3,761 research outputs found

    Art and design: relations between creation and reception in the context of the mobile devices

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    The purpose of this article is to undertand how the receptor might be affected in the consumption of contemporary cultural products, specifically, those works of art and design generated from digital media. Thus, the reading strategies previously proposed on the configuration of the objects studied were investigated, in order to understand how the different receptive practices were structured, considering the horizons of expectation which circumscribe the objects created from the use of mobile devices and decoding technology markers. First, you will see a discussion about these mobile media, and, second, a Peircean approach to rating and taking into account the forms of presentation of the objects studied. The paper classifies and rates these objects, assuming the dominance of interaction inherent to the poetic-technological proposals adopted


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    Neste artigo, temos como objetivos: (i) revisar os conceitos adotados na literatura para explicar a natureza e o comportamento do BRICS nas relações internacionais e (ii) apresentar uma nova proposta de conceptualização do BRICS. Da primeira à última Conferência de Cúpula, o BRICS defende explicitamente uma ordem mundial multilateral através da inclusão dos países emergentes nas instituições-base da ordem ocidental. Para a elaboração do artigo, recorremos à revisão da literatura sobre o BRICS, bem como à abordagem sobre regionalismo proposta por Soderbaum para elaboração da nossa conceptualização do BRICS enquanto coalizão de advocacy.In this article, we aim to: (i) review the concepts adopted in the literature to explain the nature and behavior of the BRICS in international relations and (ii) present a new BRICS conceptualization proposal. From the first to the last Summit Conference, the BRICS explicitly advocates a multilateral world order through the inclusion of emerging countries in the base institutions of the Western order. For the elaboration of the article, we review the literature on BRICS, as well as the approach on regionalism proposed by Soderbaum to elaborate our conceptualization of the BRICS as an advocacy coalition

    COVID-19 and pediatric inflammatory bowel disease: How to manage it?

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    Pediatric gastroenterologists, family members, and caregivers of patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) are on alert; they are all focused on implementing prophylactic measures to prevent infection by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, evaluating the risks in each patient, guiding them in their treatment, and keeping IBD in remission. To face the current issues of the coronavirus disease pandemic, we have developed a synthesis of the main recommendations of the literature directed at pediatric gastroenterologists in control of patients with pediatric IBD and adapted to the national reality

    Intervención en violencia de género en la pareja: el papel de los recursos institucionales

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    Es tracta d'un estudi qualitatiu exploratori en el qual van participar 14 dones immigrants llatinoamericanes, majors de 18 anys, que han patit violència en la relació de parella heterosexual. Les dades qualitatives es van obtenir a través d'entrevistes semi estructurades enfocades a les perspectives de les entrevistades sobre el paper que els recursos institucionals han jugat en relació al cessament o reducció de la violència de gènere viscuda en la parella. Es van analitzar segons el protocol de la teoria fonamentada. Els resultats obtinguts aporten evidència qualitativa sobre els recursos externs que contribueixen i obstaculitzen el cessament o reducció del maltractament. El coneixement empíric d'aquests factors té implicacions pràctiques en revelar que el cessament i / o reducció d'aquest problema no depèn només de factors individuals, sinó també de la interacció d'un conjunt de recursos personals, socials i institucionals.The participants in this exploratory qualitative research were 14 Latin American immigrant women, older than 18 years old, who suffered from violence in a heterosexual relationship. The qualitative data was gathered through semi-structured interviews focused on the interviewee’s perspectives about the role that institutional resources played concerning the ceasing or reduction of gender violence experienced in couples. The interviews were analyzed according to the grounded theory approach. Findings provide qualitative evidence about external factors that contribute and impede the cessation or reduction of partner violence. Empirical knowledge has practical implications, showing that the reduction or end of such problems does not depend only on individual factors, but on the interaction of resources at the individual, social and institutional levels.Se trata de un estudio cualitativo exploratorio en el cual participaron 14 mujeres inmigrantes latinoamericanas, mayores de 18 años, que han padecido violencia en la relación de pareja heterosexual. Los datos cualitativos se obtuvieron a través de entrevistas semi estructuradas enfocadas en las perspectivas de las entrevistadas sobre el papel que los recursos institucionales han jugado en relación al cese o reducción de la violencia de género vivida en la pareja. Se analizaron según el protocolo de la teoría fundamentada. Los resultados obtenidos aportan evidencia cualitativa acerca de los recursos externos que contribuyen y obstaculizan el cese o reducción del maltrato. El conocimiento empírico de esos factores tiene implicaciones prácticas al revelar que el cese y/o reducción de este problema no depende sólo de factores individuales, sino también de la interacción de un conjunto de recursos personales, sociales e institucionales


