136 research outputs found

    Knockdown of Dystrophin Dp71 Impairs PC12 Cells Cycle: Localization in the Spindle and Cytokinesis Structures Implies a Role for Dp71 in Cell Division

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    The function of dystrophin Dp71 in neuronal cells remains to be established. Previously, we revealed the involvement of this protein in both nerve growth factor (NGF)-induced neuronal differentiation and cell adhesion by isolation and characterization of PC12 neuronal cells with depleted levels of Dp71. In this work, a novel phenotype of Dp71-knockdown cells was characterized, which is their delayed growth rate. Cell cycle analyses revealed an altered behavior of Dp71-depleted cells, which consists of a delay in G0/G1 transition and an increase in apoptosis during nocodazole-induced mitotic arrest. Dp71 associates with lamin B1 and β-dystroglycan, proteins involved in aspects of the cell division cycle; therefore, we compared the distribution of Dp71 with that of lamin B1 and β-dystroglycan in PC12 cells at mitosis and cytokinesis by means of immunofluorescence and confocal microscopy analysis. All of these three proteins exhibited a similar immunostaining pattern, localized at mitotic spindle, cleavage furrow, and midbody. It is noteworthy that a drastic decreased staining in mitotic spindle, cleavage furrow, and midbody was observed for both lamin B1 and β-dystroglycan in Dp71-depleted cells. Furthermore, we demonstrated the interaction of Dp71 with lamin B1 in PC12 cells by immunoprecipitation and pull-down assays, and importantly, we revealed that knockdown of Dp71 expression caused a marked reduction in lamin B1 levels and altered localization of the nuclear envelope protein emerin. Our data indicate that Dp71 is a component of the mitotic spindle and cytokinesis multi-protein apparatuses that might modulate the cell division cycle by affecting lamin B1 and β-dystroglycan levels

    El efecto de la gerencia privada de escuelas públicas en el desempeño estudiantil en la educación media en Colombia

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    During the last 15 years, the public school system in Bogotá, Colombia has maintained a concession system in which 25 schools are managed privately with exemptions to many of the rules required in the traditional schools -- This study uses the propensity score matching technique to examine whether students in the privately-managed schools have better scores on the Saber 11° examinations taken upon completion of secondary school -- The results for 251 schools indicates that students with comparable socioeconomic characteristics score considerably better on these tests in the privately-managed schools than in the traditional public schools -- Thus, there is evidence that the privately-managed public schools are a cost-effective alternative to the traditional public schoolLuego de 15 años de ofrecer colegios operados por privados como una opción alternativa de educación pública en Bogotá, Colombia, actualmente se discute sobre la conveniencia de mantener este modelo de gestión -- Mediante el emparejamiento por puntaje de propensión, se estimó la diferencia en el efecto promedio de los resultados del Saber 11° al terminar en un colegio en concesión en 2013 -- En promedio, en una muestra de 251 colegios, un estudiante concesionado se ubicaría hasta 57 puestos mejor que su par de un colegio público tradicional -- Así, se evidencia que este modelo educativo influye positivamente sobre el logro académico, al tiempo que atenúa los efectos negativos de contextos socioeconómicos vulnerable

    Pictures to remember. Generational memories about the recent past in Chile

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    Tras la emisión de series ficcionales transmitidas en televisión abierta el 2013, año de la conmemoración de los 40 años del golpe de Estado en Chile, realizamos entrevistas en profundidad y grupos focales para construir los repertorios iconográficos sobre la dictadura de tres generaciones adultas de telespectadores con experiencias de vida distintas: los que vivieron el golpe de Estado, los que crecieron en dictadura y los que crecieron en democracia.After the broadcasting of fiction series on open television in 2013, the year of commemoration of the 40 years of the coup in Chile, we conducted in-depth interviews and focus groups to build the iconographic repertoires about the dictatorship of three adult generations of viewers with different life experiences: those who experienced the coup d’etat, those who grew up in dictatorship and those who grew up in democrac

    Crisis y reestructuración de grandes zonas regables en Andalucía: el caso del bajo Guadalquivir

