1,099 research outputs found

    Economic Model Predictive Control for Smart and Sustainable Farm Irrigation

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    The joint effects of rise of global population, climate change and water scarcity makes the shift towards an efficient and sustainable agriculture more and more urgent. Fortunately, recent developments in low-cost, IoT-based sensors and actuators can help us to incorporate advanced control techniques for efficient irrigation system. This paper proposes the use of an economic model predictive control at a farm scale. The controller makes use of soil moisture data sent by the sensors, price signals, operative restrictions, and accurate dynamical models of water dynamics in the soil. Its performance is demonstrated through simulations based on a real case-study, showing that it is possible to obtain significant reductions in water and energy consumption and operation costs

    La promoción de los valores sociales por las organizaciones de producción cinematográficas para crear comunidades de paz en México = The promotion of social values by the motion pictures organizations to create peace communities in Mexico

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    Resumen: El presente estudio plasma la situación de violencia por la que atraviesa México. Determina la manera en que la violencia provocada por el crimen organizado es vivida. Propone el actuar de diversos sectores en la búsqueda de solucionar esta coyuntura: empresas, gobierno, escuelas, iglesia, entre otros. Analiza el papel que juegan las Organizaciones de Producción Cinematográfica (OPC) como generadoras de riquezas económicas pero también como creadoras de bienes artísticos, culturales y educativos. Investiga los factores empleados por las OPC cuando pretenden hacer reflexionar, transmitir ideas, conocimientos o motivar a los espectadores. Se muestran los diferentes tipos de valores y se proponen los valores sociales que al ser incluidos en películas, series de televisión o documentales pudieran funcionar como herramienta educativa en la búsqueda de generar comunidades de paz en México Abstract: This scientific study reflects the situation of violence that is being experienced in Mexico. It determines how the violence caused by the organized crime is lived. This paper proposes the play of different sectors in seeking the solution of this situation: business, government, schools, church, among others. It analyzes the role of Film Production Organizations (OPC) as generators of economic wealth but also as creators of artistic, cultural and educational goods. It looks for the factors used by the OPC when they try to communicate ideas, cause reflections, transmit knowledge or motivate the audience. It shows the types of values and it propose the social values that can be included in films, television series and nonfiction films as an educational tool in the quest to generate peace communities in Mexic

    Economic model predictive control for smart and sustainable agriculture

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    The joint effects of rise of global population, climate change and water scarcity makes the shift towards an efficient and sustainable agriculture more and more urgent. Fortunately, recent developments in low-cost, IoT-based sensors and actuators can help us to incorporate advanced control techniques for efficient irrigation system. This paper proposes the use of an economic model predictive control at a farm scale. The controller makes use of soil moisture data sent by the sensors, price signals, operative restrictions, and accurate dynamical models of water dynamics in the soil. Its performance is demonstrated through simulations based on a real case-study, showing that it is possible to obtain significant reductions in water and energy consumption and operation costs.This research was partially funded by the proyect INNOREGA: Riego sostenible basado en monitorización distribuida e inteligencia artificial (PP.AVA.AVA2019.024). This project is co-financed by the FEDER funds (UE) within the “Programa Operativo de Andalucía 2014–2020”

    Desarrollo de un sistema computacional para el aprendizaje de programación estructurada "SCAPE"

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    En el presente documento se propone un sistema computacional que sirve como alternativa en la enseñanza de la programación estructurada a un usuario tecnológico promedio. A lo largo del documento se muestran el proceso de análisis y diseño de los diferentes elementos que componen la propuesta, y como se construyó el prototipo del sistema que integrara hardware y software. Finalmente se presentan las conclusiones del trabajo y algunas recomendaciones sobre el funcionamiento y proyectos futuros que pueden derivarse del sistema