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    Resumo Este trabalho se propõe refletir qual o efeito do Programa Bolsa Família (PBF), em especial nas relações de gênero e no exercício da cidadania, na vida de um grupo de beneficiárias. A pesquisa foi realizada no período de 2011 e 2012, envolvendo mulheres residentes no Loteamento Dunas no município de Pelotas, no estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Apropriandose do método dialético-crítico, utilizou-se como procedimentos técnicos a pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, impressa e online, e a realização de entrevistas semiestruturadas com as beneficiárias. A análise dos dados aponta que a centralidade da mulher no Bolsa Família é inegável, pois cabe a ela a titularidade do benefício e, na prática, o cumprimento das condicionalidades do programa, entretanto, pode-se afirmar que seu papel tem se resumido à possibilidade de assegurar o atendimento das necessidades domésticas e dos filhos, não se identificando nenhum viés de empoderamento, como apregoam as diretrizes do programa

    Higher Education Policies in Brazil: From a Foreign Policy Strategy to the Dismantling

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    Brazil moved from the most dynamic period in its educational policies during Lula s period 2002-2010 and Rousseff s government 2011-2016 to their dismantling by Michel Temer s 2016-2018 and Jair M Bolsonaro s governments By employing a comparative analysis we argue that during the PT s governments there was a convergence between foreign policy and domestic development goals The overall goal was to combine both economic prosperity and welfare policies In Temer s and Bolsonaro s governments the education sector has suffered from budget cuts and termination of international programs Despite a lack of clear purpose in Bolsonaro s government decision-making we have seen a noticeable denial-driven setback in education policie

    Coffee and Health in The Perspective of Young Consumers

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    Coffee consumption has expanded at continuous and increasing rates in Brazil and in the world, and at the same time the interest by young people aged 16 to 25 have been increasing due to category innovations and coffeehouses experiences. (Euromonitor, 2016). Previous studies on coffee consumption have addressed a number of issues (Schollenberg, 2012; Chen and Lee, 2015; Carvalho, Paiva and Vieira, 2016; Wang, Yu, 2016), but few explored the functional aspects of coffee in consumer perception (Aguirre, 2016). In this context, this research seeks to add new knowledge to the existing framework with the central objective of understanding young people's perception of coffee as part of their healthy habits. The in-depth interview technique was used and seventeen cases were collected from 19 to 25 year olds in the second half of 2017. A semi-structured script was applied and it was based on the Health Belief Model (HBM) concepts, classified as one of the most relevant models to explain health behaviors. From the HBM adaptation emerged seven analytical categories used for data interpretation through qualitative content analysis. The results showed that, in general, coffee is not associated with a group of foods that are perceived as part of healthy habits, such as vegetables or fruits. However, coffee isn’t unhealthy such as energy drinks. Nevertheless, young people are not familiar with all its functional benefits. The perception of health is limited: coffee could be a source of wellness since it is a fuel for physical exercises or relaxation (break time) besides it is considered the main source of energy to improve productivity at work and in university life. In this specific moment, coffee becomes highly relevant not only as a source of energy to go further in career and studies, but also playing a key role as an instrument for socialization. In other words, besides being a natural stimulant, the drink is perceived as an important ally of adult life transition and symbol of contemporary lifestyle, which justifies its relevance at this stage of young people's life, marked by the quest for independence. Therefore, in the eyes of young people consumers, coffee seems to occupy a unique and strong territory where no other category of food and beverages could be positioned at

    Materialidades efímeras en la emergencia de una estética de resistencia política en el espacio público. Una narrativa en Street-Art de conflicto, reclamo y memoria en la Plata y Río de Janeiro

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    La investigación estudia la materialidad de la memoria sobre la violencia, configurada en reclamos políticamente comprometidos y exteriorizados simbólicamente en una expresión efímera, a través de intervenciones estéticas, y como respuesta diferente para reasignar el espacio público, analizando dos casos de desapariciones forzadas en democracia ocurridos en La Plata (Argentina) en 2006, y en Río de Janeiro (Brasil) en 2013. Se elabora con el objetivo de profundizar la comprensión acerca de lo que puede ser contado a partir de un hecho de violencia —por medio de sus respuestas estéticas— en una enunciación política sobre conflicto, reclamo y memoria en el espacio público. Se parte del siguiente interrogante: cómo los productores de visualidades desarticulan los términos de la violencia y los clarifican en un medio estético (texto/imagen), con el fin de cuestionarlos. Se trabaja con la hipótesis de que el street-art reconceptualiza la relación entre la estética y la política: captura y acerca contradicciones y tensiones, refuta las condiciones presentes para causar un impacto y proponer un cambio o un llamado a la memoria, creando así una agregación coherente —no obstante temporaria— como signo de resistencia que asalta o se arroja en la calle, en una lucha de expectativas por darles visibilidad, registrada por las visualidades, en la negociación de fragmentos sobre eventos de represión y violencia, en vigencia de la democracia. Por medio de las intervenciones, presentadas como forma activista visual de crítica y de resistencia a lo político, toma los restos estéticos, que tienen una representación de protesta y cuya narrativa, a partir de su producción, nos permite asumir la situación violenta de otra manera y reconfigurar el presente

