48 research outputs found

    Neurofibromatosis tipo I con afectación cervical masiva

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    [ES] Introducción. La neurofibromatosis tipo I (NFI) o Enfermedad de Von Recklinghausen es una enfermedad rara de transmisión autosómica dominante que se manifiesta típicamente con mánchas de café con leche y neurofibromas cutáneos generalizados. Caso clínico. Presentamos el caso de un varón de 76 años con neurofibromatosis tipo I que presenta manchas café con leche y múltiples neurofibromas cutáneos en diferentes localizaciones, de entre los que destacan los numerosos neurofibromas cervicales, que consulta por hipoacusia bilateral de instauración progresiva. Discusión. El diagnóstico de la NFI es clínico. La atención continuada a largo plazo tiene como objetivo la detección precoz y el tratamiento sintomático de las complicaciones. El manejo de los diversos tumores debe ser integral y multidisciplinar, dependiendo del tipo de tumor y su afectación local de cara evitar sus complicaciones. Los neurofibromas surgen de varios tipos celulares, entre los que se incluyen las células de Schwann y los fibroblastos perineurales. Su aspecto clínico puede variar desde pequeñas pápulas o grandes nódulos blandos hasta grandes masas ondulosas. Se recomienda extraer sólo aquellos neurofibromas cutáneos que produzcan síntomas tales como dolor, sangrado, interferencia con la función, traumatismo repetitivo o desfiguración. Conclusión. La NFI es una patología infrecuente que requiere un enfoque integral y multidisciplinar, dependiendo del tipo de tumor, su efecto local y sus complicaciones. Se recomienda extraer sólo aquellos neurofibromas cutáneos que produzcan sintomatología discapacitante

    Alterations in Circulating Monocytes Predict COVID-19 Severity and Include Chromatin Modifications Still Detectable Six Months after Recovery

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    This study was supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (COVID-19 research call COV20/00181)—co-financed by the European Development Regional Fund “A way to achieve Europe” and by Consejería de Sanidad de la Comunidad de Madrid (CÍVICO study 2020/0082). R.L.G. and O.C.M. hold a research contract “Rio Hortega” (CM19/00120 and CM19/00092, respectively) from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. MCL holds a predoctoral fellowship (FPU19/06393) from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.An early analysis of circulating monocytes may be critical for predicting COVID-19 course and its sequelae. In 131 untreated, acute COVID-19 patients at emergency room arrival, monocytes showed decreased surface molecule expression, including low HLA-DR, in association with an inflammatory cytokine status and limited anti-SARS-CoV-2-specific T cell response. Most of these alterations had normalized in post-COVID-19 patients 6 months after discharge. Acute COVID-19 monocytes transcriptome showed upregulation of anti-inflammatory tissue repair genes such as BCL6, AREG and IL-10 and increased accessibility of chromatin. Some of these transcriptomic and epigenetic features still remained in post-COVID-19 monocytes. Importantly, a poorer expression of surface molecules and low IRF1 gene transcription in circulating monocytes at admission defined a COVID-19 patient group with impaired SARS-CoV-2-specific T cell response and increased risk of requiring intensive care or dying. An early analysis of monocytes may be useful for COVID-19 patient stratification and for designing innate immunity-focused therapies.Depto. de MedicinaFac. de MedicinaTRUEUnión EuropeaMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación (España)Comunidad de MadridInstituto de Salud Carlos IIIpu

