3,993 research outputs found

    High precision microlensing maps of the Galactic bulge

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    We present detailed maps of the microlensing optical depth and event density over an area of 195 sq. deg towards the Galactic bulge. The maps are computed from synthetic stellar catalogues generated from the Besancon Galaxy Model, which comprises four stellar populations and a three-dimensional extinction map calibrated against the Two-Micron All-Sky Survey. The optical depth maps have a resolution of 15 arcminutes, corresponding to the angular resolution of the extinction map. We compute optical depth and event density maps for all resolved sources above I=19, for unresolved (difference image) sources magnified above this limit, and for bright standard candle sources in the bulge. We show that the resulting optical depth contours are dominated by extinction effects, exhibiting fine structure in stark contrast to previous theoretical optical depth maps. Optical depth comparisons between Galactic models and optical microlensing survey measurements cannot safely ignore extinction or assume it to be smooth. We show how the event distribution for hypothetical J and K-band microlensing surveys, using existing ground-based facilities such as VISTA, UKIRT or CFHT, would be much less affected by extinction, especially in the K band. The near infrared provides a substantial sensitivity increase over current I-band surveys and a more faithful tracer of the underlying stellar distribution, something which upcoming variability surveys such as VVV will be able to exploit. Synthetic population models offer a promising way forward to fully exploit large microlensing datasets for Galactic structure studies.Comment: 8 pages, submitted to MNRA

    PWSHAP: A Path-Wise Explanation Model for Targeted Variables

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    Predictive black-box models can exhibit high-accuracy but their opaque nature hinders their uptake in safety-critical deployment environments. Explanation methods (XAI) can provide confidence for decision-making through increased transparency. However, existing XAI methods are not tailored towards models in sensitive domains where one predictor is of special interest, such as a treatment effect in a clinical model, or ethnicity in policy models. We introduce Path-Wise Shapley effects (PWSHAP), a framework for assessing the targeted effect of a binary (e.g. treatment) variable from a complex outcome model. Our approach augments the predictive model with a user-defined directed acyclic graph (DAG). The method then uses the graph alongside on-manifold Shapley values to identify effects along causal pathways whilst maintaining robustness to adversarial attacks. We establish error bounds for the identified path-wise Shapley effects and for Shapley values. We show PWSHAP can perform local bias and mediation analyses with faithfulness to the model. Further, if the targeted variable is randomised we can quantify local effect modification. We demonstrate the resolution, interpretability and true locality of our approach on examples and a real-world experiment

    Ant-infecting Ophiocordyceps genomes reveal a high diversity of potential behavioral manipulation genes and a possible major role for enterotoxins

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    Much can be gained from revealing the mechanisms fungal entomopathogens employ. Especially intriguing are fungal parasites that manipulate insect behavior because, presumably, they secrete a wealth of bioactive compounds. To gain more insight into their strategies, we compared the genomes of five ant-infecting Ophiocordyceps species from three species complexes. These species were collected across three continents, from five different ant species in which they induce different levels of manipulation. A considerable number of (small) secreted and pathogenicity-related proteins were only found in these ant-manipulating Ophiocordyceps species, and not in other ascomycetes. However, few of those proteins were conserved among them, suggesting that several different methods of behavior modification have evolved. This is further supported by a relatively fast evolution of previously reported candidate manipulation genes associated with biting behavior. Moreover, secondary metabolite clusters, activated during biting behavior, appeared conserved within a species complex, but not beyond. The independent co-evolution between these manipulating parasites and their respective hosts might thus have led to rather diverse strategies to alter behavior. Our data indicate that specialized, secreted enterotoxins may play a major role in one of these strategies

    Additive Manufacturing of Ceramic Materials: a Performance Comparison of Catalysts for Monopropellant Thrusters

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    Switchgrass ( L.) is a promising herbaceous energy crop, but further gains in biomass yield and quality must be achieved to enable a viable bioenergy industry. Developing DNA markers can contribute to such progress, but depiction of genetic bases should be reliable, involving simple additive marker effects and also interactions with genetic backgrounds (e.g., ecotypes) or synergies with other markers. We analyzed plant height, C content, N content, and mineral concentration in a diverse panel consisting of 512 genotypes of upland and lowland ecotypes. We performed association analyses based on exome capture sequencing and tested 439,170 markers for marginal effects, 83,290 markers for marker × ecotype interactions, and up to 311,445 marker pairs for pairwise interactions. Analyses of pairwise interactions focused on subsets of marker pairs preselected on the basis of marginal marker effects, gene ontology annotation, and pairwise marker associations. Our tests identified 12 significant effects. Homology and gene expression information corroborated seven effects and indicated plausible causal pathways: flowering time and lignin synthesis for plant height; plant growth and senescence for C content and mineral concentration. Four pairwise interactions were detected, including three interactions preselected on the basis of pairwise marker correlations. Furthermore, a marker × ecotype interaction and a pairwise interaction were confirmed in an independent switchgrass panel. Our analyses identified reliable candidate variants for important bioenergy traits. Moreover, they exemplified the importance of interactive effects for depicting genetic bases and illustrated the usefulness of preselecting marker pairs for identifying pairwise marker interactions in association studies