    Intervención en violencia de género en la pareja : el papel de los recursos institucionales

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    Se trata de un estudio cualitativo exploratorio en el cual participaron 14 mujeres inmigrantes latinoamericanas, mayores de 18 años, que han padecido violencia en la relación de pareja heterosexual. Los datos cualitativos se obtuvieron a través de entrevistas semi estructuradas enfocadas en las perspectivas de las entrevistadas sobre el papel que los recursos institucionales han jugado en relación al cese o reducción de la violencia de género vivida en la pareja. Se analizaron según el protocolo de la teoría fundamentada. Los resultados obtenidos aportan evidencia cualitativa acerca de los recursos externos que contribuyen y obstaculizan el cese o reducción del maltrato. El conocimiento empírico de esos factores tiene implicaciones prácticas al revelar que el cese y/o reducción de este problema no depende sólo de factores individuales, sino también de la interacción de un conjunto de recursos personales, sociales e institucionales.The participants in this exploratory qualitative research were 14 Latin American immigrant women, older than 18 years old, who suffered from violence in a heterosexual relationship. The qualitative data was gathered through semi-structured interviews focused on the interviewee's perspectives about the role that institutional resources played concerning the ceasing or reduction of gender violence experienced in couples. The interviews were analyzed according to the grounded theory approach. Findings provide qualitative evidence about external factors that contribute and impede the cessation or reduction of partner violence. Empirical knowledge has practical implications, showing that the reduction or end of such problems does not depend only on individual factors, but on the interaction of resources at the individual, social and institutional levels

    Violencia de género en la pareja : una revisión teórica

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    El presente texto discute las diferentes perspectivas teóricas que explican la violencia de género en la pareja. Se propone que el modelo ecológico y la perspectiva de género son dos teorías importantes y complementares a la hora de investigar este fenómeno. A través del modelo ecológico, el maltrato es entendido como producto de la interacción de múltiplos factores relacionados con la historia individual de la víctima y del maltratador, con el macrosistema (mitos sobre la violencia, cultura machista), con el exosistema (estrés, respuesta de las instituciones ante la solicitud de la víctima, redes sociales) y con el microsistema (conflictos conyugales). La perspectiva de género ayuda a entender que la sociedad está estructurada por el género, pues este atraviesa los sistemas del modelo ecológico a través, por ejemplo, de la socialización en género a nivel individual y de las normas culturales a nivel macrosistemico. Así se pone el acento que la combinación del enfoque del modelo ecológico sumado a la perspectiva de género brinda un mejor entendimiento sobre la violencia de género en la parejaEste artigo discute as diferentes perspectivas teóricas que explicam a violência doméstica em casais. Propõe-se que o modelo ecológico e a perspectiva do gênero são duas teorias importantes e complementares no momento que se pretende estudar esse fenômeno. Através do modelo ecológico, o abuso é entendido como um produto da interação de múltiplos fatores relacionados com a história individual da vítima e do agressor, com o macro sistema (mitos sobre a violência, a cultura machista) com exossistema (estresse, resposta às instituições frente ao pedido da vítima, redes sociais), e com o micro sistema (conflitos conjugais). A perspectiva de gênero ajuda a compreender que a sociedade é estruturada por gênero, atravessando os sistemas do modelo ecológico através, por exemplo, socialização de gênero em um nível individual e das normas culturais em um nível do macro sistema. Assim, enfatiza-se que a combinação do modelo da abordagem ecológica combinada com uma perspectiva de gênero permite uma melhor compreensão da violência de gênero em casais.The present text discusses different theoretical perspectives that explain gender violence in couples. It proposes that the ecological model and the gender perspective are two important and complementary theories that help research about this phenomena. Through the ecological model, maltreatment is understood as a product of the interaction of multiple factors related to the individual history of the victim and the male batterer's personal history, the macrosystem (myths of violence and chauvinist culture), the exosystem (stress, institutional treatment, social network) and microsystem (marital conflicts). The gender perspective helps to understand how society is built on gender as it permeates the systems of ecological model, for an example, the gender socialization at an individual level and the cultural values at macrosystem level. It highlights that the combination of the ecological model and gender perspective offers a better understanding about gender violence in couple