13 research outputs found

    Concentración de la solución nutritiva y su relación con la producción y calidad de arándano azul

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    The production and quality of blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) cv. Biloxi of low cold requirement and the foliar nutritional concentration in hydroponic culture were evaluated using different concentrations of nutritive solution. The experiment was carried out in a semi tunnel type greenhouse with plastic cover, a passive ventilation system with zenithal and lateral openings, and without climate control. One-year-old blueberry plants from in vitro culture were used and placed in flexible plastic containers of 15 L capacity with red volcanic basalt rock as a substrate with a planting frame of 2 m between rows and 0.5 m between plants. The experimental design was completely randomized with four treatments and five repetitions, and each repetition had four plants with a total of eighty plants. Four concentrations of modified Steiner solution (0.5, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 dS/m) were evaluated. The assessed variables were production per plant and fruit quality, considering size, pH, total soluble solids and firmness, as well as the foliar concentration of macronutrients in each phenological stage. We concluded that blueberry cv. Biloxi is sensitive to the salinity of the growth medium. When the electrical conductivity (EC) value is higher than 1.0 dS/m, blueberry growth, production, and quality are affected. In hydroponic systems, a nutrient solution with EC between 0.5 and 1.0 dS/m can be used without affecting yield and fruit quality, or foliar nutritional concentration levels in hydroponic culture.La producción, calidad y concentración nutrimental foliar del arándano azul (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) cv. Biloxi de bajo requerimiento de frío fue evaluada en cultivo hidropónico, empleando diferentes concentraciones de solución nutritiva. El ensayo se realizó en un invernadero tipo semitúnel, con cubierta de plástico, sistema de ventilación pasivo con apertura cenital y lateral, y sin control climático. Se emplearon plantas de arándano de un año de edad, provenientes de cultivo in vitro, y fueron colocadas en contenedores de plástico flexible de 15 L de capacidad con roca basáltica volcánica roja como sustrato, con un marco de plantación de 2 m entre hileras y 0,5 m entre plantas. El diseño experimental fue completamente al azar, con cuatro tratamientos y cinco repeticiones, y cada repetición tuvo cuatro plantas, lo que dio un total de ochenta plantas. Se evaluaron cuatro concentraciones de solución Steiner modificada (0,5; 1,0; 1,5 y 2,0 dS/m). Las variables evaluadas fueron producción y calidad de fruto, y se consideró tamaño, pH, sólidos solubles totales y firmeza, así como la concentración foliar de macronutrimentos en cada etapa fenológica. Se concluyó que el arándano azul cv. Biloxi es sensible a la salinidad del medio de crecimiento. Se determinó que, cuando el valor de conductividad eléctrica (CE) es mayor a 1,0 dS/m, afecta el crecimiento, producción y calidad del arándano; sin embargo, se puede utilizar una solución nutritiva con CE entre 0,5 y 1,0 dS/m sin afectar el rendimiento y la calidad de fruto, ni los niveles de concentración nutrimental foliar en cultivo hidropónico

    Comparison of Plasma Lipoprotein Composition and Function in Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy and Alzheimer’s Disease

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    Cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA) refers to beta-amyloid (Aβ) deposition in brain vessels and is clinically the main cause of lobar intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH). Aβ can also accumulate in brain parenchyma forming neuritic plaques in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Our study aimed to determine whether the peripheral lipid profile and lipoprotein composition are associated with cerebral beta-amyloidosis pathology and may reflect biological differences in AD and CAA. For this purpose, lipid and apolipoproteins levels were analyzed in plasma from 51 ICH-CAA patients (collected during the chronic phase of the disease), 60 AD patients, and 60 control subjects. Lipoproteins (VLDL, LDL, and HDL) were isolated and their composition and pro/antioxidant ability were determined. We observed that alterations in the lipid profile and lipoprotein composition were remarkable in the ICH-CAA group compared to control subjects, whereas the AD group presented no specific alterations compared with controls. ICH-CAA patients presented an atheroprotective profile, which consisted of lower total and LDL cholesterol levels. Plasma from chronic ICH-CAA patients also showed a redistribution of ApoC-III from HDL to VLDL and a higher ApoE/ApoC-III ratio in HDL. Whether these alterations reflect a protective response or have a causative effect on the pathology requires further investigation

    Opitz GBBB syndrome with total anomalous pulmonary venous connection: A new MID1 gene variant

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    Abstract Background Opitz GBBB syndrome (GBBB) is an X‐linked disease characterized by midline defects, including congenital heart defects. We present our diagnostic approach to the identification of GBBB in a consanguineous family in which two males siblings were concordant for a total anomalous connection of pulmonary veins and minor facial dysmorphias. Methods Targeted exome sequencing analysis of a 380‐gene panel associated with cardiovascular disease was performed on the propositus. Interpretative analysis of the exome results was conducted, and 3D models of the protein changes were generated. Results We identified a NM_000381.4:c.608G>A;p.(Arg203Gln) change in MID1, affecting the conformation of the B‐box 2 domain of the protein, with a zinc finger structure and associated protein interactions. This clinical phenotype is consistent with GBBB; however, the type of congenital heart disease observed in this case has not been previously reported. Conclusion A new likely pathogenic variant on MID1 c.608G>A was found to be associated with Opitz GBBB syndrome

