628 research outputs found

    Assessing Seismic Hazard in Chile Using Deep Neural Networks

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    Earthquakes represent one of the most destructive yet unpredictable natural disasters around the world, with a massive physical, psychological, and economical impact in the population. Earthquake events are, in some cases, explained by some empirical laws such as Omori’s law, Bath’s law, and Gutenberg-Richter’s law. However, there is much to be studied yet; due to the high complexity associated with the process, nonlinear correlations among earthquake occurrences and also their occurrence depend on a multitude of variables that in most cases are yet unidentified. Therefore, having a better understanding on occurrence of each seismic event, and estimating the seismic hazard risk, would represent an invaluable tool for improving earthquake prediction. In that sense, this work consists in the implementation of a machine learning approach for assessing the earthquake risk in Chile, using information from 2012 to 2018. The results show a good performance of the deep neural network models for predicting future earthquake events


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    Se analiza la capacidad de Resiliencia y el Síndrome de Burnout que presentan las secretarias de la Municipalidad Provincial de Arequipa. Se aplicó la Escala de Resiliencia de Wagnild y Young y el Inventario de Burnout de Maslach (MBI). La población estuvo conformada por 30 secretarias que trabajan en la Municipalidad Provincial de Arequipa. Los resultados más significativos demuestran que la capacidad de resiliencia influye de manera significativa en el Síndrome de Burnout, presentando niveles más altos de Síndrome de Burnout, las personas con capacidad de resiliencia media. La capacidad de resiliencia que presentan las secretarias es alta en el 63,33%. La frecuencia de Síndrome de Burnout es de 100%. El 53,33% de secretarias presentan nivel medio del Síndrome de Burnou

    An architecture based on computing with words to support runtime reconfiguration decisions of service-based systems

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    Service-based systems (SBSs) need to be reconfigured when there is evidence that the selected Web services configurations no further satisfy the specifications models and, thus the decision-related models will need to be updated accordingly. However, such updates need to be performed at the right pace. On the one hand, if the updates are not quickly enough, the reconfigurations that are required may not be detected due to the obsolescence of the specification models used at runtime, which were specified at design-time. On the other hand, the other extreme is to promote premature reconfiguration decisions that are based on models that may be highly sensitive to environmental fluctuations and which may affect the stability of these systems. To deal with the required trade-offs of this situation, this paper proposes the use of linguistic decision-making (LDM) models to represent specification models of SBSs and a dynamic computing-with-words (CWW) architecture to dynamically assess the models by using a multi-period multi-attribute decision making (MP-MADM) approach. The proposed solution allows systems under dynamic environments to offer improved system stability by better managing the trade-off between the potential obsolescence of the specification models, and the required dynamic sensitivity and update of these model

    Caracterización socioeconómica de las personas con privaciones habitacionales : un abordaje de los usuarios de la red de refugios de Montevideo

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    The aim of this research is to assess the homeless’ characteristics in Montevideo, pointing out in their capacity to link with the community. Given the capabilities and functioning framework developed by Amartya Sen, we analyze the multidimensionality poverty and the social exclusion. Even if these individuals share the fact that they have slept at least one night during the winter in a homeless’ shelter, there are many differences in their functionings. We carried out a survey in a representative day in the winter of 2005, with socio economic questions, and also we implement a Rorschach’s test. The main results are: even if their income is below to the poverty line, they do not present high levels of extreme poverty respect to their income. They have extremely weak primary affective links and many difficulties to have a job. Finally, there are differences between males and females respect to their labor market performance and their homelessness’ path.socioeconomic characteristics, homeless, Capability approach, Rorschach’s test.

    Agro en el siglo xxi: el rol de las plantas transgénicas en el desarrollo tecnológico del sector agrícola

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    Los nuevos avances en la biotecnología, principalmente en la secuenciación del genoma de varias plantas, entre ellas la Arabidopsis thaliana, permitirán conocer la acción de todos los genes envueltos en los procesos claves del crecimiento y desarrollo de las plantas, al modificar la estructura de los genes será posible regular la expresión de algunas características, como el tamaño de las hojas o la dinámica de crecimiento de las raíces y los frutos. De esta forma la comercialización de los productos de las nuevas biotecnologías incidirá en la producción, productividad y oferta agrícola de las naciones en este siglo XXI. Los desafíos y las oportunidades para los países de la América Latina y el Caribe-ALC son grandes, dada la rica base de sus recursos de flora, fauna y microorganismos, esenciales para las industrias de alimentos y farmacéutica. La comunidad internacional reconoce los beneficios de la Biotecnología, pero solicita un estudio cuidadoso sobre los potenciales efectos adversos del uso de transgénicos en: la producción agrícola, el medio ambiente, la salud humana y el comercio. Los países de ALC deberán continuar el desarrollo y el perfeccionamiento de los instrumentos regulatorios para prevenir o minimizar los posibles riesgos derivados del manejo y uso de los organismos transgénicos en su territorio, de manera que puedan aprovechar sus beneficios potenciales, garantizando el cumplimiento de las condiciones necesarias de seguridad por el uso de los mismos.The new advances in biotechnology, especially in the completion of the Arabidopsis thaliana, genome sequence has profound implications for human health as well as plant biology and agriculture. It will permit us to know the action of all the genes involved in the key growing and development processes of plants. Modification of the structure of genes will allow the regulation of the expression of some characteristics such as the size of the leaves or the dynamics of the roots and fruits growth. In this way, the commercialization of the products of the new biotechnologies will influence in this century´s nations, agricultural production, productivity and food supply. The challenges and opportunities for the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) are enormous, due to the rich base of their flora, fauna and microorganisms resources, which are essential to the pharmaceutical and feeding industries. The international Community recognizes the benefits of Biotechnology, but it also advocate more inquiry into the impacts of advanced agricultural biotechnologies on the environment, food system, structure of agriculture, rural communities, and population health.The countries of LAC should continue the development and improvement of the regulatory framework for preventing or minimizing the possible risks of the use and management of the transgenic organisms in their territory, and therefore, be able to make use of their potential benefits, ensuring the protection of public health and the environment

