60 research outputs found

    Bridging the spatiotemporal gap in Diazotroph activity and diversity with high-resolution measurements

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    The biological fixation of dinitrogen (N2) by marine microbes called “diazotrophs” sustains ∌50% new production in the ocean, boosting CO2 absorption by photoautotrophs and thus contributing to the mitigation of climate change. New environmental conditions sustaining N2 fixation have been revealed in recent years, enabling more accurate forecasting of future nitrogen inputs and localized hot spots. However, at present the paucity and biased geographical coverage of N2 fixation and diazotroph diversity measurements impede attempts to reconcile global nitrogen budgets with observed rates. Most studies have been conducted at disparate spatiotemporal scales, including: (i) discrete and short duration measurements in small seawater volumes isolated from the environment, and (ii) spatial extrapolations and global models of diazotrophy projected over decades to centuries. We argue that this knowledge gap lies at the fine scales: dynamic seawater structures < 200 km wide and < 2 months lifetime. However, the spatiotemporal resolution of conventional oceanographic cruises, with stations separated by tens to hundreds of kilometers, is too poor to resolve fine scale processes. Bridging this gap requires leveraging high spatiotemporal resolution measurements. Here we present and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of contemporary methods and equipment able to provide high-resolution measurements at sea. We also provide insights into high-resolution sampling approaches to be developed in the near future. Increasing the spatiotemporal resolution of diazotroph activity and diversity will provide more realistic quantifications of nitrogen fluxes in the dynamic ocean

    Genetic diversity affects the daily transcriptional oscillations of marine microbial populations

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    Marine microbial communities are genetically diverse but have robust synchronized daily transcriptional patterns at the genus level that are similar across a wide variety of oceanic regions. We developed a microarray-inspired gene-centric approach to resolve transcription of closely-related but distinct strains/ecotypes in high-throughput sequence data. Applying this approach to the existing metatranscriptomics datasets collected from two different oceanic regions, we found unique and variable patterns of transcription by individual taxa within the abundant picocyanobacteria Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus, the alpha Proteobacterium Pelagibacter and the eukaryotic picophytoplankton Ostreococcus. The results demonstrate that marine microbial taxa respond differentially to variability in space and time in the ocean. These intra-genus individual transcriptional patterns underlie whole microbial community responses, and the approach developed here facilitates deeper insights into microbial population dynamics

    Ocean robots uncover microbial secrets

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    Life on Earth began in the sea, and the oceans continue to support life on our planet. Of particular importance is the ability of marine microbes to exist in a complex web of relationships where substances are continually transformed and exchanged

    Publisher correction: Detection of introduced and resident marine species using environmental DNA metabarcoding of sediment and water

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    Correction to: Scientific Reports https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-47899-7, published online 09 August 201

    Animals, protists and bacteria share marine biogeographic patterns

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    Over millennia, ecological and evolutionary mechanisms have shaped macroecological patterns across the tree of life. Research describing these patterns at both regional and global scales has traditionally focused on the study of metazoan species. Consequently, there is a limited understanding of cross-phylum biogeographic structuring and an escalating need to understand the macroecology of both microscopic and macroscopic organisms. Here we used environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding to explore the biodiversity of marine metazoans, protists and bacteria along an extensive and highly heterogeneous coastline. Our results showed remarkably consistent biogeographic structure across the kingdoms of life despite billions of years of evolution. Analyses investigating the drivers of these patterns for each taxonomic kingdom found that environmental conditions (such as temperature) and, to a lesser extent, anthropogenic stressors (such as fishing pressure and pollution) explained some of the observed variation. Additionally, metazoans displayed biogeographic patterns that suggested regional biotic homogenization. Against the backdrop of global pervasive anthropogenic environmental change, our work highlights the importance of considering multiple domains of life to understand the maintenance and drivers of biodiversity patterns across broad taxonomic, ecological and geographical scales

    Phytoplankton transcriptomic and physiological responses to fixed nitrogen in the California current system

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    Marine phytoplankton are responsible for approximately half of photosynthesis on Earth. However, their ability to drive ocean productivity depends on critical nutrients, especially bioavailable nitrogen (N) which is scarce over vast areas of the ocean. Phytoplankton differ in their preferences for N substrates as well as uptake efficiencies and minimal N requirements relative to other critical nutrients, including iron (Fe) and phosphorus. In this study, we used the MicroTOOLs high-resolution environmental microarray to examine transcriptomic responses of phytoplankton communities in the California Current System (CCS) transition zone to added urea, ammonium, nitrate, and also Fe in the late summer when N depletion is common. Transcript level changes of photosynthetic, carbon fixation, and nutrient stress genes indicated relief of N limitation in many strains of Prochlorococcus, Synechococcus, and eukaryotic phytoplankton. The transcriptomic responses helped explain shifts in physiological and growth responses observed later. All three phytoplankton groups had increased transcript levels of photosynthesis and/or carbon fixation genes in response to all N substrates. However, only Prochlorococcus had decreased transcript levels of N stress genes and grew substantially, specifically after urea and ammonium additions, suggesting that Prochlorococcus outcompeted other community members in these treatments. Diatom transcript levels of carbon fixation genes increased in response to Fe but not to Fe with N which might have favored phytoplankton that were co-limited by N and Fe. Moreover, transcription patterns of closely related strains indicated variability in N utilization, including nitrate utilization by some high-light adapted Prochlorococcus. Finally, up-regulation of urea transporter genes by both Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus in response to filtered deep water suggested a regulatory mechanism other than classic control via the global N regulator NtcA. This study indicated that co-existing phytoplankton strains experience distinct nutrient stresses in the transition zone of the CCS, an understudied region where oligotrophic and coastal communities naturally mix

