5,854 research outputs found

    Physical clutter affects the use of artificial ponds by the Lesser Bulldog Bat Noctilio albiventris (Chiroptera: Noctilionidae)

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    Bats frequently feed over water bodies, but the net value of the water bodies depends on characteristics such as the amount of physical clutter the water body has. More physical clutter may reduce the detection of prey by bats and may also increase energetic costs by increasing in the number of obstacles to avoid. Consequently, we hypothesized that increasing physical clutter affected the use of an artificial pond where the Lesser Bulldog Bat Noctilio albiventris, a Neotropical fishing bat, forages regularly over water. We experimentally tested this idea recording the number of passes and feeding buzzes emitted by the bats on different nights when we added two levels of obstacles over the water and on control nights with no obstacles. We only found differences between the treatment with the highest obstacle density and the control; there were fewer passes and less feeding buzzes with more obstacles. Therefore, the addition of obstacles did affect the foraging behavior of N. albiventris. Furthermore, we suggest that increasing physical clutter, as in our experiments, may be a cost-effective way to reduce conflicts between local fisher farmers and fishing bats in Neotropical rural areas

    Teenage visions of gender violence and couple relations

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    A través del presente trabajo pretendemos reflejar algunas de las creencias que los/las jóvenes y adolescentes encuestados/as tienen en torno a la violencia y a las relaciones de pareja, poniéndose de manifiesto las distorsiones de las mismas, lo cuál les puede llevar a configurar una relación de pareja no igualitaria, reproducir roles estereotipados legitimados socialmente como masculinos o femeninos y tolerar situaciones de abuso, puesto que no reconocen o minimizan determinadas señales de violencia.Trough this work we want to put forward some of the beliefs that the youngsters and teenagers surveyed share in relation to gender violence and couple relations. Such beliefs show certain distortions that may drive to the configuration of gender discriminatory relationships, the reproduction of socially legitimated male/female stereotypes, and tolerance of abusive situations that make youngsters either minimize or be unable to recognize certain signs of violenc

    Performance of people with diabetes in the labor market: An empirical approach controlling for complications

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    ABSTRACT: This paper introduces a framework for modelling the impact that diabetes has on employment status and wages, improving the existing literature by controlling for diabetes-related complications. Using the last wave of the Spanish National Health Survey, we find that 1710 adults out of the original sample of 36,087 have diabetes, reporting higher rates of unemployment. Our empirical results suggest that persons with diabetes, compared with non-diabetic persons, have poorer labor outcomes in terms of length of unemployment and lower income. However, diabetes is not significantly associated with unemployment probabilities, suggesting that the burden of diabetes on employment is mediated by lifestyle factors and clinical and functional complications. In addition, there are mixed outcomes to this econometric approach, depending on age and gender, among other factors. This interesting finding has several implications for research and policy on strategies to get lower health inequalities

    Socioeconomic differences in the associations between diabetes and hospital admission and mortality among olderadults in Europe

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    ABSTRACT: The aim of this study is to explain the trends in socioeconomic inequality and diabetes outcomes in terms of hospital admission and death in old European people. The sample includes 73,301 individuals, across 16 European countries taken from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE). People being diagnosed of diabetes were more likely to be admitted to hospital than those without diabetes, although its effect dropped after controlling for clinical and functional complications. Largest asscociations were observed in women, people aged 50?65 years old, with medium educational level and medium household income. Diabetes was significant and positively related to mortality in the whole sample. Diabetes is significantly associated with mortality risk especially in males, oldest old people, low education and medium income people. These findings have important implications for public policies to reduce socioeconomic-related health inequalities

    Una reconstrucción preliminar de la tradición democrática

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    En términos conceptuales “reconstruir” significa articular ideas aisladas cuyo origen se desconoce, con el objeto de aunar un conocimiento medianamente ordenado para organizarlo teóricamente. Por sencillo que parezca, este ha sido el propósito inicial que, seguramente, más trabajo ha costado a la mayoría de los autores que se han preocupado por la democracia. Dada la vasta literatura y las innumerables expresiones políticas que se han manifestado en la práctica, el estudio de la democracia les ha demandado una profunda y rigurosa sistematización. Algunos han buscado respuestas en los precisos pero a la vez reduccionistas modelos económicos, cuya presunta objetividad científica se ha utilizado para explicar los comportamientos políticos en una democracia, mientras otros han procurado explicar la evolución histórica de la democracia como consecuencia de la lucha o sustitución entre paradigmas –entendidos como visiones de mundo- que dotan de significado a las obras individuales

