97 research outputs found

    O contrato de correspondência e o seu papel no caso interbolsa

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    The present research has as a main objective to review the status quo of the correspondent agreement (CA) in Colombia and propose a modification to its regulation. For this to be done, the secondary objectives will be the following: (i) to determine the need of regulating the CA in times of post-crisis or financial scandals, (ii) to discuss about the legally binding nature in Colombia on permitting the entry of foreign financial entities and about the convenience of having a specific regulation, (iii) to establish a legal framework with respect to the CA in Colombia, (iv) to illustrate the unsuitable use of the CA in the Interbolsa affair, (v) to analyze the authorization criteria of the CA in Colombia, and (vi) to make a comparison between the Colombian regulations and the American and Chilean ones, in order to recommend, on that basis, the adoption of a reform to the current legislation in Colombia. The methodology used was the deductive one, within which a synchronous plan, followed by a dialectic plan, wereused.Este artículo tiene como objetivo principal revisar el régimen legal del contrato de corresponsalía (CC) en Colombia y proponer una modificación de su regulación. Se plantean como objetivos secundarios los siguientes: (i) determinar la necesidad de reglamentar el CC en tiempos de poscrisis o escándalos financieros, (ii) discutir sobre la obligatoriedad de Colombia de permitir el ingreso de entidades financieras extranjeras y la conveniencia de tener una regulación específica, (iii) establecer un marco conceptual jurídico respecto al CC en Colombia, (iv) ilustrar el inadecuado uso del CC en el caso Interbolsa, (v) analizar los criterios de autorización del CC en Colombia, y (vi) comparar la normativa colombiana con la norteamericana y la chilena, para a partir de ello recomendar la adopción de una reforma a la legislación vigente en Colombia. La metodología que se adoptó fue la deductiva, dentro de la cual se utilizó un plan sincrónico seguido de un plan dialéctico.A presente investigação tem como objetivo principal revisar o statu quo do contrato de correspondencia (CC) na Colômbia e propor uma modificação da sua regulação. Para o anterior valerão como objetivos secundários os seguintes: (i) determinar a necessidade de regulamentar o CC em tempos de post-crise ou escândalos financeiros, (ii) debater sobre a obrigatoriedade da Colômbia de permitir o ingresso de entidades financeiras estrangeiras e sobre a conveniência de ter uma regulação específica, (iii) estabelecer um marco conceptual jurídico respeitoao CC na Colômbia, (iv) ilustrar o inadequado uso do CC no caso Interbolsa, (v) analisar os critérios de autorização do CC na Colômbia, e (vi) fazer um estudo de direito comparado entre a normativa colombiana e a norte-americana e chilena, para a partir disso recomendar a adopção de uma reforma à legislação vigente na Colômbia. A metodologia que adoptou-se foi a dedutiva, dentro da qual será utilizado um plano sincrónico seguido de um plano dialético

