27 research outputs found

    Construyendo y Depurando un Instrumento de Observación mediante la Teoría de la Generalizabilidad

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    AbstractThe control of quality of data it is one of the most relevant aspects in observational researches. The Generalizability Theory (GT) provides a method of analysis that allows us to isolate the various sources of error measurement. At the same time, it helps us to determine the extent to which various factors can change and analyze the effect on the generalizability coefficient. In the work shown here, there are two studies aimed to creating and purifying an observation instrument, Observation Protocol in the Teaching Functions (Protocolo de Funciones Docentes, PROFUNDO, v1 and v2), for behavioral assessment which has been carried out by instructors in a social-affective out-of-school program. The reliability and homogeneity studies are carried out once the instrument has been created and purified. The reliability study will be done through the GT method taking both codes (c) and agents (a) as differential facets in. The generalization will be done through observers using a crossed multi-faceted design (A × O × C). In the homogeneity study the generalization facet will be done through codes using the same design that the reliability study.ResumenEl control de la calidad de los datos es uno de los aspectos más relevantes en las investigaciones observacionales. La Teoría de la Generalizabilidad (TG) proporciona un método de análisis que nos permite aislar las fuentes de variación debidas al error aleatorio. Al mismo tiempo, nos ayuda a determinar el grado en que ciertos factores pueden cambiar y analizar su efecto mediante el coeficiente de generalizabilidad. En este trabajo, se presentan dos estudios que tratar de construir y depurar un instrumento de observación, el Protocolo de Funciones Docentes (PROFUNDO, v1 y v2), que trata de evaluar la conducta realizada por los instructores in programas socio-afectivos fuera de la escuela. Se han realizado estudios de fiabilidad y homogeneidad mediante TG considerando como facetas diferenciales tanto los códigos (c), como los agentes (a). La generalización se llevará a cabo a través de los observadores usando un diseño cruzado multifaceta (A × O × C). En el estudio de homogeniedad, la faceta de generalizabilidad se llevará a cabo a través de los códigos, usando el mismo diseño que en el estudio de fiabilidad.AbstractThe control of quality of data it is one of the most relevant aspects in observational researches. The Generalizability Theory (GT) provides a method of analysis that allows us to isolate the various sources of error measurement. At the same time, it helps us to determine the extent to which various factors can change and analyze the effect on the generalizability coefficient. In the work shown here, there are two studies aimed to creating and purifying an observation instrument, Observation Protocol in the Teaching Functions (Protocolo de Funciones Docentes, PROFUNDO, v1 and v2), for behavioral assessment which has been carried out by instructors in a social-affective out-of-school program. The reliability and homogeneity studies are carried out once the instrument has been created and purified. The reliability study will be done through the GT method taking both codes (c) and agents (a) as differential facets in. The generalization will be done through observers using a crossed multi-faceted design (A × O × C). In the homogeneity study the generalization facet will be done through codes using the same design that the reliability study


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    La familia juega un papel transcendental en el desarrollo infantil, siendo además de especial relevancia en el caso de alumnado de altas capacidades intelectuales, donde en muchas ocasiones es en el entorno de la familia donde se proveen los recursos de la especial educación que precisa este estudiantado, dado que no siempre se cubren sus necesidades educativas en la escuela. El Programa Integral para Altas Capacidades (PIPAC) que se imparte en la Universidad de La Laguna anualmente desde 2004, incorpora un subprograma específico para progenitores, Encuentros, cuyo objetivo es dotarlos de estrategias que favorezcan una adecuada educación, que ayude a su partentalidad, así como un espacio para aprender a conocerse mejor y a potenciar sus habilidades como educadores. En el presente estudio se presenta la evaluación formativa y sumativa realizada en la edición XIII del programa

    Educational Responses to Students With High Abilities From the Parental Perspective

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    Students who have high abilities demand educational responses, both inside and outside of the classroom. The best type of educational strategy depends on the characteristics of the students, the school, the educational system, and the country. For this reason, the level of attention paid to high-ability students can vary across nations. To guarantee the efficacy of programs that are implemented both inside and outside of school, it is essential to offer to these students the support that they need. The students' parents are a fundamental component of this scenario. This study evaluates the educational support provided to students with high abilities from a parental perspective. This study's aim is to evaluate the opinions that parents in several countries hold about the educational responses to gifted students, as well as to compare the types of strategies implemented in these countries' respective educational systems. Parents of students with high abilities completed an ad hoc online questionnaire that was designed to identify the types of educational responses, the students' participation in enrichment programs (inside and outside of school), the parents' level of satisfaction with these programs, and any difficulties or problems that occurred. A mixed methodology was used, with both quantitative and qualitative survey questions. ALCESTE software was used to analyze the open-ended (qualitative) questions. This research, which was directed by the Network of Research, Intervention and Evaluation in High Intellectual Abilities, focused on three countries: Mexico, Argentina, and Spain. Descriptive analysis were carried out for analyzing the questions related with the educational support and demographic information. Qualitative analysis were used to analyze open-ended questions. The results provide evidence on which types of educational responses are being implemented in those countries, how they are being used, and whether they offer appropriate support for the needs of high-ability students

