1,102 research outputs found

    Percepções de mães primigestas diante da prematuridade

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    This study was made in a neonatal intensive care unit in a school hospital at Porto Alegre/RS, trying to identify the reactions of nuliparous mothers about prematurity. Ten (10) interviews with mothers of premature infants was made. The most commonly reactions were: fear, guilty, anxiety, negation, angry and depression. The mother’s feeling about the team, are also observed, and classified in: positive (tranquility, safety. Trust, regardness) and negative (doubt, indifference, guilty, envy and fear). A plane of nursing care was made to mothers of premature infants in neonatal intensive care unit (UNIC), with the objective of humanization and improving the assistance.Este studio fue realizado en una Unidad de Internación Neonatal de un hospital universitário de Porto Alegre – RS com el objetivo de identificar las reacciones de las madres primigestas delante de la prematuridad. Fueron entrevistadas 10 (diez) madres, que tuvieron RN prematuros (RNPT).Las reacciones más observadas fueron: miedo, culpa, ansiedad, negación,rabia y depresión. También fueron observados los sentimientos de estas madres em relación al grupo de atendimiento y fueron clasificados como positivos: tranquilidad, seguridad, confianza y agradesimiento y negativos: duda, indiferencia, culpa, envidia y miedo. Después de la discusión de los datos, se elaboró um plan de asistencia de enfermaje para madres cuyos RNPT se encuetren em uma Unidad de Tratamiento Intensivo (UTI-Neo), com la finalidad de humanizar la assistencia y tornar más amena esta fase.Este estudo foi realizado numa unidade de internação neonatal de um hospital escola de porto Alegre – RS, com o objetivo de identificar as reações das mães primigestas diante da prematuridade. Foram entrevistadas 10 (dez) mães, que tiveram Rn prematuros (RNPT). As reações mais observadas foram: medo, culpa, ansiedade, negação, raiva e depressão. Também foram observados os sentimentos dessas mães em relação à equipe e foram eles classificados como positivos: tranqüilidade, segurança, confiança e agradecimento e negativos (dúvida, indiferença, culpa, inveja e medo). Após a discussão dos dados, foi elaborado um plano de assistência de enfermagem para mães cujos RNPT encontram-se em uma unidade de tratamento intensivo neonatal (UTI-Neo), a fim de humanizar a assistência e tornar essa fase mais amena

    The plant WEE1 kinase is involved in checkpoint control activation in nematode-induced galls

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    Galls induced by plant‐parasitic nematodes involve a hyperactivation of the plant mitotic and endocycle machinery for their profit. Dedifferentiation of host root cells includes drastic cellular and molecular readjustments. In such background, potential DNA damage in the genome of gall cells is eminent. We questioned if DNA damage checkpoints activation followed by DNA repair occurred, or was eventually circumvented, in nematode‐induced galls. Galls display transcriptional activation of the DNA damage checkpoint kinase WEE1, correlated with its protein localization in the nuclei. The promoter of the stress marker gene SMR7 was evaluated under the WEE1‐knockout background. Drugs inducing DNA damage and a marker for DNA repair, PARP1 were used to understand mechanisms that might cope with DNA damage in galls. Our functional study revealed that gall cells lacking WEE1 conceivably entered mitosis prematurely disturbing the cell cycle despite the loss of genome integrity. The disrupted nuclei phenotype in giant cells hinted to the accumulation of mitotic defects. As well, WEE1‐knockout in Arabidopsis and downregulation in tomato repressed infection and reproduction of root‐knot nematodes. Together with data on DNA damaging drugs, we suggest a conserved function for WEE1 controlling a G1/S cell cycle arrest in response to replication defect in galls

