84 research outputs found

    Criterios hidrogeológicos aplicables al estudio de la Neotectónica en el Sureste español

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    El estudio de la Neotectónica ha de abordarse, necesariamente, desde diferentes campos de investigación. En este trabajo el autor pone de manifiesto que la aplicación de ciertos criterios hidrogeológicos, como piezometría, hidrotermalismo, hidroquímica, etc., contribuye decisivamente al conocimiento de las estructuras recientes en una región como la del Sureste español, que está afectada por la Neotectónica.Recent tectonic must be studied from different sources of data. Hidrologic criteria such as hidrothermalism, hidrochemics and piezometric levels contributed to the knowledge of recent structures in Southeast Spain

    The Cenozoic Malaguide Basin from Sierra Espuña (Murcia, S Spain): An Example of Geological Heritage

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    The Cenozoic Malaguide Basin from Sierra Espuña (Internal Betic Zone, S Spain) due to the quality of outcropping, areal representation, and continuity in the sedimentation can be considered a key-basin. In the last 30 years, a large number of studies with very different methodological approaches have been done in the area. Models indicate an evolution from passive margin to wedge-top basin from Late Cretaceous to Early Miocene. Sedimentation changes from limestone platforms with scarce terrigenous inputs, during the Paleocene to Early Oligocene, to the deep basin with huge supplies of turbidite sandstones and conglomerates during the Late Oligocene to Early Miocene. The area now appears structured as an antiformal stack with evidence of synsedimentary tectonics. The Cenozoic tectono-sedimentary basin evolution is related to three phases: (1) flexural tectonics during most of the Paleogene times to create the basin; (2) fault and fold compartmentation of the basin with the creation of structural highs and subsiding areas related to blind-fault-propagation folds, deforming the basin from south to north during Late Oligocene to Early Aquitanian times; (3) thin-skin thrusting tectonics when the basin began to be eroded during the Late Aquitanian-Burdigalian. In recent times some works on the geological heritage of the area have been performed trying to diffuse different geological aspects of the sector to the general public. A review of the studies performed and the revisiting of the area allow proposing different key-outcrops to follow the tectono-sedimentary evolution of the Cenozoic basin from this area. Eight sites of geological interest have been selected (Cretaceous-Cenozoic boundary, Paleocene Mula Fm, Lower Eocene Espuña-Valdelaparra Fms, Middle Eocene Malvariche-Cánovas Fms, Lowermost Oligocene As Fm, Upper Oligocene-Lower Aquitanian Bosque Fm, Upper Oligocene-Aquitanian Río Pliego Fm, Burdigalian El Niño Fm) and an evaluation has been performed to obtain four parameters: the scientific value, the educational and touristic potential, and the degradation risk. The firsts three parameters obtained values above 50 being considered of “high” or “very high” interest (“very high” in most of the cases). The last parameter shows always values below 50 indicating a “moderate” or “low” risk of degradation. The obtained values allow us considering the tectono-sedimentary evolution of this basin worthy of being proposed as a geological heritage.Research supported by Research Project CGL2016-75679-P, Spanish Ministry of Education and Science; Research Groups, Projects of the Generalitat Valenciana, Alicante University (CTMA-IGA)

    Paleogene evolution of the External Betic Zone and geodynamic implications

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    Interdisciplinary studies combining field data (geological and tectonic mapping, lithostratigraphic reconstructions, lithofacies characterization, correlations and sampling) and laboratory analyses (biostratigraphy, chronostratigraphy, clay mineralogy and sandstone petrography) of eight Senonian-Paleogene successions from the Sierra de La Pila and Sierra de El Carche areas (Murcia province, SE Spain) belonging to the External Betic Zone are presented. Field evidence of tectonic activity (slumps, olistostromes, syn-genetic folds, lateral variability, changes in thicknesses, para- and unconformity boundaries, stratigraphic gaps, shallowing upward trends to emersion, etc.) was found in several Paleogene intervals. The results enable a better reconstruction of the stratigraphic architecture and chronostratigraphy of the Paleogene record, highlighting in particular: facies evolution, discontinuities, depositional sequences (Middle-Upper Maastrichtian, Upper Paleocene-Middle Eocene, Oligocene-Lower Aquitanian), environmental evolution (homogeneous conditions during the Late Cretaceous and successive realm diversification from platform to slope to basin) and correlations, along the Prebetic to Subbetic transition, which is a key sector to understand the northeastward variations of the South Iberian margin. A conclusive paleogeographic and geodynamic evolutionary model for the study area is proposed, hypothesizing that Paleogene compressive tectonics affected the eastern External Betic Zone. In addition, correlations with successions from the western External Betic Zone evidenced asynchronous deformation from east to west along the internalmost External Betic Zone. Moreover, a comparison with the external Tunisian Tell enables the recognition of similar sedimentarytectonic events, imposing new constraints in the Paleogene geodynamic reconstruction throughout the western Tethys.Research was supported by Urbino University found (responsible F. Guerrera), CGL2009-09249, CGL2011-30153-CO2-02 and CGL2012-32169 research projects (Spanish Ministry of Education and Science) and by Research Groups and projects of the Generalitat Valenciana from Alicante University (CTMA-IGA), and Junta de Andalucía (RNM-146)

