70 research outputs found

    Spanish Version of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament-Quality of Life Questionnaire: Translation, Cross-cultural Adaptation, and Validation

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    ACL reconstruction; Anterior Cruciate Ligament–Quality of Life (ACL-QOL) questionnaire; KneeReconstrucción del LCA; Cuestionario sobre la calidad de vida del ligamento cruzado anterior (ACL-QOL); RodillaReconstrucció del LCA; Qüestionari sobre la qualitat de vida del lligament creuat anterior (ACL-QOL); GenollBackground: The Anterior Cruciate Ligament-Quality of Life (ACL-QOL) questionnaire is a patient-reported outcome measure used to assess the effect of an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury on the lives of patients. It was originally written in English, which may affect its use when completed by nonnative English speakers. Purpose: To translate and adapt the ACL-QOL to Spanish and provide evidence of its psychometric properties. Study design: Cohort study (diagnosis); Level of evidence, 2. Methods: A total of 183 patients with an ACL injury from 4 Catalan hospitals were included: 99 patients who had undergone ACL reconstruction (ACLR) completed the Spanish version of the ACL-QOL (ACL-QOL-Sp) twice (mean interval, 15.2 days) in 2 weeks for test-retest reliability, and 84 patients completed the ACL-QOL-Sp, the Lysholm knee scoring scale, the Knee injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS), Tegner Activity Scale, and the 12-item Short Form Health Survey (SF-12) before and at 4 and 9 months after ACLR to assess responsiveness. The association between the ACL-QOL-Sp and the other outcome measures was evaluated with the Spearman correlation coefficient. Results: The ACL-QOL-Sp showed good internal consistency (Cronbach alpha = 0.96) and test-retest reliability (intraclass correlation coefficient = 0.97). The standard error of measurement was 3.6, also suggesting the precision of measurements. The smallest detectable change was 9.98 in 94% of patients. No association was found between the ACL-QOL-Sp score and the Tegner score or SF-12 mental component summary score; however, a moderate correlation was found with the overall KOOS score (r = -0.545), Lysholm score (r = 0.509), and SF-12 physical component summary score (r = 0.607). The correlation ranged from weak for the KOOS-Symptoms subscore (r = -0.290) to moderate for the KOOS-Quality of Life subscore (r = -0.698). No ceiling or floor effects were observed. The ACL-QOL-Sp showed a moderate effect size (0.73) at 4 months but a large effect size (1.70) at 9 months. Conclusion: The ACL-QOL-Sp showed adequate internal consistency, test-retest reliability, and responsiveness in evaluating quality of life after ACLR in Spanish-speaking patients

    Neurofibroma plexiforme en mucosa yugal: presentación de un caso clínico

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    Presentamos un caso clínico de neurofibroma plexiforme localizado en región geniana, a nivel submucoso. Su interés radica en que, a pesar de ser el tumor de origen neurógeno más frecuente, es una entidad poco habitual y que rara vez se localiza a nivel intraoral. Por otra parte, la variedad plexiforme es todavía menos frecuente. Desde el punto de vista clínico, se manifiestan como lesiones anodinas, con escasa sintomatología, que cuando aparece es derivada de la compresión nerviosa. En nuestro caso el tumor era asintomático salvo por el tamaño. Radiológicamente no existe una imagen definitiva. Tiene relación con determinados síndromes poliglandulares y facomatosis. El tratamiento es básicamente quirúrgico aunque existen dudas de la idoneidad del mismo y se están buscando nuevas vías de tratamiento. Aprovechando la descripción del caso se realiza una revisión bibliográfica incidiendo en la epidemiología, comportamiento clínico, métodos diagnósticos, así como en el tratamiento de este tipo de tumores benignos.The case reported deals with a solitary plexiform neurofibroma affecting the cheek submucosa. Neurofibroma is an uncommon tumor which rarely appears in oral cavity but it represents the most common neurogenic tumor. Furthermore, plexiform variety is less frequent. Clinically, oral neurofibromas usually apperars as anodyne and asintomatic lesions. Sometimes, they produce nervous compression. In this case, tumor is big but asintomatic. There is no definitive radiologic image. It has association with poliglandular syndroms and phacomatosis. The treatment of choice is excision. There are doubts of the surgical results so that some authors are looking for new non-surgical treatments. The clinical characteristics, epidemiology, diagnosis and treatment are described as soon as a bibliographic revision

