82 research outputs found

    Ninepin Bowling Automata – elevator and ball thrower

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    Cieľmi tejto diplomovej práce bol návrh a vytvorenie výťahu pre kolkárske gule automatického stavača kolkov a vystreľovača kolkárskych gulí pre simulovanie zaťaženia a overenie funkčnosti daného stavača. Na prepojenie vystreľovača s výťahom bola vytvorená dráha pre gule. V teoretickej časti práce bol opísaný kolkársky šport a preskúmané pravidlá týkajúce sa ho. Následne boli prešetrené rôzne využiteľné riešenia ponúkané na trhu potýkajúce sa s problematikou automatických stavačov kolkov a ich výťahov a taktiež boli preskúmané dostupné vystreľovače gulí. Praktická časť práce spočívala v návrhu a konštrukcii vlastného riešenia výťahu, ktorý rozširoval už navrhnutý stavač kolkov. Následne bola navrhnutá a skonštruovaná transportná dráha pre gule a vystreľovač kolkárskych gulí, ktorého úlohou bolo napodobniť záťaž na stavač kolkov pri obvyklej hre.The goal of this master’s thesis was to design and construct ninepin ball elevator for automated pin setter machine and ninepin ball launcher to simulate load and to verify correct function of the setter machine. Also, a ball track was designed as a means of transport for the ball from elevator to launcher. Theoretical part of thesis contains research into ninepin bowling, its rules and analysis of different applicable solutions found on the market that deal with automated pin setters and their ball elevators. Furthermore, a separate research into ball launchers was conducted. Practical part of thesis was comprised of own solution to design and construction of elevator, which extended already designed pin setter machine. After this, track for ball was designed and constructed together with ball launcher which imitates load that would the machine experience during usual game.

    Bin Picking for 2D objects

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    Cieľmi tejto bakalárskej práce bolo spracovanie problematiky bin pickingu a návrh aplikácie pre 2D robotické videnie na identifikáciu objektu zo známej množiny s praktickou aplikáciou pri pohybe objektu vo vozíku po ose. Teoretická časť práce obsahuje rešerš bin pickingu a detailný prieskum využvaných metód v počítačovom videní. Praktická časť práce popisuje program vytvorený v prostredí MATLAB a algoritmy, ktoré boli v tomto programe používané. V závere praktickej časti je popísané reálne využitie tohto programu na detekciu objektu v pohybe po ose.The goal of this bachelor thesis was to process issues of bin picking and to design an aplication for 2D robot vision used for object identification with practical aplication with the use of moving object on axis. Theoretical part of thesis contains research of bin picking and detailed research of methods used in computer vision. Practical part of thesis describes the program which was developed in MATLAB and algorithms, which are used in this program. End of practical part of thesis also describes real use of this program for detecting an object which is moving on axis.

    Scattering of hydrogen molecules from a reactive surface: Strong off-specular and rotationally inelastic diffraction

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    Six-dimensional quantum dynamical calculations of the scattering of H_2 from a Pd(100) surface using a potential energy surface derived from density-functional theory calculations are presented. Due to the corrugation and anisotropy of the PES strong off-specular and rotationally inelastic diffraction is found. The dependence of the diffraction intensitities on the incident kinetic energy is closely examined. In particular we focus on the quantum oscillations for normal and off-normal incidence.Comment: RevTeX, 5 pages, 5 figures, to appear in Chem. Phys. Let