


Algunos autores como (Shmailan, 2016), Chung-Chieh Lee y Chih-Jen Chen (2013) y (Langfred, 2004), han explorado la relaci\uf3n entre el involucramiento laboral y la productividad del trabajo. En esta investigaci\uf3n indagamos esta relaci\uf3n en un agro-negocio en la que se utiliz\uf3 una encuesta como instrumento para obtener la informaci\uf3n. Establecimos el involucramiento laboral como variable independiente y la productividad del trabajo como variable dependiente, utilizamos para ello indicadores para medir su relaci\uf3n. Los hallazgos principales registraron primeramente que los indicadores del involucramiento laboral que tuvieron mayor relaci\uf3n con la productividad del trabajo fueron importancia de la tarea y capacitaci\uf3n. En menor relaci\uf3n fueron satisfacci\uf3n laboral y ambiente laboral. El estudio identific\uf3 que los est\uedmulos, autonom\ueda de tareas y variedad de tareas, reflejan una baj\uedsima relaci\uf3n con productividad del trabajo. Por \ufaltimo, el indicador retroalimentaci\uf3n result\uf3 con una nula relaci\uf3n con la variable dependiente. Palabras clave: involucramiento laboral, productividad. ABSTRACT Some authors such as (Shmailan, 2016), Chung-Chieh Lee and Chih-Jen Chen(2013) and (Langfred, 2004) , had explored the relation between labor involvement and work productivity. In this research we enquired this relation in a company from the agri business field in which we used a survey as an instrument in order to obtain the information.We established labor involvement as an independent variable and work productivity as a dependent variable, we used indicators in order to measure their relations. The main findings primarily registered that the indicators related to labor involvement that had more relation with work productivity were task importance and training. With less relation were labor satisfaction and work environment. The study identified that the incentives, tasks autonomy and tasks variety, reflect such a low relation with work productivity. At last, the indicator feedback resulted with null relations with the dependent variable. Keywords: labor involvement, productivity. <br

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