    Ankle Injuries Associated with Basketball Practice: Current Situation and Literature Review

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    Introduction: Basketball is one of the most practiced sports in the world. Traditionally, it has been considered that it is a sport of low physical contact, and that sports injuries occur less frequently than in other sports such as football or rugby. However, we have seen the appearance of several recent studies that count basketball as one of the sports with higher injury rates, and among them, especially ankle injuries. Material and methods: In our study, we performed a literature review on ankle injuries associated with basketball practice. We selected the relevant articles of Pubmed using the keywords “basketball”, “ankle” (ankle) and “injury”, published between 2006 and 2015. We limited the selection to those studies that dealt with injuries associated with basketball, whether descriptive or analytical, without taking into account the populations that the authors studied or whether in addition to basketball, other sports were included. The exclusion criteria were as follows: experimental studies, case reports and then whose text is impossible to obtain. Results and discussion: Initially 114 studies were obtained, of which 13 were selected applying the previously mentioned criteria. They observed the incidence of ankle injuries during basketball practice in different population groups, different levels of practice (professional and amateur) and during different periods of time. Among professional athletes, we could observe that ankle sprains account for more than 20% of the injuries suffered by athletes that they are accountable for almost 10% of the matches that a professional player loses because of an injury, and that only about half of them take place during a game, which increases the importance of injuries that occur during practice. When it comes to amateur level basketball, we can observe in several studies that, while the male population is more prone to need medical assistance for ankle injuries during the practice of this sport (from 18.3% of injuries associated with basketball, up to 52%, according to the series), the female population has a greater predisposition for knee injuries (63% of injuries associated with basketball for only 21% of ankle injuries in some jobs). Conclusions: After analysing the recent literature, we could draw among others the following conclusions: basketball is a sport which is closely linked to the appearance of ankle injuries; the most prevalent ankle injury is sprain; the incidence of injuries increases the higher the level of practice, being maximum in professionals; these injuries have an evident impact on the athlete’s usual sports and extrasports practice; and gender may have an influence on the joint affected by basketball related injuries. Basketball is a rising sport at the moment, with a great social and economic impact in the world of today. Its practice is becoming more frequent, and with it the incidence of injuries associated with it, especially those occurring in the ankle joint. It is therefore expected that in the coming years, we are likely to observe the appearance of more works in the literature that confirm this fact, as well as advances in the treatment and recovery of the athletes who suffer them

    Ski Lesions Around the Knee: A Literature Review

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    Ski is a popular sports practiced worldwide although it is considered a high-risk sports with high incidence of injuries. A common place for injuries is the knee, with a wide range from knee sprains to complex ligamentous injuries to fractures. In this chapter, we made a search in PubMed using the words “knee” and “ski.” Later, we selected those articles according to the inclusion criteria. When reviewing the literature, we found that the most common place for a ski-related injury is the knee, with knee sprains and ACL lesions being the most common diagnosis in the latter years with a decreasing incidence of tibia fractures. We could also analyze the risk factors different authors have found, for professional athletes and for recreational skiers. In conclusion, the ACL lesion in the skier presents a high incidence, which suggests an effort should be made to prevent it

    A comparative study of platelet-rich plasma, hydroxyapatite, demineralized bone matrix and autologous bone to promote bone regeneration after mandibular impacted third molar extraction.

