616 research outputs found
Agresiones sexuales cometidas por la actuación conjunta de dos o más personas = Sexual assault committed by the joint action of two or more people
El conocido caso de “La Manada de Pamplona” ha generado controversia respecto a la aplicación de un delito de abuso sexual con prevalimiento o un delito de agresión sexual con intimidación cuando se trate de casos cuyos hechos se hayan cometido en actuación conjunta de dos o más personas. Pero en este tipo de delitos no sólo se plantean dificultades respecto a la aplicación de una u otra figura, sino que también plantean inconvenientes otras cuestiones como son la continuidad delictiva o la aplicación de la agravante de actuación conjunta recogida en el art. 180.1.2ª CP.
En este trabajo se van a analizar y explicar todos estos conceptos, los cuales se llevarán a la práctica con el posterior análisis de algunas resoluciones sobre violaciones múltiples que han tenido lugar en España en los últimos años
Análisis teórico y empírico de la relación entre productividad y salarios: ¿existe un labor-wedge para la Economía Española?
En este trabajo analizamos la relación entre la productividad y los salarios para conocer si estos coinciden con la productividad marginal del trabajo o, si por el contrario, difieren, lo que supondría la existencia de un labor wedge en la economía española. A tal efecto realizaremos una serie de contrastes econométricos tanto para la función de producción Cobb Douglas como para la función de producción de elasticidad constanteThis study examines the relationship between productivity and wages to know if these coincide with the marginal productivity of labor or, if on the contrary, they differ, which would suppose the existence of a labor wedge in the Spanish economy. For this purpose we will make a series of econometric contrasts for both the Cobb Douglas production function and the constant elasticity production function.Departamento de Fundamentos del Análisis Económico e Historia e Instituciones EconómicasGrado en Marketing e Investigación de Mercado
Industrial and environmental applications of white-rot fungi
Abstract White-rot-fungi (WRF) are the only organisms able to degrade the whole wood components (i.e. lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose). This ability is due to the secretion of extracellular nonspecific ligninolytic enzymes during their secondary metabolism usually triggered by nutrient exhaustion. The non-specificity of these enzymes enables them to transform a great variety of recalcitrant and hazardous pollutants such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), pesticides, fuels, alkanes, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), explosives and synthetic dyes. In addition, their extracellular nature allows WRF to access non-polar and insoluble compounds. This makes WRF very appealing for their application to different industrial and biotechnological processes. Also, new potential commercial products and processes from the fungal treatment of lignocellulosic materials may arise. The implementation of such applications would contribute to the establishment of a more sustainable industry and the development of a circular economy
Ferramenta para automatización de traballos por lotes con Apache Spark
[Resumo] O uso do Big Data, termo que fai referencia á recollida e interpretación de cantidades masivas
de datos, está en pleno auxe nos tempos que corren, xa que usando as diferentes tecnoloxías
que este término engloba poden chegar a conseguirse beneficios moi claros, axudando
aos seus usuarios a sacar conclusións cunha base moito máis sólida e orientarse a decisións
efectivas. Dentro deste ámbito do Big Data, entre outras moitas ferramentas, atopámonos
co framework open-source de computación paralela Apache Spark, e para facer uso deste co
obxectivo de executar traballos por lotes (batch jobs), hai que dispor dun cluster con Spark
instalado e enviar os traballos a dito cluster mediante un comando ”spark-submit” ou usando
unha interface REST.
O proceso de instalación, configuración e uso dun cluster Spark non é sinxelo para usuarios
non experimentados debido á cantidade de configuracións que permite e ó elevado número
de opcións do comando spark-submit usado para o envío de traballos. Enfocándonos
neste último aspecto, o obxectivo deste traballo de fin de grao é elaborar unha ferramenta que
poida automatizar e facilitar todo este proceso de execución de traballos por lotes en Apache
Spark, permitindo levantar un cluster Spark baixo demanda de forma automatizada, enviar os
traballos por lotes que se desexen realizar ao cluster recuperando os logs de execución para a
súa interpretación dunha forma sinxela con tal de facilitarlle o uso a usuarios básicos, e por
último eliminar o cluster creado.
O cógido fonte da ferramenta desenvolta neste traballo pode atoparse no repositorio git desta
ligazón: https://github.com/ADR2211/easySpark[Abstract] The term Big Data refers to the collection and interpretation of extremely large data sets
and it’s one of the most currently demanded niches in the development and supplement of enterprise
software, provoked by the rapid and constant growth of the volumes of information.