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    Este trabajo pretende analizar las características actuales de la Zona Regable del Bajo Guadalquivir, así como la percepción y respuestas de los diferentes actores ante las nuevas dinámicas socioeconómicas y modificaciones normativas (DMA y última revisión de la PAC). En primer lugar, se realizó un diagnóstico socio-económico de la agricultura y el espacio rural de un área seleccionada (Municipios de Los Palacios, Las Cabezas de San Juan y Lebrija). A continuación se identificaron los agentes socio-institucionales con implicaciones en la agricultura de este entorno y se realizaron 23 entrevistas. Este trabajo se completó con la aplicación de una encuesta a 156 agricultores

    The Expression of AQP1 IS Modified in Lung of Patients With Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis: Addressing a Possible New Target

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    Activation of the epithelial-mesenchymal transition process (EMT) by which alveolar cells in human lung tissue undergo differentiation giving rise to a mesenchymal phenotype (fibroblast/miofibroblasts) has been well recognized as a key element in the origin of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). Here we analyzed expression of AQP1 in lung biopsies of patients diagnosed with IPF, and compared it to biopsies derived from patients with diverse lung pneumonies, such as hypersensitivity pneumonitis, sarcoidosis or normal lungs. Immunostaining for AQP1 showed a clear increment of AQP1 localized in the alveolar epithelium in biopsies from IPF patients alone. Moreover, to examine the possible participation of AQP1 in the pathophysiology of IPF, we evaluated its role in the pro-fibrotic transformation induced by transforming growth factor (TGF-β) in vitro. Human alveolar epithelial cells (A549), and fibroblasts derived from an IPF patient (LL29), or fibroblasts from healthy normal lung tissue (MRC-5), were treated with TGF-β, and levels of expression of AQP1, as well as those of E-cadherin, vimentin, α-SMA and collagen were analyzed by RT-qPCR, western blot and immunohistochemistry. An increase of AQP1 mRNA and protein after TGF-β treatment (4-72h) was observed either in A549 or IPF fibroblast-LL29 but not in MRC-5 fibroblasts. A gradual reduction of E-cadherin, and increased expression of vimentin, with no changes in α-SMA levels were observed in A549. Whereas in LL29 and MRC-5, TGF-β1 elicited a large production of collagen and α-SMA that was significantly greater in IPF fibroblast-LL29. Changes observed are consistent with activation of EMT by TGF-β, but whether modifications in AQP1 expression are responsible or independent events occurring at the same time is still unknown. Our results suggest that AQP1 plays a role in the pro-fibrotic TGF-β action and contributes to the etiology and pathophysiology of IPF. Understanding AQP1's role will help us comprehend the fate of this disease.Fondos FEDER (UE)Fundación NeumosurFundación SEPARISCIII Instituto de Salud Carlos II

    Management of community tourism in the indigenous sector of the province of Chimborazo. Case: la Moya

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    El turismo comunitario en Ecuador no ha tenido el éxito esperado por diversos factores culturales y coyunturales, por ello se realizó un análisis de la gestión del turismo comunitario La Moya en un sector indígena de la provincia de Chimborazo, tomado como estudio de caso al emprendimiento de la comunidad La Moya, cuyo objetivo fue analizar la situación actual a través de un mapa situacional, luego se realizó un análisis cualitativo que permitió determinar los puntos críticos en los procesos, mediante la matriz DAFO. En la metodología se escogió 35 personas hombres y mujeres mayores de 15 años que trabajan en el emprendimiento de turismo comunitario, de quienes se obtuvo información utilizando herramientas como el análisis situacional con la matriz DAFO. Los resultados permitieron evidenciar que los limitantes de la gestión del turismo comunitario en la Moya son de carácter operativo y administrativo, lo que conlleva a tomar acciones correctivas estableciendo funciones por puestos de trabajo para evitar él desvió de recursos materiales.Community tourism in Ecuador has not had the expected success due to various cultural and conjunctural factors, therefore an analysis of the management of La Moya community tourism in an indigenous sector of the province of Chimborazo was carried out, taken as a case study of the entrepreneurship of the La Moya community, whose objective was to analyze the current situation through a situational map, then a qualitative analysis was carried out that allowed determining the critical points in the processes, using the SWOT matrix. In the methodology, 35 men and women over 15 years of age who work in community tourism entrepreneurship were chosen, from whom information was obtained using tools such as situational analysis with the SWOT matrix. The results showed that the limitations of community tourism management in La Moya are of an operational and administrative nature, which leads to taking corrective actions establishing functions by job positions to avoid the diversion of material resources

