1,338 research outputs found

    Trends in the design and use of elastin-like recombinamers as biomaterials

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    ProducciĂłn CientĂ­ficaElastin-like recombinamers (ELRs), which derive from one of the repetitive domains found in natural elastin, have been intensively studied in the last few years from several points of view. In this mini review, we discuss all the recent works related to the investigation of ELRs, starting with those that define these polypeptides as model intrinsically disordered proteins or regions (IDPs or IDRs) and its relevance for some biomedical applications. Furthermore, we summarize the current knowledge on the development of drug, vaccine and gene delivery systems based on ELRs, while also emphasizing the use of ELR-based hydrogels in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine (TERM). Finally, we show different studies that explore applications in other fields, and several examples that describe biomaterial blends in which ELRs have a key role. This review aims to give an overview of the recent advances regarding ELRs and to encourage further investigation of their properties and applications.ComisiĂłn Europea (project NMP-2014-646075)Ministerio de EconomĂ­a, Industria y Competitividad (projects PCIN-2015-010 / MAT2016-78903-R / BES-2014-069763)Junta de Castilla y LeĂłn (project VA317P18

    Reproductive biology of lesser spotted dogfish Scyliorhinus canicula (L., 1758) in the Cantabrian Sea

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    This paper examines sexual maturity of the female lesser spotted dogfish Scyliorhinus canicula (L., 1758) in the Cantabrian Sea (north of Spain). Analyses made using data collected from commercial trawlers during 1994 and 1995 showed that females reach sexual maturity at a length of 54.2 cm, and the mean egg-laying size is 56.4 ± 0.94 cm. At least one in six adult female dogfish carried egg-capsules during the study period. Sex-ratio by depth strata indicates a larger proportion of females in deeper waters. Mature and spawning females were found at depths ranging from 100 m to more than 400 m, with their proportion being larger in the deeper strata.No disponibl

    Mermin inequalities for perfect correlations

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    Any n-qubit state with n independent perfect correlations is equivalent to a graph state. We present the optimal Bell inequalities for perfect correlations and maximal violation for all classes of graph states with n < 7 qubits. Twelve of them were previously unknown and four give the same violation as the Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger state, although the corresponding states are more resistant to decoherence.Comment: REVTeX4, 5 pages, 1 figur

    Social capital and knowledge in interorganizational networks: Their joint effect on innovation

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    This research analyzes the effects of interorganizational links on innovation using a comprehensive framework that integrates three research streams: social capital, knowledge based view and innovation. Using data from 143 R&D and/or marketing departments of innovative manufacturing and service companies, our results show that while knowledge complexity, per se, exerts a clear influence on the degree of innovations radicalness, the effect of knowledge tacitness appears only when it is combined with social capital. Similarly, the mere existence of strong cooperation agreements (relational social capital) does not guarantee more radical innovations. It is only when this social capital is combined with tacit knowledge that it really produces more innovative products. We also find that such radical products have an important impact on firm performance.: Innovation; radicalness; social capital; knowledge complexity; knowledge tacitness; firm performance

    Theoretical parameters of trailing vortices versus aspect ratio of wing models

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    We perform 2D-PIV measurements to characterize trailing vortices in NACA0012 wing models for aspect ratios ranging between 1 and 2.5, and for chord-based Reynolds numbers from 7000 to 40000. Firstly, and regarding the influence of the Reynolds number, the increase of this dimensionless parameter generates a more concentrated and intense vortex, presenting, therefore, an increase in all its characteristic magnitudes: maximum azimuthal velocity and vorticity. Secondly, the greater the aspect ratio, the greater the vortex strength is observed. Thirdly, the radial location of the peak of the azimuthal velocity has a strong decay as the aspect ratio increases for Re=7000, but it changes its trend for Re=40000.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech.. Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Spain) Grant No. DPI2013-40479-P and DPI2016-76151-C2-1-R and Junta de Andalucía Grant No. P11-TEP-7776

    Do best and worst innovative companies differ in terms of intellectual capital, knowledge and radicalness?

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    This paper differentiates “best innovative companies” from “worst innovative companies” and it takes into account three separate bodies of literature— intellectual capital, knowledge-based view, and innovation literatures. Based on a sample of 181 firms which belong to manufacturing and services industries, our findings show that best innovative performers companies (considering both financial and non-financial dimensions of innovation success) present systematically higher scores for all dimensions of intellectual capital: human, organizational and social capital) than worst innovation performers. Knowledge exchange and combination seems to be characteristic of most successful innovators, but no differences in systemic, tacit, complex and not observable knowledge have been found for these companies. Finally, regarding radicalness, firms with more innovation success provide new products or services that incorporates a new technology and new customer benefits (uniqueness), while firms with less innovation success laughs new products or services which are unfamiliar or difficult to understand by customers.Mobile-shopping

    Andalusian people in the TV reality: audience through the anonymus andalusian stereotype on TV

