341 research outputs found

    Helena de Troya en el séptimo arte

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    Este estudo analisa as representações da figura de Helena de Tróia no cinema, desde o início do século XX até ao século XXI. Uma das conclusões a que chega é que a figura de Helena tem sido reinterpretada de acordo com as conjunturas político-culturais em cujos âmbitos se inserem as representações cinematográficas.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Sodom and Gomorrah in Pompeii

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    O presente estudo analisa o contexto de uma inscrição encontrada em Pompeios e na qual se lêem os nomes das duas cidades bíblicas de Sodoma e Gomorra. Partindo da hipótese de o grafito ter sido escrito antes ou no momento da erupção do Vesúvio, considera-se a possibilidade de o seu autor, eventualmente um judeu, ter tido a intenção de relacionar o terramoto de 62 ou a catástrofe de 79 d. C. com a ira divina que na tradição bíblica teria destruído Sodoma e Gomorra.O presente estudo analisa o contexto de uma inscrição encontrada em Pompeios e na qual se lêem os nomes das duas cidades bíblicas de Sodoma e Gomorra. Partindo da hipótese de o grafito ter sido escrito antes ou no momento da erupção do Vesúvio, considera-se a possibilidade de o seu autor, eventualmente um judeu, ter tido a intenção de relacionar o terramoto de 62 ou a catástrofe de 79 d. C. com a ira divina que na tradição bíblica teria destruído Sodoma e Gomorra.This paper studies the context of an inscription found in Pompeii, which refers to the Biblical cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. If the graffito was written before or during the volcanic eruption, it is possible that its Author, probably a Jew, had connected the earthquake of 62 or the catastrophe of 79 A.D. with the Divine wrath that, according the Biblical tradition, had destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah

    Minas Gerais e o Brasil diante das opções de integração econômica

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    -Este projeto tem por objetivo construir um indicador de atividade econômica de alta freqüência, com periodicidade diária, para a cidade de Juiz de Fora a partir de dados de resíduos sólidos, coletados junto da Empresa Municipal Demlurb. Esse indicador preenche uma lacuna de índices de acompanhamento do desempenho econômico da cidade, com baixíssimo custo para a sua elaboração. A idéia desse índice baseia-se no fato de haver uma forte correlação positiva entre a produção de resíduos sólidos e a atividade econômica. Os resultados mostram que houve uma ligeira tendência de crescimento

    Programming human cell fate: overcoming challenges and unlocking potential through technological breakthroughs

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    In recent years, there have been notable advancements in the ability to programme human cell identity, enabling us to design and manipulate cell function in a Petri dish. However, current protocols for generating target cell types often lack efficiency and precision, resulting in engineered cells that do not fully replicate the desired identity or functional output. This applies to different methods of cell programming, which face similar challenges that hinder progress and delay the achievement of a more favourable outcome. However, recent technological and analytical breakthroughs have provided us with unprecedented opportunities to advance the way we programme cell fate. The Company of Biologists’ 2023 workshop on ‘Novel Technologies for Programming Human Cell Fate’ brought together experts in human cell fate engineering and experts in single-cell genomics, manipulation and characterisation of cells on a single (sub)cellular level. Here, we summarise the main points that emerged during the workshop's themed discussions. Furthermore, we provide specific examples highlighting the current state of the field as well as its trajectory, offering insights into the potential outcomes resulting from the application of these breakthrough technologies in precisely engineering the identity and function of clinically valuable human cells

    Distinct epicardial gene regulatory programs drive development and regeneration of the zebrafish heart

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    Unlike the adult mammalian heart, which has limited regenerative capacity, the zebrafish heart fully regenerates following injury. Reactivation of cardiac developmental programs is considered key to successfully regenerating the heart, yet the regulation underlying the response to injury remains elusive. Here, we compared the transcriptome and epigenome of the developing and regenerating zebrafish epicardia. We identified epicardial enhancer elements with specific activity during development or during adult heart regeneration. By generating gene regulatory networks associated with epicardial development and regeneration, we inferred genetic programs driving each of these processes, which were largely distinct. Loss of Hif1ab, Nrf1, Tbx2b, and Zbtb7a, central regulators of the regenerating epicardial network, in injured hearts resulted in elevated epicardial cell numbers infiltrating the wound and excess fibrosis after cryoinjury. Our work identifies differences between the regulatory blueprint deployed during epicardial development and regeneration, underlining that heart regeneration goes beyond the reactivation of developmental programs

    Trastorno Especifico del Desarrollo del Lenguaje: Caracterizacion Neuropsicologica

