737 research outputs found

    Bacterias gram negativas no entéricas de interes clínico

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    La patología infecciosa en los últimos decenios ha ido evolucionando en dos aspectos fundamentales, aparentemente distintos, pero convergentes en su acción firal. De una parte, la progresiva desaparición, o disminución, de las denominadas tradicional mente infecciones específicas, es decir, aquellas que constituyen una entidad clínica, tales como difteria, brucelosis, carbunco, cólera, tuberculosis, etc., en favor de su conocimiento epidemiológico, de las actuaciones sanitarias de los países y pueblos, de la prevención específica y de la eficacia de la acciór de los quimioterápicos, sin olvidar la significación que el incremento del nivel económico, social y cultural de los pueblos supone en el incremento general de la salud. Pero, contrariamente, se ve incidir de manera progresiva la patología infecciosa inespecífica, tradicionalmente interpretada como aquellos cuadros sintomáticos, locales o generales, de características anatomopatológicas similares, sea cual fuere el agente causal que lo ocasiona. La inespecificidad radicaba inicialmente en el cuadro clínico (otitis, meningitis, peritonitis, septicemias, etc.) y en el agente causal, las más de las veces no investigado

    Effect of chestnuts level in the formulation of the commercial feed on carcass characteristics and meat quality of Celta pig breed

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    The effect of including chestnuts in the formulation of the feed on carcass characteristics and meat quality from 24 castrated males Celta pigs was studied. The inclusion of 15% of chestnut (CH15) improved (p0.05) differences except for the carcass length and ham length, for which the CH15 group proved to be the group with the longest sizes. The diet did not affect the physicochemical properties (colour parameters, water holding capacity and shear force) of longissimus dorsi muscle. The composition of some fatty acids of the longissimus dorsi muscle was affected by diet. The total saturated (35-38%) and total polyunsaturated fatty acids (8-10%) did not present differences. However, the increase of chestnut in the diet increased (p<0.05) the monounsaturated fatty acids in intramuscular fat (57% in CH25 vs. 53% in control and CH15). Within monounsaturated fatty acids, the C18:1n9 was the most influenced by the diet. The expression of the enzyme that synthesizes C18:1n9 depend on the composition of the diet. Therefore, the lower content of protein and the higher amounts of C18:1n9 and C18:2n6 in the chestnut could be explaining the greater content of C18:1n9 in muscle of chestnut-fed animals. The main conclusion is that including chestnuts in the diet would allow reduce production costs with no effect or even improving carcass measurements and meat qualityXunta de Galicia, The Regional Government (Project PGIDT00AGR17E)S

    Efecto de la cantidad de castañas en la dieta sobre el perfil de ácidos grasos del lacón curado de cerdos Celta

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    The effect of including chestnuts in the formulation of the feed (0, 15 and 25% chestnut) on the fatty acids of dry-cured lacon from Celta pigs was studied. The inclusion of chestnuts decreases the saturated fatty acid content (SFA) and the monounsaturated fatty acid content (MUFA). With regards to the polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), the lacon from animals fed with chestnuts presented higher values of total PUFA, n6 PUFAs and n3 PUFAs. This is related to the fact that chestnut diets had the highest amounts of essential fatty acids (C18:2n6 and C18:3n3), therefore the lacon from chestnut-fed animals also presented higher amounts of these fatty acids. According to nutritional ratios, lacon obtained from chestnut-fed pigs was healthier than the one obtained from pigs fed on commercial feed. The main conclusion is that including chestnuts in the diet allows us to obtain healthier dry-cured meat productsSe estudió el efecto de la inclusión de la castaña en la formulación del pienso (0, 15 y 25% de castaña) sobre el perfil de ácidos grasos del lacón curado de cerdo Celta. La inclusión de castañas produjo una disminución del contenido de ácidos grasos saturados (SFA) y monoinsaturados (MUFA). Con respecto a los ácidos grasos poliinsaturados (PUFA) los lacones de animales alimentados por castaña presentaron valores más altos de PUFA totales, PUFA n6 y PUFA n3. Esto está relacionado con que las castañas tienen una mayor cantidad de ácidos grasos esenciales (C18:2n6 y C18:3n3), por tanto los lacones de cerdos alimentados con castaña también presentan mayores contenidos de estos ácidos grasos. De acuerdo con los índices nutricionales, los lacones obtenidos de cerdos alimentados con mayor proporción de castañas fueron más saludables. La inclusión de castañas en la dieta nos permite obtener productos cárnicos curados más saludablesS

    Switching Costs in the European Postal Service. Are There Any Solutions?

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    [Abstract] This article examines the costs of switching that may exist in the European postal sector, where it is carried out an ambitious process of opening to competition since 1997. Inadequate regulation of the access to some elements of postal infrastructure or services within the scope of the universal postal service exists. This article proposes adaptations to ensure transparent and non-discriminatory access conditions to elements of postal infrastructure in line with the sectorial directives aimed at strengthening competition in the long term in the postal market. The proposed adaptations focus on services such as postcode systems, address databases, post office boxes, delivery boxes, re-direction and return to sender services. All of them can help reduce the switching cost and thus strengthen competition

