794 research outputs found

    Recommendations on future driving instructor standards in Portugal

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    The recommendations on future driving instructor standards in Portugal are mainly based on experiences from the Norwegian model for driving instructor education; its organisational structure, topics and objectives, taking into consideration our knowledge and information on the existing Portuguese system for driving instructor education and training. Therefore introductorily a brief overview of the Norwegian Driving Instructor Education and driving licence system

    An Assessment of Factors Influencing Use of Respiratory Protective Equipment in the Norwegian Smelter Industry and the Effect of a Knowledge-based Intervention

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    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma and other respiratory illness have been shown to be more prevalent in Norwegian smelter workers compared to the general population. There is evidence suggesting that the use of respiratory protective equipment (RPE) can be sub-optimal in occupations with respiratory exposure. This thesis investigated psychological factors thought to influence intention to use RPE, and reported RPE use in a sample of Norwegian smelter workers. Results indicated that RPE use is at times sub-optimal, that disposable RPEs were still commonly used and that there were barriers related to proper use. A modified version of the Theory of Planned Behavior was compiled and structural equation modeling was used to investigate how attitudes, subjective norms, perceived control, safety climate and work experience predicted intention to use RPE. The relationship between intention and reported behavior was also investigated. Results indicated that Attitudes and Subjective norms and safety climate were the best predictors of intention to use respirators. An intervention study was designed aiming to improve intention and use of RPE. Data was collected at four intervals using questionnaires: at baseline and three follow-ups, two weeks, three and nine months post intervention. The results revealed that participants in the two interventions groups showed small but significant improvements over the control group. The thesis concludes that attitudes, subjective norms and safety climate are important predictors of intention to use RPE, and that tailored and interactive interventions may improve knowledge, attitudes, subjective norms, intentions, perceptions of inconvenience and perceptions of organizational support regarding the use of RPE. In addition, the intervention effect was shown to persist throughout the project period.Det er observert hyppigere forekomst av kronisk obstruktiv lungesykdom (KOLS), astma, luftveissykdommer og fall i lungefunksjon blant norske smelteverksarbeidere enn hos den øvrige befolkningen. Det er tidligere rapportert at bruken av åndedrettsvern kan være sub-optimal i andre industrier. Denne avhandlingen undersøkte psykologiske faktorers innflytelse på intensjonen til å bruke, samt rapportert bruk av åndedrettsvern. Studien viste at bruken av åndedrettsvern er sub-optimal blant annet grunnet vanskelige arbeidssituasjoner og uforenlighet med annet sikkerhetsutstyr. En modifisert versjon av Theory of Planned Behavior ble utviklet for å utforske hvordan sammenhengen mellom holdninger, subjektive normer, opplevd kontroll, sikkerhetsklima og arbeidsopplevelse korrelerte med intensjonen til bruk av åndedrettsvern. Forholdet mellom intensjonen og rapportert bruk ble undersøkt ved bruk av regresjon. Resultatene indikerte at holdninger, subjektive normer og sikkerhetsklima var de beste prediktorene for intensjonen til å bruke åndedrettsvern. En intervensjon ble skreddersydd til industrien og arbeidsoppgavene deres for å øke intensjonen og bruken av åndedrettsvern. Spørreskjema ble brukt for å samle inn data, og ble utlevert før intervensjonen og 2 uker, 3- og 9 måneder etter intervensjonen. Funnene indikerte små men signifikante forskjeller mellom intervensjonsgruppene og kontrollgruppen. Avhandlingen konkluderte med at holdninger, subjektive normer og sikkerhetsklima er viktige prediktorer for intensjonen til å bruke åndedrettsvern, og at intervensjoner kan brukes for å øke kunnskap, holdninger, subjektive normer, intensjon, opplevelsen av ulemper og opplevelsen av organisasjon i relasjon til bruken av åndedrettsvern. Effekten av intervensjonen vedvarte over tid

    Making new ambitions work: the transformation of norwegian special operation forces