    Practical guideline for Benign paroxismal positional vertigo

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    Introduction and objective: Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is the most common peripheral vertigo, characterized by brief attacks of rotatory vertigo associated with nystagmus, which are elicited by specific changes in head position relative to gravity. The observation of positional nystagmus is essential for the diagnosis of BPPV. The treatment consists in maneuvers of canalith repositioning procedure to move otoconial debris from the affected semicircular canal to the utricle. These guidelines are intended for all who treat the BPPV in their work, with an intention to assist in the diagnosis and application of an appropriate therapeutic method. Method: The experience and analysis of different national and international consensus on BPPV, has allowed to a large group of ENT specialists of the Communities of Castilla y León, Cantabria and La Rioja (Spain), carry out this guide. Results: The different clinical entities are reviewed. BPPV of the posterior semicircular canal, horizontal canal and anterior canal, BPPV affecting several canals, atypical and central BPPV, subjective BPPV and the characteristics of this process in the elderly. Canalith repositioning procedures have been illustrated with explanatory drawings. Discussion and conclusions: Although the pathophysiology of BPPV is canalolithiasis comprising free-floating otoconial debris within the endolymph of a semicircular canal, or cupulolithiasis comprising otoconial debris adherent to the cupula, there are still many issues to be resolved. We think that the best way to find answers is part of using a common methodology in the diagnosis and treatment of these patients.Introducción y Objetivo: El vértigo periférico más frecuente es el Vértigo Posicional Paroxístico Benigno (VPPB), caracterizado por bruscos ataques de sensación rotatoria, que aparecen como consecuencia de determinados cambios en la posición de la cabeza con relación a la gravedad. La observación del nistagmo posicional es fundamental para el diagnóstico de VPPB. El tratamiento consiste en aplicar maniobras de reposición, para intentar trasladar los restos otoconiales libres, desde el conducto semicircular (CS) afectado hasta el utrículo. Esta guía, está orientada para quienes tratan el VPPB, con la intención práctica de ayudarles en el diagnóstico y tratamiento de esta enfermedad. Método: La experiencia y el análisis de diferentes acuerdos nacionales e internacionales sobre el VPPB, han permitido a un amplio grupo de especialistas ORL de las Comunidades de Castilla y León, Cantabria y La Rioja (España), llevar a cabo esta guía. Resultados: Se revisan las diferentes entidades clínicas. VPPB del conducto semicircular posterior (CSP), horizontal (CSA) y anterior (CSA), incluyéndose también el VPPB multicanal, VPPB atípico y central, VPPB subjetivo y las características de este proceso en el anciano. Las maniobras de reposición se han ilustrado con dibujos explicativos. Discusión y conclusiones: Aunque la fisiopatología del VPPB se explica por la presencia de restos otoconiales libres en la endolinfa de uno o varios conductos semicirculares (canalitiasis) y en algunos casos por su adherencia a la cúpula del CS (cupulolitiasis), aún quedan muchas cuestiones por resolver. Pero creemos que la mejor manera de encontrar respuestas parte de utilizar una metodología común en el diagnóstico y tratamiento de estos pacientes

    Bronchoscopist's perception of the quality of the single-use bronchoscope (Ambu aScope4™) in selected bronchoscopies: a multicenter study in 21 Spanish pulmonology services

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    Background: The disposable bronchoscope is an excellent alternative to face the problem of SARS-CoV-2 and other cross infections, but the bronchoscopist’s perception of its quality has not been evaluated. Methods: To evaluate the quality of the Ambu-aScope4 disposable bronchoscope, we carried out a cross-sectional study in 21 Spanish pulmonology services. We use a standardized questionnaire completed by the bronchoscopists at the end of each bronchoscopy. The variables were described with absolute and relative frequencies, measures of cen‑ tral tendency and dispersion depending on their nature. The existence of learning curves was evaluated by CUSUM analysis. Results: The most frequent indications in 300 included bronchoscopies was bronchial aspiration in 69.3% and the median duration of these was 9.1 min. The route of entry was nasal in 47.2% and oral in 34.1%. The average score for ease of use, image, and aspiration quality was 80/100. All the planned techniques were performed in 94.9% and the bronchoscopist was satisfed in 96.6% of the bronchoscopies. They highlighted the portability and immediacy of the aScope4TM to start the procedure in 99.3%, the possibility of taking and storing images in 99.3%. The CUSUM analysis showed average scores>70/100 from the frst procedure and from the 9th procedure more than 80% of the scores exceeded the 80/100 score

    Bronchoscopist's perception of the quality of the single-use bronchoscope (Ambu aScope4™) in selected bronchoscopies : a multicenter study in 21 Spanish pulmonology services

