83 research outputs found

    Funcionamiento familiar y violencia en mujeres del distrito de Imperial Cañete, 2021

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    La presente investigación tuvo por objetivo determinar la relación entre funcionamiento familiar y violencia en mujeres del distrito de Imperial Cañete, 2021. La investigación tuvo enfoque cuantitativo, de tipo básico, descriptivo correlacional, no experimental y de corte transversal. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron, el inventario Instrumento FACES III – Modelo Circumplejo de Olson Adaptado (2018) y el Inventario de tipos de violencia contra el género por Tintaya (2017). La muestra estuvo conformada por 100 mujeres del distrito de Imperial Cañete. Los resultados evidenciaron que existe correlación entre la variable de Funcionamiento y violencia en mujeres (p<0,05), siendo esta correlación significativa de intensidad baja e inversa (r= -0,3). Además, existe correlación entre funcionamiento familiar y las dimensiones violencia psicológica y violencia sexual (p<0,05), siendo esta correlación significativa de intensidad baja e inversa (r= -0,3). En el caso de la violencia física, no existe correlación (p > 0,05). Se concluye existe una relación inversa, de intensidad baja y significativa entre funcionamiento familiar y violencia; así también existe una relación inversa, de intensidad baja y significativa entre funcionamiento familiar y las dimensiones de violencia psicológica y violencia sexual en mujeres del distrito de Imperial Cañete, 2021

    Automated Design of Salient Object Detection Algorithms with Brain Programming

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    Despite recent improvements in computer vision, artificial visual systems' design is still daunting since an explanation of visual computing algorithms remains elusive. Salient object detection is one problem that is still open due to the difficulty of understanding the brain's inner workings. Progress on this research area follows the traditional path of hand-made designs using neuroscience knowledge. In recent years two different approaches based on genetic programming appear to enhance their technique. One follows the idea of combining previous hand-made methods through genetic programming and fuzzy logic. The other approach consists of improving the inner computational structures of basic hand-made models through artificial evolution. This research work proposes expanding the artificial dorsal stream using a recent proposal to solve salient object detection problems. This approach uses the benefits of the two main aspects of this research area: fixation prediction and detection of salient objects. We decided to apply the fusion of visual saliency and image segmentation algorithms as a template. The proposed methodology discovers several critical structures in the template through artificial evolution. We present results on a benchmark designed by experts with outstanding results in comparison with the state-of-the-art.Comment: 35 pages, 5 figure

    Using UAVs and Photogrammetry in Bathymetric Surveys in Shallow Waters

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    Indexado en ScopusThe use of UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) platforms and photogrammetry in bathymetric surveys has been established as a technological advancement that allows these activities to be conducted safely, more affordably, and at higher accuracy levels. This study evaluates the error levels obtained in photogrammetric UAV flights, with measurements obtained in surveys carried out in a controlled water body (pool) at different depths. We assessed the relationship between turbidity and luminosity factors and how this might affect the calculation of bathymetric survey errors using photogrammetry at different shallow-water depths. The results revealed that the highest luminosity generated the lowest error up to a depth of 0.97 m. Furthermore, after assessing the variations in turbidity, the following two situations were observed: (1) at shallower depths (not exceeding 0.49 m), increased turbidity levels positively contributed error reduction; and (2) at greater depths (exceeding 0.49 m), increased turbidity resulted in increased errors. In conclusion, UAV-based photogrammetry can be applied, within a known margin of error, in bathymetric surveys on underwater surfaces in shallow waters not exceeding a depth of 1 m.Revisión por pare

    Mutational studies on resurrected ancestral proteins reveal conservation of site-specific amino acid preferences throughout evolutionary history