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    Norwegian Special Operations Forces are traditionally divided according to their service affiliation, i.e. to the Army or Navy respectively. Transforming these forces to be prepared for current and emerging threats has mainly been an issue of organizational redesign, arguably for the benefit of reduced costs, rather than an issue of future roles and missions. This article offers an alternative perspective on transformation in which organizational design is viewed as a function of the way Special Operations Forces generally conduct missions. Special operations missions and tasks can broadly be categorised into direct and indirect action capabilities. Direct action capabilities are those that bring force directly into contact with the enemy. According to national and NATO doctrine, these are special reconnaissance and direct action missions and tasks. Indirect action capabilities are those that bring force to the enemy indirectly through a surrogate force, whether this is a guerrilla/insurgent force or a security force, a task doctrinally referred to as military assistance. With respect to the future transformation of Norwegian Special Operations Forces, this article claims that the current organizational structure, i.e., maintaining two separate units, should be maintained if indirect action capabilities are to be emphasized and developed as a primary capability, which is not the case today. If special operations capabilities continue to focus on direct action capabilities, current organizational design is not necessarily optimal, and a merger option is therefore relevant

    Midterm outcomes for stemless hemiarthroplasty for glenohumeral osteoarthritis A retrospective study

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    Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis. For glenohumeral osteoarthritis the gold standard treatment for end stage disease is arthroplasty with stemmed prosthesis. The trend surrounding shoulder arthroplasty focuses on reducing stem-related complication, but mid- to long-term studies on stemless hemiarthroplasty are needed to evaluate durability. Our hypothesis was that stemless hemiarthroplasty is a good and reliable alternative for treatment of shoulder OA. In this retrospective study 21 shoulders in 17 patients with glenohumeral osteoarthritis were treated with the Eclipse stemless shoulder prosthesis for hemiarthroplasty of the shoulder between 2010 and 2016. Mean follow up time was 7 years. Functional outcomes were assessed using VAS, ASES and CS, while radiological changes were evaluated on standard radiographs. At last follow up time, there was significant improvement of VAS, ASES and CS from (7.5) to (1.8) p< 0.05, (36.4) to (84.1) p<0.05, and (33.5) to (79.6) p<0.05 respectively. In addition, there was no clinically significant radiological changes. The results of the present study revealed significant clinical improvements, while minimal radiological changes without clinical significance was observed. These results indicate stemless HSA as a simple, safe and reliable method for treating shoulder osteoarthritis

    Machine learning approaches using freshwater gene expression profiles to predict seawater performance in Atlantic Salmon

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    Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) has an anadromous life cycle, spending the first part of its life in freshwater before migrating to seawater. Smoltification is the process where Atlantic salmon undergo several morphological, physiological and behavioral changes preparing for transition to marine environment. A major challenge in the Norwegian salmon farming industry is the high mortality (12-14%), after release of smolt into seawater. One reason is suboptimal smolt production, resulting in a state where salmon are not well adopted for life in seawater. It is therefore important to optimize smolt production protocols and develop better ways to assess seawater-readiness to ensure higher survival, growth and reduce welfare issues. Traditionally, the increased expression of the saltwater isoform nkaα1b and nkcc1a cotransporter, and a reduction in expression of the freshwater isoform nkaα1b in the gills are used as predictive markers for seawater-readiness in the salmon farming industry. The current study aimed to use Random Forest to build predictive models for growth in seawater based on gill transcriptome data from fish given different light manipulation during smolt production. The results showed poor predictive ability towards seawater growth, although superior to simple correlation with single gene expression levels. We also found that photoperiodic history had effect on the Random Forest predictions, where the Random Forest model from fish exposed to continuous light (24:0) was much better at predicting SW growth than any of the models from the fish exposed to short photoperiods (8:16 and 12:12). We extracted most influential genes for each Random Forest model and found that these differed depending on the light regime used. Based on these results the salmon farming industry should apply caution when relying on traditional smolt gene-expression markers to determine the optimal time for SW transfer

    Rincones de actividad: una manera de fomentar la integración de hijos e hijas de inmigrantes en nuestras aulas infantiles