Big Data technologies provide very clear benefits, assisting users to draw solid conclusions
and make effective decisions.
One of the most popular open-source Big Data frameworks for large-scale data analytics
is Apache Spark. To run batch jobs on this framework a working Spark cluster is necessary
and those jobs are launched using the spark-submit command or using a REST API. Setting
up an Apache Spark cluster and use it is not easy for novice users due to the variety of configurations
it allows and the multiple options that the spark-submit command supports.
The objective of this Degree Thesis is to develop a tool that automates and facilitates the
execution of batch jobs on Spark clusters, providing users with options to deploy and delete
a Spark cluster, and allowing inexperienced users to execute batch jobs in a simpler way.
The source code of the tool is available at the following git repository: https://
github.com/ADR2211/easySparkTraballo fin de grao. Enxeñaría Informática. Curso 2021/202
Effectiveness and assessment of English production skills through audiovisual translation
This article is framed within a research project based in Spain aimed at studying the use of Audiovisual Translation tools to develop communicative competences for teaching and learning English as a Foreign Language. The aims of the study are to get to know to what extent the oral and written production skills of the participants improve thanks to the implementation of an Audiovisual translation-based course, and to get to know if the overall performance of the post Integrated Skills Test is 150 better than the pre-Integrated Skills Test after the learning process. It is also aimed to prove the validity of those language assessment tests. A mixed methodology (qualitative and quantitative analysis) was used to obtain information from the participants. Research data was collected from different universities in Spain with an initial sample of 40 applicants, 8 of which finally completed the course. Data analysis shows that oral and written production skills improve thanks to the implementation of six audio description-based lesson plans completed during a pilot course offered during the summer of 2021 to volunteer adult participants with a B2 level in English language. Furthermore, the study illustrates that the results of the final tests are better than the results of the previous ones after the intervention. We discuss the results obtained in this study and conclude that they are harmonious with former studies on the topic as they validate the use of tests to improve the development of communicative skills. Although, there is a very limited number of participants in the sample, we consider this may be used as an example of a trend that will be explored in the future, as this is a pilot study included in a wider research project which is still underwayPID2019-107362GA-I00 AEI/10.13039/501100011033. Spanish Government, Science, and Innovation Ministry /
Gobierno de España, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación.
Antonio J. Tinedo-Rodríguez is funded with a Santander-UNED predoctoral grant
The promotion of popular and traditional games in elementary education of Boiro´s municipality (A Coruña)
[Resumen] El actual currículum para la Educación Primaria en la Comunidad Autónoma de Galicia recoge la importancia de los juegos populares y tradicionales gallegos y establece los contenidos a trabajar en toda esta etapa educativa, basados principalmente en el reconocimiento, práctica, investigación, historia y valor cultural que este tipo de prácticas tiene para el alumnado de esta comunidad. El juego de bolos en Boiro tuvo en otros tiempos una gran repercusión entre la ciudadanía, siendo probablemente el principal divertimiento de los boirenses en el primer tercio del siglo XX. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar la promoción, difusión y práctica de los juegos populares y tradicionales en general y del juego de bolos en particular en los centros de enseñanza primaria del municipio de Boiro, utilizando técnicas cualitativas para la obtención de datos, siendo la entrevista personal la principal herramienta utilizada para tal fin. Los resultados del estudio nos muestran la necesidad de profundizar en el trabajo de estas prácticas lúdicas en los centros de enseñanza, hoy en día más orientados a cumplir con lo mínimo establecido en el currículum oficial que en dotar de verdadero significado a juegos que forman parte de la historia y cultura del pueblo de Boiro, siendo el juego de bolos la referencia más clara en este sentido. Las Administraciones Públicas deben coordinarse para poner en práctica un proyecto mucho más ambicioso de recuperación de este tipo de prácticas, en el que la escuela debe considerarse como el punto de partida{Abstract] The current curriculum for elementary education in the autonomous community of Galicia includes the importance of Galician traditional and popular games and sets the content to work on all this educational stage, mainly based on recognition, practice, research, history and cultural value that this type of practice has for the students of this community. The skittles´s game in Boiro in the past had a great repercussion among the people, being probably the principal entertainment of the Boiro´s people in the first third of the 20th century. The objective of this study is to analyze the promotion, dissemination and practice of popular and traditional games in general and the skittles´s game in particular into the elementary schools of the municipality of Boiro, using qualitative techniques for data collection, the personal interview to be the main tool used for this purpose. The results of the study show the need to deepen the work of these recreational practices in education centers, nowadays more oriented to comply with the minimum laid down in the official curriculum that give true meaning to games that are part of the history and culture of the village of Boiro, still skittles´s game clearer reference in this regard. Public administrations must be coordinated to implement a much more ambitious project of recovery of this kind of practice, in which the school should be considered as the starting point
