41 research outputs found

    Assessing DESS solution for the long-term preservation of nematodes from faecal samples

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    Preservation of biological samples is a relevant issue for many scientific disciplines. Although traditional preservers, such as formaldehyde or ethanol, imply major disadvantages related to health risks, DNA degradation and distortion of structures, they are widely used. Hence, the search for viable alternatives preserving morphometry and genetics seems necessary. Here we assess the suitability of DESS solution to preserve adult nematodes and their eggs in faeces. Concretely, faecal samples of terrestrial tortoises with oxyurids were used to: (i) compare the 1-month storage efficacy of eggs from different conservation protocols (faeces without preserver at -20 °C, faeces with DESS solution at room temperature, faeces with DESS solution at -20 °C and faeces with ethanol 70% at room temperature); (ii) address morphological nematode identification after 2 years of storage with DESS. We also corroborated that nematode DNA remained viable after 2 years. Overall, our results showed that DESS solution at room temperature is an advisable alternative to conserve both parasite eggs and adult nematodes for morphological identification and genetic purposes. It also offers the advantages of being low-cost, safe and suitable for fieldwork conditions and shipments without refrigeration for nematode preservation.MG was supported by a contract for postdoctoral researchers from the Generalitat Valenciana with reference APOSTD/2021/181. RCRC was supported by the European Union-Next Generation EU in the Maria Zambrano Program (ZAMBRANO 21-26). This research had the financial support of project PID2019-105682RA-I00, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033

    Radio continuum observations of Class I protostellar disks in Taurus: constraining the greybody tail at centimetre wavelengths

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    We present deep 1.8 cm (16 GHz) radio continuum imaging of seven young stellar objects in the Taurus molecular cloud. These objects have previously been extensively studied in the sub-mm to NIR range and their SEDs modelled to provide reliable physical and geometrical parametres.We use this new data to constrain the properties of the long-wavelength tail of the greybody spectrum, which is expected to be dominated by emission from large dust grains in the protostellar disk. We find spectra consistent with the opacity indices expected for such a population, with an average opacity index of beta = 0.26+/-0.22 indicating grain growth within the disks. We use spectra fitted jointly to radio and sub-mm data to separate the contributions from thermal dust and radio emission at 1.8 cm and derive disk masses directly from the cm-wave dust contribution. We find that disk masses derived from these flux densities under assumptions consistent with the literature are systematically higher than those calculated from sub-mm data, and meet the criteria for giant planet formation in a number of cases.Comment: submitted MNRA

    A blind detection of a large, complex, Sunyaev--Zel'dovich structure

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    We present an interesting Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) detection in the first of the Arcminute Microkelvin Imager (AMI) 'blind', degree-square fields to have been observed down to our target sensitivity of 100{\mu}Jy/beam. In follow-up deep pointed observations the SZ effect is detected with a maximum peak decrement greater than 8 \times the thermal noise. No corresponding emission is visible in the ROSAT all-sky X-ray survey and no cluster is evident in the Palomar all-sky optical survey. Compared with existing SZ images of distant clusters, the extent is large (\approx 10') and complex; our analysis favours a model containing two clusters rather than a single cluster. Our Bayesian analysis is currently limited to modelling each cluster with an ellipsoidal or spherical beta-model, which do not do justice to this decrement. Fitting an ellipsoid to the deeper candidate we find the following. (a) Assuming that the Evrard et al. (2002) approximation to Press & Schechter (1974) correctly gives the number density of clusters as a function of mass and redshift, then, in the search area, the formal Bayesian probability ratio of the AMI detection of this cluster is 7.9 \times 10^4:1; alternatively assuming Jenkins et al. (2001) as the true prior, the formal Bayesian probability ratio of detection is 2.1 \times 10^5:1. (b) The cluster mass is MT,200 = 5.5+1.2\times 10^14h-1M\odot. (c) Abandoning a physical model with num- -1.3 70 ber density prior and instead simply modelling the SZ decrement using a phenomenological {\beta}-model of temperature decrement as a function of angular distance, we find a central SZ temperature decrement of -295+36 {\mu}K - this allows for CMB primary anisotropies, receiver -15 noise and radio sources. We are unsure if the cluster system we observe is a merging system or two separate clusters.Comment: accepted MNRAS. 12 pages, 9 figure

    AMI observations of unmatched Planck ERCSC LFI sources at 15.75 GHz

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    The Planck Early Release Compact Source Catalogue includes 26 sources with no obvious matches in other radio catalogues (of primarily extragalactic sources). Here we present observations made with the Arcminute Microkelvin Imager Small Array (AMI SA) at 15.75 GHz of the eight of the unmatched sources at declination > +10 degrees. Of the eight, four are detected and are associated with known objects. The other four are not detected with the AMI SA, and are thought to be spurious.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, 4 table