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    Background: The disposable bronchoscope is an excellent alternative to face the problem of SARS-CoV-2 and other cross infections, but the bronchoscopist's perception of its quality has not been evaluated. Methods: To evaluate the quality of the Ambu-aScope4 disposable bronchoscope, we carried out a cross-sectional study in 21 Spanish pulmonology services. We use a standardized questionnaire completed by the bronchoscopists at the end of each bronchoscopy. The variables were described with absolute and relative frequencies, measures of central tendency and dispersion depending on their nature. The existence of learning curves was evaluated by CUSUM analysis. Results: The most frequent indications in 300 included bronchoscopies was bronchial aspiration in 69.3% and the median duration of these was 9.1 min. The route of entry was nasal in 47.2% and oral in 34.1%. The average score for ease of use, image, and aspiration quality was 80/100. All the planned techniques were performed in 94.9% and the bronchoscopist was satisfied in 96.6% of the bronchoscopies. They highlighted the portability and immediacy of the aScope4TM to start the procedure in 99.3%, the possibility of taking and storing images in 99.3%. The CUSUM analysis showed average scores > 70/100 from the first procedure and from the 9th procedure more than 80% of the scores exceeded the 80/100 score. Conclusions: The aScope4™ scored well for ease of use, imaging, and aspiration. We found a learning curve with excellent scores from the 9th procedure. Bronchoscopists highlighted its portability, immediacy of use and the possibility of taking and storing images

    Discourse Analysis and Terminology in Languages for Specific Purposes

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    Aquest importantíssim recull conté estudis i reflexions sobre temes rellevants en la recerca sobre LSP: anglès mèdic, el llenguatge de la publicitat i periodístic, telecomunicacions i terminologia informàtica, llenguatge comercial i jurídic... Malgrat que gran part dels treballs aplegats es refereixen a l'anglès, també hi ha que tracten l'alemany, francès i altres llengües. Conté textos en anglès, francés, portuguès i castellà

    Regulation of Fn14 Receptor and NF-κB Underlies Inflammation in Meniere’s Disease

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    Meniere’s disease (MD) is a rare disorder characterized by episodic vertigo, sensorineural hearing loss, tinnitus, and aural fullness. It is associated with a fluid imbalance between the secretion of endolymph in the cochlear duct and its reabsorption into the subarachnoid space, leading to an accumulation of endolymph in the inner ear. Epidemiological evidence, including familial aggregation, indicates a genetic contribution and a consistent association with autoimmune diseases (AD). We conducted a case–control study in two phases using an immune genotyping array in a total of 420 patients with bilateral MD and 1,630 controls. We have identified the first locus, at 6p21.33, suggesting an association with bilateral MD [meta-analysis leading signal rs4947296, OR = 2.089 (1.661–2.627); p = 1.39 × 10−09]. Gene expression profiles of homozygous genotype-selected peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) demonstrated that this region is a trans-expression quantitative trait locus (eQTL) in PBMCs. Signaling analysis predicted several tumor necrosis factor-related pathways, the TWEAK/Fn14 pathway being the top candidate (p = 2.42 × 10−11). This pathway is involved in the modulation of inflammation in several human AD, including multiple sclerosis, systemic lupus erythematosus, or rheumatoid arthritis. In vitro studies with genotype-selected lymphoblastoid cells from patients with MD suggest that this trans-eQTL may regulate cellular proliferation in lymphoid cells through the TWEAK/Fn14 pathway by increasing the translation of NF-κB. Taken together; these findings suggest that the carriers of the risk genotype may develop an NF-κB-mediated inflammatory response in MD

    Clonal chromosomal mosaicism and loss of chromosome Y in elderly men increase vulnerability for SARS-CoV-2

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    The pandemic caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19) had an estimated overall case fatality ratio of 1.38% (pre-vaccination), being 53% higher in males and increasing exponentially with age. Among 9578 individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 in the SCOURGE study, we found 133 cases (1.42%) with detectable clonal mosaicism for chromosome alterations (mCA) and 226 males (5.08%) with acquired loss of chromosome Y (LOY). Individuals with clonal mosaic events (mCA and/or LOY) showed a 54% increase in the risk of COVID-19 lethality. LOY is associated with transcriptomic biomarkers of immune dysfunction, pro-coagulation activity and cardiovascular risk. Interferon-induced genes involved in the initial immune response to SARS-CoV-2 are also down-regulated in LOY. Thus, mCA and LOY underlie at least part of the sex-biased severity and mortality of COVID-19 in aging patients. Given its potential therapeutic and prognostic relevance, evaluation of clonal mosaicism should be implemented as biomarker of COVID-19 severity in elderly people. Among 9578 individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 in the SCOURGE study, individuals with clonal mosaic events (clonal mosaicism for chromosome alterations and/or loss of chromosome Y) showed an increased risk of COVID-19 lethality