412 research outputs found

    Avaliação da satisfação dos munícipes de Bragança à luz da common assessment framework (CAF)

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    O presente estudo de investigação é assinalado pela pergunta de investigação: qual o grau de satisfação dos munícipes da Câmara Municipal de Bragança (CMB)? É nosso objetivo aferir a satisfação dos munícipes para com os serviços prestados pelo município em causa. Será que os munícipes que recorrem aos serviços prestados pela CMB apresentam elevados níveis de satisfação? Em termos de estruturação da dissertação, será pensada seguindo, primeiramente, as considerações teóricas, onde se debate a importância da excelência nos serviços públicos, se dão a conhecer os modelos de gestão de qualidade, com enfoque particular na Common Assessment Framework (CAF), e faz-se um realce da importância da satisfação dos cidadãos. Depois, aborda-se a qualidade e a satisfação nos serviços públicos, em Portugal, onde se foca a evolução histórica, legislativa e modelar da qualidade, evidenciando a CAF na administração pública. Dá-se a conhecer a caracterização e a qualidade do desempenho da CMB, estudo de caso em causa. A seguir, revela-se as opções metodológicas, adotando-se uma metodologia que seguirá uma abordagem quantitativa, com aplicação de questionário. Por fim, analisa-se o nível de satisfação dos munícipes da CMB, seguindo-se os resultados apurados, que nos permitem confirmar e apreciar que os munícipes se encontram “Muito Satisfeitos” para com os serviços prestados pela CMB.This research study is marked by the following research question: what is the level of satisfaction of the residents of municipality of Bragança (CMB)? The object of our research is to gauge the satisfaction of citizens in relation to the services provided by the municipality in question. Do citizens who use the services provided by the CMB have high levels of satisfaction? In terms of the structure of the dissertation, it will firstly follow theoretical considerations, where the importance of excellence in public services is discussed, quality management models are presented, with a particular focus on the Common Assessment Framework (CAF), and the importance of citizen satisfaction is highlighted. Next, we look at quality and satisfaction in public services in Portugal, where we focus on the historical, legitimate and model evolution of quality, highlighting the CAF in public administration. The characterization and quality of the performance of the CMB, the case study in question, is presented. Next, the methodological options are revealed, adopting a methodology that follows a quantitative approach, with the application of a questionnaire. Finally, the level of satisfaction of the residents of the CMB is analysed, followed by the results, which allow us to confirm and appreciate that the residents are "Very Satisfied" with the services provided by the CMB

    protocolo de scoping review

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    Localization and bioreactivity of cysteine-rich secretions in the marine gastropod nucella lapillus

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    PTDC/BTA-BTA/28650/2017 FA_05_2017_007). The Applied Molecular Biosciences Unit (UCIBIO) is financed by national funds from FCT, UID/Multi/04378/2020. FCT is also acknowledged for the grant SFRH/BD/144914/2019 to C.G. Publisher Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Marine biodiversity has been yielding promising novel bioproducts from venomous animals. Despite the auspices of conotoxins, which originated the paradigmatic painkiller Prialt, the biotechnological potential of gastropod venoms remains to be explored. Marine bioprospecting is expanding towards temperate species like the dogwhelk Nucella lapillus, which is suspected to secrete immobilizing agents through its salivary glands with a relaxing effect on the musculature of its preferential prey, Mytilus sp. This work focused on detecting, localizing, and testing the bioreactivity of cysteine-rich proteins and peptides, whose presence is a signature of animal venoms and poisons. The highest content of thiols was found in crude protein extracts from the digestive gland, which is associated with digestion, followed by the peribuccal mass, where the salivary glands are located. Conversely, the foot and siphon (which the gastropod uses for feeding) are not the main organs involved in toxin secretion. Ex vivo bioassays with Mytilus gill tissue disclosed the differential bioreactivity of crude protein extracts. Secretions from the digestive gland and peribuccal mass caused the most significant molecular damage, with evidence for the induction of apoptosis. These early findings indicate that salivary glands are a promising target for the extraction and characterization of bioactive cysteine-rich proteinaceous toxins from the species.publishersversionpublishe

    The effectiveness of voriconazole in therapy of Candida glabratas biofilms oral infections and its influence on the matrix composition and gene expression

