17 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Suhu Pengeringan terhadap Struktur Amorf dan Sifat Fisik Nira Kelapa Serbuk dengan Penambahan Maltodeksrin

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    Sources of sucrose or food with high sugar content in Indonesia is sap/nira. Processed innovations from coconut sap besides brown sugar, can be made into powdered sugar. Powdered sugar can be crystalline or amorphous. One of the advantages of amorphous structures in high sugar products is the bright color and more soluble in water. Amorphous powdered coconut sugar in its manufacture has constraints, one of which is stickiness. This is because coconut sap is a food ingredient with high sugar content and has a low glass transition temperature of around 62°C, so it is necessary to add maltodextrin with a Tg value of 135-140°C to increase the value of the product's glass transition. In addition, the impact of the drying rate will affect the resulting structure. This research focuses on testing coconut sap powder with the addition of maltodextrin with a temperature comparison during the drying process. Where the temperature used is 50°C, 60°C, 70°C, 80°C using a vacuum dryer. Data analysis was carried out, namely the amorphous-crystalline structure test, hygroscopicity rate test and color test. The resulting data shows that the higher the temperature used, the higher the amorphous structure that is formed, and also has an impact on the hygroscopicity rate and color intensity

    Efect Bobot Lemak Tubuh dalam Hasil belajar Lompat jauh (Track and Field Long Jump Achievment Category)

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    Tujuan Penelitian. Dalam penelitian ini untuk mengetahui ada atau tidaknya pengaruh langsung Bobot Lemak Tubuh   dalam Hasil belajar Lompat jauh (Track and Field Long Jump Achievment Category) mahasiswa semester 1 Penjaskesrek Universitas Pahlawan. Metode Penelitian. Dalam penelitian ini yang digunakan sebagai populasi sasaran (target population) berjumlah 54 mahasiswa.  Teknik analisis menggunakan pendekatan analisis jalur dalam penelitian yang mengkaji dan menganalisis keterkaitan antar variabel penelitian. penelitian maka untuk mendapatkan data yang diolah dalam penelitian ini, maka instrumen yang digunakan adalah (1) Instrumen lompat jauh (Y) dengan mengukur hasil belajar mahasiswa, (2) Instrumen bobot lemak tubuh  (X2) menggunakan skinfold callipers. Hasil. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh dapat dihasilkan bahwa pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan bobot lemak tubuh sebesar (r = 0.511) dan (r2 = 0.511 =  0.5112 = 0.2611) dengan sumbangan bobot lemak tubuh memberikan kontribusi sebesar 26.11% terhadap hasil lompat jauh (Track and Field Long Jump Achievment Category) Kesimpulan. Hasil belajar lompat jauh (Track and Field Long Jump Achievment Category) sangat dipengaruhi oleh variabel bobot lemak tubuh dan singkatnya,  semakin ideal tubuh seseorang maka akan semakin bagus dalam melaksanakan aktivitas olahraga atletik kategori lompat jauh.Tujuan Penelitian. Dalam penelitian ini untuk mengetahui ada atau tidaknya pengaruh langsung Bobot Lemak Tubuh   dalam Hasil belajar Lompat jauh (Track and Field Long Jump Achievment Category) mahasiswa semester 1 Penjaskesrek Universitas Pahlawan. Metode Penelitian. Dalam penelitian ini yang digunakan sebagai populasi sasaran (target population) berjumlah 54 mahasiswa.  Teknik analisis menggunakan pendekatan analisis jalur dalam penelitian yang mengkaji dan menganalisis keterkaitan antar variabel penelitian. penelitian maka untuk mendapatkan data yang diolah dalam penelitian ini, maka instrumen yang digunakan adalah (1) Instrumen lompat jauh (Y) dengan mengukur hasil belajar mahasiswa, (2) Instrumen bobot lemak tubuh  (X2) menggunakan skinfold callipers. Hasil. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh dapat dihasilkan bahwa pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan bobot lemak tubuh sebesar (r = 0.511) dan (r2 = 0.511 =  0.5112 = 0.2611) dengan sumbangan bobot lemak tubuh memberikan kontribusi sebesar 26.11% terhadap hasil lompat jauh (Track and Field Long Jump Achievment Category) Kesimpulan. Hasil belajar lompat jauh (Track and Field Long Jump Achievment Category) sangat dipengaruhi oleh variabel bobot lemak tubuh dan singkatnya,  semakin ideal tubuh seseorang maka akan semakin bagus dalam melaksanakan aktivitas olahraga atletik kategori lompat jauh

    Effect of Various Methods of Processing Curly Red Chilli (Capsicum annum L.) on the Physicochemical and Organoleptic Characteristics of Coconut Nira Soy Sauce