    Consumo de álcool e morte súbita em epilepsia: uma abordagem experimental

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    Using the pilocarpine model of epilepsy, we investigated the effects of alcohol consumption on the frequency of seizures in animals with epilepsy as well the underlying a possible association between alcohol intake and sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP) occurrence. Rats were divided randomly into two groups: (A) rats with epilepsy and (B) rats with epilepsy that received a daily dose of ethanol solution (350 mg kg-1, i.p.) for 30 days. The basal frequency of seizures observed in the A and B groups during the first 30 days were 3.4±1.5 and 3.2±1.9 seizures per week per animal, respectively. In B group, it was observed a significant seizure increase (11.6±5.3) during the first 2 weeks of alcohol administration and quite interesting, one rat died suddenly after a generalized tonic-clonic seizure during this period. We concluded in our experimental study that exist a possible association between alcohol abuse and SUDEP occurrence.Utilizando o modelo de epilepsia induzido pela pilocarpina, investigamos os efeitos do consumo de álcool sobre a frequência de crises epilépticas em animais com epilepsia, como também uma possível associação entre a ingestão de álcool e ocorrência de morte súbita e inesperada nas epilepsias (SUDEP). Os animais foram randomicamente divididos em dois grupos: (A) ratos com epilepsia e (B) ratos com epilepsia que receberam uma dose diária de etanol (350 mg kg-1, i.p.) por 30 dias consecutivos. A frequência basal de crises epilépticas observadas nos grupos A e B durante os primeiros 30 dias foram de 3,4±1,5 e 3,2±1,9 crises por semana/animal, respectivamente. No grupo B, ocorreu aumento significativo na frequência de crises (11,6±5,3) durante as duas primeiras semanas de administração do álcool e de forma interessante, um animal morreu subitamente após uma crise generalizada tônico-clonica durante esse período. Concluímos em nossa abordagem experimental que existe uma possível associação entre o consumo de álcool e a ocorrência de SUDEP

    Programa de remediação fonológica para alunos com Síndrome de Down: aplicabilidade do método JT na Educação Especial

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    Analyze results of interventions, assessing their effectiveness, is a challenge for research and professional performance, especially when traditional methods are not applicable, making it necessary development alternative methods. This article exemplifies the application of “Method JT”, method for analyzing the effectiveness of interventions, from the calculation of Clinical Significance and a Reliable Index Change to verify the interventions effects of a phonological remediation program carried out with eight students in regular education diagnosed with Down Syndrome. The analysis results showed the potential of this Method for the assessment the effectiveness of intervention programs, both the analysis of individual and group results. It discusses the potential of the method for improving intervention programs and referral for further research.http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/1984686X3973Analisar resultados de intervenções, verificando sua efetividade, constitui um desafio para a pesquisa e para a atuação profissional, principalmente quando os métodos tradicionais não são aplicáveis (por problemas de amostragem ou de dificuldade de replicação). Desta forma, torna-se necessário investir no desenvolvimento de métodos alternativos. Este artigo exemplifica a aplicação do “Método JT”, método de análise da efetividade de intervenções, a partir do cálculo da Significância Clínica e do Índice de Mudança Confiável, para verificação dos efeitos de um programa de remediação fonológica realizado com oito alunos do ensino regular diagnosticados com Síndrome de Down. Os resultados da análise evidenciaram o potencial desse método para a avaliação da efetividade de programas de intervenção, tanto na análise de resultados individuais como em grupo. Discute-se a potencialidade do método para o aperfeiçoamento de programas de intervenção e encaminhamento para novas pesquisas.Palavras-chave: Mudança confiável. Significância clínica. Tratamentos baseados em evidências.

    Synthesis and antimicrobial activity of amphiphilic carbohydrate derivatives

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    N-monoalkylated diamines were synthesised and treated with D-ribonolactone or D-gluconolactone. The resulting aldonamides were evaluated for their antimicrobial activity against S. aureus, E. coli, M. tuberculosis and C. albicans. Two hydrazides were also prepared from ribonohydrazide and their biological activity was compared to their amide analogues. All the ribono-derivatives displayed moderated antitubercular activity, and some of them were also active against S. aureus

    State Britain and the art of (Im)proper democratic protest

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    The installation of Mark Wallinger’s State Britain in the Duveen Galleries of Tate Britain recreated Brian Haw’s protest opposite the Houses of Parliament, which had largely been dismantled by the police under the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005. Wallinger’s work bisected a boundary created by the Act inside which the police could be given greater than usual powers to control demonstrations. The intersection exemplified how, when understood in terms of the performative after Jacques Derrida, art may unsettle the ways in which both the law and aesthetics work to protect the political establishment. aesthetics work to protect the political establishment