1,026 research outputs found

    Radiative forcing under mixed aerosol conditions

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    The mixture of mineral dust with biomass burning or urban-industrial aerosols presents significant differences in optical properties when compared to those of the individual constituents, leading to different impacts on solar radiation levels. This effect is assessed by estimating the direct radiative forcing (ΔF) of these aerosols from solar flux models using the radiative parameters derived from the Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET). These data reveal that, in oceanic and vegetative covers (surface albedo (SA) 0.30 are not present in East Asia region. At the bottom of atmosphere (BOA) the maximum ΔF values are associated with the highest AOD levels obtained for the mixture of mineral dust and biomass burning aerosols (−130 ± 44 Wm−2 with AOD = 0.8 ± 0.4 for SA < 0.30).Support for this study was given by Spanish Ministry of Education and Science, projects CGL2005‐03428‐C04‐02, CGL2007‐66477‐C02‐02/CLI, PI042005/033, and CGL2008‐04740/CLI

    Distribution of Nutrients in Edible Banana Pulp

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    Chemical composition in different parts of banana pulp was determined. Ash and protein mean concentrations in the central part of the pulp were higher than in the medium part, and these were higher than those in the external part. The mean concentrations of the fiber (total and non-soluble) in the central part were higher than those found in the other parts. Ascorbic acid behaved inversely; the mean concentration significantly decreased from the external part to the central part. The central part contained the highest mean concentrations of the analysed minerals (Na, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Cu, Zn and Mn), with statistically significant differences for Cu, Zn and Ca. A tendency to differentiate the pulp samples of banana as a function of the part considered was observed after using factor analysis. The samples from the central part were different from those from the external part. The samples of the medium part overlapped with those of the other two parts

    Un códice astronómico en papel anterior a 1262 (BNE, MSS/10015)

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    Una serie de anotaciones posteriores permiten fechar un códice en papel hispanoárabe, con marca de zigzag, antes del año 1262. El manuscrito contiene traducciones de Ptolomeo, según la versión de Platón de Tívoli, y procede de la ciudad de Zaragoza. De allí pasó a Toledo y hoy se conserva en la Biblioteca Nacional de España (MSS/10015). La datación de esta copia, de probable origen aragonés, debe situarse en el segundo cuarto del siglo XIII.Departamento de Historia II y Geografí

    The graphy of the Seya river in documents from the 12th to the 19th Centuries

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    Averamientu históricu a la llingua asturiana na zona oriental del dominiu, en particular nel conceyu de Sayambre, a traviés de los documentos de la Edá Media y de la Edá Moderna, la mayor parte inéditos. Preséntase’l rexistru históricu del usu del grafema nel nome del ríu Seya y n’otros topónimos (mayores y menores) rellacionaos con él. Demuéstrase la conservación d’esta grafía y pronunciación hasta’l sieglu XIX inclusive.Historical approach to the Asturian language in the oriental zone of the domain, particularly in Sajambre, through documents from the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Age to the present period, most of them unpublished. The historical record of the use of grapheme is presented in the name of the river Seya and other major and minor toponyms related with it. We demonstrate the conservation of the above mentioned pronunciation up to the 19th Century inclusive

    Carters and muleteers of Sajambre. The exchange of goods in the Oriental mountain of León (16th-18th centuries)

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    [ES] Se analiza la carretería y el transporte con acémilas de mediana y larga distancia que desarrollaron los habitantes del municipio leonés de Sajambre en los siglos XVI, XVII y XVIII, mediante el estudio de las vías de comunicación utilizadas, las rutas y destinos frecuentados, los medios de transporte y las mercancías. Entre otras aportaciones, se proporciona la fecha más antigua de introducción y cultivo del maíz en la provincia de León (1616); se documenta el tránsito por el Camino Real del Oriente, cuya trayectoria se reconstruye; se atestiguan los viajes de los sajambriegos, con carros y con rocines, desde la costa Cantábrica hasta la Sierra de Gredos; se amplía la relación de productos con los que comerciaban los leoneses del siglo XVII.[EN] We analyse the middle and long distance muleteering and the transport by cart, that the inhabitants of the municipality of Sajambre (Northeast of the Kingdom of León) developed in the 16th century, 17th and 18th, through the study of the roads of communication used, destinations and frequented routes, and means of transport. Among other contributions, we provide the earliest date of introduction of maize in the province of León (1616). We document the transit through the Royal Road of the East, whose path, is rebuilt. The travels with carts and horses from the Cantabrian Coast to the Mountains of Gredos, are confi rmed. We extend the list of merchandises traded by the carriers of León in the 17th Century

