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    Computational studies of electronic and thermal properties of low dimensional materials

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    The control of low dimensional materials holds potential for revolutionizing the electronic, thermal, and thermoelectric materials engineering. Through strategic manipulation and optimization of these materials, unique properties can be uncover which enable more efficient and effective materials development. Towards the determination of nanoscale strategies to improve the electronic and phononic devices, computational simulations of modified low dimensional materials have been carried in this research. First, the electronic properties of chemically func tionalized phosphorene monolayers are evaluated with spin-polarized Density Functional Theory, as a potential method to tune their electronic properties. The functionalization not only leads to formation of additional states within the semiconducting gap, but also to the emergence of local magnetism. The magnetic ground state and electronic structure are investigated in dependence of molecular coverage, lattice direction of the molecular adsorption and molecule type functionalization. Furthermore, the physical and transport properties of phosphorene grain boundaries under uniaxial strain are evaluated by the use of Density Functional based Tight Binding method in combination with Landauer theory. In both grain boundary types, the electronic bandgap decreases under strain, however, the respective thermal conductance is only weakly affected, despite rather strong changes in the frequency-resolved phonon transmission. The combination of both effects results in an enhancement in the thermoelectric figure of merit in the phosphorene grain boundary systems. Finally, the thermoelectric properties of carbon nanotubes peapod heterostructures are studied and compared to pristine nanotubes using also the Density Functional based Tight Binding method and Landauer theory. It is found that the fullerene encapsulation modifies the electron and phonon transport properties, causing the formation of electronic channels and the suppression of vibrational modes that lead to an improvement of the thermoelectric figure of merit. The results of this thesis highlight the potential of strategic manipulation and optimization of low dimensional materials in improving their unique electronic and thermal properties, revealing promising avenues for improving electronic and phononic devices.:ABSTRACT i ZUSAMMENFASSUNG ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv LIST OF FIGURES ix LIST OF TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS xviii 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Motivation 1 1.2 Objectives and outline 6 2 Computational Methods 8 2.1 Density Functional Theory 8 2.1.1 The Many-Body System Hamiltonian and the Born-Oppenheimer approximation 9 2.1.2 Thomas-Fermi-Dirac approximation model 10 2.1.3 The Hohenberg-Kohn theorems 12 2.1.4 The Kohn-Sham orbitals equations 13 2.1.5 Exchange-correlation functionals 15 2.2 Density Functional Based Tight Binding method 16 2.2.1 Tight-binding formalism 17 2.2.2 From DFT to DFTB 20 2.2.3 Parametrization 22 2.3 Atomistic Green’s functions 23 2.3.1 Non-Equilibrium Green’s functions for modeling electronic transmission 23 2.3.2 Non-equilibrium Green’s function for modeling thermal transmission 27 3 Tuning the electronic and magnetic properties through chemical functionalization 3.1 Introduction 33 3.1.1 Black phosphorus as a 2D material 33 3.1.2 Chemical Functionalization of low dimensional systems 35 3.1.3 Bipolar Magnetic Semiconductors 36 3.2 Computational approach 38 3.3 Interface effects in phosphorene by OH functionalization 39 3.3.1 Single molecule functionalization 39 3.3.2 Lattice selection 43 3.3.3 Coverage 45 