    O enfoque qualitativo na avaliação de programas psicoeducativos: Aplicações e contributos da metodologia qualitativa

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    Os programas psicoeducativos surgem, nas mais diversas áreas, como uma oportunidade de desenvolvimento pessoal, verificando-se uma demanda crescente de propostas baseadas na evidência. Na avaliação destes programas assiste-se porém a alguma insatisfação com a metodologia quantitativa, sobretudo, quando não permite perceber profundamente os processos de mudança. O objetivo deste trabalho é ilustrar o contributo da metodologia qualitativa à investigação desenvolvida, através da apresentação de três processos distintos: a) entrevista semiestruturada (construída a partir da abordagem fenomenológica e utilizada como avaliação pré-teste, pós-teste e follow-up num programa de educação parental); b) metodologia observacional (útil para avaliação formativa de programas e análise do processo de mudança de comportamentos ao longo dos programas); e c) Q-set da Resiliência Familiar (método misto, originalmente construído para a avaliação do funcionamento resiliente das famílias em risco psicossocial). Apresentam-se os resultados alcançados em estudos realizados e discute-se a pertinência da sua aplicação no âmbito da avaliação da intervenção psicoeducativa.Psychoeducational programmes appear, in several areas, as an opportunity for personal development, and there is a growing demand for evidence-based interventions. Yet, in its evaluation framework has been recognized some dissatisfaction with the quantitative methodology, especially when it does not contribute to deeply understand the processes of change. The objective of this paper is to illustrate the contribution of qualitative methodology to research, presenting three different processes: a) semi-structured interview (it was built considering the phenomenological approach and was used for a pre-test, post-test and follow-up assessment in a parenting educational programme); observational method (useful for training programmes assessment and analysis of the process of behavior change occurred over the programmes); and c) Q-set of family resilience (mixed method, originally built for the evaluation of the resilient functioning of psychosocial risk families). We present the results obtained and we discusses the relevance of its application in the assessment of psychoeducational intervention.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Neste trabalho pretende-se discutir o contributo da metodologia qualitativa na avaliação da eficácia dos processos de mudança quando se implementam programas psicoeducativos. Concretamente apresentam-se três recursos distintos: a) entrevista semiestruturada (construída a partir da abordagem fenomenológica e utilizada como avaliação pré-teste, pós-teste e follow-up num programa de educação parental); b) metodologia observacional (útil para avaliação formativa de programas e análise do processo de mudança de comportamentos ao longo dos programas); e c) Q-set da Resiliência Familiar (método misto, originalmente construído para a avaliação do funcionamento resiliente das famílias em risco psicossocial). Cada um dos recursos é discutido, ilustrando-se a sua utilização e a pertinência da sua aplicação no âmbito da avaliação da eficácia da intervenção psicoeducativa.The main goal of this paper is to discuss the contribution of qualitative methodology for the assessment of the changing processes due to psychoeducational intervention. Three different resources are presented: a) semi-structured interview (it was built considering the phenomenological approach and was used for a pre-test, post-test and follow-up assessment in a parenting educational programme); observational method (useful for training programmes assessment and analysis of the process of behavior change occurred over the programmes); and c) Q-set of family resilience (mixed method, originally built for the evaluation of the resilient functioning of psychosocial risk families). These resources are discussed and is stated the relevance of their aplication in the assessment of psychoeducational intervention.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Assessment of the Teaching Behavior of the Instructors of an Out-of-School Program

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    Out-of-school programs for students with high abilities are especially relevant when their needs are not covered in formal education. The evaluation of these programs is essential and it can be carried out from different evaluative approaches. The evaluation of the behavior of the people who implement the programs is an important aspect in the evaluation of process and it can resemble the one conducted by a teacher in formal education. This type of assessment requires an appropriate methodology such as the observational. In this study a protocol for observation of teaching functions has been designed for the evaluation of the behavior of the instructors of a socio-affective out-of-school program. The frequency of occurrence of behaviors as well as the resultant of conducts in intrapersonal, interpersonal and cooperative activities is analyzed in this study.Sin financiaciónNo data (2015)UE