    Homocysteine treatment alters redox capacity of both endothelial and tumor cells

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    Homocysteine is a non-proteinogenic amino acid playing key roles in two interconnected metabolic pathways, namely, the activated methyl cycle and the linear trans-sulfuration pathway that allows the conversion of methionine to cysteine. A dysregulation of intracellular homocysteine metabolism could yield an increased export of this amino acid, leading to hyperhomocysteinemia, which has been associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases. In spite of decades of experimental effort, there is no definitive consensus on what could be the molecular mechanisms whereby hyperhomocysteinemia could contribute to cardiovascular disease. The redox active nature of homocysteine has favored the idea of an induction of oxidative stress as the underlying mechanism of homocysteine toxicity. In contrast, homocysteine can also behave as an anti-oxidant. The present work is aimed to further analyze the capacity of homocysteine to modulate the redox capacity of both endothelial and tumor cells. [Our experimental work is supported by grants BIO2014-56092-R (MINECO and FEDER) and P12-CTS-1507 (Andalusian Government and FEDER) and funds from group BIO-267 (Andalusian Government). The "CIBER de Enfermedades Raras" is an initiative from the ISCIII (Spain)].Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Antitumoral effect of Ocoxin on acute myeloid leukemia

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    This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a heterogeneous hematological malignancy whose incidence is growing in developed countries. In the relapse setting, very limited therapeutic options are available and in most cases only palliative care can be offered to patients. The effect of a composite formulation that contains several antioxidants, Ocoxin Oral solution (OOS), was tested in this condition. When analyzed in vitro, OOS exhibited anti-AML action that was both time and dose dependent. In vivo OOS induced a ralentization of tumor growth that was due to a decrease in cell proliferation. Such effect could, at least partially, be due to an increase in the cell cycle inhibitor p27, although other cell cycle proteins seemed to be altered. Besides, OOS induced an immunomodulatory effect through the induction of IL6. When tested in combination with other therapeutic agents normally used in the treatment of AML patients, OOS demonstrated a higher antiproliferative action, suggesting that it may be used in combination with those standard of care treatments to potentiate their antiproliferative action in the AML clinic.This work was partially supported by Catalysis S.L. as well as the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain (BFU2012-39151). E.D.-R was supported by the Spanish Association for Cancer Research (AECC). Our cancer Research Institute and the work carried out at our laboratory receive support from the European Community through the regional development funding program (FEDER) and from the Fundación Ramón Areces.Peer Reviewe

    Análisis de la gestión e implementación en mediación en el ámbito escolar

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    El trabajo que se presenta ofrece el análisis de la implementación y la gestión de la mediación escolar en Canarias por parte de 124 docentes acreditados en mediación escolar o en proceso de obtención de dicha acreditación. A través de un cuestionario de preguntas abiertas sobre la puesta en práctica de la mediación en los centros educativos, se analiza la percepción que los participantes tienen tanto de las necesidades para la consecución efectiva de la cultura de la paz en los centros, como el proceso de implementación y forma de gestión de la puesta en funcionamiento de la mediación escolar en distintos centros educativos. Además se realiza un análisis de los elementos facilitadores o que dificultan la puesta en marcha y se describen las propuestas de actuación que sugieren, como forma de gestionar el conflicto y la mediación escolar de manera eficaz. Los resultados señalan, entre otros aspectos, los beneficios que reporta la mediación escolar para la convivencia del centro, la necesidad de la implicación de toda la comunidad educativa para que la mediación sea efectiva, la importancia de la realización de un buen diagnóstico del centro como requisito de una adecuada contextualización y que para una eficaz puesta en marcha se requiere de profesionales debidamente formados en mediación escolar.The work presented offers the analysis of the implementation and management of the school mediation in the Canary Islands by 124 teachers accredited school mediation or in process of obtaining such accreditation. Through a questionnaire of open questions on the implementation of mediation in schools, discusses the perception that participants have both requirements for the effective achievement of the culture of peace in the centers, as the process of implementation and management of the commissioning of the school mediation in different schools. In addition is an analysis of elements facilitators or hinder the implementation underway and described the propositions of action suggesting, as a way of managing the conflict and school mediation in an efficient manner. The results indicate, among other things, that reports the school mediation for the coexistence of the Center, the need for the involvement of all the educational community mediation is to be effective, the importance of a good diagnosis of the Center as an appropriate contextualization requirement and benefits that for effective implementation underway requires professionals duly trained in school mediation..peerReviewe

