2,079 research outputs found

    Aparato dixestivo

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    Titulación: Grao en Farmacia -- Materia: Anatomía, Histoloxía e CitoloxíaO aparato dixestivo é o encargado de transformar os alimentos que inxerimos en sustancias máis sinxelas e facilmente asimilables polo organismo. O estudo deste aparato é moi importante para o futuro farmacéutico xa que constitúe a base anatómica da administración oral de medicamentos. Esta vía de administración é, sen dúbida, a máis empregada a día de hoxe debido ás múltiples vantaxes que presenta: vía sinxela, segura e cómoda. Porén, presenta tamén algúns inconvenientes que é preciso coñecer para poder deseñar adecuadamente novas formas de dosificación adecuadas á vía oral. Entre estes inconvenientes cabe subliñar o efecto do primeiro paso hepático que pode facer perder grande parte do medicamento administrado antes de que este alcance a circulación central. A explicación a este fenómeno, que radica na drenaxe venosa do intestino, estudarémola no seminario que complementa as dúas clases expositivas que constitúen esta unidade temática. Durante as clases expositivas expoñerase a morfoloxía e estrutura macroscópica do aparato dixestivo. Para isto describiranse as principais estruturas, cunha dobre aproximación, integrando morfoloxía e función e asentando as bases para materias de cursos superiores tales como Fisioloxía Humana, Fisiopatoloxía, Farmacoloxía e Biofarmacia e Farmacocinética. Ao rematar a unidade didáctica o estudantado será capaz de: Coñecer e comprender a morfoloxía, estrutura e os aspectos funcionais do aparato dixestivo como base para materias de cursos superiores do tipo de Fisioloxía Humana, Fisiopatoloxía e Farmacoloxía. Numerar e describir os compoñentes do aparato dixestivo. Coñecer e aplicar as implicacións que a circulación portal terá na administración de fármacos. Coñecer e manexar a terminoloxía anatómica con precisión como base da comunicación interprofesional en ciencias da saúde. Manexar bibliografía e ferramentas adecuadas para buscar información necesaria para preparar a materia.Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Servizo de Normalización Lingüístic

    El control gubernamental de RTVE y el pluralismo en los informativos

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    The goal of this study is to analyze and compare television newscasts broadcast during the most recent terms of office for Spain’s two primary political parties: the PSOE (the Socialist Party) and the PP (the conservative People’s Party); in order to better understand the characteristics of RTVE’s (The Spanish Radio and Television Corporation, a stateowned entity) communications strategy and to determine if changes in the governing party as well as at the senior management level in the newsroom have influenced the editorial policy of public television. The level of formal pluralism recorded does not always imply a neutral approach to reporting, nor does it mean that rigorous standards are always enforced. The facts show that in many cases there is no relationship between the quantitative and qualitative elements of any given story. The results of this study confirm that political consensus with regards to public television improves accuracy, transparency and pluralism of information, in addition to decreasing manipulation and censorship.El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar y comparar los telediarios de etapas diferentes para conocer las características de la política informativa de RTVE durante el último mandato del PSOE y del PP, y ver si los cambios de Gobierno y en la dirección de informativos han influido en la línea editorial de la televisión pública. El grado de pluralismo formal registrado no se corresponde siempre con un enfoque neutral y con un tratamiento riguroso de las noticias. Los datos reflejan que en muchos casos no existe una correspondencia entre la dimensión cuantitativa y cualitativa del relato. Los resultados de la investigación confirman que el consenso político sobre la televisión pública favorece el rigor, la transparencia y el pluralismo informativo, y disminuye la manipulación y la censura

    Local television as the axis of the close audiovisual communication: The role of the TVG in Galicia

