29 research outputs found

    Habits of the Home: Spatial Hegemony and the Structuration of House and Society in Brazil

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/75052/1/aa.1989.91.3.02a00020.pd

    Pratos e mais pratos: louças domésticas, divisões culturais e limites sociais no Rio de Janeiro, século XIX

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    Reply to ten comments on a paper published in the last issue of this journal. The discussion follows along six main lines: History museums, identity, ideology and the category of nation; the need of material collections and their modalities: patrimonial, operational, virtual; theater versus laboratory; visitors and their ambiguities; Public History: the museum and the academy.Resposta aos comentários de dez especialistas que contribuíram no debate de texto publicado no último número desta revista. A discussão orientou-se segundo seis tópicos principais: museus históricos, identidade, ideologia e a categoria de nação; a necessidade de acervos materiais e suas modalidades: acervo patrimonial, operacional, virtual; teatro versus laboratório; o público e suas ambigüidades; História Pública: o museu e a Academia

    Seducción Etnográfica, Transferencia, y Resistencia en Diálogos sobre Terror y Violencia en Argentina

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    El asalto a la confianza básica: desaparición, protesta y re-entierros en Argentina

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    La guerra sucia argentina, que tuvo lugar entre 1976 y 1983, fue un ataque masivo hacia los fundamentos del contrato social. La violencia desatada penetró pr...A guerra suja argentina, que ocorreu entre 1976 e 1983, foi um ataque massivo para os fundamentos do contrato social. A violência penetrou profundamente nos ...The Argentine dirty war that raged from 1976 to 1983 was a massive assault on the foundation of the social contract. The violence unleashed penetrated deep i..

    Introduction: Peace and Conflict Research in Europe

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    This article deals with violences of culture and cultures ofviolence. After reviewing the specificity of anthropological viewsof violence, we propose a processual reconceptualisation of this,reflect on the forms and possible consequences of ethnographicresearch and representation in this field, and end by outlining thefuture of an anthropology of violence that can also be an anthropologyof peace. An epilogue on 11 March serves to relocate thistheoretical sketch in the context of global terrorism.Peace and Conflict Studies has its origins in the moral reflection of leading politicians, such as Woodrow Wilson, Georges Clemenceau, and David Lloyd George, on the massive human and social costs of World War I. An estimated eight million soldiers died in combat, while another two million went missing. The awareness that humankind should never again engage in this type of industrial warfare led to the foundation of the League of Nations in 1919 and the simultaneous development of Peace Studies as the multidisciplinary study of peace by social and political scientists, in contrast to the fi eld of War Studies, which was dominated by military scholars. Almost a century later, this book is a fi rst effort at putting together the different perspectives of scholars working in the last few years within the EDEN European network, with the intention of exploring transversal themes, analytical frameworks and methodological dilemmas, as well as to suggest and develop potentially productive common grounds. Papers range from the critical analysis of international law implementation, to the defence of new global concepts of security, to historical, ethnographic and culturalist perspectives on different kinds of confl icts and violences. That is, they move back and forth from international institutions and globalised legal and political frameworks, to the military industry, to everyday life and culturally-bound experiences and emotions. They have been organized in such way as to ‘rollercoast’ the reader around the different theoretical and methodological points of view available in the network.Peer reviewe

    Massive Violent Death and Contested National Mourning in Post-Authoritarian Chile and Argentina : A Sociocultural Application of the Dual Process Model

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    This article uses the dual process model (DPM) in an analysis of the national mourning of tens of thousands of disappeared in Chile and Argentina by adapting the model from the individual to the collective level where society as a whole is bereaved. Perpetrators are also involved in the national mourning process as members of a bereaved society. This article aims to (a) demonstrate the DPMs significance for the analysis of national mourning in post-conflict societies and (b) explain oscillations between loss orientation and restoration orientation in coping with massive losses that seem contradictory from a grief work perspective

    Seducción Etnográfica, Transferencia, y Resistencia en Diálogos sobre Terror y Violencia en Argentina

