1,870 research outputs found

    Desarrollo en el ingenio del entendimiento en el educando empleando maquetas dentro de las asignaturas de la ingeniería química industrial

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    El principal objetivo de este trabajo es de profundizar las actividades del proceso creatividad aprendizaje en las materias dentro de la carrera de Ingeniería Química Industrial, teniendo como base la hipótesis de que el uso de prototipos como material didáctico facilita y ayuda la comprensión de los conceptos de una forma práctica. Por medio de este trabajo vemos que se analizan las tres inteligencias según el psicólogo Robert Jeffrey Sternberg y se estudia su aplicación para el desarrollo del aprendizaje significativo por parte de los alumnos. Con esto podemos cambiar el método de enseñanza tradicional, implementando que los educandos sean los que desarrollen maquetas funcionales para solucionar un problema común en la Ingeniería Química Industrial, de esta manera se desarrolla en el alumno su capacidad de creatividad y talento, al tener que buscar el mejor método y el más viable para cumplir el objetivo deseado lo que por consecuencia forma a ingenieros más capaces para la demanda actual que exige la industria.The aim of this paper is to deepen the activities of imagination-learning process in matters within the race of Chemical Engineering, based on the hypothesis that the use of prototypes as teaching materials and helps facilitate understanding of the concepts of a practical way. Through this work, according to Robert Jeffrey Sternberg, we see the three intelligences are analyzed and their application to the development of significant learning by students. With this we can change the traditional teaching method, implementing learners are those who develop functional models to solve a common problem in Chemical Engineering thus develops in the student's capacity for creativity and talent, having to search the best method and the most feasible to meet the desired objective which consequently better able to shape the current demand required by industry engineers

    Acquisition of Knowledge and Practical Skills after a Brief Course of BLS-AED in First-Year Students in Nursing and Physiotherapy at a Spanish University

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    [EN] Out-of-hospital cardiorespiratory arrest is one of the leading causes of death in the Western world. Early assistance with quality Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and the use of a defibrillator may increase the percentage of survival after this process. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of CPR training and the management of an Automatic External Defibrillator (AED). A descriptive, cross-sectional, observational study was carried out among students in the first year of a Nursing and Physiotherapy degree of the University of León. To achieve this goal, a theoretical-practical educational intervention of four hours’ duration which included training on CPR, AED and Basic Life Support (BLS) was carried out. A total of 112 students were included. The results showed an increase in theoretical knowledge on BLS as well as on CPR and AED, and practical skills in CPR and AED management. A theoretical exposition of fifteen minutes and the practical training of CPR wasenough for the students to acquire the necessary theoretical knowledge, although the participants failed to reach quality criteria in CPR. Only 35.6% of students reached the right depth in compressions. Also, ventilation was not performed properly. Based on the results, we cannot determine that the percentage of overall quality of CPR was appropriate, since 57.6% was obtained in this respect and experts establish a value higher than 70% for quality CPR. There was a clear relationship between sex, weight, height and body max index (BMI), and quality CPR performance, being determinant variables to achieve quality parameters. Currently, Basic Life Support training in most universities is based on training methods similar to those used in the action described. The results obtained suggest implementing other training methods that favour the acquisition of quality CPR skills.S

    Sensitivity Evaluation Method for Aerospace Digital Systems with Collaborative Hardening

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    Complexity of current digital systems and circuits involves new challenges in the field of hardening and measuring circuits sensitivity under SEEs. In this work, a new solution for evaluating the SEU sensitivity of space systems based on using programmable logic devices is proposed. This solution is able to perform a deep analysis of fault effects in systems with hardware functionality distribution, taking into account the high complexity of the hardware nodes (complex programmable logic devices) and their collaborative hardening properties

    Actualización en síndrome hemolítico urémico atípico: diagnóstico y tratamiento. Documento de consenso

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    Trobareu una actualització (2015) d'aquest document a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/99427Haemolytic uraemic syndrome (HUS) is a clinical entity defined as the triad of nonimmune haemolytic anaemia, thrombocytopenia, and acute renal failure, in which the underlying lesions are mediated by systemic thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA). Atypical HUS (aHUS) is a sub-type of HUS in which the TMA phenomena are the consequence of decreased regulation of the alternative complement pathway on cell surfaces due to a genetic cause. aHUS is an extremely rare disease that, despite the administration of standard treatment with plasma therapy, often progresses to terminal chronic renal failure with a high associated rate of mortality. In recent years, research has established the key role that the complement system plays in the induction of endothelial damage in patients with aHUS, through the characterisation of multiple mutations and polymorphisms in the genes that code for certain complement factors. Eculizumab is a monoclonal antibody that inhibits the terminal fraction of the complement protein, blocking the formation of a cell membrane attack complex. In prospective studies in patients with aHUS, administering eculizumab produces a rapid and sustained interruption in the TMA process, with significant improvements in long-term renal function and an important decrease in the need for dialysis or plasma therapy. In this document, we review and bring up to date the important aspects of this disease, with special emphasis on how recent advancements in diagnostic and therapeutic processes can modify the treatment of patients with aHUS