    Teaching in rats Wistar under a paradigm of determined avoidance

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    Que los seres vivos aprenden es un hecho indiscutible. Al igual que cualquier otro proceso biológico, el aprendizaje es resultado de los mecanismos de la evolución. A esta temática se han dedicado muchas investigaciones. Sin embargo, hay otro hecho que aunque es simétrico con el de aprendizaje, posee características e implicaciones distintas; se trata de la enseñanza entre animales, fenómeno que se ha descuidado en los estudios de conducta animal, a pesar de su relevancia en un amplio rango de tópicos del comportamiento animal. Desde una perspectiva evolucionista, la enseñanza puede verse como un acto altruista o cooperativo que evolucionó por su aporte al éxito reproductivo, al promover el aprendizaje de otros, y aunque en los últimos diez años han aparecido diversas investigaciones relacionadas con el tema, tanto en mamíferos como en aves, aun son muchos los aspectos por delimitar, tales como los parámetros y las condiciones bajo los cuales el fenómeno ocurre. Se presenta una investigación realizada con el propósito de establecer si la enseñanza ocurre en ratas Wistar usando un procedimiento de evitación operante. Los datos indican que las madres le facilitan a sus crías su seguimiento, lo que podría ser considerado como una forma de enseñanza, en cuanto se coloca a las crías en un ambiente en el que las madres han sobrevividoTo say that the living beings learn is an incontrovertible fact, and in the same way that any other biological process, the learning process is the result of an evolutionary process; the most of investigations have been dedicated to the learning topic. However, there is another fact that although it is similar to the learning process, it has distinct characteristics and implications; it is the teaching between animals, this phenomenon has been neglected in the studies of the animal behavior, despite its relevance in an ample range of topics about the animal behavior. From an evolutionary perspective, the teaching can be seen as an altruistic act or a cooperative one, that promotes other people’s learning, and although in the last ten years have appeared diverse investigations related to the topic, in mammals and in birds, there are a lot of aspects to be delimited, such as the parameters and the conditions under which this phenomenon occurs. This investigation hopes to establish if the teaching occurs in Wistar rats using a procedure called operational avoidin

    La Procuraduría General De La Nación y La Garantía Del Derecho Al Debido Proceso En Materia De La Ley 2094 De 2021

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    la presente investigación tendrá como fuente de estudio el derecho disciplinario colombiano, se observa que este en los últimos años, ha logrado avances jurídicos y dogmáticos, los cuales han creado instituciones que pretenden proteger los principios, derechos y deberes del Estado colombiano, contemplando no sólo que el Estado tiene el poder de reglamentar la conducta de sus funcionarios, sino que estos cuentan con derechos para contradecir en un juicio al Estado, lo que se conoce actualmente como debido proceso. Entre las instituciones que permiten ejercer por parte del Estado colombiano el derecho disciplinario su mayor exponente son los órganos de control entre ellos, el Ministerio Público encabezado por la Procuraduría General de la Nación, la cual, cuenta con las funciones de órgano de control disciplinario de la conducta de los servidores públicos. Actualmente, la Constitución Política de Colombia expresa en el artículo 275 que el Procurador General de la Nación es el supremo director del Ministerio Público. Con base en lo anterior es necesario identificar cuáles son los órganos que componen el Ministerio Público en donde se encuentra tanto la Procuraduría General de la Nación, la Defensoría del Pueblo y las personerías tanto distritales como municipales, así como los demás funcionarios que indique la Ley quienes tienen el deber de la guarda y promoción de los derechos humanos, la protección del interés público y la vigilancia de la conducta oficial de quienes desempeñan funciones públicas (Const. 1991, art. 118).Universidad Libre - Facultad de Derecho - Derech

    Papel de la inflamación y la adhesión leucocitaria en la fisiopatología del daño orgánico en la hipertensión arterial.

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    La hipertensión arterial aumenta el estrés oxidativo, el cual a su vez impide una adecuada función endotelial. La disfunción endotelial es común en los pacientes hipertensos; se asocia con inflamación, incremento de algunos mediadores de la inflamación y daño a órgano blanco. En presencia de disfunción endotelial, se expresan en el endotelio vascular moléculas de adhesión, las cuales facilitan el rodamiento de los leucocitos (especialmente monocitos) sobre la pared arterial, así como su paso al espacio subendotelial. Estas moléculas se han asociado con algunas complicaciones de la hipertensión arterial. Se ha identificado un posible nexo entre inflamación e hipertensión arterial, y recientemente se ha destacado el papel de la inflamación en el desarrollo de las complicaciones cardiovasculares de la enfermedad, en este escrito revisaremos los mecanismos que contribuyen a ese nexo, así como el papel de la inflamación en el desarrollo de complicaciones en el paciente hipertenso

    In Vitro Biocompatibility of Several Children's Toothpastes on Human Gingival Fibroblasts

