1,860 research outputs found

    Memória espacial de longo prazo em humanos treinados num labirinto virtual

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    Neste estudo, avaliou-se a memória espacial de longo prazo em humanos. Para isso, empregou-se um desenho quaseexperimental no qual se treinou três grupos de estudantes de graduação num labirinto virtual de água para localizar uma plataforma oculta cuja posição era sinalizada por um conjunto de chaves. Realizou-se um pré-teste sem plataforma antes do treinamento, e imediatamente depois se conduziu um pós-teste (Grupo 0 h), assim como depois de um intervalo de retenção de dois dias (Grupo 48 h) e de sete dias (Grupo 168 h). No pré-teste, não se encontrou evidência de preferência por alguma área do labirinto. Ao longo dos ensaios de treinamento, o tempo para encontrar a meta diminuiu sem diferenças entre grupos. Durante o pós-teste, todos os grupos mostraram uma preferência pelo quadrante reforçado, contudo o tempo de permanência, a distância de nado e a precisão do comportamento de busca nessa área foi equivalente entre o Grupo 0 h e o Grupo 48 h, embora maior à amostragem pelo Grupo 168 h. Esses dados indicam mudanças ocorridas 48 h depois da aquisição na memória espacial de longo prazo em humanos. Discutem-se os resultados a partir de processos gerais de memória e de processos específicos propostos por teorias particulares de memória espacial; ao final, abordam-se as implicações clínicas e pertinentes ao campo da psicologia comparada.En este estudio se evaluó la memoria espacial a largo plazo en humanos. Para ello, se empleó un diseño cuasiexperimental en el que se entrenó a tres grupos de estudiantes de pregrado en un laberinto virtual de agua para localizar una plataforma oculta cuya ubicación era señalada por un conjunto de claves. Se realizó un pretest sin plataforma antes del entrenamiento, e inmediatamente después se condujo un postest (Grupo 0 h), así como después de un intervalo de retención de dos días (Grupo 48 h) y siete días (Grupo 168 h). En el pretest no se encontró evidencia de preferencia por alguna zona del laberinto. A lo largo de los ensayos de entrenamiento, el tiempo para encontrar la meta disminuyó sin diferencias entre grupos. Durante el postest, todos los grupos mostraron una preferencia por el cuadrante reforzado, sin embargo, el tiempo de permanencia, la distancia de nado y la precisión de la conducta de búsqueda en dicha zona fue equivalente entre el Grupo 0 h y el Grupo 48 h, aunque mayor a la mostrada por el Grupo 168 h. Estos datos indican cambios ocurridos 48 h después de la adquisición en la memoria espacial a largo plazo en humanos. Se discuten los resultados a partir de procesos generales de memoria y procesos específicos propuestos por teorías particulares de memoria espacial; y al final se abordan las implicaciones clínicas y pertinentes al campo de la psicología comparada.In this study we evaluated the long-term spatial memory in humans. A quasiexperimental design was used in which three groups of undergraduate students were trained in a virtual water maze to locate a hidden platform whose location was indicated by a set of cues. A pre-test without platform was performed prior to the training, and a post-test was conducted immediately after this (Group 0h), or after a retention interval of two (Group 48h) or seven days (Group 168h). For the pre-test, there was no evidence of preference for any area of the maze. Throughout the training trials, the time to find the goal decreased without differences between groups. During the post-test, all groups showed a preference for the reinforced quadrant, although the spent time, swimming distance, and accuracy of the search behavior in that area was equivalent between Group 0 h and Group 48 h, but higher than that shown by the Group 168 h. These data indicate changes in long-term spatial memory in humans, occurring after an interval of 48 h after its acquisition. The results are discussed on the basis of general memory processes and specific processes proposed by particular spatial memory theories. The clinical and comparative psychology implications are also addressed

    The software project scheduling problem: A scalability analysis of multi-objective metaheuristics