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    Este estudio trata de caracterizar el funcionamiento neuropsicológico de niños con Trastorno Específico del Desarrollo del Lenguaje (TEDL) en las áreas de la memoria visual y verbal, atención/funciones ejecutivas y funciones visuoperceptivas. La muestra abarcó a 28 niños con TEDL y 28 niños sin TEDL, ambos grupos equiparables en términos de edad, género, nivel de escolaridad y nivel socioeconómico. Para tal efecto, se aplicó los test de la Batería de Valoración Neuropsicológica de Coimbra y los datos fueron analizados con testes estadísticos paramétricos y no paramétricos. En general, los resultados obtenidos diferencian los desempeños de los niños con y sin TEDL: el grupo de niños con TEDL presentaba resultados significativamente inferiores en la memoria visual y verbal, en la atención selectiva y sustentada, en las funciones ejecutivas, en la fluidez verbal semántica, en las funciones visuoperceptivas y en la velocidad de procesamiento.O presente estudo pretende caracterizar o funcionamento neuropsicológico de crianças com Distúrbio Específico de Linguagem (DEL) nas áreas da memória visual e verbal, atenção/funções executivas e funções visuopercetivas. A amostra é constituída por 28 crianças com DEL e 28 crianças sem DEL, sendo ambos os grupos equiparáveis em termos de idade, género, ano de escolaridade e nível socioeconómico. Para o efeito, recorreu-se a testes da Bateria de Avaliação Neuropsicológica de Coimbra e os dados foram analisados através de testes estatísticos paramétricos e não paramétricos. De um modo geral, os resultados obtidos diferenciam os desempenhos das crianças com DEL dos observados em crianças sem DEL. Em concreto, e comparativamente ao grupo de controlo, o grupo de crianças com DEL apresentou resultados significativamente inferiores na memória visual e memória verbal, na atenção seletiva e sustentada, nas funções executivas, na fluência verbal semântica, nas funções visuopercetivas e na velocidade de processamento

    Potential for hydrogen production associated to water and food in off-grid communities of Southern Africa [Resumo]

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    ABSTRACT: Solar energy is called to meet electricity demands for isolated, off-grid communities in Africa. However, solar electric energy is intermittent and can be stored, for a limited amount of time, in batteries, which are expensive and cause serious environmental impacts at the end of their lifetime. Conversion of the surplus electric energy to green hydrogen through water electrolysis and back to electricity, when needed, using electrolyser-fuel cells systems, is examined as a potential solution to meet the water-energy-food nexus in Southern Africa. In the framework of the Agrivoltaics concept, the main constrains, opportunities and parameters to consider its applicability are presented and discussed, in terms of its technical, economic, environmental and social impacts. In the second phase of this work the developing of a PEM electrolyser for connection to a solar PV power source and a fuel cell device, for a stand-alone application, is proposed, ensuring high reliability and energy conversion efficiencies, as well as adequate transient response and a competitive cost. It is intended as a low-carbon energy system, realising the potential for synergy in the Agrivoltaic concept, aligned with global and regional sustainability goals.N/

    Adjuvant requirement for successful immunization with recombinant derivatives of Plasmodium vivax merozoite surface protein-1 delivered via the intranasal route

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    Recently, we generated two bacterial recombinant proteins expressing 89 amino acids of the C-terminal domain of the Plasmodium vivax merozoite surface protein-1 and the hexa-histidine tag (His6MSP1(19)). One of these recombinant proteins contained also the amino acid sequence of the universal pan allelic T-cell epitope (His(6)MSP1(19)-PADRE). in the present study, we evaluated the immunogenic properties of these antigens when administered via the intra-nasal route in the presence of distinct adjuvant formulations. We found that C57BL/6 mice immunized with either recombinant proteins in the presence of the adjuvants cholera toxin (CT) or the Escherichia coli heat labile toxin ( LT) developed high and long lasting titers of specific serum antibodies. the induced immune responses reached maximum levels after three immunizing doses with a prevailing IgG1 subclass response. in contrast, mice immunized by intranasal route with His(6)MSP1(19)-PADRE in the presence of the synthetic oligonucleotides adjuvant CpG ODN 1826 developed lower antibody titers but when combined to CT, CpG addition resulted in enhanced IgG responses characterized by lower IgG1 levels. Considering the limitations of antigens formulations that can be used in humans, mucosal adjuvants can be a reliable alternative for the development of new strategies of immunization using recombinant proteins of P. vivax.Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Microbiol Imunol Parasitol, Escola Paulista Med, BR-04044010 São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Ctr Interdisciplinar Terapia Genica, Escola Paulista Med, BR-04044010 São Paulo, BrazilUniv São Paulo, Dept Microbiol, Inst Ciencias Biomed, São Paulo, BrazilUniv São Paulo, Dept Anal Clin & Toxicol, Fac Ciencias Farmaceut, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Microbiol Imunol Parasitol, Escola Paulista Med, BR-04044010 São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Ctr Interdisciplinar Terapia Genica, Escola Paulista Med, BR-04044010 São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc
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