204 research outputs found

    A dark energy multiverse

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    We present cosmic solutions corresponding to universes filled with dark and phantom energy, all having a negative cosmological constant. All such solutions contain infinite singularities, successively and equally distributed along time, which can be either big bang/crunchs or big rips singularities. Classicaly these solutions can be regarded as associated with multiverse scenarios, being those corresponding to phantom energy that may describe the current accelerating universe

    La adherencia terapéutica en el tratamiento y la rehabilitación: implicaciones para el profesional de la conducta y la salud

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    This article aims to educate behavioral and health professionals on how in the behavior of clients, both psychosocial and economic factors have a direct impact in treatment adherence and collaboration.  In this way, factors present in our clients can be identified and selected strategies most suitable for each case in particular can be applied   so they can continue with the recommended treatment.  In this manner we can treat those clients so they can work on their behavior modification and at the same time, minimize the costs involved in therapy, one of the reasons why the patient may not comply with the prescribed treatment or therapy.Digital Institutional Repository at University of Puerto Rico - Permanent Identifier: https://dire.upr.edu/handle/11721/1061Este artículo pretende concienciar a los profesionales de la conducta y la salud sobre el significado de una conducta de adherencia o de adherencia deficiente al tratamiento y cómo los factores psicosociales y socio económicos influyen en que se presente la misma en los consumidores / clientes y/o participantes. De esta manera se puedan identificar los factores presentes en nuestros clientes y seleccionar las estrategias más adecuadas para cada caso en particular y así minimizar la conducta para continuar con el tratamiento recomendado. De esta forma, tratamos de que el cliente pueda trabajar en la modificación de esa conducta y a su vez minimizar los costos que conlleva el que no pueda cumplir con el tratamiento o terapia prescrita.Repositorio Digital Institucional de la Universidad de Puerto Rico - Identificador Permanente: https://dire.upr.edu/handle/11721/106

    A graceful multiversal link of particle physics to cosmology

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    In this paper we work out a multiverse scenario whose physical characteristics enable us to advance the following the conjecture that whereas the physics of particles and fields is confined to live in the realm of the whole multiverse formed by finite-time single universes, that for our observable universe must be confined just in one of the infinite number of universes of the multiverse when such a universe is consistently referred to an infinite cosmic time. If this conjecture is adopted then some current fundamental problems that appear when one tries to make compatible particle physics and cosmology- such as that for the cosmological constant, the arrow of time and the existence of a finite proper size of the event horizon- can be solved.Comment: 10 pages, LaTe

    Dark energy accretion onto black holes in a cosmic scenario

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    In this paper we study the accretion of dark energy onto a black hole in the cases that dark energy is equipped with a positive cosmological constant and when the space-time is described by a Schwarzschild-de Sitter metric. While the first case is the same as the usual accretion procedure for a more complicated fluid, the second one give rise to a consistent cosmic scenario for the mentioned phenomenon. © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009.This paper was supported by MEC under Research Project Nº FIS2005-01181, and by the Research Cooperation Project CSIC-CNRST. P.M.-M. acknowledges CSIC and ESF for a I3P grant.Peer Reviewe

    Pulverized quartz clasts in gouge of the Alhama de Murcia fault (Spain): evidence for coseismic clast pulverization in a matrix deformed by frictional sliding

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    The fault gouge of the Alhama de Murcia fault (southeast Spain) shows a texture that resembles a mylonite, including a prominent foliation, S-C fabric, and isoclinal folds. It also embeds a large number of isolated pulverized quartz clasts (PQCs). Structural analysis indicates that the gouge fabric was mainly developed by slow frictional sliding along phyllosili- cate-lined Riedel shear bands during continued shearing. In contrast, the PQCs show tensile fracture network features that are typically reported in seismically pulverized rocks found along seismogenic faults. This suggests that quartz-clast pulverization was due to a transient dilatational mechanism rather than shearing. We propose that the PQCs are the result of a rapid confined stress drop related to transient tensile stresses during coseismic ruptures that interrupt creep faulting along the gouge zone. The present study suggests that there is probably a large amount of evidence for paleoseismicity in fault rocks that is currently overlookedThis research was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under the INTERGEO (CGL2013–47412-C2–1-P) and QUAKESTEP (CGL2017–83931-C3–1-P) project

    Radial and tangential migration of telencephalic somatostatin neurons originated from the mouse diagonal area