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    Candida glabrata is one of most prevalente yeast in fungal infections, especially in immunocompromised patients. Its azole resistance results in a low therapeutic response, particularly when associated with biofilms. The main goal of this work was to study the effectiveness of voriconazole (Vcz) against C. glabrata biofilms oral pathologies, as esophageal or oropharyngeal candidiasis. Antifungal susceptibilities were determined in pre-formed 24-h-biofilms and ERG genes expression was determined by qRT-PCR. Protein quantification was performed using BCA Kit, carbohydrate was estimated according to the Dubois assay and b-1,3 glucans concentration were determined using Glucatell kit. Finally, ergosterol, Vcz, and fluconazole (Flu) concentrations within the bio-film matrices were determined by RP-HPLC. Results showed that C. glabrata biofilms were more susceptible to Vcz than to Flu and that ERG genes expression evidenced an overexpression of the three ERG genes in the presence of both azoles. The matrix content presented a remarked decrease in proteins and an increase in carbohydrates, namely b-1,3 glucans. Ergosterol was successfully detected and quantified in the biofilm matrices, with no differences in all the considered conditions. Vcz demonstrated better diffusion through the biofilms and better cell penetration capacities, than Flu, indicating that the structure of the drug molecule fully influences its dissemination through the biofilm matrices. This work showed that Vcz is notably more effective than Flu for the treatment of resistant C. glabrata oral biofilms, which demonstrates a clinical relevance in its future use for the treatment of oropharyngeal/esophageal candidiasis caused by this species.This work was supported by the Programa Operacional, Fatores de competitividade— COMPETE and by national funds through FCT—Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia on the scope of the projects FCT [PTDC/SAU-MIC/119069/2010], [RECI/EBB-EBI/0179/2012], [PEst-OE/EQB/LA0023/2013] and Célia F. Rodrigues’ [SFRH/ BD/93078/2013] PhD Grant. The authors thank the Project ‘‘BioHealth—Biotechnology and Bioengineering approaches to improve health quality’’, Ref. NORTE-07-0124-FEDER000027, co-funded by the Programa Operacional Regional do Norte (ON.2—O Novo Norte), QREN, FEDER. The authors would like to acknowledge Pfizer, S.A. for the kindly donation of Voriconazole and Fluconazole.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Effect of azoles in Candida glabrata biofilms and its relation with ERG genes expression

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    The occurrence of fungal infections has been significantly increasing, thus contributing to higher morbidity and mortality. The use of broad-spectrum antibiotics, catheters, immunosuppression diseases, chemo and radiotherapy are predisposing factors for invasive fungal infection development. Candida albicans is the predominant species in both health and disease conditions, yet, in the last two decades the number of infections due to non-Candida albicans Candida species has increased significantly. Once believed as non-pathogenic, Candida glabrata rapidly was perceived to be responsible for many human diseases. Despite lacking a number of virulence factors allied to the majority of Candida pathogenicity, C. glabrata possesses high ability to colonize medical devices and human epithelium, resulting generally in biofilms formation ability. Its intrinsically low susceptibility to azoles, such as triazoles (e.g. fluconazole (Flu), voriconazole (Vcz)) and its biofilms tolerance is another problem. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of Flu (largely used) and Vcz (hospitalenvironment exclusive) in the control of C. glabrata biofilms and its relation with the expression of genes encoding for Ergosterol: ERG3, ERG6 and ERG11. Three isolates of C. glabrata (vaginal, urine and reference strain) were used. The Minimum Inhibitory Concentration was determined for planktonic cells and biofilms were formed during 24h and treated (for 24h) with different concentrations of both antifungal agents. The effects of Flu and Vcz were analyzed by Colony Forming Units determination and by total biomass quantification using Crystal Violet staining. Biofilms were also analyzed by scanning electron microscopy. Total proteins and carbohydrates were quantified from biofilms’ matrices. Moreover, ergosterol present in the matrices was also quantified by HPLC. To end, qRT-PCR was used to study the gene expression of selected ERG genes. Our results show that, unlike Flu, Vcz had a very good Candida biofilm eradication capacity. No fluctuations between the two azoles were noticed in terms of proteins and carbohydrates, both presenting a blocked production in the first and an overmetabolism in the second. A new finding was the detection of ergosterol in the matrices. The gene expression study showed overexpression of ERG genes, in the presence of the both drug compounds. This work reveals the extraordinary capacity of C. glabrata to change with the purpose of overcome the adversities of the environment. The increase in ergosterol present in matrices and the overexpression of Erg genes could be an explanation for higher C. glabrata biofilms tolerance. This aptitude makes hampered the action of drugs against the cells, and when passing to the progeny, is, undoubtedly, a great advantage to the development of resistance to antifungals, in Candida species

    Brinquedo robótico educacional de baixo custo para desenvolvimento do raciocínio lógico matemático

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    Interessando-se no desenvolvimento do raciocínio lógico e matemático nos anos iniciais das crianças, e em sua importância, diversos autores sustentam que atividades lúdicas são adequadas e eficazes para o entendimento de temas abstratos como o raciocínio lógico e matemático. Desse modo, projetou-se um brinquedo de baixo custo inspirado no Cubetto, tal brinquedo é constituído de um robô com Arduino e um aplicativo android que se comunica via bluetooth, e foi construído na plataforma do App Inventor do MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), capazes de auxiliarem de forma prática o desenvolvimento da aprendizagem de matemática às crianças da primeira infância, utilizando-se de um jogo com desafios em um tapete quadriculado para estimular o raciocínio lógico nas crianças. O brinquedo não pode ser testado em sala de aula devido a pandemia do COVID-19. Espera-se que posteriormente com a continuidade do projeto possa-se trazer dados do experimento feito com alunos em condições reais