High Laccase Expression by Trametes versicolor in a Simulated Textile Effluent with Different Carbon Sources and PHs
Textile effluents are highly polluting and have variable and complex compositions. They can be extremely complex, with high salt concentrations and alkaline pHs. A fixed-bed bioreactor was used in the present study to simulate a textile effluent treatment, where the white-rot fungus, Trametes versicolor, efficiently decolourised the azo dye Reactive Black 5 over 28 days. This occurred under high alkaline conditions, which is unusual, but advantageous, for successful decolourisation processes. Active dye decolourisation was maintained by operation in continuous culture. Colour was eliminated during the course of operation and maximum laccase (Lcc) activity (80.2 UL1) was detected after glycerol addition to the bioreactor. Lcc2 gene expression was evaluated with different carbon sources and pH values based on reverse transcriptase-PCR (polymerase chain reaction). Glycerol was shown to promote the highest lcc2 expression at pH 5.5, followed by sucrose and then glucose. The highest levels of expression occurred between three and four days, which corroborate the maximum Lcc activity observed for sucrose and glycerol on the bioreactor. These results give new insights into the use of T. versicolor in textile dye wastewater treatment with high pHs.Cledir R. Santos thanks to the Universidad de La Frontera (Temuco, Chile) for the partial funding from both the Project DIUFRO DI16-0135 and the Doctoral Programme in Science of Natural Resources. This study was also supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the scope of the strategic funding of UID/BIO/04469/2013 unit and COMPETE 2020 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006684) and BioTecNorte operation (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000004) funded by European Regional Development Fund under the scope of Norte2020—Programa Operacional Regional do Norte
Measuring physical self-concept of schoolchildren aged 10 to 16 on physical education lessons
This research aim was to determine what happens to physical self-concept during compulsory schooling. 1419 students from Primary (n = 619) and Secondary School (n = 800) participated: 640 boys and 779 girls; Mage = 12.81, SD = 1.93. There were statistically significant differences in age and educational stage, regarding physical condition (PhC) (p < .001), appearance (AP) (p < .001), perceived competence (PC) (p < .001), strength (St) (p < .001) and self-esteem (SE) (p < .001); In the gender factor in PhC (p = .005). Results showed a decrease in PhC, AP, PC, St and SE in the passage from Primary to Secondary School, as these variables are higher in boys than in girls. Based on results, it should be reflected on teaching practice and methodology used in these ages, because physical self-concept is an important factor for becoming and remaining physically activeS
Retrospective study of 124 cases of salivary gland tumors and literature review
Salivary gland tumors are a rare and morphologically diverse group of lesions and their frequency is still unknown in several parts of the world. The knowledge of its population characteristics contributes to a better understanding of its etiopathogenesis. Objectives: This study investigated the frequency of salivary gland tumors in a region of southern Brazil and compared these data in a literature review. A retrospective study was conducted of salivary gland tumors diagnosed at two pathology centers from 1995 to 2016. Patient age and gender, tumor site and frequency, histopathological diagnosis, and symptomatology were evaluated. Chi-squared tests were used to assess the associations between variables. To compare our data, we also conducted a literature review of publications in the PubMed and LILACS databases of retrospective studies of salivary gland tumors. A total of 124 salivary gland tumor cases was identified, 81 (65.3%) of which were classified as benign and 43 (34.6%) as malignant. Most tumors occurred in the parotid gland (57.2%). Pleomorphic adenoma was the most common tumor (59.6%), followed by adenocarcinoma not otherwise specified (8.8%). The tumors occurred more often in women (54.8%) than in men (45.2%). Malignant tumors were associated with pain in 31.4% of cases (p<0.05). The literature review included 35 articles from different countries. Women were most affected, with a mean age of 41.7 years. The most common benign tumor was pleomorphic adenoma (48.2%) and the most common malignant tumor was mucoepidermoid carcinoma (8.7%). The results of the present study showed that salivary gland tumors are rare. The parotid gland is the most common location and pleomorphic adenoma are the most frequent lesions. The malignant tumors presented as several histological types and the incidence was variable globally
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