1,167 research outputs found

    HPC Cloud for Scientific and Business Applications: Taxonomy, Vision, and Research Challenges

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    High Performance Computing (HPC) clouds are becoming an alternative to on-premise clusters for executing scientific applications and business analytics services. Most research efforts in HPC cloud aim to understand the cost-benefit of moving resource-intensive applications from on-premise environments to public cloud platforms. Industry trends show hybrid environments are the natural path to get the best of the on-premise and cloud resources---steady (and sensitive) workloads can run on on-premise resources and peak demand can leverage remote resources in a pay-as-you-go manner. Nevertheless, there are plenty of questions to be answered in HPC cloud, which range from how to extract the best performance of an unknown underlying platform to what services are essential to make its usage easier. Moreover, the discussion on the right pricing and contractual models to fit small and large users is relevant for the sustainability of HPC clouds. This paper brings a survey and taxonomy of efforts in HPC cloud and a vision on what we believe is ahead of us, including a set of research challenges that, once tackled, can help advance businesses and scientific discoveries. This becomes particularly relevant due to the fast increasing wave of new HPC applications coming from big data and artificial intelligence.Comment: 29 pages, 5 figures, Published in ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR

    The Optimal Law Enforcement with Mandatory Defendant Class Actions

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    In this article we argue that the optimal law enforcement system is based on an ideal mechanism to prevent and redress harms in the mass information society. This goal is achieved by means of mandatory defendant class actions. The idea of mass society has evolved in time since the beginning of the industrialization in the 18th century. At that time, the transformation of the means of production from artisanal craftwork to large scale machinery work, forged the concept of mass production. Nowadays, massive and expeditious relationships are created by sophisticated communications links, especially the Internet, furnishing services and goods, which induce lawful and unlawful behaviors. Further, we defend that the best option to enforce the law within this scenario is the use of mandatory defendant class action because it confers individuals’ maximum well-being, as it takes into consideration the deterrence function of the law as well as its insurance objective. This model is based on a normative theory of individual rational choice. The result is that the ideal of distributive justice is better served, with the procedural law being considered as a tool to achieve the principles enacted in the substantive law. In addition, we summarize an explanatory view of the defendant class actions, its origins and the requisites for its certification and maintenance under the current federal statute. Also, we demonstrate that mandatory defendant class action permits dispersed individuals to exploit scale of economy and investment in the common defenses in the litigation, and, avoids the threat of nuisance value suits to be brought by a single plaintiff, or even, a plaintiffs’ class. Finally, we argue that, besides the mandatory aggregation of the defendants, the optimal law enforcement system requires optimal incentive to the defendant class counsel. Therefore, we propose a specific model of defendant-favoring fee-shifting, where the fees are granted only to the defendant attorney, when the defendant prevails in the lawsuit, but no fee is award to the to the plaintiff’s lawyer, even if he wins the case. This method of awarding attorney fees considers the fact that the lawyer is assuming the risk of the litigation. All strategies for the lawsuit are made on the lawyer’s assessment of expected gains and losses, so he will only represent the defendants, if the expected value of the litigation is positive to him. Consequently, the investment made by the lawyer equals the compensation he is expecting to obtain with the fees. The one-side fee-shifting compensates the lawyers’ legal services and the loan of such services

    Adsorção de fosfato de hematita, goethita, gibbsita e caulinita.

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    O objetivo do presente trabalho foi determinar quantitativamente a capacidade adsortiva de fosfato da hematita (Hm), goethita (Gt), gibbsita (Gb) e caulinita (Ct), bem como analisar a contribuição de cada mineral para a adsorção de fosfato do solo

    The Optimal Law Enforcement with Mandatory Defendant Class Action

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    In this article we argue that the optimal law enforcement system is based on an ideal mechanism to prevent and redress harms in the mass information society. This goal is achieved by means of mandatory defendant class actions. The idea of mass society has evolved in time since the beginning of the industrialization in the 18th century. At that time, the transformation of the means of production from artisanal craftwork to large scale machinery work, forged the concept of mass production. Nowadays, massive and expeditious relationships are created by sophisticated communications links, especially the Internet, furnishing services and goods, which induce lawful and unlawful behaviors. Further, we defend that the best option to enforce the law within this scenario is the use of mandatory defendant class action because it confers individuals’ maximum well-being, as it takes into consideration the deterrence function of the law as well as its insurance objective. This model is based on a normative theory of individual rational choice. The result is that the ideal of distributive justice is better served, with the procedural law being considered as a tool to achieve the principles enacted in the substantive law. In addition, we summarize an explanatory view of the defendant class actions, its origins and the requisites for its certification and maintenance under the current federal statute. Also, we demonstrate that mandatory defendant class action permits dispersed individuals to exploit scale of economy and investment in the common defenses in the litigation, and, avoids the threat of nuisance value suits to be brought by a single plaintiff, or even, a plaintiffs’ class. Finally, we argue that, besides the mandatory aggregation of the defendants, the optimal law enforcement system requires optimal incentive to the defendant class counsel. Therefore, we propose a specific model of defendant-favoring fee-shifting, where the fees are granted only to the defendant attorney, when the defendant prevails in the lawsuit, but no fee is award to the to the plaintiff’s lawyer, even if he wins the case. This method of awarding attorney fees considers the fact that the lawyer is assuming the risk of the litigation. All strategies for the lawsuit are made on the lawyer’s assessment of expected gains and losses, so he will only represent the defendants, if the expected value of the litigation is positive to him. Consequently, the investment made by the lawyer equals the compensation he is expecting to obtain with the fees. The one-side fee-shifting compensates the lawyers’ legal services and the loan of such services

