953 research outputs found

    A consumer segmentation proposal in the wine sector.

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    O mercado de vinhos apresenta perspectiva de crescimento no Brasil para os pr?ximos anos. Contudo, s?o poucas as pesquisas acad?micas publicadas no pa?s que abordam a segmenta??o dos consumidores deste setor. Neste contexto, este estudo teve como objetivo identificar diferentes segmentos de consumidores no mercado de vinhos com base no comportamento apresentado durante o processo de decis?o de compra. Como m?todo de pesquisa, realizou-se um levantamento de campo. A amostra do estudo foi composta por 370 habitantes das cidades de Mariana e Ouro Preto, ambas localizadas no Estado de Minas Gerais. Para an?lise dos dados, efetuou-se uma An?lise de Clusters, a partir da qual foram identificados dois segmentos de consumidores: os eventuais e os apaixonados por vinho. Os consumidores eventuais compram por impulso e tem o pre?o como principal crit?rio de escolha. J? os consumidores apaixonados por vinhos compram de forma planejada e frequente, considerando v?rios crit?rios em sua escolha, pois se tornou um h?bito o consumo desse produto. Para estudos futuros, sugere-se que a metodologia de pesquisa utilizada seja aplicada em amostras de outras regi?es do pa?s. Adicionalmente, sugere-se que sejam utilizadas tamb?m outras bases de segmenta??o para avan?ar na identifica??o dos diferentes grupos de consumidores de vinhos no Brasil.The wine market presents growth prospects in Brazil for the coming years. Despite this, there is few published academic research in the country that explores consumer segmentation in this sector. In this context, this study aimed to identify different consumer segments in the wine market based on the behavior presented during the purchase decision process. To reach this objective, a survey was conducted using a sample consisted of 370 inhabitants of the cities of Mariana and Ouro Preto, both located in Minas Gerais state, Brazil. To analyze the collected data, a Clusters Analysis was carried out, through which it was possible to identify two segments of consumers: the occasional one and the enthusiastic one. Occasional consumers buy on impulse and have the price as the main criterion of choice. On the other hand, enthusiastic consumers buy frequently and in a planned way, considering several criteria in their choice, because wine consumption has become a habit. For future studies, it is suggested that the used research methodology is applied to samples from other regions of the country. In addition, it is suggested that other segmentation bases are used to contribute to the identification of different groups of wine consumers in Brazil

    Ecological research in the Large-scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia: Early results

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    Copyright by the Ecological Society of America ©2004 Michael Keller, Ane Alencar, Gregory P. Asner, Bobby Braswell, Mercedes Bustamante, Eric Davidson, Ted Feldpausch, Erick Fernandes, Michael Goulden, Pavel Kabat, Bart Kruijt, Flavio Luizão, Scott Miller, Daniel Markewitz, Antonio D. Nobre, Carlos A. Nobre, Nicolau Priante Filho, Humberto da Rocha, Pedro Silva Dias, Celso von Randow, and George L. Vourlitis 2004. ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH IN THE LARGE-SCALE BIOSPHERE– ATMOSPHERE EXPERIMENT IN AMAZONIA: EARLY RESULTS. Ecological Applications 14:3–16. http://dx.doi.org/10.1890/03-6003The Large-scale Biosphere–Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia (LBA) is a multinational, interdisciplinary research program led by Brazil. Ecological studies in LBA focus on how tropical forest conversion, regrowth, and selective logging influence carbon storage, nutrient dynamics, trace gas fluxes, and the prospect for sustainable land use in the Amazon region. Early results from ecological studies within LBA emphasize the variability within the vast Amazon region and the profound effects that land-use and land-cover changes are having on that landscape. The predominant land cover of the Amazon region is evergreen forest; nonetheless, LBA studies have observed strong seasonal patterns in gross primary production, ecosystem respiration, and net ecosystem exchange, as well as phenology and tree growth. The seasonal patterns vary spatially and interannually and evidence suggests that these patterns are driven not only by variations in weather but also by innate biological rhythms of the forest species. Rapid rates of deforestation have marked the forests of the Amazon region over the past three decades. Evidence from ground-based surveys and remote sensing show that substantial areas of forest are being degraded by logging activities and through the collapse of forest edges. Because forest edges and logged forests are susceptible to fire, positive feedback cycles of forest degradation may be initiated by land-use-change events. LBA studies indicate that cleared lands in the Amazon, once released from cultivation or pasture usage, regenerate biomass rapidly. However, the pace of biomass accumulation is dependent upon past land use and the depletion of nutrients by unsustainable land-management practices. The challenge for ongoing research within LBA is to integrate the recognition of diverse patterns and processes into general models for prediction of regional ecosystem function

    Is a Genome a Codeword of an Error-Correcting Code?