    O contrato de correspondência e o seu papel no caso interbolsa

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    The present research has as a main objective to review the status quo of the correspondent agreement (CA) in Colombia and propose a modification to its regulation. For this to be done, the secondary objectives will be the following: (i) to determine the need of regulating the CA in times of post-crisis or financial scandals, (ii) to discuss about the legally binding nature in Colombia on permitting the entry of foreign financial entities and about the convenience of having a specific regulation, (iii) to establish a legal framework with respect to the CA in Colombia, (iv) to illustrate the unsuitable use of the CA in the Interbolsa affair, (v) to analyze the authorization criteria of the CA in Colombia, and (vi) to make a comparison between the Colombian regulations and the American and Chilean ones, in order to recommend, on that basis, the adoption of a reform to the current legislation in Colombia. The methodology used was the deductive one, within which a synchronous plan, followed by a dialectic plan, wereused.Este artículo tiene como objetivo principal revisar el régimen legal del contrato de corresponsalía (CC) en Colombia y proponer una modificación de su regulación. Se plantean como objetivos secundarios los siguientes: (i) determinar la necesidad de reglamentar el CC en tiempos de poscrisis o escándalos financieros, (ii) discutir sobre la obligatoriedad de Colombia de permitir el ingreso de entidades financieras extranjeras y la conveniencia de tener una regulación específica, (iii) establecer un marco conceptual jurídico respecto al CC en Colombia, (iv) ilustrar el inadecuado uso del CC en el caso Interbolsa, (v) analizar los criterios de autorización del CC en Colombia, y (vi) comparar la normativa colombiana con la norteamericana y la chilena, para a partir de ello recomendar la adopción de una reforma a la legislación vigente en Colombia. La metodología que se adoptó fue la deductiva, dentro de la cual se utilizó un plan sincrónico seguido de un plan dialéctico.A presente investigação tem como objetivo principal revisar o statu quo do contrato de correspondencia (CC) na Colômbia e propor uma modificação da sua regulação. Para o anterior valerão como objetivos secundários os seguintes: (i) determinar a necessidade de regulamentar o CC em tempos de post-crise ou escândalos financeiros, (ii) debater sobre a obrigatoriedade da Colômbia de permitir o ingresso de entidades financeiras estrangeiras e sobre a conveniência de ter uma regulação específica, (iii) estabelecer um marco conceptual jurídico respeitoao CC na Colômbia, (iv) ilustrar o inadequado uso do CC no caso Interbolsa, (v) analisar os critérios de autorização do CC na Colômbia, e (vi) fazer um estudo de direito comparado entre a normativa colombiana e a norte-americana e chilena, para a partir disso recomendar a adopção de uma reforma à legislação vigente na Colômbia. A metodologia que adoptou-se foi a dedutiva, dentro da qual será utilizado um plano sincrónico seguido de um plano dialético

    Red social para la empresa soluciones informaticas S.A, utilizando la plataforma "EIGG", en el año 2015

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    El presente trabajo investigativo enmarca el diseño de una red social para la empresa Soluciones Informáticas S.A (SISA) ubicada en la ciudad Masaya, una empresa orientada a proporcionar servicios informáticos. Para la primera etapa de la investigación se analizó la problemática de la empresa en cuanto al deficiente manejo del marketing y la publicidad, además de esto, el no poseer una fácil comunicación con sus clientes. Como siguiente paso, se plantearon los objetivos a cumplir para el diseño de la red social. En la segunda etapa se especifican las diferentes definiciones de las herramientas y recursos utilizados en el desarrollo de esta investigación, así como el diseño metodológico empleado durante el análisis de la información recolectada con la ayuda de los diferentes instrumentos. La tercera etapa se muestra los resultados de la investigación, así como las conclusiones y recomendaciones a seguir para el buen funcionamiento de la aplicación

    Relaciones entre la diversidad de aves y la estructura de vegetación en cuatro etapas sucesionales de bosque secundario, Antioquia, Colombia

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    Se estudió la relación entre la diversidad taxonómica y funcional del ensamblaje de aves y la estructura de vegetación, en cuatro estadios de sucesión secundaria de bosque, realizando cinco muestreos, entre junio de 2016 y febrero de 2017, en los que se registraron las aves, mediante puntos de conteo de radio fijo y se caracterizó la estructura de la vegetación de cada sucesión. Se estableció la abundancia, la preferencia, la especificidad de hábitat y el gremio trófico, así como la riqueza y la diversidad de las especies de aves y las relaciones entre la composición de las especies y los gremios tróficos con las variables del hábitat. Se registraron 9.516 individuos de 187 especies, pertenecientes a 42 familias y 15 órdenes. Se determinaron dos agrupaciones, separando los estadios sucesionales SS1 y SS2, de los estadios SS3 y SS4, con una similitud entre los dos grupos del 10%, a nivel taxonómico y del 32%, a nivel funcional. La regeneración natural posterior al abandono de prácticas agropecuarias, permiten un incremento de áreas de bosque secundario que, en la medida en que obtienen mayor complejidad estructural, se asocian con una mayor cantidad de especies con preferencia de hábitat de interior de bosque y un aumento de los gremios tróficos nectarívos y frugívoros