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    Applied Soft Computing 15, 136-148Computer aided techniques for scheduling software projects are a crucial step in the software development process within the highly competitive software industry. The Software Project Scheduling (SPS) problem relates to the decision of who does what during a software project lifetime, thus involving mainly both people-intensive activities and human resources. Two major conflicting goals arise when scheduling a software project: reducing both its cost and duration. A multi-objective approach is therefore the natural way of facing the SPS problem. As companies are getting involved in larger and larger software projects, there is an actual need of algorithms that are able to deal with the tremendous search spaces imposed. In this paper, we analyze the scalability of eight multi-objective algorithms when they are applied to the SPS problem using instances of increasing size. The algorithms are classical algorithms from the literature (NSGA-II, PAES, and SPEA2) and recent proposals (DEPT, MOCell, MOABC, MO-FA, and GDE3). From the experimentation conducted, the results suggest that PAES is the algorithm with the best scalability features.Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) under contract TIN2008-06491-C04 (M* project). Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the ERDF under contracts TIN2012-30685 (BIO project) and TIN2011-28194 (roadME project). Fundación Valhondo, for the economic support offered to David L. González-Álvarez

    Selection and characterization of biofuel-producing environmental bacteria isolated from vegetable oil-rich wastes

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    Fossil fuels are consumed so rapidly that it is expected that the planet resources will be soon exhausted. Therefore, it is imperative to develop alternative and inexpensive new technologies to produce sustainable fuels, for example biodiesel. In addition to hydrolytic and esterification reactions, lipases are capable of performing transesterification reactions useful for the production of biodiesel. However selection of the lipases capable of performing transesterification reactions is not easy and consequently very few biodiesel producing lipases are currently available. In this work we first isolated 1,016 lipolytic microorganisms by a qualitative plate assay. In a second step, lipolytic bacteria were analyzed using a colorimetric assay to detect the transesterification activity. Thirty of the initial lipolytic strains were selected for further characterization. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that 23 of the bacterial isolates were Gram negative and 7 were Gram positive, belonging to different clades. Biofuel production was analyzed and quantified by gas chromatography and revealed that 5 of the isolates produced biofuel with yields higher than 80% at benchtop scale. Chemical and viscosity analysis of the produced biofuel revealed that it differed from biodiesel. This bacterial-derived biofuel does not require any further downstream processing and it can be used directly in engines. The freeze-dried bacterial culture supernatants could be used at least five times for biofuel production without diminishing their activity. Therefore, these 5 isolates represent excellent candidates for testing biofuel production at industrial scale

    Tuberculosis y escritura, las dos muertes de El Doctor Centeno

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    Pérez Galdós outlines in El Doctor Centeno (1863) the clinical and literary symptoms of the decline of Spanish romanticism in the mid-nineteenth century brought about by the positivism advocated by the bourgeoisie. This article explores the way in which Galdós, to achieve this, uses Alejandro Miquis, a consumed character who along the narrative experiences a twofold feverish process of romantic origin and nature. In the Madrid of 1863, Miquis is dying of tuberculosis, the same illness that romanticism had elevated to mythic proportions. At the same time, this character strives to renew the drama of his time by writing and offering to the brand new middle class a historical play of unmistakable romantic leanings, which is as anachronistic and moribund as he is. Thus, through his death, the ensuing defiling of his work, and a narrative structure filled with medical and literary winks, Galdós succeeds in expanding the death certificate to the whole romantic culture.En El Doctor Centeno (1883), Pérez Galdós perfila un cuadro clínico-literario del ocaso del romanticismo en la España de mediados del siglo XIX, arrollado por el positivismo que abanderaba la nueva sociedad burguesa. Este artículo explora la forma en que Galdós, a tal fin, se sirve de Alejandro Miquis, personaje consumido a lo largo de la narración por un doble proceso febril de naturaleza y origen románticos. En el Madrid de 1863 y, mientras agoniza de la misma enfermedad que el romanticismo elevara a categoría mítica —la tuberculosis—, Miquis se empeña en renovar el teatro de su época, creando y ofreciendo a la naciente sociedad un drama histórico de clara filiación romántica, tan anacrónico y moribundo como él. Así, mediante su muerte y posterior profanación de su obra, y valiéndose de una estructura plagada de guiños médico-literarios, Galdós acierta a extender el acta de defunción de la cultura romántica