3.4 Chiral functionalization effect in phosphorene 48 3.5 Functionalizing phosphorene towards BMS 51 3.6 Summary 53 4 Tuning transport properties through strain and grain bound-aries 4.1 Introduction 54 4.1.1 Strain in low dimensional materials 54 4.1.2 Grain boundaries 56 4.2 Computational approach 58 4.2.1 Molecular systems 58 4.2.2 Electron and phonon transport and thermoelectric figure of merit 58 4.3 Structural modification by strain in GB systems 60 4.4 Electronic structure modification by strain in GB systems 63 4.5 Thermal transport modification by strain in GB systems 65 4.6 Thermoelectric figure of merit of strained GB systems 68 4.7 Summary 71 5 Tuning transport properties through hybrid nanomaterials: CNT peapods 73 5.1 Introduction 73 5.1.1 Carbon-based nanostructures 73 5.1.2 CNT peapods as hybrid nanomaterials 76 5.2. Computational details 77 5.2.1 CNT peapod model 77 5.2.2 Quantum transport methodology 78 5.3 Structural properties of CNT peapods 79 5.4 Electronic properties of CNT peapods 80 5.5 Thermal properties of CNT peapods 83 5.6 Thermoelectronic properties of CNT peapods 85 5.7 Summary 88 6 Conclusions and outlook 91 Appendices Appendix A Supplementary information to phosphorene functionalization A.1 Spin resolved density of states of 1-OH system 96 A.2 Spin valve model 97 Appendix B Supplementary information to phosphorene grain boundaries 98 B.1 Projected Phonon Density of States in GB1 98 B.2 Thermoelectric transport properties of GB2 99 Appendix C Supplementary information to CNT peapods 101 C.1 Geometry optimization of CNT peapods with larger CNT diameter 101 C.2 Additional analysis of electron transport properties 102 C.3 Phonon band structure of different CNT structures 104 C.4 Additional analysis of thermoelectric performance 105 REFERENCES 105 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS 131 PRESENTATIONS 132Die Kontrolle niedrigdimensionaler Materialien birgt das Potenzial für eine Revolutionierung der elektronischen, thermischen und thermoelektrischen Technologien. Durch strategische Manipulation und Optimierung dieser Materialien können einzigartige Eigenschaften aufgedeckt werden, die eine effizientere und effektivere Materialentwicklung ermöglichen. Um Strategien im Nanobereich zur Verbesserung elektronischer und phononischer Bauelemente zu ermitteln, wurden in dieser Forschungsarbeit rechnerische Simulationen modifizierter niedrigdimensionaler Materialien durchgeführt. Zunächst werden die elektronischen Eigenschaften von chemisch funktionalisierten Phosphoren-Monoschichten mit Hilfe der spinpolarisierten Dichtefunktionaltheorie als potenzielle Methode zur Abstimmung ihrer elektronischen Eigenschaften bewertet. Die Funktionalisierung führt nicht nur zur Bildung zusätzlicher Zustände innerhalb der halbleitenden Lücke, sondern auch zum Auftreten von lokalem Magnetismus. Der magnetische Grundzustand und die elektronische Struktur werden in Abhängigkeit von der molekularen Bedeckung, der Gitterrichtung der molekularen Adsorption und der Funktionalisierung des Moleküls untersucht. Darüber hinaus werden die Transporteigenschaften von Phosphoren-Korngrenzen unter uniaxialer Belastung mit Hilfe der auf Dichtefunktionen basierenden Tight-Binding-Methode in Kombination mit der Landauer-Theorie untersucht. In beiden Korngrenzentypen nimmt die elektronische Bandlücke unter Dehnung ab, die jeweilige Wärmeleitfähigkeit wird jedoch nur schwach beeinflusst, trotz ziemlich starker Änderungen in der frequenzaufgelösten Phononentransmission. Die Kombination bei der Effekte führt zu einer Erhöhung der thermoelektrischen Leistungszahl in den Phosphorkorngrenzensystemen. Schließlich werden die thermoelektrischen Eigenschaften von Kohlenstoffnanoröhren-Peapod-Heterostrukturen untersucht und mit denen von reinen Nanoröhren verglichen, wobei auch die auf Dichtefunktionen basierende Tight-Binding-Methode und die Landauer-Theorie verwendet werden. Es wird festgestellt, dass die Fullereneinkapselung die Elektronen- und Phononentransporteigenschaften modifiziert und die Bildung von elektronischen Kanälen und die Unterdrückung von Schwingungsmoden bewirkt, was zu einer Verbesserung der thermoelektrischen Leistungszahl führt. