2,501 research outputs found

    Active Vision Therapy for Anisometropic Amblyopia in Children: A Systematic Review

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    Purpose. The aim of the study was evaluation of the scientific evidence about the efficacy of vision therapy in children and teenagers with anisometropic amblyopia by performing a systematic literature review. Methods. A search was performed using 3 searching strategies in 4 different databases (PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, and PruQuest). The quality of the included articles was evaluated using two tools for the risk of bias assessment, ROBINS-I for nonrandomized studies of intervention (NRSI), and ROB 2.0 for randomized clinical trials. Results. The search showed 1274 references, but only 8 of them passed the inclusion criteria after the complete text review. The articles that were finally included comprised 2 randomized control trials and 6 nonrandomized studies of intervention. These articles provided evidence supporting the efficacy of vision therapy for the treatment of anisometropic amblyopia in children and teenagers. Assessment of the risk of bias showed an appropriate risk of bias for the randomized control trials, but a high risk of bias for nonrandomized studies of intervention (NRSI). A main source of risk of bias for NRSI was the domain related to the measurements of the outcomes, due to a lack of double-blind studies. Conclusion. Vision therapy is a promising option for the treatment of anisometropic amblyopia in children and teenagers. However, the level of scientific evidence provided by the studies revised is still limited, and further randomized clinical trials are necessary to confirm the results provided to date and to optimize the vision therapy techniques by knowing the specific neural mechanisms involved.The author David P Piñero was supported by the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness of Spain within the program Ramón y Cajal, RYC-2016-20471

    Identificación de nuevos mecanismos moleculares del inmunosupresor FK506 en Saccharomyces cervisiae

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    El inmunosupresor FK506 (Tacrolimus, Prograf) ha incrementado la tasa de supervivencia del trasplante de órganos. FK506 ejerce su acción inmunosupresora mediante la inhibición de la fosfatasa calcineurina en células T activadas. Desgraciadamente, la terapia con FK506 está asociada con efectos no terapéuticos indeseados, entre los que destaca la diabetes, que implican otras dianas distintas de calcineurina. Para identificar estas dianas hemos estudiado la toxicidad celular de FK506 en la levadura de gemación Saccharomyces cerevisiae. FK506 aumentó la sensibilidad de la levadura a estrés osmótico de un modo independiente de calcineurina y las proteínas de unión a FK506. FK506 también indujo un fuerte ayuno de aminoácidos y la activación de la ruta de control general de nutrientes (GCN). La prototrofía de triptófano o el exceso de triptófano eliminó la toxicidad de FK506, lo que muestra que el ayuno de triptófano media este efecto. La mutación de los genes GCN3 y 4 alivió parcialmente la toxicidad de FK506, lo que sugiere que la activación de la ruta GCN por FK506 también está implicada en la tolerancia osmótica. FK506 reforzó la fosforilación de la kinasa Hog1p dependiente de estrés osmótico pero sin inducción de un reportero dependiente de Hog1p. Interesantemente, la interrupción del gen GCN2 suprimió la hiperfosforilación de Hog1p dependiente de FK506 y restauró la actividad del reportero dependiente de Hog1p. A la inversa, la interrupción del gen HOG1 afectó a la activación de Gcn2p y traducción de un reportero GCN4-lacZ dependientes de FK506. Esto pone de manifiesto la existencia de una interacción funcional entre las kinasas Gcn2p y Hog1p. En conjunto estos datos demuestran que tanto el ayuno de aminoácidos como la activación de la ruta GCN inducidos por FK506 contribuyen a la sensibilidad celular a estrés osmótico y revelan un bucle regulador positivo entre las rutas GCN y HOG. Dada la naturaleza conservada de estas rutas, este mecanismo de toxicidad de FK506Rodríguez Hernández, CJ. (2006). Identificación de nuevos mecanismos moleculares del inmunosupresor FK506 en Saccharomyces cervisiae [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/1849Palanci

    Exploratory study of porous asphalt mixtures with additions of reclaimed tetra pak material

