65 research outputs found


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    Relations between the public and private spheres in the educational dimension were significantly restructured in light of the development of digital technology. Indeed, communications between professors and students that hardly happened outside the space of educational institutions have become constant in the context of digital culture, in such a way that messages exchanged between educational agents through social networks help in any time and space. This digital communicationprocess became ubiquitous in the scenario of social confinement during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, given the fact that carrying out synchronous and asynchronous activities demanded, on many occasions, continuous digital communication. In view of this situation, the objective of this article is to critically reflect on how the breaking of boundaries between the public and private spheres led to significant changes in the teacher-student relationship, changes that also spread to the relationships of new socialization processes after the period of the overwhelming experiences of the lockdown period. To this end, articles and books by researchers on the consequences of the period of social confinement on the relationships between professors and university students were analysed. It is concluded that, paradoxically, the experiences lived between teachers and students in the period of the limit situation of remote teaching can engender the production of new limits jointly agreed between teachers and students without the teacher exercising the mistaken conviction that, by proceeding in this way, he would lose his condition of authority in front of the students.Las relaciones entre las esferas pública y privada en la dimensión educativa se reestructuraron significativamente debido al desarrollo de la tecnología digital. En efecto, las comunicaciones entre profesores y alumnos que difícilmente ocurrían fuera del espacio de las instituciones educativas se han vuelto constantes en el contexto de la cultura digital, de tal forma que los mensajes intercambiados entre agentes educativos a través de las redes sociales ayudan en cualquier tiempo y espacio. Este proceso de comunicación digital se volvió omnipresente en el escenario de confinamiento social en pleno apogeo de la pandemia del COVID-19, dado que la realización de actividades sincrónicas y asincrónicas exigió, en muchas ocasiones, una comunicación digital continua. Ante esta situación, el objetivo de este artículo es reflexionar críticamente sobre cómo la ruptura de los límites entre lo público y lo privado generó cambios significativos en la relación docente-alumno, cambios que se extendieron también a las relaciones de los nuevos procesos de socialización tras el período de las sobrecogedoras experiencias del confinamiento. Para ello, se analizaron artículos y libros de investigadores sobre las consecuencias del período de confinamiento social en las relaciones entre profesores y estudiantes universitarios. Se concluye que, paradójicamente, las experiencias vividas entre docentes y alumnos en el período de la situación límite de la enseñanza a distancia pueden engendrar la producción de nuevos límites consensuados entre docentes y alumnos sin que el docente ejerza la errónea convicción de que, al proceder así, perdería su condición de autoridad frente a los alumnos.As relações entre as esferas pública e privada na dimensão educacional foram significativamente reestruturadas diante o desenvolvimento da tecnologia digital. Com efeito, comunicações entre professores e estudantes que dificilmente aconteciam fora do espaço das instituições educacionais tornaram-se constantes no contexto da cultura digital, de tal modo que as mensagens trocadas entre os agentes educacionais por meio das redes sociais socorrem em quaisquer tempos e espaços. Este processo de comunicação digital se tornou ubíquo no cenário do confinamento social durante o auge da pandemia da COVID 19, haja vista o fato de que a realização de atividades síncronas e assíncronas demandou, em muitas ocasiões, a comunicação digital contínua. Diante deste quadro, tem-se, como objetivo deste artigo, refletir criticamente sobre o modo como o rompimento das fronteiras entre as esferas pública e privada acarretaram modificações significativas na relação professor-estudante, mudanças estas que também se disseminaram para as relações de novos processos de socialização após o período das experiências arrebatadoras do período de lockdown. Para tanto, foram analisados artigos e livros de pesquisadores (as) sobre as consequências do período de confinamento social nas relações entre professores e estudantes universitários. Conclui-se que, paradoxalmente, as experiências vivenciadas entre professores e alunos no período da situação-limite do ensino remoto podem engendrar a produção de novos limites conjuntamente pactuados entre professores e alunos sem que o professor exerça a convicção equivocada de que, ao proceder desta forma, perderia a sua condição de autoridade defronte aos estudantes

    Design of Antibacterial Agents:Alkyl Dihydroxybenzoates against Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri