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    Since a genome is a discrete sequence, the elements of which belong to a set of four letters, the question as to whether or not there is an error-correcting code underlying DNA sequences is unavoidable. The most common approach to answering this question is to propose a methodology to verify the existence of such a code. However, none of the methodologies proposed so far, although quite clever, has achieved that goal. In a recent work, we showed that DNA sequences can be identified as codewords in a class of cyclic error-correcting codes known as Hamming codes. In this paper, we show that a complete intron-exon gene, and even a plasmid genome, can be identified as a Hamming code codeword as well. Although this does not constitute a definitive proof that there is an error-correcting code underlying DNA sequences, it is the first evidence in this direction

    Regional movements of the tiger shark, Galeocerdo cuvier, off northeastern Brazil: inferences regarding shark attack hazard

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    An abnormally high shark attack rate verified off Recife could be related to migratory behavior of tiger sharks. This situation started after the construction of the Suape port to the south of Recife. A previous study suggested that attacking sharks could be following northward currents and that they were being attracted shoreward by approaching vessels. In this scenario, such northward movement pattern could imply a higher probability of sharks accessing the littoral area of Recife after leaving Suape. Pop-up satellite archival taus were deployed on five tiger sharks caught off Recife to assess their movement patterns off northeastern Brazil. All tags transmitted from northward latitudes after 7-74 days of freedom. The shorter, soak distance between deployment and pop-up locations ranged between 33-209 km and implied minimum average speeds of 0.02-0.98 km.h(-1). Both pop-up locations and depth data suggest that tiger shark movements were conducted mostly over the continental shelf. The smaller sharks moved to deeper waters within 24 hours after releasing, but they assumed a shallower (< 50 m) vertical distribution for most of the monitoring period. While presenting the first data on tiger shark movements in the South Atlantic, this study also adds new information for the reasoning of the high shark attack rate verified in this region,State Government of Pernambuco and Petrobras (Brazil); Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia (Portugal) [MCTES/FCT/SFRH/BD/37065/2007

    Zinc/copper imbalance reflects immune dysfunction in human leishmaniasis: an ex vivo and in vitro study

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    BACKGROUND: The process of elimination of intracellular pathogens, such as Leishmania, requires a Th1 type immune response, whereas a dominant Th2 response leads to exacerbated disease. Experimental human zinc deficiency decreases Th1 but not Th2 immune response. We investigated if zinc and copper levels differ in different clinical forms of leishmaniasis, and if these trace metals might be involved in the immune response towards the parasite. METHODS: Blood was collected from 31 patients with either localized cutaneous (LCL), mucosal (ML) or visceral (VL) leishmaniasis, as well as from 25 controls from endemic and non-endemic areas. Anti-Leishmania humoral and cellular immune response were evaluated by quantifying specific plasma IgG, lymphoproliferation and cytokine production, respectively. Plasma levels of Cu and Zn were quantified by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. RESULTS: A significant decrease in plasma Zn was observed in all three patient groups (p < 0.01 for LCL and ML, p < 0.001 for VL), as compared to controls, but only VL (7/10) and ML (1/7) patients displayed overt Zn deficiency. Plasma Cu was increased in LCL and VL (p < 0.001) but not in ML, and was strongly correlated to anti-Leishmania IgG (Spearman r = 0.65, p = 0.0028). Cu/Zn ratios were highest in patients with deficient cellular (VL<<LCL<ML) and exacerbated humoral (VL>LCL>ML) immune response. Ex vivo production of parasite-induced IFN-γ was negatively correlated to plasma Cu levels in LCL (r = -0.57, p = 0.01). In vitro, increased Cu levels inhibited IFN-γ production. CONCLUSIONS: 1. Zn deficiency in VL and ML indicate possible therapeutic administration of Zn in these severe forms of leishmaniasis. 2. Plasma Cu positively correlates to humoral immune response across patient groups. 3. Environmentally or genetically determined increases in Cu levels might augment susceptibility to infection with intracellular pathogens, by causing a decrease in IFN-γ production