541 research outputs found

    A Decision Tree and S-Transform Based Approach for Power Quality Disturbances Classification

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    In this paper, it is presented an automated classification based on S-transform as feature extraction tool and Decision Tree as algorithm classifier. The signals generated according to mathematical models, including complex disturbances, have been used to design and test this approach, where noise is added to the signals from 40dB to 20dB. Finally, several disturbances, simple and complex, have been considered to test the implemented system. Evaluation results verifying the accuracy of the proposed method are presented.IEE

    Influencia de la imagen de marca en la decisión de compra de clientes reales y potenciales de SALSAS KAYRO en la ciudad de Estelí, durante el primer semestre del año 2016

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    El presente trabajo de investigación, tiene como objetivo recopilar y analizar información acerca de la influencia de la imagen de marca en la decisión de compra de clientes reales y potenciales de la ciudad de Estelí. El restaurante de comidas rápidas salsas Kayro es una empresa nicaragüense que ofrece un menú variado de platillos de rápida preparación entre ellos, alitas picantes que es uno de sus principales productos de mayor demanda sin dejar de mencionar las hamburguesas, hot dog, sándwiches, diferentes bebidas entre otro. Con este estudio se pretende analizar la manera en que los clientes perciben la imagen de marca con respecto a la atención y servicio al cliente en general su mezclas de marketing como el producto, precio, promoción y plaza. Este tipo de estudio es muy útil para determinar si una empresa o producto goza de la imagen y aceptación del mercado específico a los cuales se dirige la empresa, crear una imagen adecuada es fundamental para el éxito de cualquier organización. Toda empresa necesita posicionar una buena imagen en la mente del consumidor, que le haga diferenciarse del resto de su competencia. Esta imagen propia se construye mediante la comunicación activa de atributos, beneficios o valores definitivos, a nuestra audiencia objetivos. Una buena imagen de marca es una variable estratégica importante dentro de una empresa ya que día a día adquiere un mayor protagonismo, así mismo ,es importante señalar la importancia que tiene para estas empresas la atención al buen servicio al cliente. Para la recopilación de información en la investigación se consultaron fuentes como libros, páginas web para la elaboración de marco teóric

    Imagen de marca; estudio al restaurante de comidas rápidas SALSAS KAYRO en relación al comportamiento de compra de los consumidores.

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    Para elaborar este estudio se realizaron consultas en distintas fuentes de información para verificar si existen estudios realizados referente al tema la influencia de la imagen de marca en la decisión de compra del consumidor. Se optó hacer un estudio del negocio de comidas rápidas Salsas Kayro en la ciudad de Estelí en cuanto a la imagen de marca que proyecta como empresa y la percepción que tienen los consumidores de esta. El objetivo principal de este trabajo fue conocer el comportamientos de los consumidores del Restaurante Salsas Kayro en relación a la imagen de marca que proyecta a sus clientes reales y potenciales al ofrecer sus servicios de comidas rápidas, valorando las estrategias que han implementado para mantenerse en el mercado y hacerle frente a la competencia y así mismo proponer nuevas estrategias basándose en los resultados obtenidos a través del periodo de investigación que ayuden a fortalecer día a día la imagen de marca de la empresa con el objeto de mantener la fidelización de sus clientes actuales , mejorando así la participación de su mercado en la ciudad de Estelí y que le permitan llegar a sus clientes potenciales

    A novel switched capacitor frequency tuning technique for continuous-time Gm-C filters

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    A novel approach for the automatic frequency tuning of Continuous Time Filters is presented. This approach is based on a switched capacitor circuit and only needs three capacitors, some switches and a replica transconductor to adjust the pole frequency of the filter. Despite the simplicity of the scheme, the accuracy of the proposed system is under 1% of frequency error. To evaluate the idea a version of the circuit has been designed in a 0.5 µm CMOS technology with a 3.3 V power supply and simulation results are provided

    Boosted Activity of g-C3N4/UiO-66-NH2 Heterostructures for the Photocatalytic Degradation of Contaminants in Water

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    The combination of graphitic carbon nitride and the metal-organic framework UiO-66-NH2 has been developed with the aim to enhance the photocatalytic activity of pure semiconductors. Different proportions of g-C3N4 and UiO-66-NH2 were combined. Complete characterization analysis of the resulting photocatalytic materials was conducted, including N-2 adsorption isotherms, XRD, FTIR, STEM-EDX microscopy, DRS-UV-visible, and photoluminescence. The photocatalytic activity was tested in an aqueous solution for the removal of acetaminophen as the target pollutant. From the obtained results, less than 50% of UiO-66-NH2 incorporated in the g-C3N4 structure enhanced the photocatalytic degradation rate of both bare semiconductors. Concretely, 75% of g-C3N4 in the final g-C3N4 /UiO-66-NH2 heterostructure led to the best results, i.e., complete acetaminophen elimination initially at 5 mg.L-1 in 2 h with a pseudo-first order rate constant of ca. 2 h(-1). The presence of UiO-66-NH2 in the g-C3N4 enhanced the optoelectronic properties, concretely, the separation of the photo-generated charges was improved according to photoluminescence characterization. The better photo-absorption uptake was also confirmed by the determination of the quantum efficiency values of the heterostructure if compared to either pure g-C3N4 or UiO-66-NH2. This photocatalyst with the best activity was further tested at different pH values, with the best degradation rate at a pH close to the pH(pzc) similar to 4.15 of the solid. Sequential recycling tests demonstrated that the heterostructure was stable after five cycles of use, i.e., 15 h. A high contribution of photo-generated holes in the process of the degradation of acetaminophen, followed marginally by superoxide radicals, was suggested by scavenger tests.University of Granada PPJIA2019-09 PPJIA2021-3