    Cross-repository aggregation of educational resources

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    The proliferation of educational resource repositories promoted the development of aggregators to facilitate interoperability, that is, a unified access that would allow users to fetch a given resource independently of its origin. The CROERA system is a repository aggregator that provides access to educational resources independently of the classification taxonomy utilized in the hosting repository. For that, an automated classification algorithm is trained using the information extracted from the metadata of a collection of educational resources hosted in different repositories, which in turn depends on the classification taxonomy used in each case. Then, every resource will be automatically classified on demand independently of the original classification scheme. As a consequence, resources can be retrieved independently of the original taxonomy utilized using any taxonomy supported by the aggregator, and exploratory searches can be made without a previous taxonomy mapping. This approach overcomes one of the recurring problems in taxonomy mapping, namely the one-to-none matching situation. To evaluate the performance of this proposal two methods were applied. Resource classification in categories existing in all repositories was automatically evaluated, obtaining maximum performance values of 84% (F1 score), 87.8% (area under the receiver operator characteristic curve), 86% (area under the precision-recall curve) and 75.1% (Cohen's κ). In the case of resources not belonging to one of the common categories, human inspection was used as a reference to compute classification performance. In this case, maximum performance values obtained were respectively 69.8%, 73.8%, 75% and 54.3%. These results demonstrate the potential of this approach as a tool to facilitate resource classification, for example to provide a preliminary classification that would require just minor corrections from human classifiers.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. R2014/034 (RedPlir)Xunta de Galicia | Ref. R2014/029 (TELGalicia

    Search of Potential Vaccine Candidates against Trueperella pyogenes Infections through Proteomic and Bioinformatic Analysis

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    Trueperella pyogenes is an opportunistic pathogen, responsible for important infections in pigs and significant economic losses in swine production. To date, there are no available commercial vaccines to control diseases caused by this bacterium. In this work, we performed a comparative proteomic analysis of 15 T. pyogenes clinical isolates, by “shaving” live cells, followed by LC-MS/MS, aiming at the identification of the whole set of surface proteins (i.e., the “pan-surfome”) as a source of antigens to be tested in further studies as putative vaccine candidates, or used in diagnostic tools. A total of 140 surface proteins were detected, comprising 25 cell wall proteins, 10 secreted proteins, 23 lipoproteins and 82 membrane proteins. After describing the “pan-surfome”, the identified proteins were ranked in three different groups based on the following criteria: to be (i) surface-exposed, (ii) highly conserved and (iii) widely distributed among different isolates. Two cell wall proteins, three lipoproteins, four secreted and seven membrane proteins were identified in more than 70% of the studied strains, were highly expressed and highly conserved. These proteins are potential candidates, alone or in combination, to obtain effective vaccines against T. pyogenes or to be used in the diagnosis of this pathogen

    Ruta Botánica polo Campus de Lugo

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    Esta obra deriva do Inventario da Flora Leñosa do Campus Universitario de Lugo, traballo encargado pola Universidade de Santiago de Compostela e desenvolvido entre os meses de marzo e setembro de 2011. Nas aproximadamente 34 ha e media que ocupa o Campus lucense identificáronse 230 taxóns leñosos entre especies, híbridos, variedades silvestres e cultivadas (cultivares). Ademais, pola súa abundancia en todo o Campus, incluíronse as herbáceas Cortaderia selloana e Phormium tenax, polo que o número final de taxóns catalogados ascende a 232, repartidos en 49 familias, 101 xéneros, 149 especies e 8 híbridos, entre eles un interxenérico (x Cupressocyparis). Avanzando un paso máis na aposta dixital en acceso aberto da USC, por vez primeira un produto editorial preséntase nun triple formato e soporte: .pdf para ordenadores fixos ou portátiles; Android para tablets e aplicación Apple para iPad

    Laterality and performance in combat sports

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    P. 167-177La literatura ha demostrado una relación entre la lateralidad y una representación excesiva de atletas zurdos en ciertos deportes, y especialmente en deportes uno contra uno, como el judo, el tenis, el boxeo o la esgrima; La explicación principal se ha atribuido a una mayor probabilidad de éxito. Algunos autores lo han explicado a través de una hipótesis de superioridad genética o innata, sin embargo otros defienden la hipótesis de la ventaja estratégica. El objetivo del estudio es una visión general sobre la lateralidad, el éxito deportivo, la representación excesiva de atletas dominantes de izquierda que ejecutan técnicas y la posibilidad de modular esa representación excesiva a través del entrenamiento y basada en hipótesis de selección negativa dependiente de la frecuencia, dado que en deportes como esgrima, boxeo o judo, se han desarrollado diseños tácticos y acciones de entrenamiento basadas en el lado predominante del oponente mientras se ejecutan habilidades. Se plantea la hipótesis de que si existe algún tipo de relación entre la lateralidad y el éxito deportivo, y se ha adquirido la lateralidad que ejecuta las habilidades deportivas, entonces puede modificarse mediante diferentes metodologías de aprendizaje y / o entrenamiento; Uno de ellos se basa en procesos de transferencia bilateral de habilidades motoras, pero carece de investigación experimental. Sugerimos que la noción de crear o hacer atletas desde la perspectiva de la preferencia lateral al correr con habilidades deportivas y en comportamientos deportivos basados en la lateralidad, podría modificar la hipótesis de selección dependiente de la frecuencia, especialmente en ciertos deportesS

    Synthesis of Degraded Limonoid Analogs as New Antibacterial Scaffolds againstStaphylococcus aureus

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    Staphylococcus aureusand methicillin-resistantStaphylococcus aureus(MRSA) have become serious infections in humans and ruminants.S. aureusstrains are showing rapid changes to develop resistance in traditional antibiotic-containing systems. In the continuous fierce fight against the emergent multi-drug resistant bacterial strains, straightforward and scalable synthetic procedures to produce new active molecules are in demand. Analysis of molecular properties points to degraded limonoids as promising candidates. In this article, we report a simple synthetic approach to obtain degraded limonoid analogs as scaffolds for new antibacterial molecules. The minimum inhibitory concentrations againstS. aureuswere evaluated for the stereoisomer mixtures by the broth microdilution method. Analysis of results showed that the acetylated derivatives were the most active of them all