34 research outputs found


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    Objetivo: avaliar o conhecimento da equipe de enfermagem sobre a administração de drogas vasoativas. Método: estudo descritivo, transversal e quantitativo, realizado com 119 profissionais de enfermagem em sete unidades de terapia intensiva. Para a coleta de dados, foi utilizada uma ficha para caracterização da amostra e foi desenvolvido um instrumento contendo 14 questões de múltipla escolha que avaliavam o conhecimento sobre o preparo, a instalação e a manutenção da infusão das drogas vasoativas. Na análise das médias das respostas obtidas nas avaliações, foi considerada satisfatória uma nota igual ou superior a 5,0. Resultados: as médias foram de 6,6 (dp ±1,6) para os auxiliares de enfermagem, 6,7 (dp ± 1,6) para os técnicos de enfermagem e 7,8 (dp ± 1,0) para os enfermeiros. Conclusão: a equipe de enfermagem das unidades estudadas possui conhecimento sobre a administração de drogas vasoativas.Descritores: Segurança do paciente; Drogas vasoativas; Unidade de terapia intensiva; Enfermagem; Conhecimento

    Conditioners of the infectious diseases dynamics

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    The natural history of diseases is a concept in epidemiology that describes at the individual level the interaction of an individual with a disease stimulus, its clinical horizons, and transmission routes, which enable the identification of critical points for the prevention and control of infectious diseases. However, although this concept implies a dynamic process of exposure, contraction of disease, and cure or death, it does not provide an understanding of the dynamics of transmission of infectious agents at the population level in different scenarios, where anthropological, biological, clinical and social factors can act as conditioners for infectious diseases, that can manifest and transform in a variety of ways in different human populations. In this context, the objective of this work was to review the literature according to the Cooper (1988) methodology, to generate perspectives on the dynamics of infectious diseases, their conditioners and their interrelationship. It is demonstrated that environmental changes, pathogens evolution and host co-evolution, as well as behavioral and social set,  influence significantly the epidemic events, and mathematical modeling represents an important tool to analyze this influence

    Posterior arterial circle of Willis anatomic variations and coronary artery dominance: is there a correlation?

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    Anatomic variations and anomalies in the arteries from the circle of Willis or the heart are common, sometimes even more common than the classic morphology. There is no reference in the literature to a correlation between variations and anomalies in these two organs. Coronaries and circle of Willis from 50 cadavers were dissected and analyzed. Eight percent presented a left dominant pattern of heart circulation, 4% were undetermined, and 88% were right dominant. Eighteen percent presented significant anomalies in the posterior circulation of the circle of Willis. The posterior cerebral artery originated from the internal carotid artery on the left in 2%, on the right in 12%, and on both sides in 4% of the cases. For every case that presented a left coronary dominant pattern, there was a concomitant anomaly in the posterior cerebral circulation (p = 0.0006). However, there is still no explanation for this finding

    Formation and EPR response of europium-yttria micro rods

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    Designing new materials with suitable dose-response efficiency is a great challenge in radiation dosimetry search. Yttria (Y2O3) has excellent optical, mechanical, chemical, and thermal properties. Besides, yttria exhibits crystal characteristics that provide insertion of other rare earths, forming innovative materials. Nevertheless, there are quite few studies on formation, microstructural and EPR response evaluation of yttria. This work reports the formation and EPR characterization of europium-yttria micro rods for radiation dosimetry. Ceramic rods obtained by sintering at 1600ºC/4h in air were exposed to gamma radiation with doses from 1Gy to 150kGy. Particle, microstructural and dosimetry characterizations were performed by PCS, XRD, SEM, OM, and EPR techniques. As sintered europium-yttrium rods exhibited dense microstructure (90% theoretical density) and linear EPR dose response behavior up to 10kGy. These results show that europium-yttria is a promising material for radiation dosimetry. &nbsp

    New model of biological membrane (shed snakeskin) for studies of antioxidant activity in photoprotective formulation/ Novo modelo de membrana biológica (ecdise de pele de cobra) para estudos de atividade antioxidante em formulação fotoprotetora