    Guía docente para prácticas geológicas en el Parque Regional de Calblanque, Monte de las Cenizas y Peña del Águila. Conceptos Teóricos

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    El objetivo principal de la presente “Guía Docente” es dar soporte a la realización de prácticas de campo con alumnos que cursan materias geológicas en las universidades de la Región de Murcia (Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, Universidad de Murcia y Universidad Católica de Murcia) y en otras adyacentes, como las de Alicante, Elche y Almería. Esta guía también puede servir a cualquier persona con inquietudes por la Geología y la Naturaleza y que desee realizar prácticas de campo en el Parque Regional de Calblanque, Monte de las Cenizas y Peña del Águila. Los títulos de grado susceptibles de beneficiarse de la presente guía son “Geología”, “Química”, “Ciencias Ambientales”, “Biología”, “Ciencias del Mar”, “Geografía Física” “Ingeniería de Minas”, “Ingeniería de Caminos” e “Ingeniería Civil”

    Cuadro de mando integral para gestión del mantenimiento con enfoque sostenible en industrias del plástico

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    Objetivo: Lograr el alineamiento estratégico y la mejora continua de la gestión del mantenimiento con enfoque sostenible a través del desarrollo de un cuadro de mando integral en la industria del plástico en Cuba. Métodos y técnicas: Métodos teóricos: análisis y síntesis de los conceptos sobre gestión de mantenimiento con enfoque sostenible y el sistémico estructural funcional, para abordar las cualidades de este tipo de gestión. Métodos empíricos: revisión documental de las definiciones analizadas, encuestas y entrevistas. Método matemático: proceso de análisis jerárquico para el diseño del indicador que permita medir la sostenibilidad del mantenimiento.   Principales resultados: Se realizó el diseño de un procedimiento y se propuso un indicador para evaluar la sostenibilidad del mantenimiento basado en el proceso analítico jerárquico para este tipo de industria.   Conclusiones: Se demostró la necesidad del diseño de un procedimiento para la industria del plástico que permita alinear los objetivos de la gestión del mantenimiento con enfoque sostenible, con la de la organización a través de un cuadro de mando integral. Permite evaluar de forma efectiva la sostenibilidad de este tipo de gestión y su impacto en los grupos de interés y la sociedad


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    Aim: To achieve strategic alignment and continuous improvement of maintenance management based on a sustainable approach by designing balanced scorecards in the Cuban plastic industry. Methods and techniques: Theoretical methods: analysis and synthesis of the concepts of maintenance management based on a sustainable approach; the functional structural systemic method was used to deal with the qualities of this type of management. Empirical methods: document review of definitions analyzed, surveys, and interviews. Mathematical method: Analytical hierarchical process was used to design an indicator that enables measurement of maintenance sustainability. Main results: A procedure was designed, and an indicator was suggested for evaluation of maintenance sustainability; it was based on the analytical hierarchical process for this type of industry. Conclusions: The need to design a procedure that enables stakeholders to match the objectives of maintenance management, using a balanced scorecard with a sustainable approach, to those of the organization was demonstrated for the plastic industry. It ensures effective evaluation of sustainability of this type of management, and its impact on groups of interest and society.Objetivo: Lograr el alineamiento estratégico y la mejora continua de la gestión del mantenimiento con enfoque sostenible a través del desarrollo de un cuadro de mando integral en la industria del plástico en Cuba. Métodos y técnicas: Métodos teóricos: análisis y síntesis de los conceptos sobre gestión de mantenimiento con enfoque sostenible y el sistémico estructural funcional, para abordar las cualidades de este tipo de gestión. Métodos empíricos: revisión documental de las definiciones analizadas, encuestas y entrevistas. Método matemático: proceso de análisis jerárquico para el diseño del indicador que permita medir la sostenibilidad del mantenimiento.   Principales resultados: Se realizó el diseño de un procedimiento y se propuso un indicador para evaluar la sostenibilidad del mantenimiento basado en el proceso analítico jerárquico para este tipo de industria.   Conclusiones: Se demostró la necesidad del diseño de un procedimiento para la industria del plástico que permita alinear los objetivos de la gestión del mantenimiento con enfoque sostenible, con la de la organización a través de un cuadro de mando integral. Permite evaluar de forma efectiva la sostenibilidad de este tipo de gestión y su impacto en los grupos de interés y la sociedad