    TGF-β Isoform Specific Regulation of Airway Inflammation and Remodelling in a Murine Model of Asthma

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    The TGF-β family of mediators are thought to play important roles in the regulation of inflammation and airway remodelling in asthma. All three mammalian isoforms of TGF-β, TGF-β1–3, are expressed in the airways and TGF-β1 and -β2 are increased in asthma. However, there is little information on the specific roles of individual TGF-β isoforms. In this study we assess the roles of TGF-β1 and TGF-β2 in the regulation of allergen-induced airway inflammation and remodelling associated with asthma, using a validated murine model of ovalbumin sensitization and challenge, and isoform specific TGF-β neutralising antibodies. Antibodies to both isoforms inhibited TGF-β mediated Smad signalling. Anti-TGF-β1 and anti-TGF-β2 inhibited ovalbumin-induced sub-epithelial collagen deposition but anti-TGF-β1 also specifically regulated airway and fibroblast decorin deposition by TGF-β1. Neither antibody affected the allergen-induced increase in sub-epithelial fibroblast-like cells. Anti- TGF-β1 also specifically inhibited ovalbumin-induced increases in monocyte/macrophage recruitment. Whereas, both TGF-β1 and TGF-β2 were involved in regulating allergen-induced increases in eosinophil and lymphocyte numbers. These data show that TGF-β1 and TGF-β2 exhibit a combination of specific and shared roles in the regulation of allergen-induced airway inflammation and remodelling. They also provide evidence in support of the potential for therapeutic regulation of specific subsets of cells and extracellular matrix proteins associated with inflammation and remodelling in airway diseases such as asthma and COPD, as well as other fibroproliferative diseases

    A proposed two-stage two-tether scientific mission at Jupiter

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    A two-stage mission to place a spacecraft (SC) below the Jovian radiation belts, using a spinning bare tether with plasma contactors at both ends to provide propulsion and power,is proposed. Capture by Lorentz drag on the tether, at the periapsis of a barely hyperbolic equatorial orbit, is followed by a sequence of orbits at near-constant periapsis, drag finally bringing the SC down to a circular orbit below the halo ring. Although increasing both tether heating and bowing, retrograde motion can substantially reduce accumulated dose as compared with prograde motion, at equal tether-to-SC mass ratio. In the second stage,the tether is cut to a segment one order of magnitude smaller, with a single plasma contactor, making the SC to slowly spiral inward over severalmonths while generating large onboard power, which would allow multiple scientific applications, including in situ study of Jovian grains, auroral sounding of upper atmosphere, and space- and time-resolved observations of surface and subsurface

    Controlled Synchronization of One Class of Nonlinear Systems under Information Constraints

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    Output feedback controlled synchronization problems for a class of nonlinear unstable systems under information constraints imposed by limited capacity of the communication channel are analyzed. A binary time-varying coder-decoder scheme is described and a theoretical analysis for multi-dimensional master-slave systems represented in Lurie form (linear part plus nonlinearity depending only on measurable outputs) is provided. An output feedback control law is proposed based on the Passification Theorem. It is shown that the synchronization error exponentially tends to zero for sufficiantly high transmission rate (channel capacity). The results obtained for synchronization problem can be extended to tracking problems in a straightforward manner, if the reference signal is described by an {external} ({exogenious}) state space model. The results are applied to controlled synchronization of two chaotic Chua systems via a communication channel with limited capacity.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    Chaotic Observer-based Synchronization Under Information Constraints

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    Limit possibilities of observer-based synchronization systems under information constraints (limited information capacity of the coupling channel) are evaluated. We give theoretical analysis for multi-dimensional drive-response systems represented in the Lurie form (linear part plus nonlinearity depending only on measurable outputs). It is shown that the upper bound of the limit synchronization error (LSE) is proportional to the upper bound of the transmission error. As a consequence, the upper and lower bounds of LSE are proportional to the maximum rate of the coupling signal and inversely proportional to the information transmission rate (channel capacity). Optimality of the binary coding for coders with one-step memory is established. The results are applied to synchronization of two chaotic Chua systems coupled via a channel with limited capacity.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, 27 reference

    Loop groups and noncommutative geometry

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    We describe the representation theory of loop groups in terms of K-theory and noncommutative geometry. This is done by constructing suitable spectral triples associated with the level l projective unitary positive-energy representations of any given loop group LGLG. The construction is based on certain supersymmetric conformal field theory models associated with LG in the setting of conformal nets. We then generalize the construction to many other rational chiral conformal field theory models including coset models and the moonshine conformal net.Comment: Revised versio
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