220 research outputs found

    A state-wide systems approach to embedding the learning and teaching of sustainability in teacher education

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    [Extract] Education systems have a key role to play in preparing future citizens to engage in sustainable living practices and help create a more sustainable world. Many schools throughout Australia have begun to develop whole-school approaches to sustainability education that are supported by national and state policies and curriculum frameworks. Pre-service teacher education, however, lags behind in the effort to build the capacity of new teachers to initiate and implement such approaches (Steele, 2010). Evidence suggests this is because there is limited or no core environmental or sustainability knowledge or pedagogy in pre- and in-service courses and programs available to teachers in a thorough and systematic fashion

    Assessment of 3-D printing technologies for millimeter-wave reflectors

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    © 2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Three different 3D printing technologies: Stereolithography (SLA), Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) and HP Multi Jet Fusion Technology (MJF) are compared to build a parabolic reflector operating at 100 GHz. Fabrication tolerance and surface roughness before and after metallization are accurately measured. The performance of the reflectors is measured in the near field and its performance is compared against an optical grade reflector. In this way the performance of the final product is thoroughly assessedPeer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Denitrification of groundwater with pyrite and Thiobacillus denitrificans

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    Anaerobic batch and flow-through experiments were performed to confirm the role of pyrite as electron donor in bacterial denitrification and to look into the feasibility of pyrite-driven denitrification of nitrate- contaminated groundwater. Nitrate reduction was satisfactorily accomplished in experiments with pyrite as the sole electron donor, in presence of the autotrophic denitrifying bacterium Thiobacillus denitrificans and at nitrate concentrations comparable to those observed in contaminated groundwater. The experimental results corroborated field studies in which the reaction occurred in aquifers. Nitrate reduction rates and nitrate removal efficiencies were dependent on pyrite grain size, initial nitrate concentration, nitrate-loading rate and pH. The N and O isotopic enrichment factors (εN and εO) obtained experimentally for pyrite-driven nitrate reduction by T. denitrificans ranged from − 13.5¿ to − 15.0¿ and from − 19.0¿ to − 22.9¿, respectively. These values indicated the magnitude of the isotope fractionation that occurs in nitrate- contaminated aquifers dominated by autotrophic denitrification

    Avian Influenza Surveillance with FTA Cards: Field Methods, Biosafety, and Transportation Issues Solved

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    Avian Influenza Viruses (AIVs) infect many mammals, including humans1. These AIVs are diverse in their natural hosts, harboring almost all possible viral subtypes2. Human pandemics of flu originally stem from AIVs3. Many fatal human cases during the H5N1 outbreaks in recent years were reported. Lately, a new AIV related strain swept through the human population, causing the 'swine flu epidemic'4. Although human trading and transportation activity seems to be responsible for the spread of highly pathogenic strains5, dispersal can also partly be attributed to wild birds6, 7. However, the actual reservoir of all AIV strains is wild birds

    Enhanced denitrification in groundwater and sediments from a nitrate-contaminated aquifer after addition of pyrite

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    Using chemical, isotopic and microbiologic techniques we tested in laboratory experiments the extent to which the addition of pyrite to groundwater and sediments from a nitrate-contaminated aquifer could stimulate denitrification by indigenous bacteria. In addition to this biostimulated approach, a combined biostimulated and bioaugmented treatment was also evaluated by inoculating the well-known autotrophic denitrifying bacterium Thiobacillus denitrificans. Results showed that the addition of pyrite enhanced nitrate removal and that denitrifying bacteria existing in the aquifer material were able to reduce nitrate using pyrite as the electron donor, obviating the need for the inoculation of T. denitrificans. The results of the 16S rRNA and nosZ gene-based DGGE and the quantitative PCR (qPCR) showed that the addition of pyrite led to an increase in the proportion of denitrifying bacteria and that bacterial populations closely related to the Xanthomonadaceae might probably be the autotrophic denitrifiers that used pyrite as the electron donor. Not only autotrophic but also heterotrophic denitrifying bacteria were stimulated through pyrite addition and both populations probably contributed to nitrate removal. Isotopic analyses (δ15N and δ18ONO3) were used to monitor enhanced denitrification and the N and O isotopic enrichment factors (−26.3±1.8¿ and −20.4± 1.3¿, respectively) allowed to calculate the degree of natural nitrate attenuation in the aquifer. Furthermore, flow-through experiments amended with pyrite confirmed the long-term efficiency of the process under the study conditions. Further research under field conditions is needed to determine whether stimulation of denitrification by pyrite addition constitutes a feasible bioremediation strategy for nitrate-contaminated aquifers

    Embedding EfS in teacher education through a multi-level systems approach: Lessons from Queensland