    SOUL: Scala Oversampling and Undersampling Library for imbalance classification

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    This work has been supported by the research project TIN2017-89517-P, by the UGR research contract OTRI 3940 and by a research scholarship, given to the authors Nestor Rodriguez and David Lopez by the University of Granada, Spain.The improvements in technology and computation have promoted a global adoption of Data Science. It is devoted to extracting significant knowledge from high amounts of information by means of the application of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning tools. Among the different tasks within Data Science, classification is probably the most widespread overall. Focusing on the classification scenario, we often face some datasets in which the number of instances for one of the classes is much lower than that of the remaining ones. This issue is known as the imbalanced classification problem, and it is mainly related to the need for boosting the recognition of the minority class examples. In spite of a large number of solutions that were proposed in the specialized literature to address imbalanced classification, there is a lack of open-source software that compiles the most relevant ones in an easy-to-use and scalable way. In this paper, we present a novel software approach named as SOUL, which stands for Scala Oversampling and Undersampling Library for imbalanced classification. The main capabilities of this new library include a large number of different data preprocessing techniques, efficient execution of these approaches, and a graphical environment to contrast the output for the different preprocessing solutions.UGR research contract OTRI 3940University of Granada, SpainTIN2017-89517-

    Evaluación inicial y plan de prevención de riesgos laborales en el taller de fabricación de la empresa calzado Lulú, ubicado en la Ciudad de Masaya

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    Presenta la evaluación inicial y plan de prevención de riesgos laborales en el taller de fabricación de la empresa calzado Lulú, ubicado en la Ciudad de Masaya en el cual se realizó un análisis de los peligros potenciales que afecten al desarrollo de las actividades así como un análisis de riesgo en los puestos de trabajo y la elaboración de propuesta de medidas protectoras

    Montaje de infraestructura empresarial en sistemas Linux NethServer

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    En el siguiente informe desarrollamos la instalación y configuración de Nethserver el cual se ha dispuesto como sistema operativo base para disponer de los servicios de infraestructura IT, cabe resaltar que dentro de la temática es importante reconocer y entender que es Nethserver, es un sistema que nos facilita la implementación de redes y nos permite unificar y administrar fácilmente todos los servicios básicos que se requieren en el desarrollo de una red de redes y ofrecer acceso fiable y seguro a InternetIn the following report we develop the installation and configuration of Nethserver which has been provided as the base operating system to provide IT infrastructure services, it should be noted that within the subject it is important to recognize and understand what Nethserver is, it is a system that facilitates the implementation of networks and allows us to easily unify and manage all the basic services required in the development of a network of networks and provide reliable and secure access to the Internet. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version

    Biological differences between in vitro produced bovine embryos and parthenotes

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    Parthenotes may represent an alternate ethical source of stem cells, once biological differences between parthenotes and embryos can be understood. In this study, we analyzed development, trophectoderm (TE) differentiation, apoptosis/necrosis, and ploidy in parthenotes and in vitro produced bovine embryos. Subsequently, using real-time PCR, we analyzed the expression of genes expected to underlie the observed differences at the blastocyst stage. In vitro matured oocytes were either fertilized or activated with ionomycin C6-DMAP and cultured in simple medium. Parthenotes showed enhanced blastocyst development and diploidy and reduced TE cell counts. Apoptotic and necrotic indexes did not vary, but parthenotes evidenced a higher relative proportion of apoptotic cells between inner cell mass and TE. The pluripotence-related POU5F1 and the methylation DNMT3A genes were downregulated in parthenotes. Among pregnancy recognition genes, TP-1 was upregulated in parthenotes, while PGRMC1 and PLAC8 did not change. Expression of p66shc and BAX/BCL2 ratio were higher, and p53 lower, in parthenotes. Among metabolism genes, SLC2A1 was downregulated, while AKR1B1, PTGS2, H6PD, and TXN were upregulated in parthenotes, and SLC2A5 did not differ. Among genes involved in compaction/blastulation, GJA1 was downregulated in parthenotes, but no differences were detected within ATP1A1 and CDH1.Within parthenotes, the expression levels of SLC2A1, TP-1, and H6PD, and possibly AKR1B1, resemble patterns described in female embryos. The pro-apoptotic profile is more pronounced in parthenotes than in embryos, which may differ in their way to channel apoptotic stimuli, through p66shc and p53 respectively, and in their mechanisms to control pluripotency and de novo methylation