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    Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri (Xcc) causes citrus canker, affecting sweet orange-producing areas around the world. The current chemical treatment available for this disease is based on cupric compounds. For this reason, the objective of this study was to design antibacterial agents. In order to do this, we analyzed the anti-Xcc activity of 36 alkyl dihydroxybenzoates and we found 14 active compounds. Among them, three esters with the lowest minimum inhibitory concentration values were selected; compounds 4 (52 μM), 16 (80 μM) and 28 (88 μM). Our study demonstrated that alkyl dihydroxybenzoates cause a delay in the exponential phase. The permeability capacity of alkyl dihydroxybenzoates in a quarter of MIC was compared to nisin (positive control). Compound 28 was the most effective (93.8), compared to compound 16 (41.3) and compound 4 (13.9) by percentage values. Finally, all three compounds showed inhibition of FtsZ GTPase activity, and promoted changes in protofilaments, leading to depolymerization, which prevents bacterial cell division. In conclusion, heptyl dihydroxybenzoates (compounds 4, 16 and 28) are promising anti-Xcc agents which may serve as an alternative for the control of citrus canker

    Artigo de revisão sistemática: doença pancreática gordurosa não alcóolica e sua relação com síndrome metabólica e DHGNA

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    Introdução: A doença pancreática gordurosa não alcóolica (DPGNA) é caracterizada pelo acumulo de gordura ectópica no pâncreas, integrando o espectro de alterações pancreáticas clínicas e morfológicas crônicas podendo incluir ainda inflamação e fibrose pancreática. Objetivos: determinar, por meio de uma revisão sistematizada, a relação entre síndrome metabólica e doença hepática gordurosa não alcóolica com a DPGNA. Métodos: Foram analisados os mais relevantes estudos nas bases de dados MedLine, sendo contemplados somente os ensaios clínicos controlados e randomizados (ECCR). A estratégia de busca utilizou as seguintes combinações de palavras-chave: Non-Alcoholic Fatty Pancreatic Disease; Non-Alcoholic Fatty Pancreatic Disease and Metabolic syndrome; Non-Alcoholic Fatty Pancreatic Disease and obesity.  Resultados:  Fizeram parte do escopo desta revisão 7 artigos que demonstraram que maior parte dos pacientes portadores de doença pancreática gordurosa não alcóolica também possuem síndrome metabólica e doença hepática gordurosa não alcóolica associados. Conclusão: A síndrome metabólica e a DHGNA possuem associação significativa com o desenvolvimento da DPGNA. Entretanto, são necessários mais ensaios clínicos para esclarecer a fisiopatologia bem como as complicações clínicas à longo prazo

    Melanoma cutâneo: estudo prospectivo de 42 casos Cutaneous melanoma: a prospective study of 42 cases

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    Estudo longitudinal prospectivo de 42 casos de melanoma cutâneo revelou: 71,2% entre 50 e 79 anos; distribuição etária homogênea entre os gêneros masculino (45,1%) e feminino (54,7%); predominância de brancos (88%); localização no tronco (54,7%) (p=0,039); tipo clínico-histológico expansivo superficial (52,3% / 26,1%) (p=0,02); 16 casos (38,1%) IA e nove melanomas in situ (21,4%).A prospective longitudinal study of 42 cases of cutaneous melanoma showed that: 71.2% of patients were between 50 and 79 years of age; 45.1% were male and 54.7% female; most patients (88%) were white; most lesions (54.7%) were located on the trunk (p = 0.039); the most common clinical and histological pattern was the superficial spreading melanoma (52.3% / 26.1%) (p = 0.02); 16 cases (38.1%) were classified as stage IA and 9 cases (21.4%) consisted of melanomas in situ

    Advanced statistical learning method for multi-physics NDT-NDE

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    International audienceThis work presents an innovative multi-physics (MP) Learning-by-Examples (LBE) inversion methodology for real-time non-destructive testing (NDT). Eddy Current Testing (ECT) and Ultrasonic Testing (UT) data are effectively combined to deal with the localization and characterization of a crack inside a conductive structure. An adaptive sampling strategy is applied on ECT-UT data in order to build an optimal (i.e., having minimum cardinalityand highly informative) training set. Support vector regression (SVR) is exploited to obtain a computationally-efficient and accurate surrogate model of the inverse operator and, subsequently, to perform real-time inversions on previously-unseen measurements provided by simulations. The robustness of the proposed MP-LBE approach is numerically assessed in presence of synthetic noisy test set and compared to single-physic (i.e., ECT or UT) inversion