    Use of failure-to-rescue after emergency surgery as a dynamic indicator of hospital resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic: A multicenter retrospective propensity score-matched cohort study

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    Coronavirus; Operacions quirúrgiques; EpidemiologiaCoronavirus; Intervenciones quirúrgicas; EpidemiologíaCoronavirus; Surgical procedures; EpidemiologyBackground: Surgical failure-to-rescue (FTR, death rate following complications) is a reliable cross-sectional quality of care marker, but has not been evaluated dynamically. We aimed to study changes in FTR following emergency surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic. Material and methods: Matched cohort study including all COVID-19-non-infected adult patients undergoing emergency general surgery in 25 Spanish hospitals during COVID-19 pandemic peak (March-April 2020), non-peak (May-June 2020), and 2019 control periods. A propensity score-matched comparative analysis was conducted using a logistic regression model, in which period was regressed on observed baseline characteristics. Subsequently, a mixed effects logistic regression model was constructed for each variable of interest. Main variable was FTR. Secondary variables were post-operative complications, readmissions, reinterventions, and length of stay. Results: 5003 patients were included (948, 1108, and 2947 in the pandemic peak, non-peak, and control periods), with comparable clinical characteristics, prognostic scores, complications, reintervention, rehospitalization rates, and length of stay across periods. FTR was greater during the pandemic peak than during non-peak and pre-pandemic periods (22.5% vs. 17.2% and 12.7%), being this difference confirmed in adjusted analysis (odds ratio [OR] 2.13, 95% confidence interval [95% CI] 1.27-3.66). There was sensible inter-hospital variability in FTR changes during the pandemic peak (median FTR change +8.77%, IQR 0-29.17%) not observed during the pandemic non-peak period (median FTR change 0%, IQR -6.01-6.72%). Greater FTR increase was associated with higher COVID-19 incidence (OR 2.31, 95% CI 1.31-4.16) and some hospital characteristics, including tertiary level (OR 3.07, 95% CI 1.27-8.00), medium-volume (OR 2.79, 95% CI 1.14-7.34), and high basal-adjusted complication risk (OR 2.21, 95% CI 1.07-4.72). Conclusion: FTR following emergency surgery experienced a heterogeneous increase during different periods of the COVID-19 pandemic, suggesting it to behave as an indicator of hospital resilience. FTR monitoring could facilitate identification of centres in special needs during ongoing health care challenges


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    ResumenEn el presente artículo se muestra una herramienta computacional para el control de posición y/o orientación de un robot manipulador de n-grados de libertad. La herramienta cuenta con las funciones necesarias para calcular la cinemática directa del robot mediante matrices de transformación homogénea de rotación y traslación, la matriz Jacobiana de velocidades lineales y/o angulares, y el control de posición y/o orientación mediante un esquema de control PID. Se muestran resultados del uso de la librería en un experimento de control de posición de un robot de 3 grados de libertad de revoluta (RRR), donde la posición del efector final converge en la referencia en tiempo finito.Palabras Clave: Didáctico Librería, Manipulador, Robot, Sistema embebido. AbstractIn the present paper, a computational tool for position/orientation control of a n-degrees of freedom manipulator robot is shown. The tool contains the necessary functions in order to calculate the robot’s forward kinematics by means of the rotation/translation homogeneous transformation matrices, the linear/angular velocities Jacobian matrices, and the position/orientation control by means of a PID scheme. The results using the library in a 3 rotational degrees of freedom robot manipulator set-point control is shown, where the final effector’s pose converges at the reference in finite time.Keywords: Didactic, Embedded system, Library, Manipulator, Robot

    Predictores de crecimiento de la hemorragia intracerebral aguda y su impacto en la evolución clínica y el pronóstico funcional