    Cardiorespiratory nematodes and co-infections with gastrointestinal parasites in new arrivals at dog and cat shelters in north-western Spain

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    Metastrongyloid and trichuroid cardiorespiratory nematodes of dogs and cats are considered emergent in several European countries, and an increase in the number and extent of endemic foci has been described. Since data on their prevalence are limited in this continent, faecal samples from new arrivals (365 dogs and 65 cats) at two animal shelters in North-western Spain were analysed using both floatation and Baermann techniques. In order to confirm the microscopic identification of Metastrongylidae first stage larvae, molecular characterization based on the sequence of the ITS-2 was performed. The possible influence of some variables such as the species, sex and age of the animals and the co-infection with other gastrointestinal parasites on the prevalence of cardiorespiratory nematodes was analysed. The most prevalent metastrongylid was Aelurostrongylus abstrusus (15.4%) followed by Angiostrongylus vasorum (4.1%) and Crenosoma vulpis (1.1%). Regarding trichuroids, Eucoleus aerophilus and/or Eucoleus boehmi eggs were detected in 28 dogs (7.7%) and four cats (6.2%). Almost all animals positive to cardiorespiratory nematodes (86.8%) were co-infected with gastrointestinal parasites. The prevalence of Metastrongylidae and respiratory trichuroids was significantly higher in dogs co-infected with Taenia spp. and Toxocara canis or Giardia duodenalis and Sarcocystis spp., respectively. In cats, a significant higher prevalence of Metastrongylidae nematodes was found in animals co-infected with Toxocara cati. Our results reveal that cardiorespiratory nematodes are common in companion animals from north-western Spain, showing higher prevalences than those previously reported from this country. This investigation represents the first report of C. vulpis, E. aerophilus and E. boehmi in dogs from Spain. The identification of a number of zoonotic parasites is of public health concern. Our results indicate that these nematodes should be included in the differential diagnosis of dogs and cats from north-western Spain showing respiratory or cardiac clinical signsThis research was funded by the Program for consolidating and structuring competitive research groups (ED431C 2019/04, Xunta de Galicia, Spain)S

    The Age-Related Cryptosporidium Species Distribution in Asymptomatic Cattle from North-Western Spain

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    An age-related distribution of Cryptosporidium species has been reported in cattle, with C. parvum being predominant in suckling calves, C. bovis and C. ryanae being predominant in post-weaned calves and C. andersoni being predominant in adults. However, variants to this pattern have recently been reported. Thus, fecal samples (n = 594) from asymptomatic cattle were collected in north-western Spain. Animals were classified as 2 years (G5). Cryptosporidium detection and species identification were performed by SSU rRNA PCR. Individual Cryptosporidium prevalence was 16.7%; it significantly decreased with age. Cryptosporidium parvum was predominant in G1 and C. bovis was predominant in the rest of the age classes; C. bovis and C. ryanae were especially prevalent in G2 and G3. Cryptosporidium occultus was not found in suckling calves. Finally, C. andersoni and C. xiaoi were occasionally detected in G5. The presence of C. parvum in all age classes implies significant animal and public health concerns. The predominance of C. bovis in cattle older than 1 month supports the idea that the age-related pattern of Cryptosporidium species described in cattle is not fully consistent, and thus further studies are still needed to identify those factors determining the species distributionThis research was funded by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Spain), grant number AGL2016-76034-P and by Xunta de Galicia (Spain), grant number 2017-PG117S