    "Author! Author!" : Shakespeare and biography

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    Original article can be found at: http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~content=t714579626~db=all Copyright Informa / Taylor & Francis Group. DOI: 10.1080/17450910902764454Since 1996, not a year has passed without the publication of at least one Shakespeare biography. Yet for many years the place of the author in the practice of understanding literary works has been problematized, and even on occasions eliminated. Criticism reads the “works”, and may or may not refer to an author whose “life” contributed to their meaning. Biography seeks the author in the works, the personality that precedes the works and gives them their characteristic shape and meaning. But the form of literary biography addresses the unusual kind of “life” that puts itself into “works”, and this is particularly challenging where the “works” predominate massively over the salient facts of the “life”. This essay surveys the current terrain of Shakespeare biography, and considers the key questions raised by the medium: can we know anything of Shakespeare's “personality” from the facts of his life and the survival of his works? What is the status of the kind of speculation that inevitably plays a part in biographical reconstruction? Are biographers in the end telling us as much about themselves as they tell us about Shakespeare?Peer reviewe

    AMI-LA radio continuum observations of Spitzer c2d small clouds and cores: Perseus region

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    We present deep radio continuum observations of the cores identified as deeply embedded young stellar objects in the Perseus molecular cloud by the Spitzer c2d programme at a wavelength of 1.8 cm with the Arcminute Microkelvin Imager Large Array (AMI-LA). We detect 72% of Class 0 objects from this sample and 31% of Class I objects. No starless cores are detected. We use the flux densities measured from these data to improve constraints on the correlations between radio luminosity and bolometric luminosity, infrared luminosity and, where measured, outflow force. We discuss the differing behaviour of these objects as a function of protostellar class and investigate the differences in radio emission as a function of core mass. Two of four possible very low luminosity objects (VeLLOs) are detected at 1.8 cm.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures, accepted MNRA

    Sunyaev–Zel’dovich observations with AMI of the hottest galaxy clusters detected in the XMM–Newton Cluster Survey

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    We have obtained deep Sunyaev–Zel’dovich (SZ) observations towards 15 of the hottest XMM Cluster Survey (XCS) clusters that can be observed with the Arcminute Microkelvin Imager (AMI). We use a Bayesian analysis to quantify the significance of our SZ detections. We detect the SZ effect at high significance towards three of the clusters and at lower significance for a further two clusters. Towards the remaining 10 clusters, no clear SZ signal was measured. We derive cluster parameters using the XCS mass estimates as a prior in our Bayesian analysis. For all AMI-detected clusters, we calculate large-scale mass and temperature estimates while for all undetected clusters we determine upper limits on these parameters. We find that the large-scale mean temperatures derived from our AMI SZ measurements (and the upper limits from null detections) are substantially lower than the XCS-based core-temperature estimates. For clusters detected in the SZ, the mean temperature is, on average, a factor of 1.4 lower than temperatures from the XCS. Our upper limits on the cluster temperature of undetected systems are lower than the mean XCS derived temperature

    AMI Galactic Plane Survey at 16 GHz – I. Observing, mapping and source extraction

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    The Arcminute Microkelvin Imager (AMI) Galactic Plane Survey is a large-area survey of the outer Galactic plane to provide arcminute resolution images at milli-Jansky sensitivity in the centimetre-wave band. Here we present the ?rst data release of the survey, consisting of 868 deg2 of the Galactic plane, covering the area 76? 170? between latitudes of |b| 5?, at a central frequency of 15.75 GHz (1.9 cm). We describe in detail the drift-scan observations which have been used to construct the maps, including the techniques used for observing, mapping and source extraction, and summarize the properties of the ?nalized data sets. These observations constitute the most sensitive Galactic plane survey of large extent at centimetre-wave frequencies greater than 1.4 GHz

    The radio source count at 93.2 GHz from observations of 9C sources using AMI and CARMA

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    We present results from follow-up observations of a sample of 80 radio sources, originally detected as part of the 15.2-GHz Ninth Cambridge (9C) survey. The observations were carried out, close to simultaneously, at two frequencies: 15.7 GHz, using the Arcminute Microkelvin Imager (AMI) Large Array, and 93.2 GHz, using the Combined Array for Research in Millimeter-wave Astronomy (CARMA). There is currently little direct information on the 90-GHz-band source count for S â‰Č 1 Jy. However, we have used the measured 15.7-to-93.2-GHz spectral-index distribution and 9C source count to predict the differential source count at 93.2 GHz as 26 ± 4(S/Jy)^(−2.15) Jy^(−1) sr^(−1); our projection is estimated to be most accurate for 10 â‰Č S â‰Č 100 mJy. Our estimated differential count is more than twice the 90-GHz prediction made by Waldram et al.; we believe that this discrepancy is because the measured 43-GHz flux densities used in making their prediction were too low. Similarly, our prediction is significantly higher than that of Sadler et al. at 95 GHz. Since our spectral-index distribution is similar to the 20-to-95-GHz distribution measured by Sadler et al. and used in making their prediction, we believe that the difference is almost entirely attributable to the dissimilarity in the lower frequency counts used in making the estimates