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    The European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry has recommended fluoride toothpastes from the eruption of the first teeth in children. Toothpastes stay in the mouth in contact with human gingival fibroblasts (hGFs) for a long time. Thus, the objective of this study was to compare the cytotoxicity of five different commonly used children's toothpastes: Oral B Kids +3 (Procter & Gamble, Alicante, Spain), Fluor Kin Calcium (Kin, Madrid, Spain), PHB Junior (PHB, Barcelona, Spain), Colgate +3 (Colgate Palmolive, Madrid, Spain) and Vitis Kids (Dentaid, Valencia, Spain) on hGFs. The children's toothpastes were exposed to hGFs at different concentrations (1:1, 1:2, 1:4). Afterwards, several tests were performed: MTT assays, cell cycle analyses, cell cytoskeleton staining assays, apoptosis/necrosis assays, and ICP-MS and ion chromatography. Oral B displayed the lowest cytotoxicity and was the toothpaste with the highest fluoride ion release; meanwhile, the other toothpastes were cytotoxic (*** p < 0.0001); Fluor Kin being the one with the lowest fluoride ion release. Among all the toothpastes analyzed, Oral B exhibited the best results in vitro in terms of biocompatibility. Future evaluations, both in vitro and in vivo, are required to confirm the biocompatibility of sodium lauryl sarcosinate and sodium lauryl sulfate containing toothpastes

    Chemical composition and bioactivity potential of the new endosequence BC Sealer formulación hiflow

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    Aim To evaluate in a laboratory setting the effects of Endosequence BC Sealer HiFlow (Brasseler USA, Savannah, GA, USA), a novel calcium silicate-based sealer developed for use in warm canal filling techniques, on human periodontal ligament stem cells (hPDLSCs). Methodology Eluates of EndoSequence BC Sealer HiFlow (BCHiF) (Brasseler USA), EndoSequence BC Sealer (BCS) (Brasseler USA) and AH Plus (AHP) (Dentsply DeTrey GmbH, Konstanz, Germany), were placed in contact with hPDLSCs. The characterisation of the chemical elements of the root canal sealers was assessed using Scanning Electron Microscopy and Energy Dispersive X-ray analysis (SEM-EDX). Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) was used to determine the ion release of the sealers. MTT assay and wound healing techniques were used to determine cell viability and migration, respectively. Cell morphology and cell attachment were assessed using a direct contact technique of hPDLSCs onto the surface of the sealers and analysed by SEM. The bioactivity potential was carried out with the Alizarin Red and qPCR testing methods. The statistical differences were evaluated using one-way ANOVA and Tukey´s test (p0.05). Both BCS and BCHiF had similar rates of cell migration to the control group at 24 and 48 hours. Cell morphology and adhesion capacity were also similar for BCS and BCHiF groups, while the AHP group was associated with reduced adhesion capacity. The Alizarin Red assay revealed a significant difference between the BCS and the control group (p<0.001), as well as for the BCHiF group (p<0.001). Finally, BCS and BCHiF promoted overexpression of osteo/cementogenic genes. Conclusions In general, EndoSequence BC Sealer HiFlow possesses suitable biological properties to be safely used as a root canal filling material and promote increased expression of oste/cementogenic genes by hPDLSCs

    Enhancing safety in hyperbaric environments through analysis of autonomic nervous system responses: a comparison of dry and humid conditions

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    Diving can have significant cardiovascular effects on the human body and increase the risk of developing cardiac health issues. This study aimed to investigate the autonomic nervous system (ANS) responses of healthy individuals during simulated dives in hyperbaric chambers and explore the effects of the humid environment on these responses. Electrocardiographic- and heart-rate-variability (HRV)-derived indices were analyzed, and their statistical ranges were compared at different depths during simulated immersions under dry and humid conditions. The results showed that humidity significantly affected the ANS responses of the subjects, leading to reduced parasympathetic activity and increased sympathetic dominance. The power of the high-frequency band of the HRV after removing the influence of respiration, PHF⊥¯, and the number of pairs of successive normal-to-normal intervals that differ by more than 50 ms divided by the total number of normal-to-normal intervals, pNN50¯, indices were found to be the most informative in distinguishing the ANS responses of subjects between the two datasets. Additionally, the statistical ranges of the HRV indices were calculated, and the classification of subjects as “normal” or “abnormal” was determined based on these ranges. The results showed that the ranges were effective at identifying abnormal ANS responses, indicating the potential use of these ranges as a reference for monitoring the activity of divers and avoiding future immersions if many indices are out of the normal ranges. The bagging method was also used to include some variability in the datasets’ ranges, and the classification results showed that the ranges computed without proper bagging represent reality and its associated variability. Overall, this study provides valuable insights into the ANS responses of healthy individuals during simulated dives in hyperbaric chambers and the effects of humidity on these responses