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit verdeutlichen das Potenzial der strategischen Manipulation und Optimierung niedrigdimensionaler Materialien zur Verbesserung ihrer einzigartigen elektronischen und thermischen Eigenschaften und zeigen vielversprechende Wege zur Verbesserung elektronischer und phononischer Bauteile auf.:ABSTRACT i ZUSAMMENFASSUNG ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv LIST OF FIGURES ix LIST OF TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS xviii 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Motivation 1 1.2 Objectives and outline 6 2 Computational Methods 8 2.1 Density Functional Theory 8 2.1.1 The Many-Body System Hamiltonian and the Born-Oppenheimer approximation 9 2.1.2 Thomas-Fermi-Dirac approximation model 10 2.1.3 The Hohenberg-Kohn theorems 12 2.1.4 The Kohn-Sham orbitals equations 13 2.1.5 Exchange-correlation functionals 15 2.2 Density Functional Based Tight Binding method 16 2.2.1 Tight-binding formalism 17 2.2.2 From DFT to DFTB 20 2.2.3 Parametrization 22 2.3 Atomistic Green’s functions 23 2.3.1 Non-Equilibrium Green’s functions for modeling electronic transmission 23 2.3.2 Non-equilibrium Green’s function for modeling thermal transmission 27 3 Tuning the electronic and magnetic properties through chemical functionalization 3.1 Introduction 33 3.1.1 Black phosphorus as a 2D material 33 3.1.2 Chemical Functionalization of low dimensional systems 35 3.1.3 Bipolar Magnetic Semiconductors 36 3.2 Computational approach 38 3.3 Interface effects in phosphorene by OH functionalization 39 3.3.1 Single molecule functionalization 39 3.3.2 Lattice selection 43 3.3.3 Coverage 45 3.4 Chiral functionalization effect in phosphorene 48 3.5 Functionalizing phosphorene towards BMS 51 3.6 Summary 53 4 Tuning transport properties through strain and grain bound-aries 4.1 Introduction 54 4.1.1 Strain in low dimensional materials 54 4.1.2 Grain boundaries 56 4.2 Computational approach 58 4.2.1 Molecular systems 58 4.2.2 Electron and phonon transport and thermoelectric figure of merit 58 4.3 Structural modification by strain in GB systems 60 4.4 Electronic structure modification by strain in GB systems 63 4.5 Thermal transport modification by strain in GB systems 65 4.6 Thermoelectric figure of merit of strained GB systems 68 4.7 Summary 71 5 Tuning transport properties through hybrid nanomaterials: CNT peapods 73 5.1 Introduction 73 5.1.1 Carbon-based nanostructures 73 5.1.2 CNT peapods as hybrid nanomaterials 76 5.2. Computational details 77 5.2.1 CNT peapod model 77 5.2.2 Quantum transport methodology 78 5.3 Structural properties of CNT peapods 79 5.4 Electronic properties of CNT peapods 80 5.5 Thermal properties of CNT peapods 83 5.6 Thermoelectronic properties of CNT peapods 85 5.7 Summary 88 6 Conclusions and outlook 91 Appendices Appendix A Supplementary information to phosphorene functionalization A.1 Spin resolved density of states of 1-OH system 96 A.2 Spin valve model 97 Appendix B Supplementary information to phosphorene grain boundaries 98 B.1 Projected Phonon Density of States in GB1 98 B.2 Thermoelectric transport properties of GB2 99 Appendix C Supplementary information to CNT peapods 101 C.1 Geometry optimization of CNT peapods with larger CNT diameter 101 C.2 Additional analysis of electron transport properties 102 C.3 Phonon band structure of different CNT structures 104 C.4 Additional analysis of thermoelectric performance 105 REFERENCES 105 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS 131 PRESENTATIONS 13