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    Introducción La hemorragia intracerebral (HIC) representa aproximadamente el 10% de los ictus. A pesar de que se asocia a una elevada tasa de morbi-mortalidad, ningún tratamiento ha demostrado ser claramente eficaz. Es por ello muy importante la identificación de factores que puedan contribuir al deterioro clínico y funcional de los pacientes con HIC. De entre los factores conocidos relacionados con una evolución clínica y pronóstico funcional desfavorables destaca el crecimiento del hematoma (CH) durante las primeras horas tras la HIC. La identificación de predictores de CH podría servir para seleccionar aquellos pacientes con alto riesgo de CH para ensayos terapéuticos en pacientes con HIC aguda. Objetivos 1) Investigar la relación entre los niveles de colesterol LDL y el CH en pacientes con HIC aguda así como su impacto en la evolución clínica y el pronóstico funcional. 2) Estudiar la relación existente entre el crecimiento ultraprecoz del hematoma (CuH), la presencia del spot sign y el CH en pacientes con HIC aguda así como el impacto del CuH en la evolución clínica y el pronóstico funcional. Metodología Estudiamos de forma prospectiva pacientes con HIC primaria supratentorial de menos de 6 horas de evolución. Se realizó una TC craneal en las primeras 6 horas y a las 24 horas. En el primer trabajo se determinó el perfil lipídico durante las primeras 24 horas mientras que en el segundo se realizó un angioTC en las primeras 6 horas así como se evaluó el CuH. Se valoró el CH a las 24 horas, así como la presencia de deterioro neurológico precoz, mortalidad a los 3 meses y pronóstico funcional desfavorable. Resultados 1) Los niveles de colesterol LDL se correlacionan de forma inversa con la cantidad de CH a las 24 horas (r=-0'31, p=0'004) así como niveles más bajos se asocian a un mayor riesgo de CH (p=0'003), deterioro neurológico precoz (p=0'012) y mortalidad a los 3 meses (p=0'029) tras una HIC. No se relacionan sin embargo con un pronóstico funcional desfavorable (p=0'875). Niveles de colesterol LDL 95 mg/dL predicen de forma independiente el CH (OR 4'24, 95% CI 1'26-14'24, p=0'020), deterioro neurológico precoz (OR 8'27, 95% CI 1'66-41'16, p=0'010) y mortalidad a los 3 meses (OR 6'34, 95% CI 1'29-31'3, p=0'023) en pacientes con HIC aguda. 2) El CuH es significativamente más rápido en pacientes con HIC aguda que presentan spot sign (p 0'001), así como en pacientes que experimentan CH (p=0'021) o deterioro neurológico precoz (p 0'001) y en aquellos que fallecen durante los primeros 3 meses (p 0'001) o tienen un pronóstico funcional desfavorable (p 0'001). Asimismo, el CuH es capaz de mejorar la capacidad predictiva del volumen basal de la HIC en la predicción de deterioro neurológico precoz (sensibilidad 93'1% frente a 82'8%, especificidad 85'3% frente a 82'4%) y mortalidad a los 3 meses (sensibilidad 77'5% frente a 70%, especificidad 87'9% frente a 84'6%). En el análisis multivariante el CuH demuestra ser el predictor más potente de CH (OR 3'55, 95% CI 1'39-9'07, p=0'008), deterioro neurológico precoz (OR 70'22, 95% CI 14'63-337'03, p 0'001), mortalidad a los 3 meses (OR 16'96, 95% CI 5'32-54'03, p 0'001) y pronóstico funcional desfavorable (OR 6'19, 95% CI 1'32-28'98, p=0'021) en pacientes con HIC aguda. Conclusiones 1) Los niveles de colesterol LDL menores son predictores independientes de CH, deterioro neurológico precoz y mortalidad a los 3 meses tras una HIC aguda. No se relacionan sin embargo con un pronóstico funcional desfavorable. 