47 research outputs found

    Accuracy and consistency of grass pollen identification by human analysts using electron micrographs of surface ornamentation

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    • Premise of the study: Humans frequently identify pollen grains at a taxonomic rank above species. Grass pollen is a classic case of this situation, which has led to the development of computational methods for identifying grass pollen species. This paper aims to provide context for these computational methods by quantifying the accuracy and consistency of human identification. • Methods: We measured the ability of nine human analysts to identify 12 species of grass pollen using scanning electron microscopy images. These are the same images that were used in computational identifications. We have measured the coverage, accuracy, and consistency of each analyst, and investigated their ability to recognize duplicate images. • Results: Coverage ranged from 87.5% to 100%. Mean identification accuracy ranged from 46.67% to 87.5%. The identification consistency of each analyst ranged from 32.5% to 87.5%, and each of the nine analysts produced considerably different identification schemes. The proportion of duplicate image pairs that were missed ranged from 6.25% to 58.33%. • Discussion: The identification errors made by each analyst, which result in a decline in accuracy and consistency, are likely related to psychological factors such as the limited capacity of human memory, fatigue and boredom, recency effects, and positivity bias

    A field evaluation of the Hardy TB MODS Kit™ for the rapid phenotypic diagnosis of tuberculosis and multi-drug resistant tuberculosis.

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    BACKGROUND: Even though the WHO-endorsed, non-commercial MODS assay offers rapid, reliable TB liquid culture and phenotypic drug susceptibility testing (DST) at lower cost than any other diagnostic, uptake has been patchy. In part this reflects misperceptions about in-house assay quality assurance, but user convenience of one-stop procurement is also important. A commercial MODS kit was developed by Hardy Diagnostics (Santa Maria, CA, USA) with PATH (Seattle, WA, USA) to facilitate procurement, simplify procedures through readymade media, and enhance safety with a sealing silicone plate lid. Here we report the results from a large-scale field evaluation of the MODS kit in a government service laboratory. METHODS & FINDINGS: 2446 sputum samples were cultured in parallel in Lowenstein-Jensen (LJ), conventional MODS and in the MODS kit. MODS kit DST was compared with conventional MODS (direct) DST and proportion method (indirect) DST. 778 samples (31.8%) were Mycobacterium tuberculosis culture-positive. Compared to conventional MODS the sensitivity, specificity, positive, and negative predictive values (95% confidence intervals) of the MODS Kit were 99.3% (98.3-99.8%), 98.3% (97.5-98.8%), 95.8% (94.0-97.1%), and 99.7% (99.3-99.9%). Median (interquartile ranges) time to culture-positivity (and rifampicin and isoniazid DST) was 10 (9-13) days for conventional MODS and 8.5 (7-11) for MODS Kit (p<0.01). Direct rifampicin and isoniazid DST in MODS kit was almost universally concordant with conventional MODS (97.9% agreement, 665/679 evaluable samples) and reference indirect DST (97.9% agreement, 687/702 evaluable samples). CONCLUSIONS: MODS kit delivers performance indistinguishable from conventional MODS and offers a convenient, affordable alternative with enhanced safety from the sealing silicone lid. The availability in the marketplace of this platform, which conforms to European standards (CE-marked), readily repurposed for second-line DST in the near future, provides a fresh opportunity for improving equity of access to TB diagnosis and first and second-line DST in settings where the need is greatest

    Characterization of protective immune responses induced by pneumococcal surface protein A in fusion with Pneumolysin derivatives

