1,891 research outputs found

    Diseño de automatización de máquina fresadora copiadora

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    La maquina fresadora copiadora es completamente manual y su funcionamiento en la elaboración de modelos con materiales duros como acero 1020 es dispendioso, llegando en ocasiones a demorarse días en terminar un trabajo por tal razón resulta indispensable pensar en su automación. La automatización de procesos de producción es el objetivo de muchas empresas sin importar su tamaño o su cantidad de producción ya que con esto logran no solo aumentar la producción si no también acrecentar su competitividad en el mercado haciendo alarde de la calidad de sus productos basados en las certificaciones obtenidas a nivel nacional e internacional. La industria esta en busca de procesos que permitan mejorar la calidad del producto final en el menor tiempo posible, logrando así una mayor cantidad en un lapso mas corto, conservando la calidad y en algunas ocasiones superando la de los procesos ya tradicionales, es por esto que la empresa FER-SEG Ltda. Esta buscando automatizar todos sus procesos, iniciando con la maquina fresadora copiadora abriéndose camino en un mercado cada vez mas exigente y competitivo. En la actualidad los tratados bilaterales de comercio entre países productores y consumidores como hoy ocurre con el tratado de libre comercio con Estados Unidos, obliga a las empresas nacionales a estandarizar sus procesos y productos, logrando la certificación con el objetivo de incursionar en el mercado extranjero con productos de alta calidadPasantía (Ingeniero Mecatrónico) -- Universidad Autónoma de Occidente, 2006PregradoIngeniero(a) Mecatrónico(a

    Earliest Porotic Hyperostosis on a 1.5-Million-year-old Hominin, olduvai gorge, Tanzania.

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    Meat-eating was an important factor affecting early hominin brain expansion, social organization and geographic movement. Stone tool butchery marks on ungulate fossils in several African archaeological assemblages demonstrate a significant level of carnivory by Pleistocene hominins, but the discovery at Olduvai Gorge of a child's pathological cranial fragments indicates that some hominins probably experienced scarcity of animal foods during various stages of their life histories. The child's parietal fragments, excavated from 1.5-million-year-old sediments, show porotic hyperostosis, a pathology associated with anemia. Nutritional deficiencies, including anemia, are most common at weaning, when children lose passive immunity received through their mothers' milk. Our results suggest, alternatively, that (1) the developmentally disruptive potential of weaning reached far beyond sedentary Holocene food-producing societies and into the early Pleistocene, or that (2) a hominin mother's meat-deficient diet negatively altered the nutritional content of her breast milk to the extent that her nursing child ultimately died from malnourishment. Either way, this discovery highlights that by at least 1.5 million years ago early human physiology was already adapted to a diet that included the regular consumption of meat

    Reassessing the role of carnivores in the formation of FLK North 3 (Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania): A pilot taphonomic analysis using Artificial Intelligence tools

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    FLK North (FLK N) (Bed I, Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania) is one of the best examples of a palimpsest where felids, hyenids and hominins made use of the same space without or with minimal interaction between hominins and the other two carnivores. Felids have been interpreted as the main accumulators and carcass consumers followed by frequent hyenid intervention. The presence of hominins at this site has been documented through the discovery of stone tools. Here, we test previous taphonomic interpretations of this site through the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools (computer vision applied to bidimensional images of tooth pits) to taxonomically discriminate carnivore-made tooth marks. The bones we analyzed constitute a small sample, being a preliminary study of bone surface modifications (BSM) through the application of AI to a sample of the FLK N archaeofaunal assemblage (mostly to Level 3 fossils), pending access to the larger excavated collections. The results obtained in the present study show that the marks analyzed have been generated both by hyenids and felids. The slight predominance of hyena tooth marks is expected, since the bone sample used is dominated by long limb bones, and hyenas are the most likely agent causing long bone breakage, although felids also break bones of carcasses smaller than 150 kg as documented in the site. Felid impact, in at least three cases, is documented with tooth marks imprinted by felids and hyenas occurring on the same specimens. Felid-hyenid interaction is, thus, documented though the deep learning methods applied. The limited number of specimens where both agents are documented suggest that both hyenids and felids were independently breaking a substantial part of the bones at FLK N. This preliminarily modifies previous interpretations that attributed most long bone fragmentation exclusively to hyenas