    Propensity-matched analysis of patients with intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma or mixed hepatocellular-cholangiocarcinoma and hepatocellular carcinoma undergoing a liver transplant

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    BACKGROUND Cholangiocarcinoma (CC) is a rare tumor that arises from the epithelium of the bile ducts. It is classified according to anatomic location as intrahepatic, perihilar, and distal. Intrahepatic CC (ICC) is rare in patients with cirrhosis due to causes other than primary sclerosing cholangitis. Mixed hepatocellular carcinoma-CC (HCC-CC) is a rare neoplasm that shows histologic findings of both HCC and ICC within the same tumor mass. Due to the difficulties in arriving at the correct diagnosis, patients eventually undergo liver transplantation (LT) with a presumptive diagnosis of HCC on imaging when, in fact, they have ICC or HCC-CC. AIM To evaluate the outcomes of patients with intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma or mixed hepatocellular-cholangiocarcinoma on pathological examination after liver transplant. METHODS Propensity score matching was used to analyze tumor recurrence (TR), overall mortality (OM), and recurrence-free survival (RFS) in LT recipients with pathologically confirmed ICC or HCC-CC matched 1:8 to those with HCC. Progression-free survival and overall mortality rates were computed with the Kaplan-Meier method using Cox regression for comparison. RESULTS Of 475 HCC LT recipients, 1.7% had the diagnosis of ICC and 1.5% of HCC-CC on pathological examination of the explant. LT recipients with ICC had higher TR (46% vs 11%; P = 0.006), higher OM (63% vs 23%; P = 0.002), and lower RFS (38% vs 89%; P = 0.002) than those with HCC when matched for pretransplant tumor characteristics, as well as higher TR (46% vs 23%; P = 0.083), higher OM (63% vs 35%; P = 0.026), and lower RFS (38% vs 59%; P = 0.037) when matched for posttransplant tumor characteristics. Two pairings were performed to compare the outcomes of LT recipients with HCC-CC vs HCC. There was no significant difference between the outcomes in either pairing. CONCLUSION Patients with ICC had worse outcomes than patients undergoing LT for HCC. The outcomes of patients with HCC-CC did not differ significantly from those of patients with HCC

    Basic life support training programme in schools by school nurses: how long and how often to train?

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    Background: Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training in schools, despite being legislated in Spain, is not established as such within the subjects that children are taught in schools. Objective: to evaluate the acquisition of CPR skills by 11-year-old children after a brief theoretical-practical teaching programme taught by nurses at school. Methods: 62 students were assessed in a quasi-experimental study on 2 cohorts (51.4% of the sample in control group [CG]). In total, 2 sessions were given, a theoretical one, and a practical training for skill development in children, in which the CG performed the CPR in 2-minute cycles and the intervention group in 1-minute cycles. The anthropometric variables recorded were weight and height, and the variables compression quality and ventilation quality were recorded using the Laerdal ResusciAnne manikin with Personal Computer/Wireless SkillReport. Results: The assessment showed better results, in terms of BLS sequence performance and use of automated external defibrillator, in the CG and after training, except for the evaluation of the 10-second breathing assessment technique. The quality of chest compressions was better in the CG after training, as was the quality of the ventilations. There were no major differences in CPR quality after training and 4 months after the 1-minute and 2-minute training cycles. Conclusions: 11-year-old children do not perform quality chest compressions or ventilations but, considering their age, they are able to perform a BLS sequence correctly