    Relationships between Sprint Ability and Endurance Capacity in Soccer Referees

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    [EN] The aim of this study was to analyze the association between sprint ability and endurance capacity in soccer referees. Twenty-three Spanish officials participated in this study. Each referee undertook, in this order, a 40 m linear straight sprinting test (40 m Sprint) and the Yo–Yo intermittent recovery level 1 test (YYIR1) interspersed with a 8 min of self-administered rest. The results in the 40m Sprint test showed that the time spent by referees was 5.56 0.27 s and achieved a maximum velocity of 31.46 2.85 km h1. Furthermore, during the YYIR1 the referees covered 1213.91 432.26 m. The distance covered at YYIR1 was moderately correlated to the velocity achieved in the 40 m Sprint test (r = 0.404, p < 0.05). These results suggest that the ability to reach high speeds is a limiting factor in YYIR1 performance.S

    Control y auditoría de correos electrónicos en Lotus Notes

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    Hemos decidido que nuestro proyecto final de carrera fuera referente a auditoría en Lotus Notes como aplicación de correo electrónico desde el punto de vista de la seguridad informática, debido a que actualmente las organizaciones tienen la necesidad de tener la certeza que sus sistemas informáticos estén debidamente protegidos de posibles ataques externos y entre sus sistemas informáticos el sistema de correo electrónico es especialmente prioritario para un gran número de organizaciones. El proyecto tiene como finalidad conseguir que los lectores del mismo puedan comprobar que la instalación y configuración de la aplicación Lotus Notes, dentro de cualquier organización, garanticen unos mínimos de seguridad tanto en la recepción y envío de correos electrónicos, como en el acceso a la aplicación Lotus Notes. El espíritu del presente proyecto fin de carrera es más bien formativo, es decir, que la idea principal del mismo es que cualquier posible lector pueda comprender todo lo que en el presente proyecto se dice, aunque el lector no tenga ningún tipo de formación en auditoría o en informática.Ingeniería Técnica en Informática de Gestió

    Palynological analysis of unifloral commercial honeys

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    Se estudiaron 28 muestras de mieles etiquetadas como monoflorales de diverso tipo y de origen español: azahar (11), eucalipto (10) y romero (7), a través de los pertinentes métodos cuantitativos y cualitativos. El análisis cuantitativo mostró un contenido medio de elementos botánicos mayor en las mieles de eucalipto (354497 por 10 gramos de miel) que en las mieles de azahar y romero (100111 y 76705, respectivamente). El estudio cualitativo de las mieles de romero y azahar reflejó valores de riqueza polínica semejantes (media de 38 y 41 formas polínicas, respectivamente), más bajos para las mieles de eucalipto (34), propias todas de ellas de la flora peninsular, salvo en dos muestras, una de miel de azahar y otra de eucalipto, con tipos polínicos propios de flora sudamericana. Asimismo, las mieles de romero superaron el 10% de representación para el tipo Salvia verbenaca, mientras que en una y dos muestras de mieles de azahar y eucalipto no alcanzaron los umbrales de 10% y 70% de los tipos Citrus sinensis y Myrtus communis, respectivamente.Twenty eight honey samples labelled as monofloral and Spanish were studied by means of quantitative and qualitative methods: orange blossom (11), eucalyptus (10) and rosemary (7). Quantitative analysis displayed a higher number of botanical elements in eucalyptus honeys (354497/10 g of honey) than in orange blossom and rosemary honeys (100111 y 76705, respectively). Qualitative study showed high pollen richness in rosemary and orange blossom honyes (an average of 38 and 41 types of pollen, respectively), lower in the case of eucalyptus honeys (34). All of these types of pollen belonged to Iberian species, except in two samples (orange blossom and eucalyptus) with pollen grains from South America flora. Rosemary honeys reached 10% of Salvia verbenaca type, whereas one and two samples of orange blossom and eucalyptus did not exceed 10% and 70% of Citrus sinensis y Myrtus communis types, respectively