    Flint and Quartzite: Distinguishing Raw Material Through Bone Cut Marks

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    Since the 1980s, several experimental analyses have been able to differentiate some lithic tool types and some of their raw materials according to the morphology of cut marks imprinted by such tools when used for butchering activities. Thus, metal tool use has been differentiated in contexts with an abundance of lithic tools, or even the use of hand axes has been documented in carcass processing, in contrast with simple unretouched or retouched flakes. As important as this information is, there are still other important aspects to be analysed. Can cut marks produced with different lithic raw material types be differentiated? Can cut marks made with different types of the same raw material type be characterized and differentiated? The objective of this study is to evaluate if cut marks resulting from the use of different flints and different quartzites are distinguishable from each other. In the present work, an experimental analysis of hundreds of cut marks produced by five types of flint and five varieties of quartzite was carried out. Microphotogrammetry and geometric–morphometric techniques were applied to analyse these cut marks. The results show that flint cut marks and quartzite cut marks can be characterized at the assemblage level. Different types of flint produced cut marks that were not significantly different from each other. Cut marks made with Olduvai Gorge quartzite were significantly different from those produced with a set comprising several other types of quartzites. Crystal size, which is larger in Olduvai Gorge quartzites (0.5 mm) than Spanish quartzites (177–250 μm), is discussed as being the main reason for these statistically significant differences. This documented intra-sample and inter-sample variance does not hinder the resolution of the approach to differentiate between these two generic raw material types and opens the door for the application of this method in archaeological contexts

    Earliest modern human-like hand bone from a new 41.84-million-year-old site at Olduvai in Tanzania

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    Modern humans are characterized by specialized hand morphology that is associated with advanced manipulative skills. Thus, there is important debate in paleoanthropology about the possible cause-effect relationship of this modern human-like (MHL) hand anatomy, its associated grips and the invention and use of stone tools by early hominins. Here we describe and analyse Olduvai Hominin (OH) 86, a manual proximal phalanx from the recently discovered >1.84-million-year-old (Ma) Philip Tobias Korongo (PTK) site at Olduvai Gorge (Tanzania). OH 86 represents the earliest MHL hand bone in the fossil record, of a size and shape that differs not only from all australopiths, but also from the phalangeal bones of the penecontemporaneous and geographically proximate OH 7 partial hand skeleton (part of the Homo habilis holotype). The discovery of OH 86 suggests that a hominin with a more MHL postcranium co-existed with Paranthropus boisei and Homo habilis at Olduvai during Bed I times

    Tracing the spatial imprint of Oldowan technological behaviors: A view from DS (Bed I, Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania)

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    DS (David’s site) is one of the new archaeological sites documented in the same paleolandscape in which FLK 22 was deposited at about 1.85 Ma in Olduvai Gorge. Fieldwork in DS has unearthed the largest vertically-discrete archaeological horizon in the African Pleistocene, where a multi-cluster anthropogenic accumulation of fossil bones and stone tools has been identified. In this work we present the results of the techno-economic study of the lithic assemblage recovered from DS. We also explore the spatial magnitude of the technological behaviors documented at this spot using powerful spatial statistical tools to unravel correlations between the spatial distributional patterns of lithic categories. At DS, lavas and quartzite were involved in different technological processes. Volcanic materials, probably transported to this spot from a close source, were introduced in large numbers, including unmodified materials, and used in percussion activities and in a wide variety of reduction strategies. A number of volcanic products were subject to outward fluxes to other parts of the paleolandscape. In contrast, quartzite rocks were introduced in smaller numbers and might have been subject to a significantly more intense exploitation. The intra-site spatial analysis has shown that specialized areas cannot be identified, unmodified materials are not randomly distributed, percussion and knapping categories do not spatially overlap, while bipolar specimens show some sort of spatial correlation with percussion activities

    Pandora: A new morphometric and statistical software for analysing and distinguishing cut marks on bones

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    Cut mark studies have experienced a useful development in the last few years. These studies have allowed us to obtain important information about human prehistory spanning from the origin of meat consumption for chronologies around 2.5 Ma, the detection of human hunting behavior during the lower Pleistocene, or even to determine the uses of diverse raw materials on carcases. Amongst the different analyses applied to the study of cut marks, there has been an increasing interest in using morphometry in order to differentiate and characterize the raw materials with which the effectors were made. These techniques have proven to be extremely useful. Nevertheless, this 3D methodology demands the use of expensive equipment and does not allow using an extensive sample, making it a complex and problematic technique. Maté-González et al. (2015) considered an alternative technique, by combining different disciplines involving geometric morphometrics, photogrammetry and multivariate statistics (multidisciplinary methodology). Here, we try to continue with this work presenting Pandora, a new open software capable of analysing a useful amount of variables from a statistical and morphometric view, accelerating and simplifying the process

    Neo-taphonomic analysis of the Misiam leopard lair from Olduvai Gorge (Tanzania): understanding leopard–hyena interactions in open settings

