5,863 research outputs found

    The materialization of power and the identification of political models in the archaeological context

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    In the last two decades there has been an explosion of studies dealing with the nature of power and its expression on the archaeological record. We have witnessed the development of a myriad of topics of study in the different expressions of power, from gender studies to colonialism or performance as a mean of social domination However, there are fewer studies devoted to the relationship of power, the models of state and, in concrete, the feasibility of interpreting different political models in the archaeological context and record. This work is intended to be a general review of the topic. In order to achieve this, I will develop a discourse from the more general, the definition of the terms involved in the analysis, to the more specific: which is the material expression, if any, of the different political models in which a society can be organized, moving away from the traditional interpretations that most of these phenomena have had in the discipline.En les dues últimes dècades hi ha hagut una explosió d'estudis que tracten de la naturalesa del poder i la seva expressió en el registre arqueològic. Hem presenciat el desenvolupament d'una infinitat de temes d'estudi en les diferents expressions de poder, des de 'estudis de gènere al colonialisme o performance com a significat de la dominació socia.l No obstant això, hi ha alguns estudis dedicats a la relació de poder, els models d'estat i, en concret, la viabilitat d'interpretar diferents models polítics en el context arqueològic i el seu registre. Aquest treball pretén ser una revisió general del tema. Per aconseguir-ho exposaré un discurs des del més general, la definició dels termes implicats en l'anàlisi, específicament: quina és l'expressió material, si escau, dels diferents models polítics en els quals una societat es pot organitzar, allunyant de les interpretacionstradicionals que han tingut la majoria d'aquests fenòmens en la disciplina

    Catastrofismo versus actualismo : implicaciones didácticas

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    This paper analises the historic evolution of the «actualist» and "catastrophist" geologic interpretations, describes posible epistemologic obstacles and considers their treatment in the Secondary School

    Europe in the writings of Truman Capote or the steps to the creation of the non-fiction novel

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    Last 25th August 2004, we celebrated the 20th anniversary of the death of the American writer Truman Capote and simultaneously, in the following months, two milestones in his literary career: the fortieth anniversary of Truman Capote's publication of the first lines of his masterpiece: In Cold Blood and the forty-fifth anniversary of the publication of Local Color, where the author gives a very personal and distinctive portrait of Europe; a kind of reportage of a post-war continent that now, years after, has just lived the expansion of the European Community last 1st of May. Due to the celebration of these events in the following months, it is the aim of this research to study the connexion between Truman Capote and Europe: his vision, his opinion, his writings, travels and, furthermore, the importance and the transcendent role of Europe as the root for the non-fiction novel in the making of In Cold Blood

    Truman Capote’s Early Short Stories or The Fight of a Writer to Find His Own Voice

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    [Abstract] Truman Capote’s early stories have not been studied in depth so far and literary studies on Truman Capote’s short stories start with his first collection “A Tree of Night and Other Stories”, published in 1949. Stories previous to 1945 such as “The Walls Are Cold”, “A Mink’s of One’s Own” or “The Shape of things” are basically to be discovered and their relevance lie on the fact of being successful narrative exercises that focus more in the construction of characters than in the action itself. They are stories to be read “on one sitting” and stories that make the reader foresee Capote’s skilful short narrative in the future. It is our aim, then, in this paper to present the first three ever written stories by Truman Capote, to analyse them and to remark their relevance for Capote’s literary universe


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    El artículo hace una propuesta innovadora para la aplicación de la técnica de "Juego de Roles" en la enseñanza de la literatura, que permite un acercamiento de los estudiantes a los textos de lectura obligatoria y otros, convirtiéndolos en lectores profundos y críticos, y en auténticos promotores de lectura

    Orality and Other Southern Aspects in ZZ Packer's Short Stories

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    "Maybe stories are my time and place, Mom. You know. My time and place to say things l need to say ...The entire affair's symbolic. Heavy with meaning not weight. You know. Like metaphors. Like words interchanged as if they have no weight or too much weight, as if words are never required to bear more than they can stand. As if words, when we're finished mucking with them, go back to just being words" (John Edgar Wideman's "Weight," 2000)

    Experiencias de resiliencia de estudiantes de undécimo año del colegio Daniel Oduber Quirós

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    En este artículo se reseña una investi-gación realizada en el 2006 sobre las experiencias de resiliencia de dos estudiantes de undécimo año del Colegio Daniel Oduber Quirós. Este se propone mostrar ejemplos de cómo las personas con circuns-tancias negativas en su vida pueden ser exitosas en el colegio

    Birkhoff’s theorem for Einstein gravity and beyond

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    Treballs Finals de Grau de Física, Facultat de Física, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2023, Tutor: Pablo Bueno GómezBirkhoff’s theorem establishes that any spherically symmetric vacuum solution of Einstein’s equations is necessarily static and uniquely given by the Schwarzschild metric. In this TFG we prove this theorem for Einstein gravity and several of its extensions, which include the presence of electric charge as well as higher-curvature terms in the action. More precisely, we explicitly prove Birkhofflike theorems for: Einstein, Einstein-Maxwell, Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet and Einstein-Maxwell-Gauss-Bonnet theories in general dimensions. In all cases, starting from a general spherically symmetric ansatz, we are able to show that the equations of motion impose the staticity condition, and fully constrain the metric to take the form of the unique static and spherically symmetric spacetime of each theory. We also comment on the validity of the theorem for general Lovelock theories and its current status for more general higher-curvature theories of gravit

    Os conflitos de interesses

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    This article reviews the concept of conflicts of interest with industry and the way these conflicts affect health care professionals work. Conflicts of interest of collective type in research, publications, writing good medical practice guidelines and with an increasing evidence, the relations of patients associations with industry are examined.El artículo revisa el concepto de conflicto de intereses con la industria y el modo como este conflicto afecta el trabajo de los profesionales de la salud. Se examinan los conflictos de intereses de carácter colectivo, los conflictos en la investigación, en las publicaciones, en la redacción de guías de buenas prácticas médicas y, de modo cada vez más evidente, en las relaciones de las asociaciones de pacientes con la industria.O artigo revisa o conceito de conflito de interesses com a indústria e o modo como este conflito afeta o trabalho dos profissionais da saúde. São examinados os conflitos de interesses de caráter coletivo, os conflitos na investigação científica, nas publicações, na redação de guias de boas práticas médicas e, de modo cada vez mais evidente, nas relações das associações de pacientes com a indústria