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    The telencephalic subpallium is the source of various GABAergic interneuron cohorts that invade the pallium via tangential migration. Based on genoarchitectonic studies, the subpallium has been subdivided into four major domains: striatum, pallidum, diagonal area and preoptic area (Puelles et al. 2013; Allen Developing Mouse Brain Atlas), and a larger set of molecularly distinct progenitor areas (Flames et al. 2007). Fate mapping, genetic lineage-tracing studies, and other approaches have suggested that each subpallial subdivision produces specific sorts of inhibitory interneurons, distinguished by differential peptidic content, which are distributed tangentially to pallial and subpallial target territories (e.g., olfactory bulb, isocortex, hippocampus, pallial and subpallial amygdala, striatum, pallidum, septum). In this report, we map descriptively the early differentiation and apparent migratory dispersion of mouse subpallial somatostatin-expressing (Sst) cells from E10.5 onward, comparing their topography with the expression patterns of the genes Dlx5, Gbx2, Lhx7-8, Nkx2.1, Nkx5.1 (Hmx3), and Shh, which variously label parts of the subpallium. Whereas some experimental results suggest that Sst cells are pallidal, our data reveal that many, if not most, telencephalic Sst cells derive from de diagonal area (Dg). Sst-positive cells initially only present at the embryonic Dg selectively populate radially the medial part of the bed nucleus striae terminalis (from paraseptal to amygdaloid regions) and part of the central amygdala; they also invade tangentially the striatum, while eschewing the globus pallidum and the preoptic area, and integrate within most cortical and nuclear pallial areas between E10.5 and E16.5.This work was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation grant BFU2008-04156, and SENECA Foundation contract 0458/GERM/06-10891 to L.P.; and the Local Government of Castilla-La Mancha grant PII1I09-0065-8194 to C.D. Infrastructure support provided by the University of Murcia and Castilla-La Mancha is also acknowledged

    Excavaciones en el conjunto megalítico de la Peña Oviedo (Camaleño, Cantabria)

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    La excavación del conjunto megalítico de la Peña Oviedo, pretende ser el inicio de un estudio más amplio que aborde de manera global el fenómeno megalítico en las cue.ncas altas de los ríos Deva y Nansa. El total desconocimiento que se tenía hasta esta década, no ya del fenómeno megalítico, sino incluso de su existencia en estos valles montañosos del Occidente de Cantabria hace necesario un estudio que ponga de manifiesto sus características y las relaciones con las áreas vecinas.The excavation of the megalithic complex of the Peña Oviedo, pretends to be the beginning of a larger study that approaches the megalithic phenomenon in the global River basins of the Deva and Nansa rivers. The total lack of knowledge of the megalithic phenomenon, but not even of its existence in these mountain valleys of western Cantabria, requires a study that reveals its characteristics and relations with neighboring areas

    Speleoseismology and palaeoseismicity of Benis Cave (Murcia, SE Spain): coseismic effects of the 1999 Mula earthquake (mb 4.8)

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    This work describes the coseismic ceiling block collapse within Benis Cave (−213 m; Murcia, SE Spain), associated with the 1999 Mula earthquake (mb=4.8, MSK VII). The collapse occurred at −156 m into the Earthquake Hall, and as a consequence one small gallery became blind. We studied the geology, topography and active tectonic structures relevant to the cave. In addition, we carried out a seismotectonic analysis of the focal mechanism solutions, and also a fault population analysis on slickensides measured in fault planes in the cave. The stress and strain regime is interpreted as being congruent with the palaeoseismic evidence, and agrees with the fault kinematics established for cave galleries developed within fault planes and growth anomalies of coral flowstone. Our analysis suggests that one active segment (NNE–SSW) determined the morphology and topography of the Benis Cave, where strong to moderate palaeoearthquakes (6≤M≤7) took place. As a consequence of this intense seismic activity a small gallery collapsed. A new palaeoseismic structure, or seismothem, has been recognized, namely the effect of palaeoearthquakes affecting the pattern of development of the spatial coral flowstone distribution located at the bottom of the cave

    Germline cdh1 g212e missense variant: Combining clinical, in vitro and in vivo strategies to unravel disease Burden

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    E-cadherin, encoded by CDH1, is an essential molecule for epithelial homeostasis, whose loss or aberrant expression results in disturbed cell–cell adhesion, increased cell invasion and metas-tasis. Carriers of CDH1 germline mutations have a high risk of developing diffuse gastric cancer and lobular breast cancer, associated with the cancer syndrome Hereditary Diffuse Gastric Cancer (HDGC). The ubiquitous availability of cancer panels has led to the identification of an increasing amount of “incidental” CDH1 genetic variants that pose a serious clinical challenge. This has sparked intensive research aiming at an accurate classification of the variants and consequent validation of their clinical relevance. The present study addressed the significance of a novel CDH1 variant, G212E, identified in an unusually large pedigree displaying strong aggregation of diffuse gastric cancer. We undertook a comprehensive pipeline encompassing family data, in silico predictions, in vitro assays and in vivo strategies, which validated the deleterious phenotype induced by this genetic alteration. In particular, we demonstrated that the G212E variant affects the stability and localization, as well as the adhesive and anti-invasive functions of E-cadherin, triggering epithelial disruption and disorganization. Our findings illustrate the clinical implication of a complementary approach for effective variant categorization and patient management.This work was financed by FEDER funds through the Operational Programme for Competitiveness Factors (COMPETE 2020), Programa Operacional de Competitividade e Inter-nacionalização (POCI) and Programa Operacional Regional do Norte (Norte 2020); and by National Funds through the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) in the frame-work of the projects PTDC/MED-GEN/30356/2017, PTDC/BTM-SAL/30383/2017, PTDC/BIM-ONC/0281/2014, NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000029, as well as doctoral grants SFRH/BD/108009/2015-S.M. and SFRH/BD/130708/2017-M.G. E.M.S. is funded by the “FCT Scientific Employment Stimulus—Individual Call” program (CEECIND/00622/2017). We acknowledge the American Association of Patients with Hereditary Gastric Cancer “No Stomach for Cancer” for funding Seruca’s and Figueiredo’s research