    Detection of introduced and resident marine species using environmental DNA metabarcoding of sediment and water

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    Environmental DNA (eDNA) surveys are increasingly being used for biodiversity monitoring, principally because they are sensitive and can provide high resolution community composition data. Despite considerable progress in recent years, eDNA studies examining how different environmental sample types can affect species detectability remain rare. Comparisons of environmental samples are especially important for providing best practice guidance on early detection and subsequent mitigation of non-indigenous species. Here we used eDNA metabarcoding of COI (cytochrome c oxidase subunit I) and 18S (nuclear small subunit ribosomal DNA) genes to compare community composition between sediment and water samples in artificial coastal sites across the United Kingdom. We first detected markedly different communities and a consistently greater number of distinct operational taxonomic units in sediment compared to water. We then compared our eDNA datasets with previously published rapid assessment biodiversity surveys and found excellent concordance among the different survey techniques. Finally, our eDNA surveys detected many non-indigenous species, including several newly introduced species, highlighting the utility of eDNA metabarcoding for both early detection and temporal / spatial monitoring of non-indigenous species. We conclude that careful consideration on environmental sample type is needed when conducting eDNA surveys, especially for studies assessing community change

    Approaching the uncultured endosymbiont of Riftia pachyptila by physiological proteomics

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    Author Posting. © The Authors, 2006. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of AAAS for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Science 315 (2007): 247-250, doi:10.1126/science.1132913.The bacterial endosymbiont of the deep-sea tube worm Riftia pachyptila has never been successfully cultivated outside its host. In the absence of cultivation data we have taken a proteomic approach based on the metagenome sequence to study the metabolism of this peculiar microorganism in detail. As one result, we found that three major sulfide oxidation proteins constitute ~12% of the total cytosolic proteome, highlighting the essential role of these enzymes for the symbiont’s energy metabolism. Unexpectedly, the symbiont uses the reductive tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle in addition to the previously identified Calvin cycle for CO2 fixation.This work was supported by the DFG, grant Schw595/3-1. Other funding sources were: NSF (OCE 04-52333) and NASA Astrobiology Institute (NNA04CC04A) for SMS, MH: postdoctoral scholarship from WHOI, HF: Academic Senate (RF811S and RE518S)

    A Conceptual Framework for Developing the Next Generation of Marine OBservatories (MOBs) for Science and Society

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    In the field of ocean observing, the term of “observatory” is often used without a unique meaning. A clear and unified definition of observatory is needed in order to facilitate the communication in a multidisciplinary community, to capitalize on future technological innovations and to support the observatory design based on societal needs. In this paper, we present a general framework to define the next generation Marine OBservatory (MOB), its capabilities and functionalities in an operational context. The MOB consists of four interconnected components or “gears” (observation infrastructure, cyberinfrastructure, support capacity, and knowledge generation engine) that are constantly and adaptively interacting with each other. Therefore, a MOB is a complex infrastructure focused on a specific geographic area with the primary scope to generate knowledge via data synthesis and thereby addressing scientific, societal, or economic challenges. Long-term sustainability is a key MOB feature that should be guaranteed through an appropriate governance. MOBs should be open to innovations and good practices to reduce operational costs and to allow their development in quality and quantity. A deeper biological understanding of the marine ecosystem should be reached with the proliferation of MOBs, thus contributing to effective conservation of ecosystems and management of human activities in the oceans. We provide an actionable model for the upgrade and development of sustained marine observatories producing knowledge to support science-based economic and societal decisions

    Evidence of nitrification associated with globally distributed pelagic jellyfish

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    Often considered detrimental to the environment and human activities, jellyfish blooms are increasing in several coastal regions worldwide. Yet, the overall effect of these outbreaks on ecosystem productivity and structure are not fully understood. Here we provide evidence for a so far unanticipated role of jellyfish in marine nitrogen cycling. Pelagic jellyfish release nitrogen as a metabolic waste product in form of ammonium. Yet, we observed high rates of nitrification (NH4+ → NO3−, 5.7–40.8 nM gWW−1 [wet weight] h−1) associated with the scyphomedusae Aurelia aurita, Chrysaora hysoscella, and Chrysaora pacifica and low rates of incomplete nitrification (NH4+ → NO2−, 1.0–2.8 nM gWW−1 h−1) associated with Chrysaora fulgida, C. hysoscella, and C. pacifica. These observations indicate that microbes living in association with these jellyfish thrive by oxidizing the readily available ammonia to nitrite and nitrate. The four studied species have a large geographic distribution and exhibit frequent population outbreaks. We show that, during such outbreaks, jellyfish‐associated release of nitrogen can provide more than 100% of the nitrogen required for primary production. These findings reveal a so far overlooked pathway when assessing pelagic nitrification rates that might be of particular relevance in nitrogen depleted surface waters and at high jellyfish population densities