    Inversion of the anomeric configuration of the transferred sugar during inactivation of the macrolide antibiotic oleandomycin catalyzed by a macrolide glycosyltransferase

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    AbstractMacrolides are a group of antibiotics structurally characterized by a macrocyclic lactone to which one or several deoxy-sugar moieties are attached. The sugar moieties are transferred to the different aglycones by glycosyltransferases (GTF). The OleI GTF of an oleandomycin producer, Streptomyces antibioticus, catalyzes the inactivation of this macrolide by glycosylation. The product of this reaction was isolated and its structure elucidated. The donor substrate of the reaction was UDP-α-D-glucose, but the reaction product showed a β-glycosidic linkage. The inversion of the anomeric configuration of the transferred sugar and other data about the kinetics of the reaction and primary structure analysis of several GTFs are compatible with a reaction mechanism involving a single nucleophilic substitution at the sugar anomeric carbon in the catalytic center of the enzyme

    Regulaciónde drones : una perspectiva desde el análisis de políticas públicas

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    Recientemente las aeronaves no tripuladas, comúnmente conocidas como drones, han tenido un auge sustancial en el mercado. Estos objetos han demostrado tener múltiples aplicaciones dentro del comercio para varias industrias, desde infraestructura, hasta agricultura y medios de comunicación. Reconociendo el potencial que estos objetos tienen y el desarrollo que pueden tener en el futuro, es necesario hacer un análisis para su regulación en Colombia desde una perspectiva de políticas públicas. Para esos efectos es necesario abordar la evolución de los drones desde su creación para entender su alcance. Luego, teniendo en cuenta que un uso indebido de estos artefactos puede convertirse en un problema de interés público, se debe hacer una observación de posibles esferas del derecho que pueden verse afectadas. Lo anterior permite realizar una evaluación de su regulación actual en Colombia y plantear alternativas para el futuro, con un fundamento teórico en políticas públicas.Recently the unnamed aerial vehicles, commonly known as drones, have had a substantial raise in the market. These objects have proven to have multiple applications within the commerce for various industries, from infrastructure to agriculture and media. Recognizing the potential that these objects have and the development they may have in the future, it is necessary to make an analysis for their regulation in Colombia from a public policy perspective. Therefore, it is necessary to study the evolution of drones since their creation to understand their extent. Then, taking into account that the misuse of this devices may become a problem of public interest, an observation should be made from possible areas of law that may be affected. This allows to perform an evaluation of their current regulation in Colombia and propose alternatives for the future, with a theoretical base in public policy.Abogado (a)Pregrad

    Caracterizacion de particulas de oxido de hierro con miras a su reutilizacion en la limpieza de superficie de acero a traves de chorreado abrasivo

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    134 p.En virtud de la utilización de nuevas tecnologías que sirvan como herramientas para proteger el medio ambiente, se llevará a cabo en este presente trabajo de titulación un estudio de las partículas de óxido de hierro, el cual toma como base para su ejecución los procesos técnicos mecánicos de tecnología de partículas y normas DIN. A través de estos procesos de investigación, se caracterizan y se clasifican las partículas de acuerdo a su forma y tamaño. Con esta respectiva caracterización, la cual se ejecuta por medio de diferentes herramientas de cálculo y métodos de estandarización, se intenta determinar si las partículas de óxido de hierro son apropiadas para su previo uso en un proceso de limpieza de la superficie del acero a través de chorreado abrasivo./ SUMMARY: By virtue of the use of new technologies which serve as implements for the protection of the environment, this thesis is dedicated to the investigation of iron oxide particles. This investigation is based on mechanical process engineering of particle technology and DIN standards. Through these mentioned processes of investigation the iron oxide particles are characterized and classified according to their form and size. With this characterization, achieved through different calculation and standardization processes, it is attemted to determine whether the iron oxide particles are appropriate as abrasives for scaling an iron surface

    Development and Evaluation of Techniques for Regenerating Plantlets from Somatic and Gametophytic Tissues of Selected Grasses

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    Agronomy - Crop Scienc