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    Pneumococcal surface protein A (PspA) and Pneumolysin derivatives (Pds) are important vaccine candidates, which can confer protection in different models of pneumococcal infection. Furthermore, the combination of these two proteins was able to increase protection against pneumococcal sepsis in mice. The present study investigated the potential of hybrid proteins generated by genetic fusion of PspA fragments to Pds to increase cross-protection against fatal pneumococcal infection. Pneumolisoids were fused to the N-terminus of clade 1 or clade 2 pspA gene fragments. Mouse immunization with the fusion proteins induced high levels of antibodies against PspA and Pds, able to bind to intact pneumococci expressing a homologous PspA with the same intensity as antibodies to rPspA alone or the co-administered proteins. However, when antibody binding to pneumococci with heterologous PspAs was examined, antisera to the PspA-Pds fusion molecules showed stronger antibody binding and C3 deposition than antisera to co-administered proteins. In agreement with these results, antisera against the hybrid proteins were more effective in promoting the phagocytosis of bacteria bearing heterologous PspAs in vitro, leading to a significant reduction in the number of bacteria when compared to co-administered proteins. The respective antisera were also capable of neutralizing the lytic activity of Pneumolysin on sheep red blood cells. Finally, mice immunized with fusion proteins were protected against fatal challenge with pneumococcal strains expressing heterologous PspAs. Taken together, the results suggest that PspA-Pd fusion proteins comprise a promising vaccine strategy, able to increase the immune response mediated by cross-reactive antibodies and complement deposition to heterologous strains, and to confer protection against fatal challenge

    Neonatal hearing screening in high-risk patients with otoacoustic emissions: evaluation of results

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    Resumen Objetivo: evaluar la efectividad del programa de tamizaje auditivo del Homic en pacientes de alto riesgo de hipoacusia neurosensorial, el cual está basado en la realización de otoemisiones acústicas Diseño: estudio de cohorte retrospectiva, en el que se incluirán a los pacientes mayores de 12 meses de edad nacidos en el Hospital Militar central (HMC) entre enero de 2009 y diciembre de 2012; a quienes por condiciones de alto riesgo de hipoacusia neurosensorial se les realizó antes de los 6 meses de edad otoemisiones acústicas como prueba de tamizaje auditivo. A esta población, se le realizara diagnostico auditivo por medio del método diagnostico Gold Standart el cual es el “cross cheking”. Resultados: Se estudiaron los factores de riesgo para hipoacusia neurosensorial encontrando que el peso al nacer ≤1500 gr. Se relacionó con hipoacusia en un 16%. El 5.6% tiene antecedente familiar de hipoacusia neurosensorial en primer y segundo grado de consanguinidad. La infección congénita (TORCHS: toxoplasmosis, sífilis, rubéola, citomegalovirus, o herpes) como factor de riesgo se presentó en el 2.4% únicamente con la presencia de Toxoplasmosis, de los cuales 2 oídos presentaron cofosis. Conclusiones: La sensibilidad de las Otoemisiones acusticas para sospechar hipoacusia neurosensorial fue del 82.5%. La especificidad estimada en nuestro estudio fue de 90.9%Hospital Militar CentralObjective: To evaluate the effectiveness of auditory screening program Central Military Hospital in patients at high risk of sensorineural hearing loss, which is based on the realization of otoacoustic emissions. Design: Retrospective cohort study, in which over 12 months of age born patients in the Central Military Hospital (HOMIC) between January 2009 and December 2012 were included; who by conditions of high risk of sensorineural hearing loss was performed before 6 months of age otoacoustic emissions and hearing screening test. Total population was 125 patients. We evaluated each ear separately for a total of 250 measurements, this population was conducted auditory diagnosis through cross cheking diagnosis method were analyzed. Results: Risk factors for sensorineural hearing loss were studied. We found that birth weight ≤1500 g. It was associated with hearing loss by 16%. 5.6% have a family history of sensorineural hearing loss in first and second degree of consanguinity. Congenital infection (TORCHS: toxoplasmosis, syphilis, rubella, cytomegalovirus, or herpes) as a risk factor occurred in 2.4% only in the presence of Toxoplasmosis, of which 2 ears presented deafness. Conclusions: The otoacoustic emissions are effective as hearing screening test in Military Central Hospital in patients at high risk of Sensorineural hearing loss. The sensitivity of otoacoustic emissions to suspect sensorineural hearing loss was 82.5%. The estimated specificity in our study was 90.9

    Interpretación de las relaciones intrafamiliares y su incidencia en los comportamientos violentos de un grupo de alumnos de la escuela urbana San Luis del municipio de Sincelejo, Sucre

