570 research outputs found

    La relación entre médico y paciente: una vida en común

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    Don Pedro Laín Entralgo , en su obra “La relación médico-enfermo. Historia y teoría”, en 1964, definió la relación médico-paciente diciendo que “es una cooperación cuasi-diádica de ayuda enderezada hacia el logro del hábito psicosomático que solemos llamar salud”. ¿Cómo se analiza esa articulación, ese encuentro cooperativo

    La libertad de contratación y el contrato de trabajo. Análisis comparativo del Derecho español y el estadounidense

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    Parte escrita del examen final presentado para la aprobación de la asignatura de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social 2001-2002, requisito del Programa de Doble Titulación en Derecho de las universidades de Barcelona y Puerto Rico. Este trabajo no pretende ser un análisis exhaustivo de la materia estudiada, sino más bien una desrpoción a muy grandes rasgos del derecho apliable con breves comentarios al respecto

    Promoción de la Salud y Educación sanitaria

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    El concepto de “promoción de la salud” apareció en 1974, en la publicación de Marc Lalonde, Ministro Canadiense de Salud y Bienestar, titulada “A New Perspective on the Health of Canadians (Lalonde, 1975). Lalonde introdujo en la política sanitaria la idea de que todas las causas de muerte y enfermedad podían atribuirse a cuatro factores: inadecuaciones en la provisión del cuidado de la salud, estilos de vida o factores comportamentales, polución ambiental, y características bio-físicas

    Elaboración de un cuestionario para la evaluación de competencias genéricas en estudiantes universitarios

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    Referencia de la publicación original: Solanes, A., Núñez, R. y Rodríguez-Marín, J. (2008). Elaboración de un cuestionario para la evaluación de competencias genéricas en estudiantes universitarios. Apuntes de Psicología, 26 (1), 35-49.Las orientaciones educativas promovidas por el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) requieren la planificación didáctica de materias o asignaturas orientadas hacia la adquisición de competencias por parte del alumno. En este proceso se hacen necesarias también las herramientas que permitan la evaluación de dichas competencias. Nuestro objetivo es la elaboración de un instrumento para evaluar las competencias adquiridas y el grado potencial de inserción en el mercado laboral de los estudiantes universitarios. Para ello, elaboramos un cuestionario inicial con 52 ítems de respuesta graduada que contestaron 94 estudiantes de cuarto curso de la Licenciatura de Psicología de una universidad española. Obtuvimos un cuestionario final de 45 ítems, con una consistencia interna de 0,92, distribuidos en seis factores, y que explican el 53,15% de la varianza total. El cuestionario desarrollado podría aplicarse tanto en organizacionales como académicos.The educational orientations promoted by the European Space of High Education (EEES) they require the didactic planning of matters or subjects guided toward the acquisition of competences on the part of the student. In this process they become necessary the tools that allow the evaluation of this competences. Our aim is the elaboration of an instrument to evaluate the acquired competences and the potential grade of insert in the labour market of the university students. For it, we elaborate an initial questionnaire with 52 items of graduate answer that 94 students of fourth course of the Degree of Psychology of a Spanish university answered. We obtained a final questionnaire of 45 items, with an internal consistency of 0, 92, distributed in six factors, explaining 53,15% of the total variance. The developed questionnaire could be applied so much in organizational as academic settings

    Impact of Spent Mushroom Substrates on the Fate of Pesticides in Soil, and Their Use for Preventing and/or Controlling Soil and Water Contamination: A Review

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    Intensive crop production involves a high consumption of pesticides. This is a cause of major environmental concern because the presence of pesticides in water is becoming increasingly common. Physicochemical methods based on soil modification with organic residues have been developed to enhance the immobilization and/or degradation of pesticides in agricultural soils, which may control both the diffuse and the point pollution of soils and waters. This review summarizes the influence of spent mushroom substrate (SMS) on the environmental fate of pesticides when both are simultaneously applied in agriculture. The processes of adsorption, leaching and dissipation of these compounds in SMS-amended soils were evaluated at laboratory and field scale. Relationships were established between the experimental parameters obtained and the properties of the soils, the SMS, and the pesticides in order to determine the effect that the application of SMS in agricultural soils has on the environmental impact of pesticides. Accordingly, this review highlights the use of SMS as a strategy for the prevention and/or control of soil and water contamination by pesticides to strike a balance between agricultural development and the use of these compounds.The authors are grateful to the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Projects AGL2007-61674/AGR and AGL2010-15976/AGR), and Regional Junta de Castilla y León (Project CSI03A09). J.M.M.-B. thanks Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness for his “Juan de la Cierva-Incorporación” postdoctoral contract (IJCI-2014-19538). We acknowledge support by the CSIC Open Access Publication Initiative through its Unit of Information Resources for Research (URICI)

    Mapping of Scientific Production on Blended Learning in Higher Education

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    [Abstract] Blended learning is a set of pedagogical strategies and practices that are closely related to the emergence of new technologies in society and in higher education. They are characterized by a combination of face-to-face and online learning that integrates a variety of materials in the teaching and learning process. The aim of our research was to analyze scientific production on this topic using two prestigious international databases: Scopus and Web of Science (WOS). A bibliometric study was conducted on 508 papers, and content analysis was performed on 119 openly accessible publications. Results show that blended learning is being applied in all scientific and professional spheres. This learning model is praised for its positive impact on motivation and learning effectiveness, as well as for promoting student autonomy. With respect to content, it is worth noting that many authors observe that methodological success is related to cultural context and access to devices and materials. Furthermore, it is suggested that greater methodological diversity is preferable to a single hegemonic approach. In short, the present paper contributes to the educational community by shedding light on how blended learning is being implemented and its impact on higher education

    Elaboración de un cuestionario para la evaluación de competencias genéricas en estudiantes universitarios