    Citrinina como inhibidor de corrosión en medio dulce para un acero API 5L X52

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    Los problemas de la corrosión son frecuentes en la industria del petróleo donde la extracción de los crudos suele estar contaminado hasta con 26 mil ppm de cloruros provenientes de agua de mar. Los inhibidores de corrosión son ampliamente utilizados en el control y prevención de este fenómeno, sin embargo, la mayoría de los compuestos usados para este fin resultan demasiado tóxicos, costosos y dañinos tanto para el medio ambiente como para el ser humano. Esta situación ha creado la necesidad de encontrar inhibidores de corrosión que sean ambientalmente amigables y de bajo costo. Para simular las condiciones de basicidad en los ductos, se empleó cloruro de sodio saturado con dióxido de carbono. Por lo que, en este proyecto se evalúa a un inhibidor (citrinina) en condiciones de medio dulce para observar la influencia que tiene bajo diferentes velocidades de rotación y temperatura, así como un análisis cinético. Finalmente, la citrinina muestra protección contra la corrosión en condiciones estáticas alcanzando un 87% a 20 ppm.Corrosion problems are frequent in the oil industry where crude extraction is usually contaminated with up to 26 thousand ppm of chlorides from seawater. Corrosion inhibitors are widely used in the control and prevention of this phenomenon, however, most of the compounds used for this purpose are too toxic, expensive and harmful both for the environment and for the human being. This situation has created the need to find low cost and environmentally friendly corrosion inhibitors. To simulate the basicity conditions in the pipelines, sodium chloride saturated with carbon dioxide was used. Therefore, in this project an inhibitor (citrinin) is evaluated under sweet medium conditions to observe the influence it has under different rotation rates and temperature, as well as a kinetic analysis. Finally, citrinin shows protection against corrosion under static conditions reaching 87% at 20 ppm

    Eculizumab in secondary atypical haemolytic uraemic syndrome

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    Background. Complement dysregulation occurs in thrombotic microangiopathies (TMAs) other than primary atypical haemolytic uraemic syndrome (aHUS). A few of these patients have been reported previously to be successfully treated with eculizumab. Methods. We identified 29 patients with so-called secondary aHUS who had received eculizumab at 11 Spanish nephrology centres. Primary outcome was TMA resolution, defined by a normalization of platelet count (>150 × 109/L) and haemoglobin, disappearance of all the markers of microangiopathic haemolytic anaemia (MAHA), and improvement of renal function, with a ≥25% reduction of serum creatinine from the onset of eculizumab administration. Results. Twenty-nine patients with secondary aHUS (15 drug-induced, 8 associated with systemic diseases, 2 with postpartum, 2 with cancer-related, 1 associated with acute humoral rejection and 1 with intestinal lymphangiectasia) were included in this study. The reason to initiate eculizumab treatment was worsening of renal function and persistence of TMA despite treatment of the TMA cause and plasmapheresis. All patients showed severe MAHA and renal function impairment (14 requiring dialysis) prior to eculizumab treatment and 11 presented severe extrarenal manifestations. A rapid resolution of the TMA was observed in 20 patients (68%), 15 of them showing a ≥50% serum creatinine reduction at the last follow-up. Comprehensive genetic and molecular studies in 22 patients identified complement pathogenic variants in only 2 patients. With these two exceptions, eculizumab was discontinued, after a median of 8 weeks of treatment, without the occurrence of aHUS relapses. Conclusion. Short treatment with eculizumab can result in a rapid improvement of patients with secondary aHUS in whom TMA has persisted and renal function worsened despite treatment of the TMA-inducing conditionWork in this report was funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III: REDinREN (RD 016/009 Feder Funds), the Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias (13/02502 and ICI14/00350), the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (SAF2015-66287R) and the Autonomous Region of Madrid (S2010/BMD-2316; Grupo de Investigación Complemento-CM). SRdeC is funded by the Seventh Framework Programme European Union Project EURenOmics (305608

    HAZLO: Plataforma de telesalud basada en tecnologías mhealth para el despliegue de programas personalizados de rehabilitación cardiaca fase II

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    CASEIB 2015. XXXIII Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica. Madrid 4, 5 y 6 de noviembre 2015.Actualmente, los Programas de Rehabilitación Cardiaca, tanto en provisión presencial como domiciliaria, afrontan la necesidad de incrementar sus tasas de adopción y adherencia, y en estos retos, los servicios de telesalud basados en mhealth comienzan a jugar un papel relevante, aunque la evidencia es fragmentada y de baja calidad. Se ha implementado un servicio de telesalud que despliega un programa basado en actividades terapéuticas de rehabilitación física (marcha) y psicológica (relajación), contenidos educativos para la autogestión, y herramientas para la interacción virtual (mensajería, videollamada y foros). Se presenta en este trabajo la descripción del servicio y los resultados del pilotaje (41 pacientes, 5 meses), para evaluar la viabilidad en términos de operatividad-funcionalidad en cada uno de sus componentes y adherencia a los protocolos por parte de los pacientes. Se ha iniciado un ensayo aleatorizado controlado (128+128 pacientes) para estudiar la no inferioridad en resultados clínicos del modelo de provisión basado en telesalud frente al tradicional; adicionalmente, se estudiarán la mejora en calidad de vida, satisfacción y usabilidad.Este trabajo está siendo financiado por la AES 2012, PI12/00389 y PI12/00585 (coordinados), y PI12/00508, y la colaboración de REDISSEC RD12/0001/0001.N