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    La investigación "Interpretación de las relaciones familiares y su incidencia en los comportamientos violentos de un grupo de alumnos de la Escuela Urbana San Luis surge de la necesidad de mejorar las relaciones en la familia y la escuela, dado al ambiente conflictivo en que se desenvuelven estas. El estudio contiene una breve descripción de la problemática que perturba el normal desarrollo de las actividades en la institución, destacando la importancia y necesidad de trabajar la violencia en el contexto familiar, para lo cual se formulan preguntas orientadoras, objetivos alcanzables, unas hipótesis teóricas comprobadas, apoyados en un marco teórico formado por dos grandes núcleos temáticos como son la familia esencialmente su estructura, vínculos afectivos, relaciones de violencia y marginalidad desde el punto de vista socio-económico; y el otro núcleo las relaciones de violencia en la escuela. Se emplea en esta investigación el enfoque etnográfico que permite describir el tipo de relaciones en el medio familiar, para lo cual se tuvo en xi cuenta los testimonios brindados por diez familias, cuyos hijos presentan comportamientos violentos Se hace un análisis descriptivo e interpretativo de los testimonios teniendo en cuenta las categorías de análisis Relaciones afectivas al interior de la familia, expresiones de violencia en la familia, autoridad ejercida en la familia y marginalidad en que vive la familia. Una vez obtenidos los resultados se elabora la propuesta de intervención pedagógica "Hacia el mejoramiento de las relaciones familiares" dirigida a docentes y padres de familia interesados en mejorar las relaciones violentas de los niños

    Recombinant BCG expressing the LTAK63 adjuvant increased memory T cells and induced long-lasting protection against Mycobacterium tuberculosis challenge in mice

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    Vaccine-induced protection against Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) is usually ascribed to the induction of Th1, Th17, and CD8+ T cells. However, protective immune responses should also involve other immune cell subsets, such as memory T cells. We have previously shown improved protection against Mtb challenge using the rBCG-LTAK63 vaccine (a recombinant BCG strain expressing the LTAK63 adjuvant, a genetically detoxified derivative of the A subunit from E. coli heat-labile toxin). Here we show that mice immunized with rBCG-LTAK63 exhibit a long-term (at least until 6 months) polyfunctional Th1/Th17 response in the draining lymph nodes and in the lungs. This response was accompanied by the increased presence of a diverse set of memory T cells, including central memory, effector memory and tissue-resident memory T cells. After the challenge, the T cell phenotype in the lymph nodes and lungs were characterized by a decrease in central memory T cells, and an increase in effector memory T cells and effector T cells. More importantly, when challenged 6 months after the immunization, this group demonstrated increased protection in comparison to BCG. In conclusion, this work provides experimental evidence in mice that the rBCG-LTAK63 vaccine induces a persistent increase in memory and effector T cell numbers until at least 6 months after immunization, which correlates with increased protection against Mtb. This improved immune response may contribute to enhance the long-term protection


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    Se realizó una investigación explicativa, se desarrolló desde una perspectiva dialéctica materialista, sobre la infección por el virus de la varicela-zoster (VVZ). Los métodos y técnicas de investigación permitieron el análisis para procesar toda la información de la investigación, a través de medios automatizados, todos los datos obtenidos se compararon con la literatura nacional y extranjera actualizada. El caso que se analizó es el de una persona no inmune que persistió en estado latente, acantonado en los ganglios sensitivos, durante el transcurso de su vida, reactivándose dando lugar a una forma clínica Oftálmica del virus del Herpes Zoster. El objetivo principal es proporcionar habilidades necesarias para la prevención, diagnóstico y tratamiento del VVZ  en la práctica médica diaria. Los antecedentes de esteatosis hepática grado II, glaucoma, sinusitis crónica, absceso alveolar y otitis externa,  con lesiones eritemato- vesícula- postulosas, acompañado de escozor, edema palpebral inflamatorio severo, según el método clínico, indicó que los síntomas eran del virus de la varicela-zoster, forma clínica oftálmica. Al proporcionar habilidades necesarias para la prevención, diagnóstico y tratamiento del virus de la varicela-zoster (VVZ), forma clínica oftálmica, aumenta la calidad de vida y las consecuencias sociales que produc