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    Objectives: 1) to compare mandibular bone regeneration by applying autologous bone, platelet-rich plasma and two biomaterials (synthetic calcium hydroxyapatite, and demineralized bone matrix), and thus establish the potential benefits of these biomaterials in the regeneration of postextraction alveolar bone, 2) to identify wich of them accelerates more bone regeneration and 3) to determine whether there are differences in the postoperative period (pain, swelling, trismus, infection) depending on the material used. Study Design: It consists in a prospective, controlled (with a split- mouth design) and double blinded study. We use as a model an easily reproducible non-critical bone defect: the defect that remains after extraction of mandibular impacted third molar. The study design is based on the extraction of two mandibular impacted third molars in a patient during the same surgical procedure by the same surgeon. We assessed postoperative clinical data, and short, medium and long term neoformation of alveolar bone after extraction. We compared the two sockets (right and left), which had been grafted in a different way with the various elements mentioned above. In addition, we compared the postoperative inflammatory symptoms between groups. Results: The highest acceleration in bone formation was observed in groups in which we used autologous bone and demineralized bone matrix. There were no statistically significant differences between groups regarding pain, swelling, trismus and infection throughout the postoperative period. Conclusions: According to the results of our study, autologous bone persists as the gold standard material for bone regeneration. Among the assessed biomaterials, demineralized bone matrix has yielded the best results obtained. No significant differences in the postoperative (pain, swelling, trismus and infectious events) were observed, depending on the type of material used as a graft

    El arrepentimiento de los alzados en armas y su influencia en el desarrollo de la cultura política de la región San Martin 1993-2016

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    This research was concluded in 2018 and the objective was to investigate the contrition of the rebels and the effect of this phenomenon on the political culture of the region of San Martin. The study covers the 1993-2016 period, in which a sector of the armed rebels take on the benefits of the repentance law -part of the government's anti-subversive strategy- and a new political culture emerges that includes new forms of political party organization. It is also the period in which Alberto Fujimori’s dictatorship falls, and the process of democratic transition takes place, in which the repentant participate in the political arena by joining new organizations that emerge in this period and they recycle themselves and recycle the political system built by the Fujimori dictatorship and which is based on the 1993 constitution. The research topic is relevant because in the San Martín Region a significant number of those who were members of subversive organizations and participated in the subversive conflict of the 1980s actively participate in politics. Therefore, it is important to know if this participation strengthens the democratic system or rather enhances conservative positions. The data processed are the result of the application of surveys that provide information on the context in which the repentant form their ideology, which leads them to take up armed action, the reasons for their repentance and the way they currently see and participate in politics.La investigación se concluyó en el año 2018 y tuvo como propósito investigar sobre el arrepentimiento de los alzados en armas y el efecto de este fenómeno en la cultura política de la Región San Martín. El estudio comprende el periodo 1993-2016, en el cual se un sector de los alzados en armas se acoge a los beneficios de la ley del arrepentimiento -como parte de la estrategia gubernamental antisubversiva- y surge una nueva cultura política que incluyen nuevas formas de organización político partidaria. También es el periodo en el cual se produce la caída de la dictadura de Alberto Fujimori y el proceso de la transición democrática en el cual los arrepentido van a participar en la vida política vinculados a las nuevas organizaciones que emergen, reciclándose el sistema político construido por la dictadura fujimorista y que se sustenta en la constitución del 93. El tema de investigación es relevante porque, en la Región San Martín, un número significativa de que militaron en organizaciones subversivas y participaron en el conflicto subversivo de la década del 80, participan activamente en política, por lo cual es importante saber si esta participación fortalece el sistema democrático o más bien posiciones conservadoras. Los datos son el resultado de la aplicación de encuestas que arrojan información del contexto en que los arrepentidos forman sus ideologías, que los lleva a asumir la acción armada, las razones de su arrepentimiento y la forma en que ven y participan en política en la actualidad

    Ámbito normativo en relación a los estudiantes universitarios con necesidades educativas especiales: la convención sobre los derechos de las personas con discapacidad, celebrada en Nueva York el 13 de diciembre de 2006 como punto de inflexión

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    XV Congreso Parlamento y Parlamentarismo: origen y retos[ES] Ámbito normativo en relación a los estudiantes universitarios con necesidades educativas especiales: la convención sobre los derechos de las personas con discapacidad, celebrada en Nueva York el 13 de diciembre de 2006 como punto de inflexió