2,358 research outputs found

    Arte social y político: el trabajo de Doris Salcedo

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    Las producciones culturales son creaciones dehombres y mujeres, ciudadanos/as, y por tanto son forzosamente políticas; no podemos comprenderlas al margen de sus condiciones sociales como tampoco aisladas del contexto en que viven y creansus autores/as.Si el contexto social, político y económico en el que se crea una obra de arte influye en ella, los/as artistas con conciencia social deben servir, también como imagen de su entorno, haciendo un trabajo que tenga una “utilidad” para sus convecinos, más allá de lo puramente estético. Este es el trabajo que realiza la artista colombiana Doris Salcedo, empeñada por dar visibilidad, a nivel internacional, al drama de la violencia en su país, extrapolándolo a otros contextos. Creando imágenes opuestas a las imágenes de la violencia

    A study about social exclusion in the area of Caudal in the Principality of Asturias (Spain)

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    En el artículo se describe y comenta una experiencia práctica de análisis del perfil de exclusión social en la comarca del Caudal del Principado de Asturias. A modo de introducción se comentan las principales funciones de los E.T.S.S., la normativa sobre exclusión más relevante y algunos datos significativos que permiten caracterizar dicha comarca. A continuación se hace un repaso teórico acerca de los conceptos de pobreza, marginación y exclusión social y se comentan las principales políticas de inclusión social en el ámbito nacional y especialmente en el Principado de Asturias. Por último, se describen los mecanismos de recogida de información en la elaboración de un perfil de exclusión social en el área y se comentan algunos aspectos significativos del mismo.___________________________________________________This article describes and analyses a practical experience on the study of social exclusion in the Area of Caudal in The Principality of Asturias (Spain). It presents the most important aims of the E.T.T.S., social exclusion legislation and some significant data about the Area of Caudal. It also includes a brief review on theoretical concepts such as poverty, social exclusion and marginalisation; and some comments on the main social-inclusion politics at the national and regional levels. The article concludes with a description of the methodology used to gather information about the social exclusion profile in the Area and a discussion of some significant aspects about it

    The massive open online courses (MOOC) as ecologies of learning: a case study.

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    The current and complex proliferation of educational research on MOOCs (massive, open, online courses) does not correspond to the in-depth exploration of the formative and sociological processes that take place in them. There are many studies focused on certain characteristics of MOOCs (success, abandonment rates, motivations, satisfaction...) (Veletsianos and Shepherdson, 2016) but, nevertheless, there are no studies that put emphasis on the participants themselves, on their heterogeneity, on how they interact with the platforms and among themselves, in how knowledge is exchanged and in how the digital culture allows new forms of teaching and learning. In this research, located within the R&D Spanish national project "Ecologies of learning in multiple contexts: analysis of expanded education projects and conformation of citizenship" of the ICUFOP research group, one of these MOOC courses is analyzed in depth, specifically one of training of trainers in the field of health education, from the assumptions of an ecological perspective (Jackson, 2016, Haythornthwaite, 2015) and defining it as a virtual community of (in)visible learning practices (Cobo and Moravec, 2011). The objective of this research is to know (from a micro perspective, not macro) how training is produced, how knowledge circulates and through what channels, who mediates in the process and for what purpose. In the same way, it explores how access to knowledge occurs and how they are put into practice, what knowledge is experienced, produced or disseminated and how the participants of the course handle the knowledge acquired. The methodology selected to answer these questions is the case study (Stake, 2005), collecting the data from its original sources and applying in the analysis of the discourses the categories of mediation theory in the field of communication (Martín Barbero, 1987, Orozco, 1997, Scolari, 2008). The results of the research show: a) the positive and negative effects of the interaction between the pedagogical, digital and institutional cultures in conflict; b) a rich typology in the forms of appropriation of knowledge and the use of different soft skills; and c) how the forms of implication or participation of the agents involved unequally affect the foregoing, which conditions the unique characteristics of what we know as expanded education (Zemos98, 2012). This MOOC is also analysed as a training experience representative of new ways of understanding the production and spreadability of knowledge (Jenkins, 2008), as well as the interaction of formal, informal and non-formal learning types. For that, it is focused on the interests of citizenship construction processes related to the exchange of knowledge, the identification of mediation practices and the opening and expansion of knowledge. All this, with the aim of detecting and identifying those learnings called “invisible” (Cobo and Moravec, 2011), tacit knowledges and knowledge in relation, trying also to identify the corresponding soft skills (Buckingham, 2013) used by the participants during the process. And more specifically it explores: a) The structural conditions in which the agents involved in the training interact, as well as the set of rules/principles applied during the development of the course; b) The forms, modes or codes of relationship and exchange between agents, that is, what we understand as forms of social mediation that occur through social communication; c) The theories of the formation of the pedagogical and digital culture that are giving new meanings to the practical teaching knowledge due to its ubiquitous, tacit and informal nature in the collaborative environment of the MOOC and d) The modalities of participation, communication and forms of involvement and commitment that develops in the process of collective production of knowledge in different contexts, and that generate citizen elements of the "commons" (Lafuente, Alonso and Rodríguez, 2013)