    Economic sustainability of tourism in Ecuador: The Latacunga “Mama Negra” Festival case

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    En el Ecuador, el desarrollo turístico se presenta como una alternativa sostenible para sustituir ingresos estatales que implican la explotación de recursos no renovables; sin embargo, no existen evidencias contundentes de sostenibilidad económica. La presente investigación abarca una serie de ideas relacionadas con la sostenibilidad económica del turismo, estudiando el caso de la fiesta de la Mama Negra en Latacunga. El trabajo tiene por objetivo, demostrar si la actividad turística estudiada da soporte al turismo en el territorio. Para este fin, se realizó un análisis bibliográfico; y, se planteó una metodología que parte del análisis de tres años de festividades 2017 al 2019, sobre el impacto directo en la economía, analizando los rubros y el gasto en inversión que realizan los organizadores. Se mide el impacto indirecto con los datos proporcionados por la aplicación de una encuesta a los visitantes, y se establece el impacto inducido considerando los dos aspectos anteriores, para por medio de la aplicación de un factor multiplicador sobre cada indicador, establecer el monto de ingreso aproximado para la ciudad de Latacunga en el periodo establecido. Los resultados son satisfactorios, por cuanto, se observan ingresos interesantes para la ciudad y sus pobladores; sin embargo, se considera que, estos pueden ser de mayor cuantía si se establece una mejor planificación, y se garantiza la diversificación de la actividad turística, potenciando la infraestructura de los servicios existentes. Se propone, además, algunos indicadores del perfil del turista que influyen en la sostenibilidad económica de la actividad turística. In Ecuador, tourism development is presented as a sustainable alternative to replace state revenues that involve the exploitation of non-renewable resources; however, there is no strong evidence of economic sustainability. This research covers a series of ideas related to the economic sustainability of tourism, studying the case of the Black Mama Party in Latacunga. The objective of the work is to demonstrate if the studied tourist activity supports tourism in the territory. For this purpose, a bibliographic analysis was performed; and, a methodology was proposed that starts from the analysis of three years of festivities from 2017 to 2019, on the direct impact on the economy, analyzing the items and the investment spending made by the organizers. The indirect impact is measured with the data provided by the application of a survey to visitors, and the induced impact is established considering the two previous aspects, by means of the application of a multiplying factor on each indicator, to establish the amount of income approximate for the city of Latacunga in the established period. The results are satisfactory, since interesting income is observed for the city and its inhabitants; however, it is considered that these may be more significant if better planning is established, and the diversification of tourist activity is guaranteed, enhancing the infrastructure of the existing services. In addition, some indicators of the tourist profile are proposed that influence the economic sustainability of the tourist activity

    Combining targeted panel-based resequencing and copy-number variation analysis for the diagnosis of inherited syndromic retinopathies and associated ciliopathies