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    Antioxidants of natural origin are used in medicines and cosmetics with several benefits, such as: photoprotective action, anti-aging, moisturizing and anti-pollutant. The human epidermis has an important barrier effect and limited anti-oxidative capacity, so studies with the epidermis is essential. Shed snakeskin (SS) is composed of the stratum corneum and provide a barrier like human stratum corneum. This alternative does not show a tendency to microbiological degradation and can be considered ecologically correct. This study intends to present, in an innovative way, the Electron Paramagnetic Resonance spectroscopy (EPR) and The Forster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) were employed to evaluate the natural antioxidant substances (Resveratrol/ RES 3.0 w/w and Ferulic acid/ FA 1.0 w/w) associated with organic sunscreens ingredients (Ethylhexyl Methoxycinnamate/ EHMC 10.0%w/w and Butyl Methoxydibenzoylmethano/ BMBM 5.0%w/w in a photoprotective emulsion (PB). Furthermore, the use of SS seedlings as a possible alternative to the use of human or animal skin ex-vivo. RES and FA can absorb the energy emitted by the EHMC in FRET, preventing the passage through the triplet state, favoring the photostability of this sunscreen, the same not ocorred with the BMBM. Antioxidant activity of the photoprotective formulations was evaluated in vitro by the percentual inhibition of the radical 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrihydrazyl (DPPH•). The antioxidant activity with RES, 97.0% inhibition of DPPH• in the PB, was higher than PB + FA (91.0%), however the concentration of RES in PB was higher than FA. The sample SS + PB + FA was the one with the lowest number of free radicals after irradiation, which corroborated the high percentage of radical inhibition in vitro and it was the better association with the photoprotective formulation.

    Conhecimento sobre identidade profissional docente na Educação Física

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    The objective was to investigate the production of knowledge about the Professional Identity of Physical Education (PE) teachers. An integrative review was carried out in the databases between 2015 and 2021, where we obtained twenty articles: eleven national and nine international. We verified that the professional identity is built in temporality and in the spaces of life to better understand the multiple possible identities found in the professional trajectory. Although experiences prior to initial training have been considered, it was possible to observe that in initial training, professional identity is established especially with the deepening of experiences in internships. In addition, the consolidation of this identity process remains in the professional field, individually and collectively, from entry into the career and continuing education, however, it is an unfinished and constantly changing process.El objetivo de la investigación fue investigar la producción del conocimiento sobre la Identidad Profesional de los docentes de Educación Física (EF). Se realizó una revisión integradora en las bases de datos entre 2015 y 2021, donde se obtuvieron veinte artículos: once nacionales y nueve internacionales. Se verificó que la identidad profesional se construye en la temporalidad y en los espacios de la vida para comprender mejor las múltiples identidades posibles encontradas en la trayectoria profesional. Si bien se han considerado experiencias previas a la formación inicial, se pudo observar que en la formación inicial se establece la identidad profesional especialmente con la profundización de experiencias en pasantías. Además, la consolidación de este proceso identitario se mantiene en el ámbito profesional, individual y colectivamente, desde el ingreso a la carrera y la formación continua, sin embargo, es un proceso inconcluso y en constante cambio.Objetivou-se investigar o conhecimento produzido sobre a Identidade Profissional de professores de Educação Física (EF). Foi realizada uma revisão integrativa nas bases de dados entre 2015 a 2021, onde obtivemos vinte artigos: onze nacionais e nove internacionais. Verificamos que a identidade profissional é construída na temporalidade e nos espaços de vida para melhor compreender as múltiplas identidades possíveis encontradas na trajetória profissional. Embora as vivências anteriores à formação inicial tenham sido consideradas, foi possível observar que na formação inicial a identidade profissional se estabelece especialmente com o aprofundamento das vivências nos estágios. Além disso, a consolidação deste processo identitário permanece no campo profissional, individualmente e coletivamente, desde o ingresso na carreira e na formação continuada, porém, é um processo inacabado e em constante transformação

    Body composition and body mass index in women Pilates practitioners from two Brazilian cities

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    O Método Pilates (MP) se desenvolveu muito nos últimos anos, fazendo-se necessário compreender seus efeitos na composição corporal de seus praticantes. Objetivo: Avaliar e comparar o Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC) e a composição corporal de mulheres praticantes do MP de duas cidades do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Métodos: Foram avaliadas 30 mulheres praticantes do MP contemporâneo há pelo menos três meses, com frequência de uma ou duas vezes por semana, com idade média 40,50 ± 10,94 anos, sendo 15 delas em Encruzilhada do Sul (GE), e as outras 15, em Viamão (GV). Foram aferidas seis dobras cutâneas, seis perímetros, nove diâmetros e nove comprimentos, além de peso e altura para obter o IMC. Foi realizada estatística descritiva e teste t para amostras independentes, adotando nível de significância de p < 0,05. Resultados: Não foram encontradas diferenças estatísticas significativa entre os grupos na composição corporal e no IMC. Ocorreu diferença estatística significativa entre os dois grupos com relação ao tempo de prática (p = 0,01). Conclusão: Concluise que os grupos apresentam composição corporal e IMC semelhantes. Porém, evidencia-se uma tendência a maiores níveis de gordura corporal e índices de obesidade no GV, devido ao menor tempo de prática do MP.Although the Pilates Method (PM) has developed a lot in the last years, publications and scientific evidence on its effects on body composition are scarce. Objective: To evaluate and compare the BMI and body composition of PM women practitioners from two Brazilian South Region cities. Methods: 30 women, contemporary PM practitioners, at last 3 months, once or twice a week, mean age 40.50 ± 10.94 years, from the cities of Encruzilhada do Sul (GE = 15) and Viamão (GV = 15) in Rio Grande do Sul, were evaluated. Six skin folds, six circumferences, nine diameters and nine lengths were measured, and also weight and height to obtain BMI. Descriptive statistic and T test for independent samples was performed, with significance level p < 0.05. Results: No statistical difference between the two groups in the body composition and BMI were found. Statistical difference between the two groups in the practice time were found (p = 0.01). Conclusion: BMI and body composition were similar in both groups. However, GV showed high levels of body fat, due to the shorter practice time


