566 research outputs found
Nutrition in Middle Childhood and Externalizing and Internalizing Problems in Adolescence: Results from the Bogota School Children Cohort
Background. An optimal diet is essential for adequate neurodevelopment. Behavior problems during adolescence are highly prevalent and result in adverse health outcomes in the short- and long-term. The role of middle childhood diet on adolescent behavior problems is uncertain.
Objectives. We examined the associations of the following dietary exposures in middle childhood with externalizing and internalizing behavior problems in adolescence: 1) iron deficiency (ID) and anemia, 2) vitamin D deficiency (VDD) and vitamin D binding protein (DBP) concentrations, and 3) serum n-3 and n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) concentrations.
Methods. These studies take place in the context of the Bogota School Children Cohort (BoSCCo), a longitudinal investigation of nutrition and health in Bogota, Colombia. Three thousand two hundred and two schoolchildren, aged 5-12 y, were recruited into BoSCCo from primary public schools in February, 2006. Upon recruitment, parents completed a background survey on family sociodemographic information and the health habits of their child. Research assistants obtained a baseline fasting blood sample from 88% of the children. After a median 6 y, total externalizing and internalizing behavior problems and their subscales (aggressive behavior, rule breaking behavior, anxious/depressed, withdrawn/depressed, and somatic complaints) were assessed with use of the Youth Self Report in a random sample of approximately one-third of the cohort.
We assessed whether ID (ferritin <15 µg/L when C-reactive protein ≤10 mg/L), anemia (hemoglobin <12.7 g/dL) or blood concentrations of zinc, vitamins A and B-12, and erythrocyte folate in middle childhood were associated with behavior problems in adolescence in 1,042 schoolchildren. The associations between middle childhood VDD (25-hydroxy vitamin D <50 nmol/L) or low DBP concentration (<2497 nmol/L) and adolescent behavior problems were examined in 278 schoolchildren. Finally, we investigated the relations between PUFA concentrations in middle childhood and behavior problems in adolescence among 444 schoolchildren.
In bivariate analysis, behavior problems score distributions were compared across levels of potential confounding variables measured at baseline. Then, the continuous distributions of behavior problems scores were compared across categories of each of the nutritional exposures of interest. Mean differences in behavior problems scores were estimated by categories of nutritional exposures with the use of multivariable linear regression.
Results. After controlling for potential confounding variables, ID, anemia, and low vitamin B-12 in middle childhood were each positively related to total externalizing problems scores among boys. In addition, ID was positively related to total internalizing problems scores among boys. Middle childhood VDD was positively associated with total externalizing problems scores while low DBP was positively related to aggressive behavior and anxious/depressed scores. Docosapentaenoic acid was inversely associated with total externalizing problems scores whereas docosahexaenoic acid was positively associated with this outcome. In addition, the Δ5-desaturase enzyme activity index was inversely related to total externalizing problems scores. Alpha-linolenic acid was positively associated with total internalizing problems scores whereas adrenic acid was inversely related to this outcome.
Conclusions and significance. Nutrition in middle childhood was associated with behavior problems in adolescence. Adolescents with externalizing and internalizing problems are at high risk for psychiatric disorders in adulthood. In a country that has experienced over 50 years of civil war, the long-term consequences of behavior problems may be of critical public health concern. These studies could provide a basis for the planning of nutritional intervention studies.PHDEpidemiological ScienceUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/144062/1/sonialr_1.pd
La Investigación en Educación Matemática y Práctica Pedagógica, perspectiva de licenciados en matemáticas en formación
Este artículo tiene como objetivo comprender la percepción que tienen de la investigación, los maestros en formación de un programa de licenciados en Matemáticas, y su relación con la Práctica Pedagógica. Se entrevistaron maestros en formación inicial de quinto a último semestre, la muestra fue por saturación, con el fin de ver sus perspectivas de dichos procesos, además de confrontarlos con constructo del ideal teórico, lo cual permite realizar una reflexión de cómo se están dando estos procesos en la Alma mater. Se evidenció que hay una desarticulación de lo que es Práctica Pedagógica e investigación en educación Matemática, además de esto, los licenciados en formación no consideran la investigación importante dentro de su práctica, ni en su campo profesional. El trabajo pudo concluir que los licenciados en formación expresaron que no se sienten con las suficientes competencias para hacer un trabajo de investigación, además de eso no ven necesario tenerlas porque no consideran la investigación un componente importante dentro de su Práctica Pedagógica
Replacement thinking, status threat, and the endorsement of political violence among non-Hispanic white individuals in the US: A cross-sectional study.
