23 research outputs found


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    Algunos autores como (Shmailan, 2016), Chung-Chieh Lee y Chih-Jen Chen (2013) y (Langfred, 2004), han explorado la relaci\uf3n entre el involucramiento laboral y la productividad del trabajo. En esta investigaci\uf3n indagamos esta relaci\uf3n en un agro-negocio en la que se utiliz\uf3 una encuesta como instrumento para obtener la informaci\uf3n. Establecimos el involucramiento laboral como variable independiente y la productividad del trabajo como variable dependiente, utilizamos para ello indicadores para medir su relaci\uf3n. Los hallazgos principales registraron primeramente que los indicadores del involucramiento laboral que tuvieron mayor relaci\uf3n con la productividad del trabajo fueron importancia de la tarea y capacitaci\uf3n. En menor relaci\uf3n fueron satisfacci\uf3n laboral y ambiente laboral. El estudio identific\uf3 que los est\uedmulos, autonom\ueda de tareas y variedad de tareas, reflejan una baj\uedsima relaci\uf3n con productividad del trabajo. Por \ufaltimo, el indicador retroalimentaci\uf3n result\uf3 con una nula relaci\uf3n con la variable dependiente. Palabras clave: involucramiento laboral, productividad. ABSTRACT Some authors such as (Shmailan, 2016), Chung-Chieh Lee and Chih-Jen Chen(2013) and (Langfred, 2004) , had explored the relation between labor involvement and work productivity. In this research we enquired this relation in a company from the agri business field in which we used a survey as an instrument in order to obtain the information.We established labor involvement as an independent variable and work productivity as a dependent variable, we used indicators in order to measure their relations. The main findings primarily registered that the indicators related to labor involvement that had more relation with work productivity were task importance and training. With less relation were labor satisfaction and work environment. The study identified that the incentives, tasks autonomy and tasks variety, reflect such a low relation with work productivity. At last, the indicator feedback resulted with null relations with the dependent variable. Keywords: labor involvement, productivity. <br

    Degradation of tribromophenol by wood-rot fungi and hamilton system

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    Biological, chemical and combined treatments were used to degrade TBP. The biological treatment consisted in the use of Laetiporus sulphureus , Gloeophyllum trabeum and Ganoderma australe , which respectively achieved 48%, 74% and 80% degradation, and 40%, 70% and 77% of organic bromine removal (AOX) on TBP water solutions (60 mg L-1) after 15 days of bio treatment. The biological treatment with G. australe on TBP-contaminated sawdust (10 mg kg-1) led to 23% degradation. The chemical treatment consisted in the Hamilton system (Fenton reaction assisted by 1,2-dihydroxybenzene); observing with this treatment, 95% degradation, 50% mineralization (TOC), and 48% reduction of chemical oxygen demand (COD). The combined treatment of both (chemical-biological) treatments produced degradations of 100%, and reduction of toxicity of 34% and 30%, with L. sulphureus and G. australe, respectively

    Transgenic trees and forestry biosafety

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    The benefits from the development of transgenic trees are expected from the improvement of traits as growth and form, wood quality, industrial processes, disease and insect resistance, herbicide tolerance, ecological restoration, rooting ability, etc. One of the first reported field trials with genetically modified forest trees was established in Belgium in 1988 and the characteristic evaluated was herbicide tolerance in poplars. Since then, there have been more than 200 reported trials, involving at least 15 forest species. The majority of the field trials have been carried out in the USA (64%). More than 50% of the field trials are done with Populus species and the main target traits are herbicide tolerance (31%), followed by marker genes (23%) and insect resistance (14%). Until today, there is only one report on commercial-scale production of transgenic forest trees which is Populus nigra with the Bt gene release in China in 2002 and established on commercial plantations in 2003. Operational application of GMO's in forestry depends on technical, economical, political and public aspects, but the development of adequate regulatory frameworks and public acceptance of transgenic trees will define the future of this technology in forestry

    Transgenic trees and forestry biosafety

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    The benefits from the development of transgenic trees are expected from the improvement of traits as growth and form, wood quality, industrial processes, disease and insect resistance, herbicide tolerance, ecological restoration, rooting ability, etc. One of the first reported field trials with genetically modified forest trees was established in Belgium in 1988 and the characteristic evaluated was herbicide tolerance in poplars. Since then, there have been more than 200 reported trials, involving at least 15 forest species. The majority of the field trials have been carried out in the USA (64%). More than 50% of the field trials are done with Populus species and the main target traits are herbicide tolerance (31%), followed by marker genes (23%) and insect resistance (14%). Until today, there is only one report on commercial-scale production of transgenic forest trees which is Populus nigra with the Bt gene release in China in 2002 and established on commercial plantations in 2003. Operational application of GMO's in forestry depends on technical, economical, political and public aspects, but the development of adequate regulatory frameworks and public acceptance of transgenic trees will define the future of this technology in forestry