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    Las orientaciones educativas promovidas por el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) requieren la planificación didáctica de materias o asignaturas orientadas hacia la adquisición de competencias por parte del alumno. En este proceso se hacen necesarias también las herramientas que permitan la evaluación de dichas competencias. Nuestro objetivo es la elaboración de un instrumento para evaluar las competencias adquiridas y el grado potencial de inserción en el mercado laboral de los estudiantes universitarios. Para ello, elaboramos un cuestionario inicial con 52 ítems de respuesta graduada que contestaron 94 estudiantes de cuarto curso de la Licenciatura de Psicología de una universidad española. Obtuvimos un cuestionario final de 45 ítems, con una consistencia interna de 0,92, distribuidos en seis factores, y que explican el 53,15% de la varianza total. El cuestionario desarrollado podría aplicarse tanto en organizacionales como académicos.The educational orientations promoted by the European Space of High Education (EEES) they require the didactic planning of matters or subjects guided toward the acquisition of competences on the part of the student. In this process they become necessary the tools that allow the evaluation of this competences. Our aim is the elaboration of an instrument to evaluate the acquired competences and the potential grade of insert in the labour market of the university students. For it, we elaborate an initial questionnaire with 52 items of graduate answer that 94 students of fourth course of the Degree of Psychology of a Spanish university answered. We obtained a final questionnaire of 45 items, with an internal consistency of 0, 92, distributed in six factors, explaining 53,15% of the total variance. The developed questionnaire could be applied so much in organizational as academic settings

    Mapping the intangible: The re-semanticisation of the urban landscapes through different spaces of perception.

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    This paper deals with the contemporary crisis in urban landscape from a phenomenological point of view, presenting new research perspectives and analytical challenges for urban and landscape stud-ies. This crisis in urban landscape is evident in the mapping of con-temporary urban territories done by architects and urban scholars. These representations do not transmit desires, ideologies, or connota-tions. First, it reviews the understanding of the city as a multiple and a de-centered research object by analyzing the space of perception, which makes possible to discover phenomenological relation of the self with the urban environment, the self-consciousness and self-awareness, and the individual’s mental engagement with ethe city. Second, it proposes research about the urban landscape carried by researchers from the Fine Arts field of study, a re-discovery of the urban spaces that are already known by visual empirical data. The city is discov-ered by individuals who take distance and “look”, individuals who “name” what they see and who “represent” it. Finally, it concludes by discussing some consequences of this exami-nation of the city, especially looking at the qualitative parameters of the urban space and the reassertion of the problem of complexity, especially urban landscape complexity as a point of arrival for these artistic methodologies.La investigación que ha dado lugar a esta comunicación se ha realizado en el marco del GpIE 22-016 "Arte y Ciudad" y del proyecto de investigación "Sistema experto de indicadores intangibles del paisaje urbano" (ULPAES) B4-2021-04, ambos financiados por el Plan de Investigación de la Universidad de Málaga y el Servicio de Formación e Innovación de la Universidad de Málaga. Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Decentralized 3D Collision Avoidance for Multiple UAVs in Outdoor Environments

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    The use of multiple aerial vehicles for autonomous missions is turning into commonplace. In many of these applications, the Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have to cooperate and navigate in a shared airspace, becoming 3D collision avoidance a relevant issue. Outdoor scenarios impose additional challenges: (i) accurate positioning systems are costly; (ii) communication can be unreliable or delayed; and (iii) external conditions like wind gusts affect UAVs’ maneuverability. In this paper, we present 3D-SWAP, a decentralized algorithm for 3D collision avoidance with multiple UAVs. 3D-SWAP operates reactively without high computational requirements and allows UAVs to integrate measurements from their local sensors with positions of other teammates within communication range. We tested 3D-SWAP with our team of custom-designed UAVs. First, we used a Software-In-The-Loop simulator for system integration and evaluation. Second, we run field experiments with up to three UAVs in an outdoor scenario with uncontrolled conditions (i.e., noisy positioning systems, wind gusts, etc). We report our results and our procedures for this field experimentation.European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme No 731667 (MULTIDRONE

    Desarrollo de un programa multimedia de aprendizaje en Reproducción Animal

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    The complexity of the veterinary curriculum is a challenge to prepare educational material in an interdisciplinary manner. Multimedia programs develop on the new computer-assisted learning systems are an appropiate medium for making such educational material available, in a efficient way, easy to update, and the expenses are moderate. Students can handle this program without difficulty, and visual components (graphics, images, movies) can promote the subject-student interaction. A multimedia program dealing with the Animal Reproduction has been developed by Reproduction and Obstetric Unit at the Faculty of Veterinary of Cordoba to support the student's educational formation. Male and female reproductive selection and examination in different animal species is approach in this multimedia application.La complejidad del currículum de veterinaria es un desafío para la preparación de material educacional de manera interdisplinar. Los actuales sistemas de enseñanza asistida por ordenador permiten que tutoriales o programas multimedia de aprendizaje en soportes informáticos se hayan convertido en un medio adecuado para conseguir que este material educativo se encuentre disponible de una manera eficaz, fácil de actualizar y con unos costes moderados. Los estudiantes pueden manejar dichos programas sin mucha complicación, siendo atractivos -entre otras razones- por la facilidad para incorporar en ellos componentes visuales (gráficos, imágenes, vídeos), lo que promueve la interacción entre asignaturas y alumno. En este sentido, la Unidad de Reproducción y Obstreticia de la Facultad de Veterinaria de Córdoba ha desarrollado un programa multimedia de aprendizaje en Reproducción Animal, que ofrece al estudiante un apoyo para su formación. Aborda temas relacionados con la selección y valoración de hembras y machos como reproductores, en las distintas especies animales