    Does diversity in top management teams contribute to organizational performance? The response of IBEX 35 companies

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    This study contributes to the spread of theoretical and empirical knowledge regarding the Upper Echelons Theory, considering the training and demographic diversity in the Top Management Team (TMT) as a singular characteristic of each company, in our case those belonging to the IBEX35 index. Taking into account the skills of the members, a greater financial performance is expected. Once we obtained the statistical results, we concluded that the inclusion of women in the TMT increased Net Sales and EBITDA. Features such as age, training and nationality are also examined in this work.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Una especie nueva de Annonaceae, endémica de los bosques kársticos de Chiapas, México

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    Background and Aims: In Mexico, the Neotropical genera of Annonaceae tribe Miliuseae, including Sapranthus, Stenanona and the Mexican endemic genus Tridimeris, are particularly diverse and many of their species are endemic to this country. This diversity is not fully documented and many new species have been discovered as a result of recent botanical explorations in southern Mexico. Here, we describe a new species of Stenanona. Methods: We collected a new species of Stenanona during field work in a little known karst forest area located in the highlands of Chiapas, Mexico. The new species was recognized using the unique combination of features through comparisons with morphologically similar species and literature review. We assessed its conservation status by calculating its extent of occurrence (EOO) and its area of occupancy (AOO) using the GeoCAT tool and applying the IUCN Red List Categories and criteria. Key results: A new species of Annonaceae, namely Stenanona morenoi, endemic to karstic forests of southern Mexico, is described and illustrated.  According to the criteria established by the IUCN, it is possible to tentatively determine the species as Critically Endangered (CR B1ab (iii)). Conclusions: Based on its general floral morphology, S. morenoi is hypothesized to belong to subclade A of the Desmopsis-Stenanona clade. Within this lineage, S. morenoi shares several morphological features with S. migueliana, S. stenopetala and S. zoque.Antecedentes y Objetivos: En México, los géneros neotropicales de la tribu Miliuseae (Annonaceae), en específico Sapranthus, Stenanona y Tridimeris, son muy diversos y muchas de sus especies son endémicas de este país. No obstante, su diversidad total no está completamente documentada y como resultado de recientes exploraciones en el sur de México, muchas especies nuevas han sido colectadas. En este artículo, se describe una especie nueva de Stenanona.Métodos: Colectamos una especie nueva de Stenanona durante trabajo de campo en una zona de bosques kársticos poco estudiada y ubicada en las tierras altas de Chiapas, México. El reconocimiento de la especie nueva se basó en la correlación de varios caracteres morfológicos, a través de comparaciones con especies morfológicamente similares y revisión de literatura. Con base en las localidades conocidas para la nueva especie, calculamos su extensión de ocurrencia (EOO) y su área de ocupación (AOO) en GeoCAT, aplicando las categorías y criterios de la Lista Roja de la UICN, determinamos su estado de conservación.Resultados clave: Se describe e ilustra a Stenanona morenoi, una especie nueva de Annonaceae endémica de los bosques kársticos del sur de México. Con base en los criterios establecidos por la UICN, es posible determinar, de manera tentativa, que la especie está en peligro crítico (CR B1ab (iii)).Conclusiones: Dentro del clado Desmopsis-Stenanona, las características morfológicas que distinguen a S. morenoi sugieren una cercana relación filogenética con los miembros del subclado A. Dentro de este linaje, S. morenoi comparte varias características morfológicas con S. migueliana, S. stenopetala y S. zoque

    Improvement of Virtual Screening Predictions using Computational Intelligence Methods

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    Virtual Screening (VS) methods can considerably aid clinical research, predicting how ligands interact with drug targets. However, the accuracy of most VS methods is constrained by limitations in the scoring function that describes biomolecular interactions, and even nowadays these uncertainties are not completely understood. In order to improve accuracy of scoring functions used in most VS methods we propose a hybrid novel approach where neural networks (NNET) and support vector machines (SVM) methods are trained with databases of known active (drugs) and inactive compounds, this information being exploited afterwards to improve VS predictions.We thank the Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM) under grant PMAFI/26/12. This work was partially supported by the computing facilities of Extremadura Research Centre for Advanced Technologies (CETA-CIEMAT), funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). CETA-CIEMAT belongs to CIEMAT and the Government of Spain