    O Ciclo Dos Protestos Anticapitalistas Globais: Dos Zapatistas Ao Ocupa Sampa

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    This Dissertation Investigates Three Hypotheses: 1) That, Since 1994, We Have Been Living In A Long Cycle Of Global Anti-Capitalist Protests Which Would Have The Zapatismo " And Not Seattle " As Its Initiator Movement; 2) That Spin-Off Movements Would Have Emerged From It: Not Only The Anti-Globalization Movement, But Also Those Most Recent Ones, Like 15m-Indignados And Occupy Wall Street Or Still Its São Paulo Version, The Ocupa Sampa Movement " That, In 2011, Maintained A Camp For 41 Days In The Anhangabaú Valley And Which This Research Explores In More Details; And 3) That, In The End, Such Protests Would Not Only Have Been Using The Countercultural, Anarchist And Autonomous Repertoires, As The Literature Has Shown, But Also A Repertoire Coming From Liberation Theology, Which Is Diluted In The Composition Of The Zapatista Repertoire. By Demonstrating The Decisive Role Played By Liberation Theology In The Route Change The Zapatista Army Of National Liberation [Ezln] Had To Go Through " Being Forced To AbandEste Trabalho Investiga Três Hipóteses: 1) A De Que, Desde 1994, Estaríamos Vivendo Um Longo Ciclo De Protestos Anticapitalistas Globais, Que Teria No Zapatismo " E Não Em Seattle " O Seu Movimento Iniciador; 2) A De Que, A Partir Dele, Teriam Surgido Movimentos Derivados: Não Só O Antiglobalização, Mas Também Movimentos Mais Recentes, Como O 15m-Indignados, O Occupy Wall Street Ou Ainda A Sua Versão Paulistana, O Ocupa Sampa " Que, Em 2011, Manteve Um Acampamento Por 41 Dias No Vale Do Anhangabaú E Sobre O Qual Esta Pesquisa Se Debruça Em Maiores Detalhes; E, 3) A De Que, Por Fim, Tais Protestos Estariam Não Só Fazendo Uso Dos Repertórios Contracultural, Anarquista E Autônomo, Como A Literatura Já Vem Demonstrando, Mas Também De Um Repertório Proveniente Da Teologia Da Libertação, Que Se Encontra Diluído Na Composição Do Repertório Zapatista. Ao Demonstrar O Papel Decisivo Que A Teologia Da Libertação Exerceu Na Mudança De Rota Que O Exército Zapatista De Libertação Nacional [Ezln] Teve Que Tomar " Fazendo CDados abertos - Sucupira - Teses e dissertações (2018

    Apresentação - Dossiê Outras eróticas e Desejos possíveis, volume II

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    Introduction of the dossier Other erotics and possible wishes, volume II, published in albuquerque: journal of history, in volume 7, number 14, referring to 2015, July to December. Apresentação do dossiê Outras eróticas e Desejos possíveis, volume II, publicado em albuquerque: revista de história, em seu volume 7, número 14, referente aos meses de julho a dezembro ded 2015

    Homofobia de esquerda: tradição e ruptura (1960/1970)

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    Palavras-chave e resumo criados pelo pesquisador dos Projetos “(Per)cursos da graduação em História: entre a iniciação científica e a conclusão de curso.” (PROGRAD/DIREN/UFU 2017/2018) e “Entre a iniciação científica e a conclusão de curso: a produção monográfica dos Cursos de Graduação em História da UFU” (PIBIC EM CNPq/UFU 2017-2018).Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)O objetivo deste trabalho é tentar responder por que o tema do homoerotismo não pôde ser pensado pela esquerda brasileira nos anos sessenta e setenta, tendo esta rejeitado as figuras homoeróticas em favor de um tipo especial de militante, viril. Mesmo que, em determinados momentos, como na segunda metade da década de 70, ela tenha açambarcado para perto de si o nascente movimento de liberação gay, engrossando fileiras nas lutas pela redemocratização do país. Duas obras literárias foram analisadas como possibilidades de ruptura com este modelo. A primeira, de Fernando Gabeira, dentro do campo da esquerda, e a segunda, de João Silvério Trevisan, ativista de grupos de liberação gays da década de 70. A monografia se compõe de três capítulos. O primeiro reconstitui a trajetória da esquerda nos anos sessenta e setenta, em especial daqueles grupos que optaram pela luta armada a partir do ano de 1968. Estes grupos são os que mais adotaram o modelo viril de militante em suas ações. O segundo capítulo investiga, na tradição desta esquerda, possíveis leituras que rejeitassem o homoerotismo, indícios que permitissem entender as razões, no campo ideário socialista, que tenham levado à adoção do modelo ideal de militante viril e excludente. O terceiro capítulo analisa duas obras literárias, O Crepúsculo do Macho (1980), de Fernando Gabeira, e O testamento de Jônatas deixado a David (1976), de João Silvério Trevisan como indicadores da ruptura com o modelo viril de militante. Textos que promovem a crítica à opção da esquerda por rejeitar os homoeróticos ou à tentativa de adequá-los, homogeneizando seus desejos