OBJECTIVE: This study investigates the association between replacement thinking, status threat perceptions, and the endorsement of political violence among non-Hispanic white adults in the United States. It explores how perceived threats to social status can drive support for extreme measures aimed at preserving white hegemony, addressing a gap in research on factors contributing to political violence, a public health concern. METHODS: The 2022 Life in America Survey provided data for this cross-sectional study, focusing on status threat and replacement thinking among non-Hispanic white respondents. Status threat was inferred from relative income, education level, and racial segregation in residential census tracts, while replacement thinking was derived through agreement with the statement in America, native-born white people are being replaced by immigrants. The outcome was the endorsement of political violence. Analysis utilized a survey-weighted robust modified Poisson model. RESULTS: Among 5,976 non-Hispanic white respondents, 18.7 % supported political violence in at least one scenario. A U-shaped relationship was observed between racial segregation and political violence endorsement: respondents from more diverse communities were less likely to support political violence. Those endorsing replacement thinking were 233 %-229 % more likely to endorse political violence than those who did not, dependent on income levels. White respondents without a high school degree were 29 % more likely to endorse political violence. CONCLUSION: The study found a positive association between replacement thinking, markers of status threat, and political violence endorsements among non-Hispanic white Americans. These findings emphasize the need for research and interventions to mitigate these perceptions and prevent political violence
Increasing Skin Infections and Staphylococcus aureus Complications in Children, England, 1997-2006
During 1997-2006, general practitioner consultations for skin conditions for children <18 years of age in England increased 19%, from 128.5 to 152.9/1,000 child-years, and antistaphylococcal drug prescription rates increased 64%, from 17.8 to 29.1/1,000 child-years. During the same time period, hospital admissions for Staphylococcus aureus infections rose 49% from 53.4 to 79.3/100,000 child-years.link_to_subscribed_fulltex
Este artículo presenta los resultados obtenidos en un estudio que tuvo como objetivo analizar el conocimiento didáctico del contenido sobre la fotosíntesis (CDCF) de dos profesoras de Biología, nivel de educación de secundaria en un colegio privado de Bogotá (Colombia). El enfoque fue interpretativo de tipo cualitativo. El método consistió en un estudio de caso y se utilizó la entrevista semi-estructurada, el cuestionario y el registro fílmico como técnicas de recolección de información. Se configuraron los elementos del CDCF de acuerdo al análisis de investigaciones relativas a la enseñanza de la fotosíntesis y al conocimiento didáctico del contenido. Se encontró que hay diferencias en el CDCF de las profesoras de cada uno de los grados analizados. Además, que unos elementos del CDCF permiten construir y desarrollar otros y es necesario conocerlos para dar cuenta del conocimiento que permite a las profesoras enseñar la fotosíntesis
Formación de profesores en Colombia: miradas de la relación práctica pedagógica e investigación, un programa que forma Licenciados en Matemáticas
This article comes from a research that looked for finding the relationship between pedagogical practice and research in math education as an important component in teacher training. Direct observation, teachers´ brainstorm and Interviews to graduate teachers and post graduate teachers were necessary to collect the information. The study concludes every individual in this study sees a separation between research and teaching and they do not consider it as an important component of math teachersEste artículo es parte de una investigación que buscaba encontrar las características de la relación entre práctica pedagógica e investigación en educación matemática, como eje fundamental en la formación docente. Para recabar la información se realizaron entrevistas, observaciones no participantes y grupos de discusión a profesores en formación, profesores egresados y formadores de profesores. Finalmente, se concluye que existe una mirada generalizada por cada uno de los actores estudiados, en cuanto a que disgregan la investigación de la práctica del educador, es decir, no consideran esto como parte fundamental de la formación de un profesor de matemáticas
Bibliometric analysis of research on regenerative periodontal surgery during the last 30 years
Objectics: The evolution of research activity during the last thirty years on regenerative periodontal surgery is
Results: A small number of authors are highly productive with more than 10 publications on the subject each.