    Simulation and AI, two complementary tools for NDE4.0

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    International audienceThe rise of artificial intelligence techniques and machine learning promises tremendous advances in the field of NDE and SHM for both the assistance to the analysis or for automated diagnostics. The potential benefits concern detection, characterization and sizing of defects. However, the development of efficient algorithms often face challenges due the complexity of the NDE problem, the multiplicity and the variability of parameters impacting acquired signals or images, combined to a lack of fully representative data bases. It has already been pointed out that simulation can be a powerful mean to tackle these issues. Simulation which relies on physic-based models can be used to provide numerical data for training algorithms and can also be used to select the relevant features, to design and to evaluate ML based algorithms. With this belief, CEA List is working on a CIVA module allowing the NDE engineer to benefit of the potential of simulation to handle and implement data science tools. In this communication, we develop the complementarity between simulation and AI, with examples of recent achievements, applications and results

    Occupy Everything!: uma análise de manifestações sociais mundo afora ocorridas no ano de 2011 - seus panoramas políticos e modos de instrumentalização

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    We have watched during the year of 2011 several social protests distributed around the world which can be thought as social movements protesting against the exclusionary picture in which Human Rights are today. This paper proposes to present some analysis undertaken after the investigation of the 2011 protests, attempting to elucidate the political backgrounds upon which they nucleated and instrumentalized. The investigated social protests were: Occupy Wall Street; Occupy London; Arab Spring; and the Brazilian Freedom Marches. The scientific investigation was undertaken through documental research. The researched sources were digital archives of news media: Carta Capital, Caros Amigos, Le Monde Diplomatique, and The New York Times. It was considered that the 2011 protests constitute new scenery in the struggle for assurance of Human Rights, for they differentiate themselves in several aspects from the organization patterns of the movements occurred in the twentieth century. Without political parties, without leadership, solidary, the protests forged facts that caused certain shifts in social participation as opposed to the current social organization and thus produced a new political scene.Nous avons regardé en 2011 plusieurs mouvements sociaux distribués partout dans le monde qui peuvent être considérés comme mouvements sociaux qui protestaient contre un cadre d'exclusion dans lequel les Droits Humains sont situés aujourd'hui. Cet article vise à présenter certains analyses effectuées à partir de l'investigation sur les manifestations, en essayant d'élucider des paysages politiques dans lesquels ils ont été fondées et instrumentalisées. Les mouvements sociaux qui ont été étudiés : l' Occupy Wall Street ; l'Occupy London ; le Printemps Arabe ; et les Marches de la Liberté au Brésil. La recherche scientifique a été réalisée via recherche documentaire des fichiers virtuels des médias journalistiques : Carta Capital, Caros Amigos, Le Monde Diplomatique e The New York Times. Nous croyons que les protestations de 2011 constituent un nouveau scénario de luttes pour les Droits Humains, parce que ils se diffèrent de l'organisation des mouvements du siècle XX. Non partisanes, sans lidérances, solidaires, ces protestations ont forgée événements, ils ont provoqué des changements dans la participation sociale et ont produit une nouvelle scène politique.Assistimos no ano de 2011 diversas manifestações sociais distribuídas pelo mundo que podem ser pensadas como movimentos sociais contestadores de um quadro excludente no qual os Direitos Humanos se localizam hoje. Este artigo objetiva apresentar algumas análises realizadas a partir da investigação das manifestações, buscando elucidar panoramas políticos nos quais elas se fundaram e se instrumentalizaram. As manifestações sociais investigadas foram: o Occupy Wall Street; o Occupy London; a Primavera Árabe; e as Marchas da Liberdade no Brasil. A investigação científica ocorreu por meio de pesquisa documental dos acervos digitais das mídias jornalísticas: Carta Capital, Caros Amigos, Le Monde Diplomatique e The New York Times. Consideramos que as manifestações de 2011 compõem novo cenário de lutas por Direitos Humanos, pois se diferenciam das formas de organização dos movimentos do século XX. Apartidárias, sem lideranças, solidárias, as manifestações forjaram acontecimentos, provocaram deslocamentos na participação social e produziram assim nova cena política.Vimos en el año 2011 diversas manifestaciones sociales distribuidas por el mundo que pueden ser diseñadas como movimientos sociales contestadores del marco exclusivo en que Derechos Humanos se encuentran hoy. Este artículo se propone presentar un análisis de la investigación de las manifestaciones, tratando de dilucidar los panoramas políticos en los que fundaron y si instrumentalizarán. Las manifestaciones sociales investigadas eran: elOccupy Wall Street; el Occupy London; la Primavera Árabe; y las Marchas de la Libertad en Brasil. La investigación científica se produjo a través de la investigación documental de las siguientes colecciones digitales de medios periodísticos: Carta Capital, Caros Amigos, Le Monde Diplomatique y The New York Times. Estas manifestaciones conforman nuevo escenario de luchas por los Derechos Humanos, que difieren de las formas de organización de los movimientos que se produjeron en el siglo XX. Independientes, sin líderes, solidarias, provocaron compensaciones en participación social frente a la organización social imperante y produjeron un nuevo escenario político