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    Local protein interactions (&quot;molecular context&quot; effects) dictate amino acid replacements and can be described in terms of site-specific, energetic preferences for any different amino acid. It has been recently debated whether these preferences remain approximately constant during evolution or whether, due to coevolution of sites, they change strongly. Such research highlights an unresolved and fundamental issue with far-reaching implications for phylogenetic analysis and molecular evolution modeling. Here, we take advantage of the recent availability of phenotypically supported laboratory resurrections of Precambrian thioredoxins and β-lactamases to experimentally address the change of site-specific amino acid preferences over long geological timescales. Extensive mutational analyses support the notion that evolutionary adjustment to a new amino acid may occur, but to a large extent this is insufficient to erase the primitive preference for amino acid replacements. Generally, site-specific amino acid preferences appear to remain conserved throughout evolutionary history despite local sequence divergence. We show such preference conservation to be readily understandable in molecular terms and we provide crystallographic evidence for an intriguing structural-switch mechanism: Energetic preference for an ancestral amino acid in a modern protein can be linked to reorganization upon mutation to the ancestral local structure around the mutated site. Finally, we point out that site-specific preference conservation naturally leads to one plausible evolutionary explanation for the existence of intragenic global suppressor mutations

    Evaluación de la capacidad discriminativa de los indicadores antropométricos y su relación predictiva de diabetes en trabajadores de salud del Hospital Universitario de Guayaquil - Ecuador: Evaluation of the discriminative capacity of anthropometric indicators and their predictive relationship of diabetes in health workers of the University Hospital of Guayaquil - Ecuador

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    Objective: To evaluate the discriminative ability to predict diabetes with anthropometric and biochemical indicators and medical history. Methods: The sampling carried out was census and the sample consisted of 104 workers. A longitudinal study was carried out to evaluate the discriminative ability to predict diabetes with the anthropometric, biochemical, and antecedent indicators, using two models, the analysis of the ROC curves and binary logistic regression. Results: By analyzing the ROC curves, the abdominal circumference obtained greater predictive discriminative power (AUC = 0.747; p &lt;0.001; CI: 0.624-0.870), compared to glycemia (AUC=0.749; p &lt;0.001; CI: 0.645-0.852) and the waist-height index (AUC=0.737; p=0.001; CI: 0.638-0.836). Personal medical history is included in the logistic regression equation P(Y=1)=(1+e0,693+1,897APP)-1&nbsp;to predict the risk of developing diabetes in the future. Conclusions: The abdominal circumference obtained the highest discriminative power, followed by the pathological history.Objetivo: Evaluar la capacidad discriminativa de predicción de diabetes con indicadores antropométricos, bioquímicos y antecedentes.&nbsp;Métodos: Se utilizaron dos modelos, el análisis de las curvas ROC y regresión logística binaria.&nbsp;Resultados: Mediante el análisis de las curvas ROC, el perímetro abdominal obtuvo mayor poder discriminativo de predicción (AUC=0,747; p&lt;0,001; IC: 0,624-0,870), en comparación a la glicemia (AUC=0,749; p&lt;0,001; IC: 0,645-0,852) y el índice de cintura-talla (AUC=0,737; p=0,001; IC: 0,638-0,836). Los antecedentes patológicos personales se incluyen en la ecuación de regresión logística P(Y=1) = (1+e0,693+1,897APP)-1 para predecir el riesgo de tener diabetes en el futuro.&nbsp;Conclusiones: El perímetro abdominal obtuvo mayor poder discriminativo, seguido de los antecedentes patológicos personales. &nbsp

    Design and Construction for Hydroxides Based Air Conditioning System with Solar Collectors for Confined Roofs

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    In this chapter, the methodology to determinate heat load is revised and presented. The main parameters must be fixed as function of climatization, internal thermic conditions (comfort, temperature, and humid) and the activities. According with literature, the roof structural requirements were checked. These are an important parameter because it represents the limits to the system such as load by devices (weight of equipment), orientation in solar systems (operating conditions), and building materials. The method of calculation of solar available is shown; the aim is to achieve the major collection of solar energy. Finally, the plate heat exchangers can be fabricated in gasketed, welded or module welded design characterized by the model in which the flow channels for the two heat exchanging media are sealed. The kind of exchanger is suitable depending on your requirements. The thermodynamic method of calculation of sizing the exchangers is reviewed. The aim of this section is to find the suitable devices for the operation of air-conditioning absorption system based on hydroxide