2) El CuH es un potente predictor de CH, deterioro neurológico precoz, mortalidad a los 3 meses y pronóstico funcional desfavorable en pacientes con HIC aguda. El CuH mejora la capacidad predictiva clínica del volumen basal de la HIC.Background Intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) accounts for about 10% of strokes. Despite it is associated with poor outcome and high mortality rates, no proven treatment has been consistently demonstrated to be effective to ameliorate ICH consequences. So, it is mandatory to identify factors related to outcome in patients with ICH. Hematoma growth (HG) has been shown to be an independent determinant of clinical and functional outcome in patients with acute ICH. The identification of predictors of HG may help to select patients at high risk of HG in future treatment trials in patients with acute ICH. Objectives 1) To investigate the relationship between LDL-C levels, HG, early neurological deterioration, 3-month mortality and poor long-term outcome in patients with acute ICH. 2) To investigate the relationship between ultra-early hematoma growth (uHG), spot sign and HG, as well as the impact of the uHG on early neurological deterioration, 3-month mortality and poor long-term outcome in patients with acute ICH. Methods We prospectively studied consecutive patients with primary supratentorial ICH presenting within 6 hours from symptoms onset. CT scan was recorded at baseline and at 24 hours. Lipid profile was obtained during the first 24 hours in the first study while CT angiography was done during the first 6 hours in the second study. We recorded HG at 24 hours, early neurological deterioration, 3-month mortality and poor long-term outcome. Results 1) LDL-C levels are inversely related to the amount of hematoma enlargement at 24h (r=-0.31, p=0.004). Lower LDL-C levels are associated with HG (98.1±33.7 vs. 117.3±25.8 mg/dL, p=0.003), early neurological deterioration (89.2±31.8 vs. 112.4±29.8 mg/dL, p=0.012), and 3-month mortality (94.9±37.4 vs. 112.5±28.5 mg/dL, p=0.029), but not with poor long-term outcome (109.5±31.3 vs. 108.3±30.5 mg/dL, p=0.875). LDL-C level 95 mg/dL is an independent predictor of HG (OR 4.24, 95% CI 1.26-14.24, p=0.020), early neurological deterioration (OR 8.27, 95% CI 1.66-41.16, p=0.010), and 3-month mortality (OR 6.34, 95% CI 1.29-31.3, p=0.023) in patients with acute. 2) The uHG is significantly faster in spot sign patients (p 0.001), as well as in patients who experienced HG (p=0.021), early neurological deterioration (p 0.001), 3-month mortality (p 0.001), and poor long-term outcome (p 10.2 mL/h is the most powerful predictor of HG (OR 3.55, 95% CI 1.39-9.07, p=0.008), early neurological deterioration (OR 70.22, 95% CI 14.63-337.03, p 0.001), 3-month mortality (OR 16.96, 95% CI 5.32-54.03, p 0.001), and poor long-term outcome (OR 6.19, 95% CI 1.32-28.98, p=0.021) in patients with acute ICH. Conclusions 1) Lower serum LDL-C level independently predicts HG, early neurological deterioration and 3-month mortality after acute ICH. LDL-C levels are not related to poor long-term outcome. 2) The uHG is a powerful predictor of HG, early neurological deterioration, 3-month mortality and poor long-term outcome in patients with acute ICH. The uHG improves the accuracy of baseline ICH volume in the prediction of clinical outcome

    Políticas implementadas por El Salvador en materia de Seguridad Pública y su impacto en la Región del Triángulo Norte (Guatemala, El Salvador y Honduras) , periodo 2014-2017.

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    Debate conceptual sobre la seguridad – Políticas de Cooperación en materia de Seguridad Pública para el Triángulo Norte, periodo 2014-2017 – Impacto generado en la Sociedad de la Región del Triángulo Norte a raíz de la implementación de Políticas de Seguridad Pública por parte del Gobierno de El Salvador

    El Respeto de los Derechos Humanos de los Pueblos Indígenas de El Salvador a partir de la Suscripción de la Declaración de las Naciones Unidas sobre los Derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas. Avances y desafíos durante el periodo 2007-2017.

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    Debate conceptual sobre la seguridad – Políticas de Cooperación en materia de Seguridad Pública para el Triángulo Norte, periodo 2014-2017 – Impacto generado en la Sociedad de la Región del Triángulo Norte a raíz de la implementación de Políticas de Seguridad Pública por parte del Gobierno de El Salvador