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    This paper reports on the fourth stage of an evolving study to develop a systems model for embedding education for sustainability (EfS) into pre-service teacher education. The fourth stage trialled the extension of the model to a comprehensive state-wide systems approach involving representatives from all eight Queensland teacher education institutions and other key policy agencies and professional associations. Support for trialling the model included regular meetings among the participating representatives and an implementation guide. This paper describes the first three stages of developing and trialling the model before presenting the case study and action research methods employed, four key lessons learned from the project, and the implications of the major outcomes for teacher education policies and practices. The Queensland-wide multi-site case study revealed processes and strategies that can enable institutional change agents to engage productively in building capacity for embedding EfS at the individual, institutional and state levels in pre-service teacher education. Collectively, the project components provide a system-wide framework that offers strategies, examples, insights and resources that can serve as a model for other states and/or territories wishing to implement EfS in a systematic and coherent fashion

    Phenotyping the brain, the face, and their genetic interaction over development

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    The development of the brain and the face is intimately coordinated through a continuous physical and molecular interaction during morphogenesis. Understanding how dynamic spatio-temporal regulation of gene expression patterns guide this process is crucial to reveal mechanisms that may have contributed to human evolution

    Microstrip-fed 3D-printed H-sectorial horn phased array

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    A 3D-printed phased array consisting of four H-Sectorial horn antennas of 200 g weight with an ultra-wideband rectangular-waveguide-to-microstrip-line transition operating over the whole LMDS and K bands (24.25–29.5 GHz) is presented. The transition is based on exciting three overlapped transversal patches that radiate into the waveguide. The transition provides very low insertion losses, ranging from 0.30 dB to 0.67 dB over the whole band of operation (23.5–30.4 GHz). The measured fractional bandwidth of the phased array including the transition was 20.8% (24.75–30.3 GHz). The antenna was measured for six different scanning angles corresponding to six different progressive phases α, ranging from 0° to 140° at the central frequency band of operation of 26.5 GHz. The maximum gain was found in the broadside direction α = 0°, with 15.2 dB and efficiency η = 78.5%, while the minimum was found for α = 140°, with 13.7 dB and η = 91.2%.This work was supported by MINISTERIO DE CIENCIA, INNOVACIÓN Y UNIVERSIDADES: PID2019-107885GB-C31/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and DI-2020.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Ecoetiquetes de serveis : establiments de turisme rural en l'àmbit del Parc Natural de l'Alt Pirineu

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    L'increment del turisme rural i la relació directe amb l'entorn és el que ha motivat l'elaboració d'aquest projecte. L'objectiu del qual és fer un estudi de l'estat ambiental dels 17 establiments de turisme rural (ETR) dels 47 ETR situats a l'àmbit d'influència del Parc Natural de l'Alt Pirineu (PNAP). A partir del qual s'analitzarà la viabilitat d'aplicar el Distintiu de Garantia de Qualitat Ambiental (DGQA).El incremento del turismo y la relación indirecta con el entorno es lo que ha motivado la elaboración de este proyecto. Cuyo objetivo es estudiar el estado ambiental de los 17 establecimientos de turismo rural (ETR) de los 47 ETR situados en el ámbito de influencia del Parque Natural de l'Alt Pirineu (PNAP). A partir del cual se analizará la viabilidad de aplicar el Distintivo de Garantía de Calidad Ambiental (DGCA)

    Alcohol Consumption during Pregnancy : Analysis of Two Direct Metabolites of Ethanol in Meconium

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    Alcohol consumption in young women is a widespread habit that may continue during pregnancy and induce alterations in the fetus. We aimed to characterize prevalence of alcohol consumption in parturient women and to assess fetal ethanol exposure in their newborns by analyzing two direct metabolites of ethanol in meconium. This is a cross-sectional study performed in September 2011 and March 2012 in a series of women admitted to an obstetric unit following childbirth. During admission, socio-demographic and substance use (alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, cocaine, and opiates) during pregnancy were assessed using a structured questionnaire and clinical charts. We also recorded the characteristics of pregnancy, childbirth, and neonates. The meconium analysis was performed by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) to detect the presence of ethyl glucuronide (EtG) and ethyl sulfate (EtS). Fifty-one parturient and 52 neonates were included and 48 meconium samples were suitable for EtG and EtS detection. The median age of women was 30 years (interquartile range (IQR): 26-34 years); EtG was present in all meconium samples and median concentration of EtG was 67.9 ng/g (IQR: 36.0-110.6 ng/g). With respect to EtS, it was undetectable (<0.01 ng/g) in the majority of samples (79.1%). Only three (6%) women reported alcohol consumption during pregnancy in face-to-face interviews. However, prevalence of fetal exposure to alcohol through the detection of EtG and EtS was 4.2% and 16.7%, respectively. Prevention of alcohol consumption during pregnancy and the detection of substance use with markers of fetal exposure are essential components of maternal and child health
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