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    En este artículo señalaré la relevancia que tiene la práctica psicoanalítica en estas cuestiones, a partir de una reflexión acerca de los problemas que se me presentaron en las entrevistas con víctimas y victimarios de violencia durante más de dos años de trabajo de campo sobre la disputada reconstrucción histórica de la llamada “guerra sucia” en Argentina. Me enfocaré en la compleja relación social y transferencial con mis entrevistados, y explicaré de qué formas ellos intentaron influenciar en mi comprensión de la violencia política de los años 1960 y 1970

    El asalto a la confianza básica: desaparición, protesta y re-entierros en Argentina

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    The Argentine dirty war that raged from 1976 to 1983 was a massive assault on the foundation of the social contract. The violence unleashed penetrated deep into the homes of the Argentine people, and disrupted the relations of protection, safety, trust, and love that dwelled there. Nearly two thirds of all disappeared were abducted at home. I shall argue that the disappearances carried out in the intimacy of the home invaded the primary object-relation of parent and child, and provoked intense guilt feelings among the surviving parents about having failed to protect their adult and adolescent children. It was at this intersection of the political and domestic domain that parental trust and protection became mobilized. I shall conclude that the politicization of the dead by the military led mothers to cope with their separation anxiety either by a projective search for the human remains or by an introjective vindication of the revolutionary ideals embraced by many disappeared before their abduction.La guerra sucia argentina, que tuvo lugar entre 1976 y 1983, fue un ataque masivo hacia los fundamentos del contrato social. La violencia desatada penetró profundamente en los hogares de los argentinos, irrumpiendo en las relaciones de protección, seguridad, confianza y amor que descansaban en ellos. Casi dos tercios de los desaparecidos fueron secuestrados en sus hogares. En este trabajo, argumentaré que las desapariciones que tuvieron lugar en la intimidad del hogar invadieron la relación objetal primaria de padres e hijos, provocando intensos sentimientos de culpa entre los padres sobrevivientes por haber fallado a la hora de proteger a sus hijos adultos o adolescentes. Fue en esta intersección entre el dominio político y el doméstico que la confianza y la protección parental se vieron movilizadas. Y concluiré en que la politización de los muertos por la dictadura llevó a las madres a lidiar con su ansiedad por la separación ya sea a través de una búsqueda proyectiva de los restos humanos, o a través de una reivindicación introyectiva de los ideales revolucionarios que levantaban muchos de los desaparecidos antes de ser secuestrados.A guerra suja argentina, que ocorreu entre 1976 e 1983, foi um ataque massivo para os fundamentos do contrato social. A violência penetrou profundamente nos lares dos argentinos, irrompendo as relações de proteção, segurança, confiança e amor que existia entre eles. Quase dois terços dos desaparecidos foram seqüestrados em seus lares. Neste trabalho argumentarei que os desaparecimentos que ocorreram na intimidade do lar invadiram a relação objetiva primária de pais e filhos, provocando intensos sentimentos de culpa entre os pais sobreviventes por haverem falhado na hora de protegerem aos seus filhos adultos ou adolescentes. Foi nestas interseções entre o domínio político e o doméstico que a confiança e a proteção parental se viram mobilizadas. Concluirei que a politização dos mortos pela ditadura levou as mães a lidarem com sua ansiedade pela separação, seja através de uma busca projetiva dos restos humanos, seja através de uma reivindicação introyectiva dos ideais revolucionários que levantavam muitos dos desaparecidos antes de serem seqüestrados

    Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Peace and Conflict Research: A View from Europe

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    This book represents the scholarly work of the network "European Doctorate Enhancement in Peace and Conflict Studies" (EDEN), a broad training and research network linking scholars, departments and universities interested in thinking and rethinking proposals, concepts and methodologies for the expanding field of Peace and Conflict Studies from different disciplines such as law, history, sociology, anthropology, international relations, and political science.Peer reviewe