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    O atendimento educacional hospitalar tem a função de minimizar os efeitos da hospitalização, bem como, oferecer continuidade ao processo de escolarização de crianças e adolescentes nesta condição. A partir desse pressuposto, o presente estudo tem por objetivo descrever a experiência da implementação do projeto de extensão “Escola no hospital: acompanhamento didático-pedagógico de atividades escolares para crianças hospitalizadas” frente ao atendimento educacional de crianças e adolescentes em um hospital de um município de médio porte do interior do Estado de São Paulo. O presente artigo configurou-se como relato descritivo. O projeto de extensão, em foco, teve como público alvo atendido, prioritariamente, crianças e adolescentes em idade de escolarização, correspondente à educação infantil e ao ensino fundamental, ou seja, na faixa etária de 4 a 14 anos de idade, que estivessem em internação na ala pediátrica do hospital. O projeto vem se desenvolvendo e aprimorando desde no ano de 2014 até o momento, oferecendo atendimento didático-pedagógico, uma vez por semana. Para a análise dos resultados e a escrita do presente artigo foi realizado um recorte dos últimos quatro anos (2014 a 2017). Durante esse período, 144 crianças e adolescentes receberam atendimento didático-pedagógico, alguns deles mais de uma vez. Pode-se concluir que um projeto desse cunho, fornece subsídios para a efetivação e sistematização do trabalho pedagógico no interior do hospital para crianças e adolescentes hospitalizados, revelando ao poder público, a necessidade de implementação deste serviço no hospital. Além disso, a experiência com o projeto de extensão tem proporcionado a produção e a divulgação de conhecimento científico na área, articulando as ações entre ensino, pesquisa e extensão, contemplando uma das proposições desse tipo de projeto


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    O atendimento educacional hospitalar tem a função de minimizar os efeitos da hospitalização, bem como, oferecer continuidade ao processo de escolarização de crianças e adolescentes nesta condição. A partir desse pressuposto, o presente estudo tem por objetivo descrever a experiência da implementação do projeto de extensão “Escola no hospital: acompanhamento didático-pedagógico de atividades escolares para crianças hospitalizadas” frente ao atendimento educacional de crianças e adolescentes em um hospital de um município de médio porte do interior do Estado de São Paulo. O presente artigo configurou-se como relato descritivo. O projeto de extensão, em foco, teve como público alvo atendido, prioritariamente, crianças e adolescentes em idade de escolarização, correspondente à educação infantil e ao ensino fundamental, ou seja, na faixa etária de 4 a 14 anos de idade, que estivessem em internação na ala pediátrica do hospital. O projeto vem se desenvolvendo e aprimorando desde no ano de 2014 até o momento, oferecendo atendimento didático-pedagógico, uma vez por semana. Para a análise dos resultados e a escrita do presente artigo foi realizado um recorte dos últimos quatro anos (2014 a 2017). Durante esse período, 144 crianças e adolescentes receberam atendimento didático-pedagógico, alguns deles mais de uma vez. Pode-se concluir que um projeto desse cunho, fornece subsídios para a efetivação e sistematização do trabalho pedagógico no interior do hospital para crianças e adolescentes hospitalizados, revelando ao poder público, a necessidade de implementação deste serviço no hospital. Além disso, a experiência com o projeto de extensão tem proporcionado a produção e a divulgação de conhecimento científico na área, articulando as ações entre ensino, pesquisa e extensão, contemplando uma das proposições desse tipo de projeto

    The effects of dietary supplementation with Agaricales mushrooms and other medicinal fungi on breast cancer: Evidence-based medicine

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    Breast cancer is the most prevalent cancer in women. The most frequent therapeutic approaches for the treatment of this disease are chemotherapy, radiotherapy, hormone therapy, and surgery. Conventional pharmacological treatments cause many harmful side effects in patients. To improve the quality of life of breast cancer patients, researchers have sought alternative adjuvant treatment strategies. To assess the effects of fungi and other basidiomycetes Agaricales on the co-adjuvant treatment of breast cancer, we conducted a literary review of the available scientific evidence. We selected articles published in refereed journals from 1990 to 2011 in Medline, Lilacs, CAPES, Scielo, and Pubmed. Articles written in English, Spanish, and Portuguese were reviewed. We used the following descriptors: Agaricales, medicinal mushroom/fungus, breast cancer, dietary supplementation, synonyms, and related terms. The pharmacological effects of nutritional and medicinal mushrooms have been reported in several experimental clinical studies and have shown promising results in the adjuvant treatment of breast cancer. Adjuvant treatment with mushrooms is associated with improvements in the immunological and hematologic parameters of breast cancer, as well as in the quality of life of these patients. Randomized clinical studies are needed to elucidate the possible mechanisms of action and clinical benefits of these fungi with respect to survival time, disease progression, and metastasis in breast cancer