    Improving drug discovery using hybrid softcomputing methods

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    Virtual screening (VS) methods can considerably aid clinical research, predicting how ligands interact with drug targets. Most VS methods suppose a unique binding site for the target, but it has been demonstrated that diverse ligands interact with unrelated parts of the target and many VS methods do not take into account this relevant fact. This problem is circumvented by a novel VS methodology named BINDSURF that scans the whole protein surface in order to find new hotspots, where ligands might potentially interact with, and which is implemented in last generation massively parallel GPU hardware, allowing fast processing of large ligand databases. BINDSURF can thus be used in drug discovery, drug design, drug repurposing and therefore helps considerably in clinical research. However, the accuracy of most VS methods and concretely BINDSURF is constrained by limitations in the scoring function that describes biomolecular interactions, and even nowadays these uncertainties are not completely understood. In order to improve accuracy of the scoring functions used in BINDSURF we propose a hybrid novel approach where neural networks (NNET) and support vector machines (SVM) methods are trained with databases of known active (drugs) and inactive compounds, being this information exploited afterwards to improve BINDSURF VS predictions.We thank the Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM) under grant PMAFI/26/12. This work was partially supported by the computing facilities of Extremadura Research Centre for Advanced Technologies (CETA-CIEMAT), funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). CETA-CIEMAT belongs to CIEMAT and the Government of Spain

    El efecto antisenescente del resveratrol reduce la tasa de ablandamiento poscosecha de chirimoya

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    El fruto de chirimoya (Annona cherimolaMill.) es muy susceptible al deterioroposcosechadebido a sunaturaleza climatérica. Con el fin de observar el efecto antisenescente del resveratrol (RVS), éste bioreguladorvegetal se aplicó en frutos de Fino de Jete y Bronceada a 1,6; 0,16; 0,016 y 0 mM a los 0, 8 y 15 días antesde la cosecha (DAC). A los 1, 7 y 15 días después de la cosecha (DDC) se analizaron variables bioquímicas ybiofísicas. Al termino de 15 días de almacenamiento a temperatura ambiente, en relación al control, 1,6 mMRVS, aplicado 15 DAC, disminuyó el ablandamiento del fruto 78% para chirimoya Fino de Jete y 54% paraBronceada. A los 15 DDC se realizó la evaluación sensorial a frutos tratados 8 y15 DAC, los resultadosmostraron que los frutos de mayor aceptación fueron los tratados con 1,6 mM RVS ya sea a los 8 y 15 DAC,al ser calificados como de mejor aspecto, aroma y sabor

    Perfil formativo de los consejeros de las empresas del IBEX 35 en España

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    En este estudio de carácter teórico-empírico se ha relacionado la variable Perfil formativo de los Consejeros de las empresas que componen el IBEX 35 con su evolución financiera medida en base a las ventas netas. Verificadas las hipótesis, se puede decir que el perfil más adecuado para incrementar las ventas empresariales en las empresas del IBEX en 2013 lo conforma la figura de un Consejero, que presenta un nivel formativo de Doctorado, además de haber recibido una formación adecuada al cargo que desempeña.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    El rol de los títulos emitidos por el Banco Central en los últimos 20 años de política monetaria argentina

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    Este trabajo se concentra en la instrumentación de la política monetaria del BCRA desde fines de la convertibilidad hasta el presente. En este proceso, la emisión de pasivos remunerados fue un elemento central que le brindó autonomía operativa al BCRA para implementar su política monetaria en el marco de contextos macroeconómicos diversos. A los fines de recuperar esta historia, la cual deja muchas lecciones para el presente y futuro cercano, se realiza un análisis bajo tres ópticas distintas. En una primera sección, se describen a nivel estilizado los cambios en las hojas de balance ante diversas operaciones de esterilización monetaria. En una segunda sección, se realiza una recopilación de las distintas modificaciones normativas que fueron introduciéndose sobre los títulos emitidos por el BCRA. Finalmente, en una tercera sección, se repasa la historia reciente de la política monetaria y el marco económico en la cual se desarrolló la emisión de títulos propios por parte del BCRAThis paper focuses on the implementation of the BCRA's monetary policy from the end of the convertibility regime to the present. The issuance of interest-bearing liabilities was a central element that gave the BCRA operational autonomy to implement its monetary policy within diverse macroeconomic contexts. To review this history, which leaves many lessons for the present and near future, we made a three-level analysis. In the first section, we describe a stylized analysis of the balance sheets effects of different monetary sterilization operations. In the second section, we collect the different regulatory changes that were introduced on the securities issued by the BCRA. Finally, in the third section, we review the recent history of the monetary policy and the economic context in which the BCRA issued securities.Fil: Carrera, Jorge. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Banco Central de la República Argentina; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Maciel, Gaspar. Banco Central de la República Argentina; ArgentinaFil: Rodriguez, Esteban. Banco Central de la República Argentina; Argentin

