48 research outputs found

    Ecosystem services show variable responses to future climate conditions in the Colombian páramos

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    Background: The páramos, the high-elevation ecosystems of the northern Andes, are well-known for their high species richness and provide a variety of ecosystem services to local subsistence-based communities and regional urbanizations. Climate change is expected to negatively affect the provision of these services, but the level of this impact is still unclear. Here we assess future climate change impact on the ecosystem services provided by the critically important páramos of the department of Boyacá in Colombia, of which over 25% of its territory is páramo. Methods: We first performed an extensive literature review to identify useful species of Boyacá, and selected 103 key plant species that, based on their uses, support the provision of ecosystem services in the páramos. We collated occurrence information for each key species and using a Mahalanobis distance approach we applied climate niche modelling for current and future conditions. Results: We show an overall tendency of reduction in area for all ecosystem services under future climate conditions (mostly a loss of 10% but reaching up to a loss of 40%), but we observe also increases, and responses differ in intensity loss. Services such as Food for animals, Material and Medicinal, show a high range of changes that includes both positive and negative outcomes, while for Food for humans the responses are mostly substantially negative. Responses are less extreme than those projected for individual species but are often complex because a given ecosystem service is provided by several species. As the level of functional or ecological redundancy between species is not yet known, there is an urgency to expand our knowledge on páramos ecosystem services for more species. Our results are crucial for decision-makers, social and conservation organizations to support sustainable strategies to monitor and mitigate the potential consequences of climate change for human livelihoods in mountainous settings.publishedVersio

    Ecopetrol y los costos de producción

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    El desarrollo de este trabajo tiene como objetivo presentar la situación financiera de Ecopetrol S.A. interpretar y analizar, testear y analizar cada uno de sus indicadores y estrategias utilizadas por la empresa en el desarrollo de este estudio descriptivo basado en base de datos. al describir la planificación recibida para competir en el mercado petrolero nacional e internacional, que sin duda es uno de los focos representativos del país en los negocios con mayor traslape comercial y económico del mundo. Los periodos en los cuales se van a analizar corresponden a los años 2020/2021, donde se adentrará en el contexto del mercado financiero con la realización de los instrumentos y herramientas que pueden generar los resultados y el análisis práctico en el manejo de sus recursos, a través de la dirección y manejo de flujo de efectivo, seguimiento de los gastos y costos y las demás prácticas de la generación del valor. Dentro de las estrategias adoptadas y aplicadas por Ecopetrol, se puede destacar que la estrategia principal es obtener utilidades para mantenerse fuerte en el mercado internacional, cumplir con todas las tareas establecidas, ejecutarlas con mucha eficiencia y obtener resultados satisfactorios en remuneración. Recursos para sus accionistas, aunque el mercado mundial ha cambiado debido a cambios en los precios del petróleo, así como una desaceleración en la demanda de estos recursos en los pozos petroleros. la empresa cuenta con apalancamiento financiero, operativo, de inversión, de negociación y de búsqueda de cobertura; Reduzca significativamente el riesgo de pérdida y obtenga ganancias.The purpose of this work is to present the financial situation of Ecopetrol S.A. interpret and analyze, test and analyze each of its indicators and strategies used by the company in the development of this descriptive study based on database. when describing the planning received to compete in the national and international oil market, which is undoubtedly one of the representative centers of the country in the businesses with the greatest commercial and economic overlap in the world. The periods in which they will be analyzed correspond to the years 2020/2021, where it will enter the context of the financial market with the realization of the instruments and tools that can generate the results and the practical analysis in the management of its resources, through the direction and management of cash flow, monitoring of expenses and costs and other practices of value generation. Within the strategies adopted and applied by Ecopetrol, it can be highlighted that the main strategy is to obtain profits to remain strong in the international market, comply with all the established tasks, execute them with great efficiency and obtain satisfactory results in remuneration. Resources for its shareholders, although the world market has changed due to changes in oil prices, as well as a slowdown in demand for these resources in oil wells. the company has financial, operational, investment, negotiation and hedging search leverage; Significantly reduce the risk of loss and make a profit

    Lineamientos estratégicos de atención a mujeres víctimas de violencia sexual en el contexto del conflicto armado en Colombia, para la Fundación El Buen Pastor, Bogotá.

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    La realidad que viven las mujeres sobrevivientes en la violencia sexual en el contexto del conflicto armado, es un flagelo que no tiene una percepción real en la sociedad colombiana debido a las débiles y apáticas acciones del gobierno por visibilizar este crimen atroz; por ende, los esfuerzos hechos para apoyar y dar atención pertinente y eficaz a las víctimas que garanticen el restablecimiento de sus derechos para no seguir perpetuando estas violencias no han sido suficientes. Hasta el momento se cuenta con los resultados de los estudios e investigaciones realizadas por organizaciones de mujeres y ONGs que han logrado documentar el impacto de tan grave delito, para tener un acercamiento a las necesidades de esta población vulnerable y vulnerada. Es así como se establece una aproximación a la realidad vivida por las mujeres, en el marco jurídico colombiano que aborda el tema, el cual es fruto de los lineamientos de las entidades internacionales con las cuales el país está suscrito y las maneras en que actualmente se está afrontando el problema para devolverles a las mujeres sobrevivientes su dignidad, su identidad e integridad como ser humano, capaz de influir positivamente en el desarrollo de la comunidad a la que pertenece

    pSESYNTH project: Community mobilization for a multi-disciplinary paleo database of the Global South

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    How to enhance paleoscientific research, collaboration and application in the Global South? The INQUA-funded multi-year pSESYNTH project envisions the first multi-disciplinary Holocene paleo database through a collaborative vision for past human-environmental systems in the Global South, and their future sustainability