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    La televisión ha demostrado sus fortalezas en la conformación del actual ecosistema mediático construido alrededor del nuevo paradigma de la comunicación global, Internet. La mejor prueba de su solidez son los índices de audiencia que mantienen las diferentes ofertas televisivas. Todo ha sido posible gracias a su capacidad de adaptación para la oferta multidispositivos, todavía en fase de desarrollo, y el aprovechamiento de sus fortalezas para la comunicación mediante imágenes. El escenario de proximidad ha sido el mejor laboratorio para experimentar el potencial de la televisión como eje de la información visual cercana. El trabajo presenta el análisis de caso de Televisión de Galicia, el canal autonómico público, a través de una metodología exploratorio-descriptiva que permite concluir la importancia que sigue teniendo la proximidad como valor estratégico de la conexión social de este canal que sigue jugando un papel clave en la oferta audiovisual cercana de Galicia.Television has shown its strengths in the formation of the present media environment, which has been built around the new paradigm of the global communication: the Internet. The best evidence of this assertion is the growing audience share of the different TV offerings. All this has been made possible by the technological transformation and the ability of TV to adapt itself to the multi-device offer, which is still in a development phase, and the exploitation of strengths in communicating through images. The local context has been the best laboratory for testing the potential of television as the axis of the close visual communication. The paper presents the case study of Television de Galicia, the public regional channel, through a descriptive- exploratory methodology to conclude the continuing importance of the proximity and strategic value of social connection this channel continues to play a role key in nearby Galicia audiovisual offer

    Sistema articular e muscular humano

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    Titulación: Grao en Odontoloxía -- Materia: Anatomía HumanaO sistema articular e muscular humano é unha unidade didáctica incluída no módulo de Aparello Locomotor, no que se pretende coñecer a organización xeral, as variedades morfolóxicas e o funcionamento dos ósos, articulacións e músculos, facendo fincapé nos que se encontran na rexión da cabeza e pescozo. Esta unidade didáctica pretende dar a coñecer a organización xeral, as variedades morfolóxicas e o funcionamento das articulacións e músculos na rexión da cabeza e pescozo. O módulo II de Anatomía humana engloba todos os conceptos do aparello locomotor, este módulo dividímolo en dúas unidades didácticas, unha que fai referencia ao sistema esquelético humano e outra do sistema muscular e articular humano. A unidade didáctica do sistema muscular e articular humano trata das xeneralidades e a evolución embriolóxica tanto dos músculos como dasarticulacións, así como das articulacións e músculos específicos no ámbito da Odontoloxía.Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Servizo de Normalización Lingüístic

    Electrochemical sensors modified with combinations of sulfur containing phthalocyanines and capped gold nanoparticles: A study of the influence of the nature of the interaction between sensing materials

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    Producción CientíficaVoltametric sensors formed by the combination of a sulfur-substituted zinc phthalocyanine (ZnPcRS) and gold nanoparticles capped with tetraoctylammonium bromide (AuNPtOcBr) have been developed. The influence of the nature of the interaction between both components in the response towards catechol has been evaluated. Electrodes modified with a mixture of nanoparticles and phthalocyanine (AuNPtOcBr/ZnPcRS) show an increase in the intensity of the peak associated with the reduction of catechol. Electrodes modified with a covalent adduct-both component are linked through a thioether bond-(AuNPtOcBr-S-ZnPcR), show an increase in the intensity of the oxidation peak. Voltammograms registered at increasing scan rates show that charge transfer coefficients are different in both types of electrodes confirming that the kinetics of the electrochemical reaction is influenced by the nature of the interaction between both electrocatalytic materials. The limits of detection attained are 0.9 × 10−6 mol∙L−1 for the electrode modified with the mixture AuNPtOcBr/ZnPcRS and 1.3 × 10−7 mol∙L−1 for the electrode modified with the covalent adduct AuNPtOcBr-S-ZnPcR. These results indicate that the establishment of covalent bonds between nanoparticles and phthalocyanines can be a good strategy to obtain sensors with enhanced performance, improving the charge transfer rate and the detection limits of voltammetric sensors.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad - Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (projects RTI2018-097990-B-I00 / CTQ2017-87102-R)Junta de Castilla y Leon - Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (project VA275P18