    El rol de los títulos emitidos por el Banco Central en los últimos 20 años de política monetaria argentina

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    Este trabajo se concentra en la instrumentación de la política monetaria del BCRA desde fines de la convertibilidad hasta el presente. En este proceso, la emisión de pasivos remunerados fue un elemento central que le brindó autonomía operativa al BCRA para implementar su política monetaria en el marco de contextos macroeconómicos diversos. A los fines de recuperar esta historia, la cual deja muchas lecciones para el presente y futuro cercano, se realiza un análisis bajo tres ópticas distintas. En una primera sección, se describen a nivel estilizado los cambios en las hojas de balance ante diversas operaciones de esterilización monetaria. En una segunda sección, se realiza una recopilación de las distintas modificaciones normativas que fueron introduciéndose sobre los títulos emitidos por el BCRA. Finalmente, en una tercera sección, se repasa la historia reciente de la política monetaria y el marco económico en la cual se desarrolló la emisión de títulos propios por parte del BCRAThis paper focuses on the implementation of the BCRA's monetary policy from the end of the convertibility regime to the present. The issuance of interest-bearing liabilities was a central element that gave the BCRA operational autonomy to implement its monetary policy within diverse macroeconomic contexts. To review this history, which leaves many lessons for the present and near future, we made a three-level analysis. In the first section, we describe a stylized analysis of the balance sheets effects of different monetary sterilization operations. In the second section, we collect the different regulatory changes that were introduced on the securities issued by the BCRA. Finally, in the third section, we review the recent history of the monetary policy and the economic context in which the BCRA issued securities.Fil: Carrera, Jorge. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Banco Central de la República Argentina; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Maciel, Gaspar. Banco Central de la República Argentina; ArgentinaFil: Rodriguez, Esteban. Banco Central de la República Argentina; Argentin

    Evaluación de la peligrosidad sísmica en España para aplicaciones relacionadas con la seguridad nuclear. Resultados preliminares.

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    En este trabajo se presentan los avances realizados en el marco del proyecto “Evaluación de la Peligrosidad Sísmica en España para aplicaciones relacionadas con la seguridad nuclear” financiado por el Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear. La finalidad última del proyecto es ahondar en el conocimiento de la peligrosidad sísmica y de su incertidumbre en los emplazamientos de instalaciones críticas como instalaciones nucleares y almacenamientos de residuos radiactivos en nuestro país. Con ese propósito, una primera fase del proyecto está destinada a recopilar y estructurar toda la información generada en proyectos previos financiados por el CSN (DAÑOS, SIGMA, PRIOR, EXPEL y DATACIÓN) concerniente a estudio de fallas activas, análisis de paleosismicidad, catálogos sísmicos y de movimiento fuerte del suelo, etc.. Esta información está siendo integrada y unificada en una Base de Datos y en un Sistema de Información Geográfica. Paralelamente, el código informático desarrollado en el proyecto EXPEL está siendo actualizado para desarrollar cálculos de peligrosidad sísmica siguiendo la metodología PSHA de una forma eficiente, incluyendo formulación de un árbol lógico, cuantificación de incertidumbres epistémicas y aleatorias, análisis de sensibilidad de diferentes opciones en los resultados y desagregación. Los resultados preliminares del proyecto son presentados en esta comunicación, dando una orientación hacia futuros desarrollos y toma de decisiones relacionados con la seguridad nuclear