emocional leídos en clave pedagógica se constituyen en escenarios de reconocimiento y transformación no sólo de las prácticas pedagógicas, sino del ser humano que aprende, enseña y vive diariamente el encuentro con el saber.Este artigo foi elaborado no âmbito do projeto de pesquisa “Incidência da Inteligência Emocional a partir das linguagens artísticas nas práticas pedagógicas da escola.” Destina-se a apresentar algumas reflexões da equipe do trabalho, em torno ao processo de investigação sobre a inclusão da inteligência emocional e as linguagens artísticas nas experiências pedagógicas e de vida dos professores e professoras do Distrito Capital.Pensar nos discursos teóricos que circulam em torno das relações: emoções-cognição, inteligência emocional-escola, escola-arte-emoção, linguagens artísticas-escola, bem como o rol que desempenham na configuração de novos saberes na escola e as entradas metodológicas que estão sendo geradas a partir da pesquisa pedagógica para compreender estes processos, torna-se o nosso desafio. Reconhecemos que as linguagens artísticas e a inteligência emocional lidas em chave pedagógica, representam cenários de reconhecimento e transformação, não apenas das práticas pedagógicas, mas também do ser humano que aprende, ensina e vive diariamente o encontro com o conhecimento

    How Prosecutors and Defense Attorneys Differ in Their Use of Neuroscience Evidence

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    Much of the public debate surrounding the intersection of neuroscience and criminal law is based on assumptions about how prosecutors and defense attorneys differ in their use of neuroscience evidence. For example, according to some commentators, the defense’s use of neuroscience evidence will abdicate criminals of all responsibility for their offenses. In contrast, the prosecution’s use of that same evidence will unfairly punish the most vulnerable defendants as unfixable future dangers to society. This “double- edged sword” view of neuroscience evidence is important for flagging concerns about the law’s construction of criminal responsibility and punishment: it demonstrates that the same information about the defendant can either be mitigating or aggravating depending on who is raising it. Yet empirical assessments of legal decisions reveal a far more nuanced reality, showing that public beliefs about the impact of neuroscience on the criminal law can often be wrong. This Article takes an evidence-based and multidisciplinary approach to examining how courts respond to neuroscience evidence in capital cases when the defense presents it to argue that the defendant’s mental state at the time of the crime was below the given legal requisite due to some neurologic or cognitive deficiency

    a cross-sectional study

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    Publisher Copyright: Copyright © 2023 Gonzalez Delgado, Cortes Gil, Rodriguez Araujo, Mira Solves, Rodriguez Gallo, Salcedo Monsalve, Arrieta Arteta, Villalba Toquica and Morales Ruiz.Objectives: Analyze the presence of acute stress response after adverse events in human talent in Colombian health institutions from 2017 to 2021. Methods: Cross-sectional study of prevalence, carried out on 838 members of the human talent in health (professionals, technicians, technologists, and auxiliaries) of Colombian health institutions in the study period with the application of the EASE instrument. Univariate analysis using descriptive statistical techniques, chi-square and Student’s t-test, and bivariate analysis with a Poisson regression model using the institucional SPSS v. 26. Results: The prevalence of adverse events in the last 5 years was 33.8%, presenting levels of acute stress qualifying as Medium-high emotional overload at 21.91%, while extreme acute stress was at 3.53%. The prevalence of risk for presenting acute stress after being involved in an adverse event was PR: 1.30 (CI: 1.24–1.36). Conclusion: Acute stress in human talent after adverse events is limiting health and care capacity and must be efficiently addressed by health institutions. Psychosocial risk is linked within the framework of the patient safety program and the institutional occupational health and safety management systems.publishersversionpublishe

    Propuesta en Supply Chain Management y Logística en la empresa M&R Distribuciones y Servicios S.A