    Simulación de un sistema AS/RS

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    [spa] Un sistema AS/RS [2] (Automated Storage/Retrieval System), es un sistema de almacenamiento automatizado, que consiste en un sistema de estanterías y pasillos, donde un mecanismo de almacenamiento y recuperación se mueve entre ellas. En un sistema AS/RS existe un único punto donde se deposita o se recoge el material llamado Pick and Deposit (P&D). En este articulo explicaremos como se puede realizar una simulación AS/RS y analizaremos los resultados extraídos utilizando diferentes estrategias de almacenamiento

    Simple method of dynamic Young's modulus determination in lime and cement mortars

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    The present work explains a simple method to determine the dynamic Young module (MOE) by inducing a set of small mechanical perturbation to samples of lime and cement mortars and correlating the results obtained with results determined using other techniques and methods. The procedure described herein follows the instructions stated in the UNE-EN ISO 12680-1(8) standard for refractory products although in this study the instructions are applied to standardized RILEM 4x4x16 cm test samples made of lime and cement mortars. In addition, MOE determinations are obtained by using ultrasonic impulse velocity while static Young's modulus determinations are obtained by performing conventional bending tests. The ability of this procedure to correlate with results from other techniques, along with its simplicity, suggests that it can be widely adapted to determine the deformability of mortars under load using standardized samples.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Matrices con inversa positiva

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    El objeto de este trabajo es presentar un análisis de las matrices reales con inversa positiva. Es una clase de matrices que contiene a las M-matrices, de las que heredan algunas de sus numerosas aplicaciones y de sus propiedades. Presentamos algunos ejemplos de matrices inversa positiva, que aparecen en problemas de discretización, de factorización de matrices, etc. Hacemos un estudio de las propiedades hereditarias de esta clase de matrices, prestando especial atenci´on a la suma sub-directa, y establecemos relaciones entre estas matrices y otras clases de matrices como las totalmente no negativas, las matrices monótonas, etc

    Caves under rivers of blocks and roofed canyons in plutónicas rocks from NW / W of the Iberian Peninsula

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    [Resumen] Se describen los nueve tipos morfológicos de cuevas desarrolladas en rocas plutónicas que se han diferenciado hasta ahora. De todos ellos los tipos cueva de río de bloques y cueva de cañón de erosión techado son los tienen mayores dimensiones y mayor desarrollo longitudinal. Se presentan doce casos de sistemas de cuevas situados en el W y NW de la Península Ibérica y localizados en España, (A Coruña, Cáceres, Lugo, Ourense y Pontevedra), y en Portugal, (Vila Real, región Norte). Esto nos permiten mostrar el fenómeno a distintas escalas, revisar y esquematizar los distintos procesos que ocurren e interaccionan en este particular medio[Abstract] The nine morphological types of caves developed in plutónicas rocks that have been defined so far. Erosion canyon roofing are the largest and have greater longitudinal development. There are twelve cases of cave systems located in the W and NW of Iberian Peninsula and located lither in Spain, (A Coruña, Cáceres, Lugo, Ourense and Pontevedra), and in Portugal, (Vila Real, North region). This allows us to show the phenomenon at different sizes to review and outline the different processes that occur and interact in this particular enviromen