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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the occurrence of dentinal defects after root canal preparation with different instruments. One hundred extracted human mandibular molar were selected. The coronal portions and mesial roots were removed leaving distal roots of 14 mm in length. The roots were allocated into 1 control group and 4 experimental groups (n=20). Roots in the control group were left unprepared, whereas the others were prepared using BioRace®, K3®, ProTaper Universal® and Hero 642® nickel-titanium (NiTi) rotary systems. All roots were horizontally sectioned at 1, 3, 6, and 9 mm from the apex, stained with 1% methylene blue, and viewed through a stereomicroscope at 40X magnification. The slices were inspected, and the absence/presence of root dentin defects recorded. Statistical analysis of the data included frequency distribution and association testing. The statistical significance for the association between the variables was determined using the chi-square test. The established level of significance was p &lt;0.05. A total of 300 slices were examined. BioRace® was associated with a significantly higher number of partial cracks, craze lines and root fractures than K3® and Hero 642® (p&lt;0.05) but was not significantly different from ProTaper Universal®(p&gt;0.05). Regarding the different sections, more defects were observed in middle (6 mm) and coronal (9 mm) sections when compared with apical (3 mm) sections. The use of NiTi instruments during the root canal preparation resulted in the root dentin defects.O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o surgimento de defeitos na dentina radicular após o uso de diferentes sistemas rotatórios de níquel-titânio (NiTi). Cem molares inferiores humanos tiveram as coroas e raízes mesiais removidas a fim de se obter um espécime de 14 mm da raiz distal. Vinte raízes serviram como controle e não foram preparadas. As demais foram alocadas em 4 grupos (n = 20) e preparadas com os seguintes sistemas: BioRace®, K3®, ProTaper Universal® e Hero 642®. Após o preparo as raízes foram seccionadas perpendicularmente ao seu longo eixo a 1, 3, 6 e 9 mm do ápice, coradas com azul de metileno a 1% e examinadas em um estereomicroscópio com aumento de 40X. Os discos de dentina foram inspecionados e a ausência/presença de defeitos da dentina radicular registrada. A análise estatística dos dados incluiu distribuição de frequência e teste de associação. A significância estatística para a associação entre as variáveis ​​foi determinada pelo teste do Qui-quadrado. O nível de significância estabelecido foi p &lt;0,05. Um total de 300 fatias foram examinadas. O sistema BioRace® promoveu mais fraturas e outros defeitos quando comparado aos sistemas K3® e Hero 642® (p&lt;0,05). Não foram observadas diferenças significativas entre os sistemas BioRace® e ProTaper Universal® (p&gt;0,05). Com relação aos níveis de profundidade do canal radicular, maior quantidade de defeitos foi observada nos cortes realizados a 6 e 9 mm do ápice radicular. O uso de instrumentos de NiTi durante o preparo do canal resultou em defeitos na dentina

    Awareness of stroke among patients with chronic kidney disease on hemodialysis: a cross-sectional study

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    ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Stroke is a major cause of mortality worldwide. Renal dysfunction is an important risk factor for stroke. Brazilian studies on stroke knowledge are generally population based. Studies stratifying stroke knowledge according to comorbidities are rare. Scientific data are essential to guide the awareness of stroke. OBJECTIVE: To assess stroke knowledge in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) on hemodialysis. DESIGN AND SETTING: Cross-sectional analytical study of patients with CKD on hemodialysis in north-eastern Brazil. METHODS: A self-administered questionnaire survey on stroke awareness was administered to patients with CKD on hemodialysis between April and November 2022. The chi-square test and other descriptive statistics were used. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed using logistic regression. RESULTS: A total of 197 patients were included in the analysis. The Brazilian acronym for stroke was used by 53.5% of the participants. Less than 10.0% of the sample showed optimal decision-making ability regarding stroke. Of the participants, 29.9% knew at least one risk factor and one symptom; however, this was considered as having below the minimum capacity because they did not know the emergency service call number. In the analysis adjusted for income and education, females (odds ratio [OR], 0.40%; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.20-0.82), older patients (OR, 0.24%; 95% CI, 0.09-0.63) and having at most one comorbidity (OR, 0.48%; 95% CI, 0.23-0.98) were factors for lower levels of knowledge or ideal decision-making capacity against stroke. CONCLUSIONS: Patients on hemodialysis, especially women and older people, have little knowledge about stroke