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    Treball de Final Grau en Mestre o Mestra d'Educació Infantil. Codi: MI1040. Curs acadèmic 2015-2016Los movimientos migratorios han situado en nuestro país a una gran cantidad de personas de diferentes orígenes, y por tanto, los centros educativos públicos acostumbran tener una considerable afluencia de alumnado inmigrante. Es por esto, que los docentes deben de ofrecer las condiciones necesarias en su aula para promover actitudes democráticas y de igualdad entre el alumnado. En esta línea, el presente trabajo de final de grado surge a partir de la siguiente hipótesis: la metodología por rincones de actividad fomenta la integración de los hijos e hijas de inmigrantes en nuestras aulas infantiles. Así pues, el objetivo de este trabajo es comprobar si la organización del aula por rincones favorece la integración del alumnado procedente de familias inmigrantes en las aulas españolas. Para ello, este trabajo consta de una investigación cualitativa en un aula de 3 años de Educación Infantil donde se trabaja por rincones de actividad. Los sujetos de estudio seleccionados son los 8 alumnos y alumnas del aula que proceden de familias extranjeras. La investigación se ha llevado a cabo a través de la estrategia de la triangulación, y es por esto, que se han pasado tres instrumentos de evaluación diferentes, a tres fuentes de datos diferentes. En primer lugar, una escala de estimación rellenada por la maestra en prácticas, posteriormente, un cuestionario para los familiares, y por último, una autoevaluación para el alumnado. De este modo, se podrán extraer los resultados de los diferentes instrumentos y así, comprobar si los hijos e hijas de inmigrantes están integrados en éste aula donde se trabaja por rincones de actividad.Migratory movements have located in our country a lot of people from different backgrounds, and therefore public schools usually have a considerable influx of immigrant students. That is why, that teachers should offer the necessary conditions in the classroom to promote democratic and equality among students attitudes. In this line, this final degree work arises from the following hypothesis: the corners of activity methodology, promotes the integration of immigrant children in our children's classrooms. Thus the aim of this work is to check whether classroom organization for corners favors the integration of students from immigrant families in Spanish classrooms. To do this, this work consists of qualitative research in a classroom of 3 years of Early Childhood Education where he works activity corners. The subjects of study are 8 classroom students coming from foreign families. Research has been carried out through triangulation strategy, and that is why, that have been three different evaluation instruments, three different data sources. First, a estimation scale completed by the trainee teacher, then a questionnaire for relatives, and finally a self-assessment for students. Thus, it can extract the results of different instruments and thus check whether the children of immigrants are integrated into this classroom where work by activity corners

    Gastrointestinal parasites in sympatric reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) and sheep (Ovis aries) - Evidence of spillover and consequences thereof

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    Understanding the role of gastrointestinal parasites for ecosystems and their potential impact on their hosts is valuable knowledge within wildlife management. In Norway, there is a long tradition mountain grazing for sheep, meaning that domesticated sheep and reindeer often share rangeland. This study aimed to investigate spillover of gastrointestinal parasites between domesticated sheep (Ovis aries) and wild and semi-domesticated reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) for the areas of Nordfjella zone 2, Forollhogna, and Knutshø, with medium to high, respectively, of sheep grazing intensity. Karasjok Vestre, a reindeer husbandry with very low overlap of sheep on the rangeland, was included as a control area. Parasite prevalence, abundance, intensity and richness for all study areas are reported. Parasite abundance and species richness as well as proportion of sheep parasites were statistically modelled in relation effect of temperature, precipitation, age and study area. In addition, abundance of abomasa nematodes in Knutshø and Forollhogna was compared with the last known historical record of nematode counts from these areas. I detected gastrointestinal spillover in all areas with medium to high sheep grazing intensity, namely Nordfjella sone 2, Forollhogna and Knutshø. Most importantly, I report the first detection of Nematodirus battus in this study. This invasive duodenum nematode was present in the three areas with medium to high sheep grazing intensity. This parasite is common in sheep, especially lambs, and can cause high morbidity and mortality in these hosts. It is unknown what occurs in reindeer, but pathological effects may be similar. I also detected Spiculopteragia boehmi, a parasite thought to host specific to red deer (Cervus elaphus) and roe deer (Capreolus capreolus), but has now been found in several other ruminate hosts as well as the semi-domesticated reindeer included in this study and within wild reindeer in Nordfjella sone 2. I conclude that gastrointestinal parasite spillover from sheep to reindeer in sympatric rangeland is enhanced by the intensity of sheep grazing. My management recommendations are to reduce sheep grazing in areas with sympatric grazing of reindeer to avoid future parasite spillover. I also recommend reconsidering the current practice of salt lick stones in these areas to avoid pathogen accumulation and, thus, hot spots of spillover. For future studies I also recommend investigations of the pathologic effects of N. battus on reindeer.Forståelse for gastrointestinale parasitter i økosystemene og deres potensiale for påvirkning på vertene er verdifull kunnskap innenfor viltforvaltning. I Norge er det lang tradisjon med å la sau (Ovis aries) beite i fjellene, ofte innenfor leveområder til rein (Rangifer tarandus), som betyr at de deler felles beiteland. Dette studiet undersøkte potensiell smitte av gastrointestinale parasitter mellom sau og rein for villreinområdene Nordfjella sone 2, Forollhogna og Knutshø, med henholdsvis medium til høyt beitetrykk fra sau. Karasjok Vestre, et tamreinområde med veldig lavt beitetrykk fra sau, ble inkludert som kontrollområde i studiet. Parasittforekomst, overflod, intensitet og rikdom for alle studieområder rapporteres. Parasittforekomst og artsrikdom samt andel saueparasitter ble statistisk modellert i forhold til variablene temperatur, nedbør, alder og studieområde. I tillegg ble parasitt byrden av abomasal nematoder i Knutshø og Forollhogna sammenlignet med den sist kjente historiske registreringen av nematodetall fra disse områdene. Jeg oppdaget smitteoverføring av gastrointestinale parasitter fra sau til rein i alle områder med middels til høy beiteintensitet av sauer, nemlig Nordfjella sone 2, Forollhogna og Knutshø. Denne oppgaven representerer første rapportering Nematodirus battus detektert i rein. Denne invasive tynntarm nematoden ble oppdaget i de tre områdene med middels til høyt beitetrykk for sauer på villrein. Dette er en vanlig parasitt hos sauer, spesielt lam, og kan forårsake sykdom og har høy dødelighet hos spesielt lam. Det er ukjent hvilken effekt parasitten har på rein, men patologiske effekter kan være like mellom kalver og lam. Jeg oppdaget også Spiculopteragia boehmi, en parasitt som antas å komme fra hjort (Cervus elaphus) og rådyr (Capreolus capreolus), men har nå blitt funnet i flere andre drøvtyggere, samt tamrein som er inkludert i dette studiet og innen villrein i Nordfjella sone 2. Jeg konkluderer med at overføring av gastrointestinal parasitt fra sau til rein i felles beiteområder forsterkes av beitetrykket fra sau. Mine anbefalinger til forvaltningen er å redusere beitetrykket fra sau i områder med felles beite av villrein for å unngå fremtidig parasittutslipp. Jeg anbefaler også å revidere nåværende praksis angående saltslikkesteiner i disse områdene for å unngå patogenansamlinger og områder med høy risiko for smitteoverføring mellom disse artene. For fremtidige studier anbefaler jeg også undersøkelser av de patologiske effektene av N. battus på reinsdyr