    Benchmarking interno en una central de compras de agencias de viajes

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    The tourism sector is one of the most dynamic of our economy, but one that needs to implement new strategies to maintain its level of contribution to the GDP. The objective of this paper is to determine, through a probabilistic conjoint analysis using the Rasch model, the relative importance of the crucial factors in tourism supply for a strategic alliance between travel agencies: Travel Advisors Guild (TAG). The results highlight the positioning of the agencies that make up the TAG, as well as internal competitive imbalances.El sector turístico es uno de los más dinámicos de nuestra economía que necesita poner en marcha nuevas estrategias para mantener sus niveles de participación en el PIB. El objetivo de este trabajo es determinar, mediante un análisis conjunto probabilístico, utilizando el modelo de Rasch, la importancia relativa de los factores determinantes de la oferta turística de una alianza estratégica entre agencias de viajes: Travel Advisors Guild (TAG). En los resultados se destaca el posicionamiento de las agencias integradas en el TAG, así como los desajustes competitivos internos

    Exclusion and neoliberalism in the education system: socio-educational intervention strategies for an inclusive education system

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    Not only numerous academic and empirical studies recognise the educational factor as decisive on life and work trajectories, but also its integrating potential and role in the promotion of social cohesion are widely acknowledged. The diversity of current societies, the economic situation and the impact of neoliberal policies represent new challenges for an inclusive education that should maintain its integrating potential, especially in countries such as Spain. This opens two unavoidable approaches and reflection spaces. The first one, regarding the fight against social inequality and the second one, focused on the construction of a socially sustainable educational model against the hegemonic neoliberal impact. Both levels of reflection are the pillars of an inclusive education system. This article combines an analytical and reflective approach to these issues recommending a series of intervention experiences and strategies for the construction of an inclusive educational model

    Factores competitivos determinantes del liderazgo turístico de España en 2015

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    El concepto de competitividad turística ha sido ampliamente debatido en ambientes académicos y profesionales, presentando actualmente un doble problema de delimitación y de medición. De los diferentes modelos existentes, el más conocido es el modelo del World Economic Forum (WEF) que presenta un posicionamiento competitivo de 141 economías, mediante su Travel and Tourism Competitivenes Index (TTCI), que recoge aspectos de la agenda neoliberal, que ha de ser considerados para lograr el éxito tanto en los destinos como en sus organizaciones gestoras (en inglés: Destination Management Organizations: DMO). España es líder mundial en competitividad turística en el informe del WEF de 2015 y, de acuerdo al doble problema destacado, se pretende con este trabajo conocer las base de la competitividad de España y su posicionamiento competitivo. El logro de esos objetivos se realizará utilizando la Teoría de la Medición de Rasch (TMR), que permite la medición objetiva del modelo competitivo del WEF, y en particular del posicionamiento competitivo de las 141 economías, así como de los factores (pilares) determinantes de esos posicionamientos. Las conclusiones referidas a España evidencian los factores competitivos determinantes de su posicionamiento en el modelo del WEF de 2015. España dispone de un alto nivel en los factores claves en el mercado turístico mundial: pilar 4 (Human Resources and Labour Market), pilar 2 (Safety and Securit) y pilar 3 (Health and Hygiene). Mientras que destaca sus fortalezas en algún factor no clave: pilar 6 (Priorization of Travel & Tourism), pilar 11 (Ground and Port Infrastructure), pilar 12 (Tourist Service Infrastructure) y pilar 14 (Cultural Resources and Business Travel). El pilar 8 (Price Competitiveness) es una debilidad de España. Esta situación se compensa, en términos relativos, dado que sus competidores directos están en una situación peor