    Diet and Maternal Obesity Are Associated with Increased Oxidative Stress in Newborns: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Overweight and obesity have become a world-health public problem, mainly for developing countries. Both health conditions have a higher prevalence among women of childbearing age. Physiopathology, overweight and obesity are characterized by a chronic oxidative stress status, which has deleterious effects on mothers and children. Hence, we determine whether the qualities of diet during pregnancy and maternal pregestational body mass index (BMI) are associated with increased oxidative stress markers in mothers and newborns. Two hundred forty-two (242) mother-newborn pairs were classified according to their pregestational BMI. Information on food intake was collected using a food frequency questionnaire in the third trimester of pregnancy. Levels of Malondialdehyde (MDA) and Nitric Oxide (NO) were measured in plasma from mothers at the end of the third trimester of pregnancy and from cord blood at birth. MDA and NO levels in mother–newborn pairs with maternal pregestational overweight or obesity were higher than in mother–newborn pairs with pregestational normal weight. For women (and newborns) who had a higher intake of fruit and vegetables, the levels of NO and MDA were lower. Lastly, women with pregestational obesity had lower fruit and vegetable intake during pregnancy and higher levels of oxidative stress and in their newborns

    Actualización en el Diagnóstico y Manejo de la Psoriasis.

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    Psoriasis is an autoimmune and chronic inflammatory disease that mainly affects the skin, characterized by the presence of plaques or peelings that appear scattered in the body, being more frequent in areas such as scalp, hands, soles of the feet and flexion areas, however, they also appear on the trunk and extremities. These lesions are characterized by producing a strong itch in the patient, greatly affecting their quality of life, therefore, in the following review article the main diagnostic methods that are currently applied, and the best treatments established for this pathology, are raised. La psoriasis es una enfermedad inflamatoria de tipo autoinmune y crónica que afecta principalmente la piel, caracterizada por la presencia de placas o descamaciones que aparecen diseminadas en el cuerpo, siendo más frecuente en zonas como cuero cabelludo, manos, plantas de los pies y zonas de flexión, sin embargo, también aparecen en tronco y extremidades. Estas lesiones se caracterizan por producir una fuerte comezon en el paciente, afectando en gran escala su calidad de vida, por lo cual, en el siguiente artículo de revisión se plantean los principales métodos diagnósticos que se aplican en la actualidad, y los mejores tratamientos establecidos para esta patología

    Comparison of plasma lipoprotein composition and function in cerebral amyloid angiopathy and Alzheimer's disease

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    Cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA) refers to beta-amyloid (Aβ) deposition in brain vessels and is clinically the main cause of lobar intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH). Aβ can also accumulate in brain parenchyma forming neuritic plaques in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Our study aimed to determine whether the peripheral lipid profile and lipoprotein composition are associated with cerebral beta-amyloidosis pathology and may reflect biological differences in AD and CAA. For this purpose, lipid and apolipoproteins levels were analyzed in plasma from 51 ICH-CAA patients (collected during the chronic phase of the disease), 60 AD patients, and 60 control subjects. Lipoproteins (VLDL, LDL, and HDL) were isolated and their composition and pro/antioxidant ability were determined. We observed that alterations in the lipid profile and lipoprotein composition were remarkable in the ICH-CAA group compared to control subjects, whereas the AD group presented no specific alterations compared with controls. ICH-CAA patients presented an atheroprotective profile, which consisted of lower total and LDL cholesterol levels. Plasma from chronic ICH-CAA patients also showed a redistribution of ApoC-III from HDL to VLDL and a higher ApoE/ApoC-III ratio in HDL. Whether these alterations reflect a protective response or have a causative effect on the pathology requires further investigation

    El interés público en América Latina. Reflexiones desde la educación legal clínica y el trabajo probono

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    El derecho se entiende hoy como una herramienta idónea para producir cambios en las sociedades y atender las necesidades y desafíos modernos, lo cual era casi impensable hace algunos años; se concibe como un medio para formar profesionales, pero, ante todo, abogados que son conscientes de su rol transformador en un contexto social con amplias necesidades. Por ello, la preocupación actual de las universidades y organizaciones sociales en el mundo, es formar líderes propositivos, apropiados de su papel como ciudadanos, con gran sentido social y de pertenencia, con destacadas habilidades para incidir en la formación de leyes, sentencias y políticas públicas, y resolver problemas cotidianos de grandes y pequeñas comunidades y emprender litigios a lo largo y ancho del mundo. Así, las universidades han empezado a actualizar sus currículos y las formas de enseñar el Derecho, implementando nuevos modelos pedagógicos que brindan a los futuros profesionales elementos necesarios para responder a las necesidades de su contexto social y del mundo moderno. En este libro, profesores de América Latina y España reflexionan alrededor del trabajo ProBono, la educación legal clínica y el litigio estratégico, como herramientas para la defensa del interés público, la transformación social, el acceso a la justicia de los grupos vulnerables y la protección de los derechos humanos