    Smart antennas in software radio base stations

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    The application of adaptive antenna techniques to fixed-architecture base stations has been shown to offer wide-ranging benefits, including interference rejection capabilities or increased coverage and spectral efficiency. Unfortunately, the actual implementation of these techniques to mobile communication scenarios has traditionally been set back by two fundamental reasons. On one hand, the lack of flexibility of current transceiver architectures does not allow for the introduction of advanced add-on functionalities. On the other hand, the often oversimplified models for the spatiotemporal characteristics of the radio communications channel generally give rise to performance predictions that are, in practice, too optimistic. The advent of software radio architectures represents a big step toward the introduction of advanced receive/transmit capabilities. Thanks to their inherent flexibility and robustness, software radio architectures are the appropriate enabling technology for the implementation of array processing techniques. Moreover, given the exponential progression of communication standards in coexistence and their constant evolution, software reconfigurability will probably soon become the only costefficient alternative for the transceiver upgrade. This article analyzes the requirements for the introduction of software radio techniques and array processing architectures in multistandard scenarios. It basically summarizes the conclusions and results obtained within the ACTS project SUNBEAM,1 proposing algorithms and analyzing the feasibility of implementation of innovative and softwarereconfigurable array processing architectures in multistandard settings.Peer Reviewe

    Variance prediction for population size estimation

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    Design unbiased estimation of population size by stereological methods is an efficient alternative to automatic computer vision methods, which are generally biased. Moreover, stereological methods offer the possibility of predicting the error variance from a single sample. Here we explore the statistical performance of two alternative variance estimators on a dataset of 26 labelled crowd pictures. The empirical mean square errors of the variance predictors are compared by means of Monte Carlo resampling

    Cines nacionales y lenguas no hegemónicas. La invisibilidad del gallego frente a las políticas de diversidad cultural

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    In the spirit of the proposals of the Agenda 2020 about the structural role of cinema in the configuration of the European identities, this article highlights the significance of the national cinemas in non-hegemonic languages in the conformation of a diverse European culture. Following this perspective, we use Galician cinema as a case study in which we analyze the presence (or more precisely the absence) of the Galician language in the original version in the feature films released between 2008 and 2012.This proposal is hosted by the I+D+I project eDCINEMA: “Towards the European Digital Space. The role of small cinemas in original version” (Ref. CSO2012-35784) financed by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain.En línea con los postulados de la Agenda 2020 respecto al rol estructural del cine en la configuración de la(s) identidad(es) europea(s), el artículo destaca la trascendencia de las cinematografías nacionales en lenguas no hegemónicas en la consecución de una cultura europea diversa. Desde esta perspectiva, se asume el estudio de caso del cine en Galicia, y se analiza la presencia (o, para ser más exactos, la ausencia) de la versión original gallega en los largometrajes cinematográficos estrenados entre 2008 y 2012. La propuesta surge al abrigo del proyecto de I+D+i “Hacia el Espacio Digital Europeo. El papel de las cinematografías pequeñas en versión original” (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. Ref. CSO2012- 35784)

    Evaluating the pharmacological response in fluorescence microscopy images: The Δm algorithm

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    Current drug discovery procedures require fast and effective quantification of the pharmacological response evoked in living cells by agonist compounds. In the case of G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs), the efficacy of a particular drug to initiate the endocytosis process is related to the formation of endocytic vesicles or endosomes and their subsequent internalisation within intracellular compartments that can be observed with high spatial and temporal resolution by fluorescence microscopy techniques. Recently, an algorithm has been proposed to evaluate the pharmacological response by estimating the number of endosomes per cell on time series of images. However, the algorithm was limited by the dependence on some manually set parameters and in some cases the quality of the image does not allow a reliable detection of the endosomes. Here we propose a simple, fast and automated image analysis method?the ?m algorithm- to quantify a pharmacological response with data obtained from fluorescence microscopy experiments. This algorithm does not require individual object detection and computes the relative increment of the third order moment in fluorescence microscopy images after filtering with the Laplacian of Gaussian function. It was tested on simulations demonstrating its ability to discriminate different experimental situations according to the number and the fluorescence signal intensity of the simulated endosomes. Finally and in order to validate this methodology with real data, the algorithm was applied to several time-course experiments based on the endocytosis of the mu opioid receptor (MOP) initiated by different agonist compounds. Each drug displayed a different ?m sigmoid time-response curve and statistically significant differences were observed among drugs in terms of efficacy and kinetic parameters