    Presence of Mammuthus sp. from Caravaca (Murcia)

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    In Rambla del Pizcalejo (Caravaca, Murcia, Spain) new Proboscidea fossil remains were found. In this paper are described all postcranial bones belonging to a 2-4 years old Mammuthus. Stratigraphycal and mollusc data confirm the lacustrine paleoenvironment. The remains shouldn’t have suffered a hard transport; neither should their time of exposure have been long. The date of the remains is not precise due to the lack of chronostratigraphic and biostratigraphic data. It is only the assignment of the remains to the genus Mammuthus that allows to surmise a period about Plio-Pleistocen

    Las canteras de "Roca Tabaire" de Canteras (Cartagena, Murcia). Contexto geológico e importancia como patrimonio geológico y minero

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    [SPA] Al noroeste de Cartagena se encuentran unas canteras de calcaren ita bioclástica de edad Mioceno superior, denominada localmente" roca tabaire" que se ha utilizado, en forma de bloques, como material de construcción en esa ciudad, desde tiempos prerromanos hasta principios del siglo XX, especialmente por su facilidad de trabajo y su proximidad. A dichas explotaciones se debe el nombre del pueblo de Canteras. En este trabajo se lleva a cabo un estudio geológico del área de Canteras, con descripción de su estratigrafía, tectónica, petrografía, y se pone de relieve varios aspectos relacionados con el valor patrimonial geológico minero de las canteras y su entorno. [ENG] Northwest of Cartagena (Murcia, Spain) are located several quarries of an upper Miocene calcareous sandstone, locally called "tabaire rock", that has been used for building since pre roman epochs until the beginning of the XX century, especially for its facility of work and proximity. These quarríes are the reason of the village's name of Canteras. At present work a geological study of the Canteras area is carried out with its stratigraphy,tectonics and petrography, as well as several aspects related wíth its value as geological and mining heritage

    Miocene tectono-sedimentary evolution of the eastern external Betic Cordillera (Spain)

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    An interdisciplinary study of Miocene successions in the eastern External Betic Zone (South Iberian Margin) was carried out. Evidences of syn-sedimentary tectonic activity were recognized. The results enabled a better reconstruction of the stratigraphic architecture (with an improved chronostratigraphic resolution) in the framework of the Miocene foredeep evolution of the eastern EBZ. Two main depositional sequences were dated as uppermost Burdigalian-upper Serravallian p.p. and middle-upper Tortonian. p.p., respectively. The vertical and lateral diversification of lithofacies associations and thicknesses resulted from the syn-depositional tectonic complexity of the area. A great variety of sedimentary depositional realms is due to different subsidence rates, and the growing of anticlines and synclines during the Langhian p.p.-Serravallian. After a regression with an early Tortonian erosional gap, platform to hemipelagic realms developed during the middle Tortonian. The end of the sedimentation coincided with the emplacement of an important olisthostrome-like mass consisting of Triassic material related to either the development of thrust systems or diapirs emerged in the middle-late Tortonian, during the nappe emplacement. Correlations with other external sectors of the Betic Chain, and the external domains of the Rif, Tell, and northern Apennine Chains highlighted a similar Miocene foredeep evolution during the building of these orogens.CGL2016-75679-P; Research supported by Grants from Urbino University (Responsible M. Tramontana