80 research outputs found

    Isolation of Unknown Genes from Human Bone Marrow by Differental Screening and Single-Pass cDNA Sequences Determination

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    A cDNA sequencing project was initiated to characterize gene expression in human bone marrow and develop strategies to isolate novel genes. Forty-eight random cDNAs from total human bone marrow were subjected to single-pass DNA sequence analysis to determine a limited complexity of mRNAs expressed in the bone marrow. Overall, 8 cDNAs (17%) showed no similarity to known sequences. Information from DNA sequence analysis was used to develop a differential prescreen to subtract unwanted cDNAs and to enrich for unknown cDNAs. Forty-eight cDNAs that were negative with a complex probe were subject to single-pass DNA sequence determination. Of these prescreened cDNAs, the number of unknown sequences increased to 23 (48%). Unknown cDNAs were also characterized by RNA expression analysis using 25 different human leukemic cell lines. Of 13 unknown cDNAs tested, 10 were expressed in all cell types tested and 3 revealed a hematopoietic lineage-restricted expression pattern. Interestingly, while a total of only 96 bone marrow cDNAs were sequenced, 31 of these cDNAs represent sequences from unknown genes and 12 showed significant similarities to sequences in the data bases. One cDNA revealed a significant similarity to a serine/threonine-protein kinase at the amino acid level (56% identity for 123 amino acids) and may represent a previously unknown kinase. Differential screening techniques coupled with single-pass cDNA sequence analysis may prove to be a powerful and simple technique to examine developmental gene expression

    Refining the Application of Microbial Lipids as Tracers of Staphylococcus aureus Growth Rates in Cystic Fibrosis Sputum

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    Chronic lung infections in cystic fibrosis (CF) could be treated more effectively if the effects of antimicrobials on pathogens in situ were known. Here, we compared changes in the microbial community composition and pathogen growth rates in longitudinal studies of seven pediatric CF patients undergoing intravenous antibiotic administration during pulmonary exacerbations. The microbial community composition was determined by counting rRNA with NanoString DNA analysis, and growth rates were obtained by incubating CF sputum with heavy water and tracing incorporation of deuterium into two branched-chain (“anteiso”) fatty acids (a-C_(15:0) and a-C_(17:0)) using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Prior to this study, both lipids were thought to be specific for Staphylococcaceae; hence, their isotopic enrichment was interpreted as a growth proxy for Staphylococcus aureus. Our experiments revealed, however, that Prevotella is also a relevant microbial producer of a-C_(17:0) fatty acid in some CF patients; thus, deuterium incorporation into these lipids is better interpreted as a more general pathogen growth rate proxy. Even accounting for a small nonmicrobial background source detected in some patient samples, a-C_(15:0) fatty acid still appears to be a relatively robust proxy for CF pathogens, revealing a median generation time of ∌1.5 days, similar to prior observations. Contrary to our expectation, pathogen growth rates remained relatively stable throughout exacerbation treatment. We suggest two straightforward “best practices” for application of stable-isotope probing to CF sputum metabolites: (i) parallel determination of microbial community composition in CF sputum using culture-independent tools and (ii) assessing background levels of the diagnostic metabolite

    Left main bronchus resection and reconstruction. A single institution experience

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Left main bronchus resection and reconstruction (LMBRR) is a complex surgical procedure indicated for management of inflammatory, benign and low grade malignant lesions. Its application provides maximal parenchymal sparing.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Out of 98 bronchoplastic procedures performed at the Authors' Institution in the 1995-2011 period, 4 were LMBRR. Indications were bronchial carcinoid in 2 cases, inflammatory pseudotumor in 1 case, TBC stricture in 1 case. All patients underwent preoperatively a rigid bronchoscopy to restore the airway lumen patency. At surgery a negative resection margin was confirmed by frozen section in the neoplastic patients. In all patients an end-to-end bronchial anastomosis was constructed according to Grillo.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There were neither mortality nor major complications. Airway lumen was optimal in 3 patients, good in 1.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>LMBRR is a valuable option for the thoracic surgeon. It maximizes the parenchyma-sparing philosophy, broadening the spectrum of potential candidates for cure. It remains a technically demanding procedure, to be carried out by an experienced surgical team. Correct surgical planning affords excellent results, both in the short and long term.</p

    Sickle Cell Disease Subjects Have a Distinct Abnormal Autonomic Phenotype Characterized by Peripheral Vasoconstriction With Blunted Cardiac Response to Head-Up Tilt