    Asphyxial suicide by inhalation of chloroform inside a plastic bag

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    Abstract: Asphyxia suicide by placing a plastic bag over the head in addition with inhalation of gases or use of sedative substances is an unusual method of committing suicide, but frequently referenced by right to die groups in the Internet. This article reports 2 suicides in which chloroform was used to induce unconsciousness and subsequent asphyxia by placing the head in a plastic bag. Case histories of two young Colombian males, ages 23 and 28, are described with special emphasis on characteristics of death related to suffocation using plastic bags and chloroform. The final remarkable point in both cases is that the victims previously searched the WEB for instructions of suicide methods. The importance of the phenomenon of misuse of Internet by young people who commit suicide is stressed. Resumen: El suicidio por asfixia mediante la colocación de una bolsa de plástico sobre la cabeza, además de la inhalación de gases o el uso de sustancias sedantes es un método inusual de cometer suicidio, pero es frecuentemente referenciado por los grupos que apoyan el derecho al suicidio en Internet. Este artículo reporta 2 casos de suicidios en los que se usó cloroformo para inducir la inconsciencia y la asfixia subsecuente colocando la cabeza en una bolsa de plástico. Se describen las historias de 2 jóvenes colombianos, de edades comprendidas entre 23 y 28 años, con especial énfasis en las características de su muerte relacionadas con la asfixia mediante bolsas de plástico y cloroformo. El último punto notable en ambos casos es que las víctimas previamente buscaron en la WEB instrucciones de métodos suicidas. Se resalta la importancia del fenómeno del mal uso de Internet por parte de los jóvenes con alto riesgo suicida

    Unintentional asphyxiation deaths in adolescents: autoerotic asphyxia and asphyxial games as part of the same syndrome = Muertes por asfixia no intencional en adolescentes: asfixia autoerótica y juegos de asfixia como parte del mismo síndrome

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    OBJECTIVES: Unintentional asphyxia among preadolescents and adolescents by compression of the neck and other means of inducing hypoxia / anoxia in order to get exhilarating effects are not new or uncommon behaviors and can lead to death by accident. Medical science has described autoerotic asphyxiation and more recently asphyxial games “choking games” as different entities. This study addresses both behaviors to understand the characteristics of how these practices are presented as well as the risks factors to them in order to determine if there are substantial differences between the two practices, or if instead they are related behaviors. Accurate knowledge of these behaviors based on scientific evidence will facilitate the understanding of the etiology and manifested features and facilitate the implementation of preventive measures to avoid such deaths. METHODS: A retrospective study of fatal cases published in recognized scientific journal articles of both autoerotic asphyxiation and choking game behaviors in the adolescent population was made. Articles on sociology, psychoanalysis and psychiatry as well as studies previously published case series and epidemiological studies to assess student population etiological factors and risk factors associated with behaviors were included in this review. Features of both behaviors, such as prevalence, age distribution, gender, type of asphyxia and place of occurrence are presented. RESULTS: The results are consistent in all variables analyzed for both behaviors. Most practitioners are men. Cases of both behaviors in preadolescence show a tendency to increase with age. The most frequent type of asphyxia identified was hanging conducted in private quarters. Psychiatric and psychoanalytic literature identifies common elements between male castration complex, failed oral psychosexual development and the practice of asphyxia in its integration with sociological theories of risk and confrontation ordeal in adolescence. The review of epidemiological studies reveals common elements in the development of both practices in terms of risk factors. CONCLUSIONS: The evidence suggests a link between both practices and allows to theorize that they are part of the same syndrome. Integrating psychoanalytic and sociological concepts as well as the risk factors suggests a linear sequential model of development in four stages: childhood syndrome rope, asphyxial games associated to masturbation, Adolescent autoerotic asphyxia and Adult Autoerotic Asphyxia fetishist / bondage Syndrome. Death is explained in each of the stages as failed physiological and emotional adaptation mechanisms. It is important to disseminate knowledge of these practices among health professionals and further studies should be carried out in regarding deaths by hanging in children and adolescents

    Suicidal Strangulation by double ligature: A case report

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    Abstract: This article reports a self-strangulation suicide in which a double complex group of ligatures was used. Although similar cases have been referenced in forensic literature, this case is notable because of the unusual method used by the victim. A 61-year-old man was found in a locked room with a double elaborate ligature comprising six wire clothes hangers completely encircling the neck and a black rubber band in a double loop. Autopsy also documented parallel superficial cut lesions in proximal forearm interpreted as hesitation marks. It stresses the importance of characteristics such as analysis of number of ligatures, position of the knots, number of knots and turns of ligature marks and the absence of any defense and relevant internal injuries inherent to suicide ligature strangulation cases. Resumen: Este artículo reporta un suicidio de auto-estrangulación en el que se utilizó un grupo doble de ligaduras. Aunque casos similares se han referenciado en la literatura forense, este caso es notable debido al método inusual utilizado por la víctima. Un hombre de 61 años de edad fue encontrado en una habitación cerrada con un muy elaborado conjunto de doble ligadura que constaba de seis perchas de ropa de alambre que rodean completamente el cuello y una banda de goma negra de doble lazada. La autopsia también documentó lesiones paralelas de corte superficial en el antebrazo proximal interpretadas como heridas de vacilación. El artículo destaca la importancia de características tales como el análisis del número de ligaduras, la posición de los nudos, el número de nudos y giros de las ligaduras, la ausencia de signos de defensa y las lesiones internas relevantes en los casos de suicidio por estrangulación con ligadura