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    La mejora continua aplicada dentro de sus actividades comerciales se logra a partir del conocimiento de la red estructural de toda su cadena de suministros junto a la gestión de la relación con el cliente, satisfacción del cliente, gestión de la demanda y estrategias de aprovisionamiento y comercialización de sus productos por lo que es importante proponer un Supply Chain Management y Logística como una herramientas esencial dentro de las organizaciones para poder medir su nivel de eficiencia dentro de sus actividades internas, permitiéndoles conocer el grado de competitividad en el que se encuentran, además conocer las diferentes estrategias que implementa nuestra empresa en cuanto a distribución de mercancías, inventarios, gestión de transportes y de esta forma identificar las falencias y posibles acciones de mejora, razón por el cual se escoge La empresa M&R DISTRIBUCIONES Y SERVICIOS S.A. la cual se dedica en su actividad comercial a la distribución directa de materiales y accesorios para la construcción de proyectos/obras públicas y privadas en el departamento de Boyacá, relacionadas con instalaciones hidráulicas redes de acueducto y alcantarillado, infraestructura vial, edificaciones, viviendas unifamiliares, brindado a sus clientes el apoyo en el suministrando de materias primas como: tuberías y accesorios Pvc, tubería y accesorios Cpvc, tubería y accesorios novafort, válvulas hidráulicas, geomembranas, geotextiles, medidores, tanques plásticos y pozos séptico.The continuous improvement applied within its commercial activities is achieved from the knowledge of the structural network of its entire supply chain together with the management of the customer relationship, customer satisfaction, demand management and supply and marketing strategies. of their products, so it is important to propose Supply Chain Management and Logistics as an essential tool within organizations to be able to measure their level of efficiency within their internal activities, allowing them to know the degree of competitiveness in which they are, in addition to knowing the different strategies that our company implements in terms of merchandise distribution, inventories, transportation management and thus identify the shortcomings and possible improvement actions, which is why the company M&R DISTRIBUCIONES Y SERVICIOS SA is chosen which is dedicated in its commercial activity to the direct distribution of materials and accessories for the construction of public and private projects / works in the department of Boyacá, related to hydraulic installations, aqueduct and sewerage networks, road infrastructure, buildings, single-family homes, provided its clients with support in supplying raw materials such as: PVC pipes and fittings, PVC pipes and fittings, Novafort pipes and fittings, hydraulic valves, geomembranes, geotextiles, meters, plastic tanks and septic tanks

    Modelo de evaluación de desempeño para la organización Mantos Andinos SAS, estructurada bajo el método de competencias

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    Mantos Andinos SAS, no cuenta actualmente con un modelo de evaluación de desempeño de para sus colaboradores, y desde su implementación no ha tenido ninguno debido a su recién crecimiento. Al realizar la valoración del desempeño, una organización puede determinar las capacidades, fortalezas y debilidades de sus empleados, para luego implementar acciones de mejora necesarios; el no contar con este tipo de herramienta, puede incurrir en la contratación de personal que no cuenta con las cualidades y habilidades para desempeñar el cargo que se le da, lo cual se traduce en desafíos para el logro de los objetivos y metas corporativas. El objetivo de este estudio es plantear un modelo de evaluación de desempeño, apoyado en el método por competencias para la compañía Mantos Andinos SAS, de esta manera alinear a los colaboradores al cumplimiento de los objetivos estratégicos. El desarrollo del estudio se llevó a cabo utilizando metodologías de investigación de tipo experimental como diagnóstico previo, y posteriormente desarrollo de etapas en las que se incluyen: revisión de los cargos existentes, desarrollo de las competencias laborales determinando también roles y el respectivo diseño del modelo de evaluación de desempeño. Al terminar el proceso, su objetivo es la aplicación del método de evaluación de desempeño por competencias para la empresa Mantos Andinos SAS. El cual será aplicado anualmente, se recomienda realizar también actualización y control del manual de cargos y competencias laborales, al igual que socializar los resultados de las evaluaciones a los colaboradores, para que ellos cuenten con la realimentación adecuada, de su proceso laboral.Mantos Andinos SAS does not currently have a performance evaluation model for its employees, and since its implementation it has not had any due to its recent growth. By performing the performance assessment, an organization can determine the capabilities, strengths and weaknesses of its employees, and then implement necessary improvement actions; Not having this type of tool may incur in the hiring of personnel who do not have the qualities and skills to carry out the position given to them, which translates into challenges for the achievement of corporate objectives and goals. The objective of this study is to propose a performance evaluation model, supported by the competency method for the company Mantos Andinos SAS, in this way aligning employees to meet strategic objectives. The development of the study was carried out using experimental research methodologies as a preliminary diagnosis, and later development of stages that include: review of existing positions, development of job competencies, also determining roles and the respective design of the model. performance evaluation. At the end of the process, its objective is to apply the performance evaluation method by competencies for the company Mantos Andinos SAS. Which will be applied annually, it is recommended to also update and control the manual of positions and work competencies, as well as share the results of the evaluations to the collaborators, so that they have adequate feedback on their work process