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    In sickle cell disease (SCD), prolonged capillary transit times, resulting from reduced peripheral blood flow, increase the likelihood of rigid red cells entrapment in the microvasculature, predisposing to vaso-occlusive crisis. Since changes in peripheral flow are mediated by the autonomic nervous system (ANS), we tested the hypothesis that the cardiac and peripheral vascular responses to head-up tilt (HUT) are abnormal in SCD. Heart rate, respiration, non-invasive continuous blood pressure and finger photoplethysmogram (PPG) were monitored before, during, and after HUT in SCD, anemic controls and healthy subjects. Percent increase in heart rate from baseline was used to quantify cardiac ANS response, while percent decrease in PPG amplitude represented degree of peripheral vasoconstriction. After employing cluster analysis to determine threshold levels, the HUT responses were classified into four phenotypes: (CP) increased heart rate and peripheral vasoconstriction; (C) increased heart rate only; (P) peripheral vasoconstriction only; and (ST) subthreshold cardiac and peripheral vascular responses. Multinomial logistic regression (MLR) was used to relate these phenotypic responses to various parameters representing blood properties and baseline cardiovascular activity. The most common phenotypic response, CP, was found in 82% of non-SCD subjects, including those with chronic anemia. In contrast, 70% of SCD subjects responded abnormally to HUT: C-phenotype = 22%, P-phenotype = 37%, or ST-phenotype = 11%. MLR revealed that the HUT phenotypes were significantly associated with baseline cardiac parasympathetic activity, baseline peripheral vascular variability, hemoglobin level and SCD diagnosis. Low parasympathetic activity at baseline dramatically increased the probability of belonging to the P-phenotype in SCD subjects, even after adjusting for hemoglobin level, suggesting a characteristic autonomic dysfunction that is independent of anemia. Further analysis using a mathematical model of heart rate variability revealed that the low parasympathetic activity in P-phenotype SCD subjects was due to impaired respiratory-cardiac coupling rather than reduced cardiac baroreflex sensitivity. By having strong peripheral vasoconstriction without compensatory cardiac responses, P-phenotype subjects may be at increased risk for vaso-occlusive crisis. The classification of autonomic phenotypes based on HUT response may have potential use for guiding therapeutic interventions to alleviate the risk of adverse outcomes in SCD

    Mental stress causes vasoconstriction in subjects with sickle cell disease and in normal controls

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    Vaso-occlusive crisis (VOC) is a hallmark of sickle cell disease (SCD) and occurs when deoxygenated sickled red blood cells occlude the microvasculature. Any stimulus, such as mental stress, which decreases microvascular blood flow will increase the likelihood of red cell entrapment resulting in local vaso-occlusion and progression to VOC. Neurally mediated vasoconstriction might be the physiological link between crisis triggers and vaso-occlusion. In this study, we determined the effect of mental stress on microvascular blood flow and autonomic nervous system reactivity. Sickle cell patients and controls performed mentally stressful tasks, including a memory task, conflict test and pain anticipation test. Blood flow was measured using photoplethysmography, autonomic reactivity was derived from electrocardiography and perceived stress was measured by the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory questionnaire. Stress tasks induced a significant decrease in microvascular blood flow, parasympathetic withdrawal and sympathetic activation in all subjects. Of the various tests, pain anticipation caused the highest degree of vasoconstriction. The magnitude of vasoconstriction, sympathetic activation and perceived stress was greater during the Stroop conflict test than during the N-back memory test, indicating the relationship between magnitude of experimental stress and degree of regional vasoconstriction. Baseline anxiety had a significant effect on the vasoconstrictive response in sickle cell subjects but not in controls. In conclusion, mental stress caused vasoconstriction and autonomic nervous system reactivity in all subjects. Although the pattern of responses was not significantly different between the two groups, the consequences of vasoconstriction can be quite significant in SCD because of the resultant entrapment of sickle cells in the microvasculature. This suggests that mental stress can precipitate a VOC in SCD by causing neural-mediated vasoconstriction

    Type I IFN enhances follicular B cell contribution to the T cell–independent antibody response

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    Humoral immunity to viruses and encapsulated bacteria is comprised of T cell–independent type 2 (TI-2) antibody responses that are characterized by rapid antibody production by marginal zone and B1 B cells. We demonstrate that toll-like receptor (TLR) ligands influence the TI-2 antibody response not only by enhancing the overall magnitude but also by skewing this response to one that is dominated by IgG isotypes. Importantly, TLR ligands facilitate this response by inducing type I interferon (IFN), which in turn elicits rapid and significant amounts of antigen-specific IgG2c predominantly from FO (follicular) B cells. Furthermore, we show that although the IgG2c antibody response requires B cell–autonomous IFN-α receptor signaling, it is independent of B cell–intrinsic TLR signaling. Thus, innate signals have the capacity to enhance TI-2 antibody responses by promoting participation of FO B cells, which then elaborate effective IgG anti-pathogen antibodies

    Predicting Positive p53 Cancer Rescue Regions Using Most Informative Positive (MIP) Active Learning

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    Many protein engineering problems involve finding mutations that produce proteins with a particular function. Computational active learning is an attractive approach to discover desired biological activities. Traditional active learning techniques have been optimized to iteratively improve classifier accuracy, not to quickly discover biologically significant results. We report here a novel active learning technique, Most Informative Positive (MIP), which is tailored to biological problems because it seeks novel and informative positive results. MIP active learning differs from traditional active learning methods in two ways: (1) it preferentially seeks Positive (functionally active) examples; and (2) it may be effectively extended to select gene regions suitable for high throughput combinatorial mutagenesis. We applied MIP to discover mutations in the tumor suppressor protein p53 that reactivate mutated p53 found in human cancers. This is an important biomedical goal because p53 mutants have been implicated in half of all human cancers, and restoring active p53 in tumors leads to tumor regression. MIP found Positive (cancer rescue) p53 mutants in silico using 33% fewer experiments than traditional non-MIP active learning, with only a minor decrease in classifier accuracy. Applying MIP to in vivo experimentation yielded immediate Positive results. Ten different p53 mutations found in human cancers were paired in silico with all possible single amino acid rescue mutations, from which MIP was used to select a Positive Region predicted to be enriched for p53 cancer rescue mutants. In vivo assays showed that the predicted Positive Region: (1) had significantly more (p<0.01) new strong cancer rescue mutants than control regions (Negative, and non-MIP active learning); (2) had slightly more new strong cancer rescue mutants than an Expert region selected for purely biological considerations; and (3) rescued for the first time the previously unrescuable p53 cancer mutant P152L