    Prospects for Genomic Selection in Cassava Breeding

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    Article purchased; Published online: 28 Sept 2017Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is a clonally propagated staple food crop in the tropics. Genomic selection (GS) has been implemented at three breeding institutions in Africa to reduce cycle times. Initial studies provided promising estimates of predictive abilities. Here, we expand on previous analyses by assessing the accuracy of seven prediction models for seven traits in three prediction scenarios: cross-validation within populations, cross-population prediction and cross-generation prediction. We also evaluated the impact of increasing the training population (TP) size by phenotyping progenies selected either at random or with a genetic algorithm. Cross-validation results were mostly consistent across programs, with nonadditive models predicting of 10% better on average. Cross-population accuracy was generally low (mean = 0.18) but prediction of cassava mosaic disease increased up to 57% in one Nigerian population when data from another related population were combined. Accuracy across generations was poorer than within-generation accuracy, as expected, but accuracy for dry matter content and mosaic disease severity should be sufficient for rapid-cycling GS. Selection of a prediction model made some difference across generations, but increasing TP size was more important. With a genetic algorithm, selection of one-third of progeny could achieve an accuracy equivalent to phenotyping all progeny. We are in the early stages of GS for this crop but the results are promising for some traits. General guidelines that are emerging are that TPs need to continue to grow but phenotyping can be done on a cleverly selected subset of individuals, reducing the overall phenotyping burden

    The Prostate Specific Membrane Antigen Regulates the Expression of IL-6 and CCL5 in Prostate Tumour Cells by Activating the MAPK Pathways1

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    The interleukin-6 (IL-6) and the chemokine CCL5 are implicated in the development and progression of several forms of tumours including that of the prostate. The expression of the prostate specific membrane antigen (PSMA) is augmented in high-grade and metastatic tumors. Observations of the clinical behaviour of prostate tumors suggest that the increased secretion of IL-6 and CCL5 and the higher expression of PSMA may be correlated. We hypothesized that PSMA could be endowed with signalling properties and that its stimulation might impact on the regulation of the gene expression of IL-6 and CCL5. We herein demonstrate that the cross-linking of cell surface PSMA with specific antibodies activates the small GTPases RAS and RAC1 and the MAPKs p38 and ERK1/2 in prostate carcinoma LNCaP cells. As downstream effects of the PSMA-fostered RAS-RAC1-MAPK pathway activation we observed a strong induction of NF-κB activation associated with an increased expression of IL-6 and CCL5 genes. Pharmacological blockade with specific inhibitors revealed that both p38 and ERK1/2 participate in the phenomenon, although a major role exerted by p38 was evident. Finally we demonstrate that IL-6 and CCL5 enhanced the proliferative potential of LNCaP cells synergistically and in a dose-dependent manner and that CCL5 functioned by receptor-mediated activation of the STAT5-Cyclin D1 pro-proliferative pathway. The novel functions attributable to PSMA which are described in the present report may have profound influence on the survival and proliferation of prostate tumor cells, accounting for the observation that PSMA overexpression in prostate cancer patients is related to a worse prognosis

    Schistosoma mansoni Venom Allergen Like Proteins Present Differential Allergic Responses in a Murine Model of Airway Inflammation

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    The Schistosoma mansoni Venom Allergen Like proteins (SmVALs) have been identified in the Transcriptome and Post-Genomic studies as targets for immune interventions. Two secreted members of the family were obtained as recombinant proteins in the native conformation. Antibodies produced against them showed that SmVAL4 was present mostly in cercarial secretions and SmVAL26 in egg secretions and that only the native SmVAL4 contained carbohydrate moieties. Due to concerns with potential allergic characteristics of this class of molecules, we have explored the mouse model of airway inflammation in order to investigate these properties in a more confined system. Sensitization and challenge with rSmVAL4, but not rSmVAL26, induced extensive migration of cells to the lungs, mostly eosinophils and macrophages; moreover, immunological parameters were also characteristic of an allergic inflammatory response. Our results showed that the allergic potential of this class of proteins can be variable and that the vaccine candidates should be characterized; the mouse model of airway inflammation can be useful to evaluate these properties