    Engineering of secondary metabolite production in streptomycetes

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    Assessment for learning using digital tools in the English subject

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    Denne studien undersøker hvordan vurdering for læring kan bidra til livslang læring i ved bruk av digitale verktøy i engelskfaget på ungdomsskolen. Motivasjonen for denne studien har vært å tilegne seg mer kunnskap om begrepet vurdering for læring og hvordan digitale verktøy kan støtte om begrepet. Til dette formålet har vi formulert følgende problemstilling: Hvordan kan vurdering for læring bidra til livslang læring gjennom bruk av digitale verktøy i engelskfaget på ungdomsskolen? I tillegg har vi to forskningsspørsmål for å begrense og samtidig for å støtte problemstillingen, disse er følgende: Hvilke erfaringer har elver med vurdering? Hvilke erfaringer har elever og lærere med tilbakemeldinger og egenvurderinger ved bruk av OneNote klassenotatblokk? For å svare på problemstillingen og forskingsspørsmålene har vi brukt mixed methods som anvender både kvantitative og kvalitative metoder for datainnsamlingen. Vi samlet data gjennom spørreundersøkelser som ga oss kvantitative og kvalitative data. Vi har også analysert elevers vurderinger i OneNote klassenotatblokk og gjort observasjoner i klasserommet om elevers og læreres bruk av programmet i vurderingssammenhenger. Våre funn indikerer at både elever og lærere på skolen vi forsket på er positive til bruken av OneNote i vurderingssammenhenger. Elever uttrykker at det har blitt lettere å finne frem til tidligere tilbakemeldinger og at de bruker disse tilbakemeldingene til videre utvikling. Dette er også noe lærerne erfarer. Videre viser våre funn at elever har blitt mer bevisst over egen læring og at vurdering for læring hjelper elevene i å få en bedre forståelse av læringen deres. I elevens egenvurderinger reflekterer de rundt egen læring ut fra tre spørsmål som er inspirert av artikkelen The Power of Feedback av Hattie and Timperley (2007). Vurderingspraksisen på skolen vi har forsket på bærer preg av at den er i startfasen, blant annet gjennom ulik vurderingspraksis hos lærerne