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    El pasado 13 de mayo, el Parlamento de Andalucía respaldó por unanimidad una iniciativa contra la ridiculización de los andaluces en las series de televisión en la que se insta a la Junta a que haga campañas que refuercen la imagen en positivo de los ciudadanos de la región. Esta proposición no de ley fue presentada por el parlamentario del Partido Andalucista por Cádiz Antonio Moreno para rechazar «el rol y el estereotipo negativo» que asignan a los andaluces y andaluzas los guionistas de reconocidas series de televisión. Lo que movía a este parlamentario no era la preocupación por la recurrencia al acento andaluz con ciertos matices cómicos sino la asociación de éste con un bajo nivel cultural y continuas incorrecciones gramaticales. Reclamaba un mayor esfuerzo creativo de los productores y guionistas porque, según Moreno, Andalucía «lleva exportando cultura y ciencia al mundo entero desde hace tres mil años», mientras algunas series «perpetúan la imagen negativa de los andaluces, que a su vez se convierten en consumidores de un rol que otros le otorgan como pueblo». Esta noticia suscitó muchos comentarios y artículos de opinión. Un lector anónimo, del diario 20 Minutos, identificado simbólicamente como Blas Infante, ponía el dedo aún más profundamente en la llaga: «A mí lo que me da vergüenza es que esas series sean las más vistas en Andalucía». La recurrencia al estereotipo andaluz en la ficción televisiva o cinematográfica no es ninguna novedad. En primer lugar, las tierras andaluzas y sus habitantes se consideraron lugares misteriosos y románticos por los viajeros del S. XIX, que lo transmitieron en sus novelas. Posteriormente, con la llegada de la dictadura, todos los medios de comunicación fueron puestos al servicio de la propaganda ideológica del régimen y estos recogieron el testigo de las novelas. En este marco, se ha concebido al andaluz, especialmente a la andaluza, como un elemento narrativo propicio para transmitir los valores del franquismo y, paralelamente, para olvidar las penurias sociales, al menos, mientras duraba la proyección. De todo ello se nutre la televisión actual, de estereotipos geográficos, de los cuales, el andaluz es el más recurrente y reconocible en toda España. La ficción televisiva les ha otorgado papeles, en la mayoría de ocasiones, que merecen todas las críticas que ahora eleva el Parlamento Andaluz. Pero la televisión es un ente dinámico y surgen, constantemente, nuevos formatos. Entre ellos, la telerrealidad «los reality shows» que han cautivado totalmente las parrillas generalistas y gozan de grandes cuotas de audiencia. Los más afamados son «Gran Hermano» y «Operación Triunfo». En estos programas, en los que no existe –aparentemente – ficción, también se da una sobre representación de los andaluces (la población andaluza supone un 17,5% de la española, los andaluces de las tres ediciones de OT suponen un 34% del total de participantes). Cabe preguntarse si se perpetúa el estereotipo andaluz en estos programas de no ficción o si se recurre a ellos como valores seguros para ganar audiencia. Es más, como afirmaba el lector identificado como Blas Infante, tal vez lo peor sea que estos programas son los más vistos en AndalucíaThis paper arises from the research on the most relevant Spanish reality shows approaching the stereotypes transmision question. The analysis departs from the overrepresentation of Andalusian people on this kind of programs. This article attempts to understand the importance of these representation on these successful programs. From this television format and structure study, the argumentation is based on sociological and managerial reason

    Do best and worst innovative companies differ in terms of intellectual capital, knowledge and radicalness?

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    This paper differentiates “best innovative companies” from “worst innovative companies” and it takes into account three separate bodies of literature— intellectual capital, knowledge-based view, and innovation literatures. Based on a sample of 181 firms which belong to manufacturing and services industries, our findings show that best innovative performers companies (considering both financial and non-financial dimensions of innovation success) present systematically higher scores for all dimensions of intellectual capital: human, organizational and social capital) than worst innovation performers. Knowledge exchange and combination seems to be characteristic of most successful innovators, but no differences in systemic, tacit, complex and not observable knowledge have been found for these companies. Finally, regarding radicalness, firms with more innovation success provide new products or services that incorporates a new technology and new customer benefits (uniqueness), while firms with less innovation success laughs new products or services which are unfamiliar or difficult to understand by customers.Mobile-shopping

    Cerámica en el camino: los materiales del río Loa (Norte Grande de Chile) y sus implicaciones tipológicas y conductuales para la comprensión de la vialidad y la expansión del Tawantinsuyo

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    A partir del análisis tipológico y conductual de los restos cerámicos provenientes de un tramo meridional del Camino del Inka (río Loa, Chile), se presenta una serie de conclusiones relativas a los distintos momentos de ocupación, funcionalidad y tipo de asentamiento de los segmentos viales identificados en la región durante dos años de estudio. Ello se plantea como un acercamiento al sistema vial incaico y su papel dentro de la expansión del Tawantinsuyo y la conquista de las poblaciones del desierto de Atacama.From a typological and behavioral analysis of pottery coming from a Southern section of the Inka Trail (Loa River, Northern Chile), this paper presents some conclusions about the different occupation moments, functionality and settlement type of several sites identified in such area during two fieldwork years. They are posed as an approach to Inka road system and its role in Tawantinsuyo's expansion over and conquest of Atacama Desert's populations
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