    Deep learning as applied to non-destructive testing and evaluation

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    International audienceIn this chapter, we analyzed some applications of deep learning methods to electromagnetic NDT&E and tried to show how deep neural networks can be adapted to different scenarios involving electromagnetic probing waves ranging from the quasi-static regime to microwave. In particular, CNN have been deeply exploited when the treated signals behave "as images" such as in the case of ECT and MFL inspections where real and imaginary parts of the impedance variation as well as the magnetic flux density are probed. Furthermore, time domain signals as in PECT or GPR measurements have been addressed, too, by employing LSTM-RNN and/or through CNN explicitly adapted for the purpose (e.g., pixel-wise inversion). Our analysis underlined that specifically tailored deep neural architectures have obtained a better prediction performances than pre-trained networks based on state-of-the-art architectures. In fact, the systematic lack of large shared datasets containing labeled measurements of realistic acquisitions makes it difficult to properly benchmark and improve such backbone architectures. Moreover, the difficulties in collecting labeled measurements for defect parameters (e.g., the defect geometry) downsize the practical applications of deep learning models mostly to classification problems.The survey performed in this chapter has also highlighted that the application of deep learning in NDT&E is also going toward the acceleration of numerical forward solvers for NDT&E modeling and simulations in a fully model-driven approach. It is believed that the ability of DL methods to handle problems having large cardinality (e.g., NDT&E parameters such as large number of defect classes, and defect geometry description) will boost the research and its application to time consuming statistical studies (see, e.g., [160,161]). Moreover, our analysis showed that the use of numerical solvers proves useful in designing the most suitable DL schemas as well as in improving the prediction accuracy when a low amount of measurements is available. Finally, a large amount of works in the literature showed that exploitation of deep learning algorithms directly on embedded systems (e.g., FPGA hardware) is already possible without an appreciable degradation in prediction performance

    Simulation-based performances assessment of FMC-TFM array imaging techniques

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    International audienceAdvanced array imaging techniques such as FMC-TFM and derived methods have attracted a great deal of interest and are more and more used in the industry since they allow improved performances in a wide range of situations. However, questions often arise about the quantification of these performances, the relative advantages of different techniques or setups , and the sensitivity to uncontrolled parameters. Thus it is of interest to optimize the technique by reducing the number of ultrasonic salvos while maintaining a good level of performances. To assess the performance of array imaging techniques is not a trivial task since it requires to account for variability of influent parameters. In this communication we demonstrate the potential of simulation tool to fulfil these needs. The present study is based on the use of versatile simulation tools implemented in the CIVA platform which allow to predict results obtained when applying a given processing algorithm to a given acquisition scheme (defined by the subset of simultaneously/successively emitting/receiving elements). Comparing different processing techniques and different acquisition schemes becomes possible. Moreover, statistical analysis of results issued from meta-models derived from CIVA allow to evaluate the sensitivity of the technique to various influent parameters. Probability of detection curves can be extracted and the sizing accuracy can be quantified and compared