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    Misiam is a modern wildebeest-dominated accumulation situated in a steep ravine covered with dense vegetation at Olduvai Gorge (Tanzania). It is interpreted here as a leopard lair to which carcasses have been transported for several years. Felid-specific bone damage patterns, felid-typical skeletal part profiles, taxonomic specialization and the physical presence of leopards observed by the authors show that leopards at Misiam can be specialized medium-sized carcass accumulators. Hyenas also intervened at intervals in the modification of the retrieved faunal assemblage. This makes Misiam a carnivore palimpsest. Here, we additionally show that leopards only transport and accumulate carcasses on occasions, that they can seem highly specialized despite being dietary generalists, and that such a behaviour may be prompted by seasonal competition or during the breeding season or both. Misiam is the first open-air leopard lair with a dense bone accumulation reported. There, leopards engaged in intensive accumulation of carcasses during the wet season, when the southern Serengeti short-grass plains undergo the effect of the famous wildebeest migration and this migratory species reaches the gorge. The ecological importance of this behaviour and its relevance as a proxy for reconstructing prehistoric carnivore behaviours are discussed

    Morphological Analysis of Major Segments of Coronary Artery Occlusion: Importance in Myocardial Revascularization Surgery

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    Revascularization surgery should ensure morphological similarity between the coronary artery and the graft. This is an important factor for its duration and permeability. The aim of this study was to analyze the morphological characteristics and morphometrics of the coronary artery segments with greater occlusion. This was an observational, cross-sectional descriptive study that consisted of two phases. A macroscopic phase in which 11 cadaveric hearts were extracted and coronary dominance and length of the anterior interventricular artery (AIA), the right coronary artery (RCA) and the circumflex artery (CXA) were determined. In the microscopic phase a total of 77 segments of these arteries were obtained and the luminal diameter, wall thickness, and amount of elastic fibers and the presence and size of the atheroma were determined. Right coronary dominance was the most frequent. Total vessel length was 15.65±1.17 cm for the AIA, 12.67±2.02 cm for the RCA and 8.79±2.5 cm for the CXA. Diameters ranged from 2.3 mm in the proximal segments and between 1.1 mm to 1.8 mm in the distal segments. Wall thickness in the proximal segments was between 354 µm and 396 µm and in the distal segments it ranged from 120 µm to 305 µm. The amount of elastic fibers showed that they were muscular arteries. Atheromas were present in 35% in the CXA, and in 32.5% in the AIA and the RCA. The largest ones were found in the proximal segments. This study examined the morphology and morphometry of the segments of the coronary arteries that are more frequently occluded. It provides information on the most significant parameters to be considered for election of the vascular graft in myocardial revascularization surgery

    In-depth proteomics characterization of ∆Np73 effectors identifies key proteins with diagnostic potential implicated in lymphangiogenesis, vasculogenesis and metastasis in colorectal cancer

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most common cancer and the second leading cause of cancer-related death worldwide. Alterations in proteins of the p53-family are a common event in CRC. ΔNp73, a p53-family member, shows oncogenic properties and its effectors are largely unknown. We performed an in-depth proteomics characterization of transcriptional control by ∆Np73 of the secretome of human colon cancer cells and validated its clinical potential. The secretome was analyzed using high-density antibody microarrays and stable isotopic metabolic labeling. Validation was performed by semiquantitative PCR, ELISA, dot-blot and western blot analysis. Evaluation of selected effectors was carried out using 60 plasma samples from CRC patients, individuals carrying premalignant colorectal lesions and colonoscopy-negative controls. In total, 51 dysregulated proteins were observed showing at least 1.5-foldchange in expression. We found an important association between the overexpression of ∆Np73 and effectors related to lymphangiogenesis, vasculogenesis and metastasis, such as brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and the putative aminoacyl tRNA synthase complex-interacting multifunctional protein 1 (EMAP-II)–vascular endothelial growth factor C–vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 3 axis. We further demonstrated the usefulness of BDNF as a potential CRC biomarker able to discriminate between CRC patients and premalignant individuals from controls with high sensitivity and specificity.This study has been funded by Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) through the project “PI18/00473” and co-funded by the European Union (FEDER funds) and Catedra UAM-Roche en Medicina de Innovacion to GD, and the Ramon y Cajal Programme of the MINECO, PI17CIII/00045 and PI20CIII/00019 research projects from AES-ISCIII to RB. MG-A and JR-C were supported by contracts of the Programa Operativo de Empleo Juvenil y la Iniciativa de Empleo Juvenil (YEI) with the participation of the Consejerıa de Educacion, Juventud y Deporte de la Comunidad de Madrid y del Fondo Social Europeo. AM-C FPU predoctoral contract is supported by the MECD. GSF is a recipient of a predoctoral contract (grant number 1193818N) supported by The Flanders Research Foundation (FWO).Peer reviewe