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    The use of cellulose fibers (CF) has become a common technique for reducing draindown problems in porous asphalt (PA) mixtures, helping to increase the bitumen content and providing thicker binder films. In this research, a laboratory study was conducted to assess the suitability of using recycled Tetra Brick Aseptic (TBA) containers as an environmentally friendly substitute for virgin cellulose fibers used in PA pavements. The results obtained showed that recycled TBA material was a suitable addition for PA mixtures, providing similar, or sometimes greater, improvements than commercial CF.This study was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through the research project BIA2012-32463 with funds from the State General Budget (PGE) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The authors wish to thank the GCS, and GITECO research groups of the University of Cantabria. Valerio C. Andrés-Valeri would also like to thank the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness for the Predoctoral Fellowship BES-2013-062604, for funding his research activity at the University of Cantabria


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    El objetivo de la investigación fue determinar la relación que existe entre la responsabilidad social con el modelo de gestión municipal en el distrito de Pátapo, Chiclayo. La investigación es cuantitativa y de tipo descriptivo con diseño – correlacional, esta investigación se ha desarrollado teniendo en consideración una muestra de 97 trabajadores de la Municipalidad distrital de Pátapo en el año 2019. Para la recolección de datos se utilizó la técnica de la encuesta y como instrumentos cuestionarios sobre la responsabilidad social y la gestión municipal. El análisis y procesamiento de los datos se llevó a cabo utilizando la estadística descriptiva e inferencial y para hacer la valoración de ambas encuestas, se utilizó la escala de Liker para determinar la fiabilidad de los datos recogidos en la encuesta, donde los resultados obtenidos fueron procesados a través del Coeficiente de Alfa de Cronbach, y a su vez, se tuvo que utilizar el programa informático SPSS 19; para hallar los datos estadísticos, que posteriormente y con rigurosidad científica fueron analizados, interpretados y presentados en tablas, para ello se utilizó el método cuantitativo. Asimismo de utilizó el coeficiente de correlación de Spearman. Finalmente se concluye que existe una relación directa positiva significativa r = ,888 de muy buena entre la responsabilidad social y el modelo de gestión de municipalidad del distrito de Pátapo, A mayor responsabilidad social el modelo de gestión de la municipalidad será más eficiente

    Efectos de los Niveles de Preparación de las Pymes al Abordar el Periodo de Transición

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    120 (31) h.Medir los niveles de preparación aplicados en las pymes de Villavicencio para abordar el proceso de transición • Caracterizar las pymes de Villavicencio que deben aplicar normas internacionales de información financiera para pymes. • Establecer los niveles de preparación requeridos por las pymes para abordar el periodo de transición. • Diagnosticar el estado de preparación en NIIF de las pymes de Villavicencio, al abordar el proceso de transición. • Analizar los resultados obtenidos respecto al periodo de transición de las pymes de Villavicencio.Resultado para Optar el Título de Contador Público, Proyecto EPI (Contador Público). Universidad de los Llanos. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, 2016.PregradoContaduría Públic

    Selection of Additives and Fibers for Improving the Mechanical and Safety Properties of Porous Concrete Pavements through Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Analysis

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    Despite the number of environmental advantages that porous concrete (PC) pavements can provide, they are mainly used in light-traffic roads, parking lots and sidewalks due to their low mechanical strength. This research focuses on the common additives employed in PC pavements, according to a literature review, with the aim of increasing their mechanical strength while maintaining an acceptable infiltration capacity. The results demonstrated that the combination of superplasticizers and air-entraining additives can provide indirect tensile strength values over 2.50 MPa, with an infiltration capacity over 0.40 cm/s. In addition, polypropylene fibers were seen to provide very good safety properties, preserving some structural integrity in the case of failure. All mixtures studied obtained outstanding skid resistance results under both dry and wet condition

    The world production and trade of rare earth elements: the position of the pacific area

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    In this paper we analyze the characteristics of the so-called rare earth elements (REEs) and its industrial applications. We present the policy, or lack thereof, in the countries in the Pacific Rim for its mining and commerce, and the current and future weight that rare earth minerals will have in international trade. The technological revolution experienced over the last 25 years, has brought the REEs to the public’s attention for being instrumental in obtaining catalysts, lasers and optical fiber, luminescent substances and LEDs, superconductors, permanent magnets, batteries and ultra-capacitors. China’s leading position as the supplier of these minerals worldwide, and its recent export restriction policy for domestic industrial activities have driven up international prices. Price increase for REEs is leading to the need for both recycling and its replacement. It has also led other countries in the Asia Pacific Rim to prospect new potential sites on their own territories, or even to restart operations in deposits that had been previously abandoned. Those strategies will likely gain greater importance as environmental pollution problems associated with the exploitation, processing, and recovery of REEs increase