    Molecular description and similarity relationships among native germplasm potatoes ( Solanum tuberosum ssp. tuberosum L. ) using morphological data and AFLP markers

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    Chile is considered to be a sub-center of origin for the cultivated potato, with native and introduced genetic material coexisting in the country. Thus, the different varieties present in Chiloe Island are characterized by a rich diversity of forms, sizes, colours and phenological characteristics. In the present work, the level of polymorphism and the genetic relationship were studied by means of molecular markers using the amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) technique and twenty-seven morphological characters. Twenty varieties of potatoes from the Chiloe Island were analyzed. The commercial variety Desir\ue9e and one specie from the Etuberosa series, Solanum fernandezianum, collected in the Juan Fernandez Island were included as controls. A similarity tree-diagram was made, based on all the AFLP bands generated in the range between 65 and 290 base pairs. With these tools, it was possible to identify molecular differences and similarities that might be associated with important morphological traits such as the predominant forms of the tuber, flower colour and resistance to disease

    Measurement of prompt D-0 and D-0 meson azimuthal anisotropy and search for strong electric fields in PbPb collisions at root S-NN=5.02 TeV

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    Cinco nuevos s\uednodos medievales de Tarragona hasta ahora desconocidos

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    Este breve art\uedculo da cuenta del descubrimiento de cinco s\uednodos medievales de la di\uf3cesis de Tarragona hasta ahora desconocidos. El hallazgo se produjo con motivo de los trabajos de investigaci\uf3n llevados a cabo para la elaboraci\uf3n del que ser\ue1 el vol. XV del Synodicon hispanum, obra que pretende la edici\uf3n cr\uedtica de los s\uednodos de la Pen\uednsula Ib\ue9rica, celebrados entre el IV Concilio de Letr\ue1n 1215 y el Concilio de Trento 1563. Se expone el proceso que llev\uf3 a su descubrimiento, as\ued como la repercusi\uf3n y significado del mismo. Con este hallazgo el n\ufamero de s\uednodos conocidos de la di\uf3cesis de Tarragona se incrementa de 11 a 16

    El Synodicon Hispanum, algunas aportaciones a diversos saberes

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    La finalidad de este breve estudio es exponer algunas aportaciones de la obra Synodicon hispanum a distintos saberes de diversos \uf3rdenes. El estudio contiene un proemio, en el que se expone qu\ue9 son los s\uednodos diocesanos, qu\ue9 es el Synodicon hispanum, c\uf3mo, cu\ue1ndo y d\uf3nde se inici\uf3, y la importancia de esta obra. Despu\ue9s en el estudio hay siete apartados o secciones, la primera de las cuales trata de las coincidencias y diferencias entre el Synodicon hispanum y la Colecci\uf3n Sinodal de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca. A continuaci\uf3n se mencionan algunas impor-tantes contribuciones del Synodicon hispanum a la bibliofilia, siguiendo con los d\uedas festivos y la celebraci\uf3n de las fiestas de los santos, y comentando a continuaci\uf3n la ense\uf1anza de la doctrina cristiana en los s\uednodos y la obligaci\uf3n de que los ni\uf1os aprendan a leer y escribir. Y como los s\uednodos tratan especialmente de corregir defec-tos, se destacan dos grav\uedsimos abusos que cuentan los s\uednodos, conluyendo el estu-dio con una sucinta exposici\uf3n cr\uedtica de la doctrina medieval y de los s\uednodos acerca de los sacramentos, con referencia especial al bautismo y al sacramento del orden. Todo lo cual finaliza con un resumen y conclusi\uf3n

    Ediciones anteriores a 1563 (Concilio de Trento) de s\uednodods de Espa\uf1a y Portugal

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    En este estudio se hace una enumeraci\uf3n de todos los s\uednodos editados en Espa\uf1a y Portugal desde la invenci\uf3n de la imprenta hasta la clausura del concilio de Trento (1563). Hay un s\uednodo del que se dice que fue el primer libro impreso en Espa\uf1a. Rese- \uf1amos en este estudio alguna edici\uf3n y alg\ufan ejemplar que no eran conocidos hasta el presente. Ponemos a disposici\uf3n de los estudiosos el fragmento de un incunable que todav\ueda no ha sido identificado, con la esperanza de que alg\ufan especialista pueda iden- tificar esta edici\uf3n incunable. Indicamos varios casos en los que se conoce un \ufanico ejemplar de alguna edici\uf3n, conservado en lugares muy lejanos, facilitando su cercan\ueda con algunas reproducciones. Exponemos tambi\ue9n el prop\uf3sito reiterado de editar un s\uednodo, que no se lleg\uf3 a editar, deshacemos el fantasma de una edici\uf3n que nunca existi\uf3 y exponemos nuestras dudas acerca de otras ediciones cuya existencia algunos autores admiten. Pero el cuerpo central de este estudio es hacer una breve descripci\uf3n de cada una de las ediciones de s\uednodos, indicando la bibliograf\ueda pertinen