    Aerosol radiative forcing and forcing efficiency in the UVB for regions affected by Saharan and Asian mineral dust

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    The influence of mineral dust on ultraviolet energy transfer is studied for two different mineralogical origins. The aerosol radiative forcing ΔF and the forcing efficiency at the surface ΔFeff in the range 290–325 nm were estimated in ground-based stations affected by the Saharan and Asian deserts during the dusty seasons. UVB solar measurements were taken from the World Ozone and Ultraviolet Data Center (WOUDC) for four Asian stations (2000–04) and from the Santa Cruz Observatory, Canary Islands (2002–03), under Gobi and Sahara Desert influences, respectively. The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) aerosol optical depth at 550 nm was used to characterize the aerosol load τ, whereas the aerosol index provided by the Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) sensor was employed to identify the mineral dust events. The ΔF is strongly affected by the aerosol load, the values found being comparable in both regions during the dusty seasons. Under those conditions, ΔF values as large as −1.29 ± 0.53 W m−2 (τ550 = 0.48 ± 0.24) and −1.43 ± 0.38 W m−2 (τ550 = 0.54 ± 0.26) were reached under Saharan and Asian dust conditions, respectively. Nevertheless, significant differences have been observed in the aerosol radiative forcing per unit of aerosol optical depth in the slant path, τS. The maximum ΔFeff values associated with dust influences were −1.55 ± 0.20 W m−2 τS550−1 for the Saharan region and −0.95 ± 0.11 W m−2 τS550−1 in the Asian area. These results may be used as a benchmark database for establishing aerosol corrections in UV satellite products or in global climate model estimations.We acknowledge the MCYT (Ministry of Science and Technology, Spain) and F.E.D.E.R. foundations (E.U.) for their economic support of projects CGL2004-05984-C07-05, CGL2005-03428-C04-02, CGL2007-66477-C02-02/CLI, CGL2008-04740/CLI and PI042005/033

    Valor predictivo de variables socio afectivas en mediadores escolares

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    El presente estudio tiene como finalidad analizar el valor predictivo de determinadas variables socioafectivas en las competencias de afrontamiento de los mediadores escolares y, en concreto, en la eficacia negociadora. Se ha utilizado las variables relacionadas con Pensamiento Constructivo y con los Moldes de la Mente. Se realiza una investigación empírica a través de una muestra de 44 mediadores escolares debidamente acreditados, distribuidos en dos grupos, de mayor y menor eficacia negociadora. Los resultados obtenidos confirman, entre otras cosas, que estos dos grupos se diferencian en determinadas formas de pensar y enfrentarse a las situaciones, de tal manera que es posible generar un perfil de aquellos mediadores escolares que más eficacia negociadora poseen.The present study aims to analyze the predictive value of certain socio-affective variables on coping skills of school mediators, specifically in the negotiating effectiveness. We used the variables related to Constructive Thinking and Mental Molds. Empirical research across a sample of 44 accredited school mediators, divided into two groups, major and minor negotiating effectively performed. The results confirm, among other things, that these two groups differ in certain ways of thinking and dealing with situations, so it is possible to generate a profile of those school mediators have more negotiating efficiency.peerReviewe