    Dimensionamento da viga principal de uma ponte rolante

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    Pontes Rolantes são equipamentos utilizados no transporte e elevação de cargas, geralmente com altas capacidades e elevados ciclos de trabalho. Trata-se de uma estrutura, normalmente instalada dentro de edificações, sendo possível movimentar cargas, materiais, equipamentos entre outros, nas direções longitudinal, transversal e vertical. Este trabalho apresenta o projeto e dimensionamento da viga principal de uma ponte rolante univiga para aplicação na indústria metal-mecânica. O procedimento de cálculo estrutural é baseado na norma NBR 8400 e NBR 8800. A NBR 8400 estabelece os critérios mínimos para o dimensionamento de equipamentos para transporte e elevação de carga, e a NBR 8800 define os requisitos mínimos para o projeto de estruturas de aço. Após o dimensionamento e análise estrutural seleciona-se o perfil comercial W360x39 (fabricante Gerdau) para a viga principal da ponte rolante. Por fim, realiza-se uma análise de elementos finitos utilizando o software Autodesk Inventor, onde se observa que os níveis de tensão e deflexão estrutural são valores dentro dos limites estabelecidos pelos órgãos normativos.Overhead Cranes are equipments used for the transporting and lifting of loads, generally with high capacities and high working cycles. It is a structure, normally installed inside buildings, that is able to move loads, materials, equipments and others, in the longitudinal, transversal and vertical directions. This work presents the project and sizing of the main beam of a uni-beam overhead crane used in the metal-mechanical industry. The structural calculation procedure is based on NBR 8400 and NBR 8800. The NBR 8400 establishes the minimum criterias for the sizing of equipments for transporting and lifting loads, and the NBR 8800 defines the minimum requirements for the design of steel structures. After the sizing and structural analysis, it is selected the commercial profile W360x39 (made by Gerdau) as the main beam of the overhead crane. Then, it is analyzed the finite elements using the software Autodesk Inventor, where we can check that the tension and deflexion levels of the structure are within the limits established by the normative regulation used in this study

    Anti-diabetic and anti-obesity agent sodium tungstate enhances GCN pathway activation through Glc7p inhibition

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    [EN] Tungstate counteracts diabetes and obesity in animal models, but its molecular mechanisms remain elusive. Our Saccharomyces cerevisiae-based approach has found that tungstate alleviated the growth defect induced by nutrient stress and enhanced the activation of the GCN pathway. Tungstate relieved the sensitivity to starvation of a gcn2-507 yeast hypomorphic mutant, indicating that tungstate modulated the GCN pathway downstream of Gcn2p. Interestingly, tungstate inhibited Glc7p and PP1 phosphatase activity, both negative regulators of the GCN pathway in yeast and humans, respectively. Accordingly, overexpression of a dominant-negative Glc7p mutant in yeast mimicked tungstate effects. Therefore tungstate alleviates nutrient stress in yeast by in vivo inhibition of Glc7p. These data uncover a potential role for tungstate in the treatment of PP1 and GCN related diseases. (C) 2012 Federation of European Biochemical Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.We thank R. Serrano for providing the Delta cnb1 mutant strain. We thank A. G. Hinnebusch for the gcn2-507 and gcn2 mutant strains. The pGEX-GLC7 plasmid was kindly provided by P. Sanz. The PP1-FLAG construct was kindly provided by A. C. Gingras. We thank T. Yates and J. Calbo for critical reading of the manuscript and helpful suggestions. J. J. Guinovart's laboratory was funded by grants from the Direccion General de Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnica (BFU2008-00769), the Generalitat de Catalunya (2009 SGR 01176), the Fundacion Marcelino Botin and the CIBER de Diabetes y Enfermedades Metabolicas Asociadas (ISCIII, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion). J. R. Murguia laboratory was funded by Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias (FIS03-0628).Rodríguez Hernández, CJ.; Guinovart, J.; Murguía, JR. (2012). Anti-diabetic and anti-obesity agent sodium tungstate enhances GCN pathway activation through Glc7p inhibition. FEBS Letters. 586(3):270-276. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.febslet.2011.12.035S270276586