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    Inherited syndromic retinopathies are a highly heterogeneous group of diseases that involve retinal anomalies and systemic manifestations. They include retinal ciliopathies, other well-defined clinical syndromes presenting with retinal alterations and cases of non-specific multisystemic diseases. The heterogeneity of these conditions makes molecular and clinical characterization of patients challenging in daily clinical practice. We explored the capacity of targeted resequencing and copy-number variation analysis to improve diagnosis of a heterogeneous cohort of 47 patients mainly comprising atypical cases that did not clearly fit a specific clinical diagnosis. Thirty-three likely pathogenic variants were identified in 18 genes (ABCC6, ALMS1, BBS1, BBS2, BBS12, CEP41, CEP290, IFT172, IFT27, MKKS, MYO7A, OTX2, PDZD7, PEX1, RPGRIP1, USH2A, VPS13B, and WDPCP). Molecular findings and additional clinical reassessments made it possible to accurately characterize 14 probands (30% of the total). Notably, clinical refinement of complex phenotypes was achieved in 4 cases, including 2 de novo OTX2-related syndromes, a novel phenotypic association for the ciliary CEP41 gene, and the co-existence of biallelic USH2A variants and a Koolen-de-Vries syndrome–related 17q21.31 microdeletion. We demonstrate that combining next-generation sequencing and CNV analysis is a comprehensive and useful approach to unravel the extensive phenotypic and genotypic complexity of inherited syndromic retinopathiesFEDER (Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional) | Ref. PI016/00425Instituto de Salud Carlos III | Ref. PT13/0010/001

    La normativa legal como pilar de gestión en la economía social y solidaria del Ecuador

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    El desarrollo de esta investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la aplicación de la normativa legal, en las Cooperativas de Ahorro y Crédito Segmento 1 del Ecuador, con énfasis en el patrimonio técnico constituido y la solvencia. El desarrollo de este estudio tiene un alcance descriptivo, es decir, únicamente pretenden medir o recoger información de manera independiente o conjunta sobre los conceptos o las variables a las que se refieren, se usó diferentes métodos como el teórico, al igual que el método analítico- sintético para la revisión de la literatura y el histórico lógico mismo que es necesario para abordar el tema de la normativa legal como pilar de gestión en la economía social y solidaria del Ecuador. Se demostró con los resultados obtenidos que las cooperativas cumplen legalmente con los requerimientos establecidos en el artículo 190 del Código Orgánico Monetario y financiero lo que mediante resultados y valores se puede corroborar que las instituciones mencionadas, por su valor elevado en activos, tienen un indicador de solvencia muy elevada lo que indica que la gestión que no es favorable

    Whole-exome sequencing reveals ZNF408 as a new gene associated with autosomal recessive retinitis pigmentosa with vitreal alterations

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    Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is a group of progressive inherited retinal dystrophies that cause visual impairment as a result of photoreceptor cell death. RP is heterogeneous, both clinically and genetically making difficult to establish precise genotype–phenotype correlations. In a Spanish family with autosomal recessive RP (arRP), homozygosity mapping and whole-exome sequencing led to the identification of a homozygous mutation (c.358_359delGT; p.Ala122Leufs*2) in the ZNF408 gene. A screening performed in 217 additional unrelated families revealed another homozygous mutation (c.1621C>T; p.Arg541Cys) in an isolated RP case. ZNF408 encodes a transcription factor that harbors 10 predicted C2H2-type fingers thought to be implicated in DNA binding. To elucidate the ZNF408 role in the retina and the pathogenesis of these mutations we have performed different functional studies. By immunohistochemical analysis in healthy human retina, we identified that ZNF408 is expressed in both cone and rod photoreceptors, in a specific type of amacrine and ganglion cells, and in retinal blood vessels. ZNF408 revealed a cytoplasmic localization and a nuclear distribution in areas corresponding with the euchromatin fraction. Immunolocalization studies showed a partial mislocalization of the p.Arg541Cys mutant protein retaining part of the WT protein in the cytoplasm. Our study demonstrates that ZNF408, previously associated with Familial Exudative Vitreoretinopathy (FEVR), is a new gene causing arRP with vitreous condensations supporting the evidence that this protein plays additional functions into the human retina.This work is supported by CIBERER (06/07/0036), FIS (PI013/00226), Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness-FEDER (BFU2012-36845), RETICS (RD12/0034/0010), Fundación ONCE, Fundaluce and grants BIO2011-27069 from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, and PROMETEOII/2014/025 from the Conselleria de Educacio of the Valencia Community. PC is supported by Fundación Conchita Rábago (FCR), MC by Miguel Servet ISCIII (CP/03256) and dS by CAPES Foundation, Ministry of Education of Brazil