    El ABP como metodología de innovación educativa: la comunicación del Comercio Justo como proyecto motivador entre el alumnado universitario

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    El Comercio Justo arrancó en 1960 con el trabajo de algunos comerciantes minoristas y organizaciones no gubernamentales. Actualmente, la poca información sobre estos productos, su origen, su historia, así como su trazabilidad ético-social, condiciona la toma de decisiones de los consumidores, cada vez más racionales e independientes con respecto a los imperativos marcados por las estrategias de marketing de las marcas. Esta razón debería de considerarse como un factor suficiente para generar una concienciación respecto a la posición del Comercio Justo en la contribución del gasto, sobre todo si se logra hacer llegar su mensaje a las nuevas generaciones que en pocos años construirán una unidad familiar. Durante el curso 2015-2016, la Universidad Europea de Canarias puso en marcha un proyecto ABP en el que trabajaron 41 estudiantes supervisados por 3 profesores, que contó con la colaboración del establecimiento de Comercio Justo El Surco.Sin financiaciónSPI 2018UE

    Estrategia promocional para mejorar la percepción del comercio justo en Tenerife. Proyecto ABP realizado en el curso 2015-2016 con la colaboración de Cáritas Diocesana de Tenerife-El Surco

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    En 2015, el establecimiento El Surco, en Tenerife, fue objeto de un estudio elaborado por 41 estudiantes de la Universidad Europea de Canarias, supervisados por un equipo de profesores, con el fin de diseñar una estrategia promocional dirigida a mejorar el Comercio Justo en la isla y comprobar mediante sondeos la respuesta de un potencial cliente. En el proyecto intervinieron estudiantes de tres asignaturas distintas trabajando la metodología de Aprendizaje basado en Proyectos (ABP). De forma selectiva se diseñaron dos cuestionarios ad hoc con un doble objetivo: conocer la opinión de los consumidores que ya participaban del Comercio Justo y analizar la percepción que se tiene sobre el mismo en una muestra de población de perfil universitario. Este proyecto analiza cómo el limitado conocimiento de los usuarios y la tímida posición de estos bienes en supermercados y otros comercios son razones que pueden justificar la escasa penetración de aquéllos en los hábitos de consumo del ciudadano de nuestro país; por ello, se sugiere la necesidad de una mayor promoción que amplíe el consumo y eleve su importancia a instancias gubernamentales.SIN FINANCIACIÓNNo data 2018UE


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    Los escolares de altas capacidades necesitan completar su formación cuando la educación reglada no responde a sus necesidades con programas extraescolares. La evaluación de tales programas se hace imprescindible, pudiendo abordarse desde distintas perspectivas. Cuando el objetivo es analizar cómo se desarrolla el programa, el enfoque debe ser a través de la evaluación formativa, donde la evaluación de la conducta del docente juega un papel fundamental, ya que el responsable del desarrollo del programa. La metodología observacional es la adecuada en tal caso. En este trabajo se analiza el comportamiento de las monitoras del grupo de preadolescentes del Programa Integral para Altas Capacidades, en su sexta edición. Para ello se ha desarrollado un instrumento de observación, el Protocolo de Observación de Funciones Docentes (PROFUNDO). Se analiza la frecuencia de aparición de tales comportamientos, desde la perspectiva de macroanálisis, y con análisis secuencial para el desarrollo del microanálisis. Se concluye que el clima general de las sesiones es de una interacción alta y positiva, propiciando la comunicación eficaz con la monitora principal. Además, la evaluación formativa permite establecer recomendaciones para la mejora del programa.The gifted students need to complete their education when formal education does not meet their needs with school programs. The evaluation of such programs is essential and can be approached from different perspectives. When the objective is to analyze how the program develops, the focus should be through formative assessment, where the assessment of teacher behavior plays a key role as the head of program development. The observational methodology is appropriate in this case. This paper analyzes the behavior of the instructors the preteens have in the Total Program for High Ability, in its sixth edition. For this we have developed an observational instrument, the Observation Protocol Teaching Functions (OProTeaFun). It analyzes the frequency of occurrence of such behaviors, from the perspective of macro-analysis, and sequential analysis for microanalysis development. We conclude that the interaction during the sessions is positive and with a high frequency, promoting effective communication with the main instructor. In addition, formative assessment allows for recommendations for program improvement