79,6% of authors have only produced one article on the subject. The co-authorship average is of 2,68 authors per
paper, with a collaboration between 2 and 6 authors. Main journals on the field of regenerative periodontal surgery
are Journal of Periodontology and Journal of Clinical Periodontology, which are ranked 14th and 1st in their category
according to the Journal Citations Reports. The most used language is English, followed by Japanese and
Italian, Spanish occupying the eighth position.
Conclusions: A significant increase on scientific literature is observed, similar to the one Dentistry has had. A reduced
number of authors account for most production. In the same token, there is a scarce professionalization of
researchers in this field, where most of the authors are occasional. On the other hand, there are two very specialized
journals on this topic
El discurso de los profesores, estudiantes y egresados de la licenciatura en matemáticas en investigación en Educación Matemática y la relación con su práctica pedagógica
La dificultad que encuentran los docentes de Matemáticas cuando culminan los estudios de pregrado es el poco repertorio de estrategias con que cuentan para aplicar las matemáticas en sus clases, así como las escasas nociones investigativas que le permitan crear investigación y relacionarlas con su práctica, siendo así el objetivo de esta investigación caracterizar el discurso del Educador Matemático como actuación comunicativa de la relación entre investigación práctica pedagógica en el programa de Licenciatura en Matemáticas a través de la elaboración de un constructo (interrelación entre el discurso del docente en investigación en educación matemática y práctica pedagógica), a partir de aportes de la historia y epistemología de estos conceptos y resultados de investigaciones previas en los desarrollos teóricos que la comunidad
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Panicle Angle is an Important Factor in Tef Lodging Tolerance.
Tef [Eragrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter] is an important crop in the Horn of Africa, particularly in Ethiopia, where it is a staple food for over 60 million people. However, the productivity of tef remains extremely low in part due to its susceptibility to lodging. Lodging is the displacement of the plant from the upright position, and it is exacerbated by rain, wind and the application of fertilizer. In order to address the issue of global food security, especially in the Horn of Africa, greater insight into the causes of tef lodging is needed. In this study, we combine modeling and biomechanical measurements to compare the properties relating to lodging tolerance in high yielding, improved tef genotypes, and lower yielding natural landraces. Our results indicate that the angle of the panicle contributes to the likelihood of lodging in tef. Varieties with compact panicles and reduced height had increased lodging resistance compared to the other varieties. By comparing different varieties, we found that overall, the landraces of tef lodged less than improved varieties. We constructed a model of stem bending and found that panicle angle was an important determinant of the amount of lodging. The findings from this study provide key information to those involved in tef improvement, especially those interested in lodging tolerance
Conocimiento de Contenido Tecnológico y Pedagógico (TPACK) y creencias sobre las TIC de profesores de matemáticas en formación inicial
El estudio reúne elementos esenciales al momento en que los profesores buscan desarrollar procesos educativos en la enseñanza de las matemáticas de forma didáctica, a partir de la integración de recursos tecnológicos para apoyar el proceso de aprendizaje de los estudiantes. Por ello, se pretenden caracterizar los conocimientos y creencias de los profesores de matemática en formación inicial en torno a las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC). El alcance metodológico es de tipo descriptivo por fases, acompañado de la aplicación de técnicas e instrumentos como la encuesta, los grupos focales y una observación no participante, a 47 profesores de matemática en formación inicial de una universidad pública del Caribe colombiano, con la finalidad de recolectar información sobre el Conocimiento de Contenido Matemático (MCK por su sigla en Inglés), las creencias del profesor, el Conocimiento de Contenido Tecnológico y Pedagógico (TPACK por su sigla en inglés) en matemáticas y las competencias TIC del profesor. Aunque dentro de los resultados obtenidos se destaca el escaso conocimiento que tienen los profesores al impartir contenido matemático con recursos tecnológicos, situación que limita su impacto en el aula de clases, los participantes están interesados en conocer, aprender y explorar su uso; además se observa una limitada integración de TPACK en la formación de profesores de matemáticas y un escaso conocimiento y uso de software matemático en los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje
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