    El reencuentro con la naturaleza: voces femeninas en el tiempo

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    Este texto contribuye al análisis científico de diferentes áreas del conocimiento la filosofía social, la educación para el cuidado del medio ambiente mediante la sustentabilidad que incide en diversas unidades de aprendizaje en Educación para la Salud y de la Maestria en Sociología de la SaludEl relato de las voces femeninas que se escuchan en el tiempo, narran las luchas por defender un ideal, con frecuencia en la organización de las mujeres que pugnan por estabilizar el equilibrio de la naturaleza, por medio de tácticas educativas que van recorriendo el bachillerato, la normal y la universidad

    Patients with Cholangiocarcinoma Present Specific RNA Profiles in Serum and Urine Extracellular Vesicles Mirroring the Tumor Expression: Novel Liquid Biopsy Biomarkers for Disease Diagnosis

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    Cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) comprises a group of heterogeneous biliary cancers with dismal prognosis. The etiologies of most CCAs are unknown, but primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) is a risk factor. Non-invasive diagnosis of CCA is challenging and accurate biomarkers are lacking. We aimed to characterize the transcriptomic profile of serum and urine extracellular vesicles (EVs) from patients with CCA, PSC, ulcerative colitis (UC), and healthy individuals. Serum and urine EVs were isolated by serial ultracentrifugations and characterized by nanoparticle tracking analysis, transmission electron microscopy, and immunoblotting. EVs transcriptome was determined by Illumina gene expression array [messenger RNAs (mRNA) and non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs)]. Differential RNA profiles were found in serum and urine EVs from patients with CCA compared to control groups (disease and healthy), showing high diagnostic capacity. The comparison of the mRNA profiles of serum or urine EVs from patients with CCA with the transcriptome of tumor tissues from two cohorts of patients, CCA cells in vitro, and CCA cellsderived EVs, identified 105 and 39 commonly-altered transcripts, respectively. Gene ontology analysis indicated that most commonly-altered mRNAs participate in carcinogenic steps. Overall, patients with CCA present specific RNA profiles in EVs mirroring the tumor, and constituting novel promising liquid biopsy biomarkers

    Risks of dengue secondary infective biting associated with aedes aegypti in home environments in Monterrey, Mexico

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    Abstract. Secondary dengue virus infections are a major risk for developing dengue hemorrhagic fever. Recent exposure to infectious bites of Aedes aegypti (L.) females in previously diagnosed dengue cases fulfills the epidemiological model of dengue hemorrhagic fever. A study was comprised of 357 (89.2%) dengue and 43 (10.8%) dengue hemorrhagic fever cases confirmed by laboratory tests and clinical manifestations. An entomological survey was done in homes and backyards. Concurrently, a questionnaire was used to assess the impact of healthpromotion campaigns through knowledge of the vector and its epidemiological role. Seventy-six (28.4%) of the 268 (67.0%) total wet or dry oviposition sites were positive for the presence of larvae or pupae, while adult Ae. aegypti were found in 32 (8.0%). One hundred thirty-two (33%) householders who formerly had dengue fever or dengue hemorrhagic fever had knowledge of either larval or adult dengue vector stages. According to gender distribution, 145 (36.2%) and 14 (3.5%) of the males confirmed with cases of dengue and dengue hemorrhagic fever lived in houses with 17.9 and 2% of the Ae. aegypti larval and pupal habitats. Houses with females who had dengue and dengue hemorrhagic fever were 212 (53%) and 29 (7.3%), with containers with immature Ae. aegypti in 19.4 and 7%, respectively. Lack of sustainability of government-targeted health education campaigns is the major problem for involving communities in prevention and control of dengu