    Impact of Probiotics on the Performance of Endurance Athletes: A Systematic Review

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    Background: Probiotic supplements contain different strains of living microorganisms that promote the health of the host. These dietary supplements are increasingly being used by athletes to improve different aspects such as athletic performance, upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs), the immune system, oxidative stress, gastrointestinal (GI) problems, etc. This study aimed to identify the current evidence on the management of probiotics in endurance athletes and their relationship with sports performance. Methods: A systematic review of the last five years was carried out in PubMed, Scopus, Web of science, Sportdiscus and Embase databases. Results: Nine articles met the quality criteria. Of these, three reported direct benefits on sports performance. The remaining six articles found improvements in the reduction of oxidative stress, increased immune response and decreased incidence of URTIs. There is little scientific evidence on the direct relationship between the administration of probiotics in endurance athletes and sports performance. Conclusions: Benefits were found that probiotics could indirectly influence sports performance by improving other parameters such as the immune system, response to URTIs and decreased oxidative stress, as well as the monitoring of scheduled workouts

    A Comparative Analysis of Soil Loss Tolerance and Productivity of the Olive Groves in the Protected Designation of Origin(PDO) Areas Norte Alentejano (Portugal) and Estepa (Andalusia, Spain)

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    Olive groves are Mediterranean systems that occupy more than 2.5 M ha in Spain and 0.352 M ha in Portugal. Assuming the differences between both countries in terms of olive grove regulation and considering their multifunctionality, it is useful to implement agronomic indices to estimate their sustainability. The Soil Loss Tolerance Index (SLTI) and the Soil Productivity Index (SPI) are two such indices. We calculated both indices in the Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) Norte Alentejano (Portugal). The SLTI index was adapted considering specific variables of the analysed olive groves (i.e., SLTIog). The values obtained were compared with those previously estimated for PDO Estepa (Spain). The negative impacts of erosion and the underlying agricultural practices on the sustainability of olive groves became evident, resulting in decreased soil productivity at the regional level. The SLTIog index showed higher values for crops, being a more realistic tool to analyse sustainability. A higher soil loss tolerance was detected for integrated groves in the PDO Norte Alentejano than for PDO Estepa due to the shorter age of olive cultivation in Portugal, with incipient soil impacts. These indices provide information on the degree of soil erosion, allowing farmers and decision-makers to apply practices to maximise the sustainability of olive groves.To the University Complutense of Madrid, for awarding the lead author a short-term fellowship through which this research could be carried out. To MED-Universidade de Évora (Portugal), for providing to the main author with the opportunity to jointly perform field work and analytical tasks in Portugal. The time devoted by J.M.-R. and T.P.-C. to retrieve and treat the data and to write and revise the article has received partial funding from the following sources: (a) FCT—Foundation for Science and Technology (Portugal) under the Project UIDB/05183/2020; (b) SUSTAINOLIVE research project (https://sustainolive.eu/?lang=en [accessed on: 29 March 2021]), funded by the PRIMA EU program. Lastly, we thank María Aurora Rodríguez Sousa for her support and advice

    Organoids and colorectal cancer

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    Organoids were first established as a three‐dimensional cell culture system from mouse small intestine. Subsequent development has made organoids a key system to study many human physiological and pathological processes that affect a variety of tissues and organs. In particular, organoids are becoming very useful tools to dissect colorectal cancer (CRC) by allowing the circumvention of classical problems and limitations, such as the impossibility of long‐term culture of normal intestinal epithelial cells and the lack of good animal models for CRC. In this review, we describe the features and current knowledge of intestinal organoids and how they are largely contributing to our better understanding of intestinal cell biology and CRC genetics. Moreover, recent data show that organoids are appropriate systems for antitumoral drug testing and for the personalized treatment of CRC patients.The work in the authors’ laboratory is funded by the Agencia Estatal de Investigación (PID2019‐104867RB‐I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033), the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (SAF2017‐90604‐REDT/NuRCaMeIn), and the Instituto de Salud Carlos III—Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (CIBERONC/CB16/12/00273, CIBERONC/CB16/12/00398 and ICI20/00057)

    A scalable data streaming infrastructure for smart cities

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    Proceedings of JARCA 2016: XVIII JARCA Workshop on Qualitative Systems and Applications in Diagnosis, Robotics and Ambient Intelligence: El Toyo, Almería (Spain), 23-29 June, 2016Many of the services a smart city can provide to its citizens rely on the ability of its infrastructure to collect and process in real time vast amounts of continuous data that sensors deployed through the city produce. In this paper we present the server in- frastructure we have designed in the context of the HERMES project to collect the data from sensors and aggregate it in streams for their use in services of the smart city.Research reported in this paper was supported by the Spanish Economy Ministry through the “HERMES–Smart Driver” project (TIN2013-46801-C4-2-R) and the “HERMES–Smart Citizen” project (TIN2013-46801-C4-1-R

    Cambios y pervivencias en las montañas del Noroeste de Castilla y León: El ejemplo de los Montes de León, La Cabrera y Sanabria

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    Este artículo se centra en el estudio de los cambios y de las pervivencias acaecidos durante las últimas décadas en las montañas del Noroeste de Castilla y León. Ha habido profundas transformaciones que quedan plasmadas en el conjunto de las estructuras y de los paisajes agrarios, en las nuevas fuentes de ingresos asociadas a los variados y ricos recursos naturales, en el crecimiento de la industria agroalimentaria o en la nueva valoración de los espacios culturales. A su vez, esa riqueza patrimonial, herencia de las sucesivas actuaciones humanas, se convierte en la base de la diversificación del origen de las rentas y del arraigo de los principios de la multifuncionalidad en los territorios rurales, tan necesarios para seguir avanzando en la propuesta de actuaciones encaminadas a afianzar el desarrollo rural sostenible