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    Soy sauce is a liquid product derived from fermented soybeans or soybean meal plus sugar with or without the addition of other food ingredients. Soy sauce is usually made from soybeans, but apart from soybeans, soy sauce can be made with coconut sap. Previously, research on coconut sap soy sauce had been conducted, but the results showed that the panelists' preference for coconut sap soy sauce was still low. In this study, the addition of curly red chili with various processing methods and spices was thought to increase the panelists' preference for coconut sap soy sauce. This study aimed to examine the physicochemical and organoleptic characteristics of coconut sap soy sauce with the addition of curly red chili with four processing methods. The chili processing methods used were coarsely ground chilies, finely ground chilies, dried chili powder, and chili extracts. The research stages include the process of making coconut sap soy sauce, organoleptic tests, viscosity tests, acidity tests (pH), and sucrose tests. ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) and SPSS applications were used to analyze the test data. If significant results are obtained, the analysis is continued with Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT) with a significance level of 5%. Based on the test results, the addition of various chili processing methods significantly affected the degree of acidity (pH), viscosity, sucrose content, hedonic color, hedonic viscosity, and hedonic spiciness. However, the effect is not significant on the hedonic aroma. The coconut sap soy sauce with chili extract obtained the highest score for the ranking test assessment

    Dongeng Sebelum Tidur Menjadi Konon di Era Gawai? (Eksistensi Dongeng Sebagai Pendidikan Pada Anak Usia Dini)

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    Dongeng memiliki peran besar dalam pengembangan literasi anak dan karakter anak, khususnya pada usia dini. Namun, di era gawai saat ini, eksistensi dongeng sebagai pendidikan pada anak usia dini perlu dipertanyakan. Metode dalam penelitian adalah Kuantitatif dengan metode surve melalui kuesioner. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 37 orangtua (ibu) yang memiliki anak berusia 4-6 tahun dan sudah masuk dalam Taman Kanak-kanak di Kecamatan Tambang, Kabupaten Kampar, Provinsi Riau.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 78% para orangtua jarang melakukan aktivitas mendongeng untuk anaknya, 65% memiliki sasaran dan tujuan utama dalam aktivitas mendongeng, 73% memberikan gawai sebagai pengganti aktivitas mendongeng sebelum tidur anaknya, dan anak-anak mereka responsive dan kritis ketika orangtuanya mendongeng pada kategori sering hanya berjumlah 8%. Dengan demikian, disimpulkan bahwa orangtua sudah jarang melakukan aktivitas mendongeng untuk anaknya karena kesibukan dan minimnya pengetahuan dan literature mereka pada dongeng

    Exploring the Efficacy of Inquiry-Based Learning for Human Respiratory System: Students' Achievement at High School Setting

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    The current research has primary objective that is to assess the effect of implementing the Inquiry-Based Learning Model in enhancing students' academic performance in the field of Science at SMA Smart Indonesia. The Inquiry-Based Learning Model promotes proactive student engagement in exploring, gathering, and interpreting information through independent investigation. The study utilized a quasi-experimental design encompassing pre-test and post-test phases. The participants were selected randomly via a simple random sampling technique. The acquired data underwent analysis using the N-Gain method (T-test). The outcomes revealed a noticeable improvement in the academic performance of students in the experimental group who were exposed to the Inquiry-Based Learning Model, particularly in the context of the human respiratory system. Furthermore, the null hypothesis (H0) was invalidated, as was proven by the 2-tailed Significance value of 0.000 that was smaller than 0.05. This discovery underscores the substantial positive impact of applying the Inquiry-Based Learning Model on enhancing students' academic achievements when compared to conventional teaching methods employed in the control group. In conclusion, this study highlights the significant potential of integrating the Inquiry-Based Learning Model into the Natural Science curriculum at the secondary school level, which could potentially elevate the standard of education and overall student learning accomplishments

    Can Frontloading Increased Students Vocabulary Mastery: Using an Educational Strategy to Improve Students’ writing Skills

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    Frontloading adalah strategi yang memungkinkan siswa untuk menstimulasi pengetahuan mereka sebelum membaca dan dilakukan secara berkelompok. Selanjutnya, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memecahkan masalah siswa dalam penguasaan kosakata yang rendah dengan menggunakan strategi Frontloading. Responden penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VIII.7 SMP Negeri 15 Pekanbaru yang terdiri dari 36 siswa. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) dan peneliti menggunakan format KWL yang dimodifikasi untuk menerapkan strategi ini. Peneliti menggunakan tes untuk mengumpulkan data kualitatif dan juga menggunakan daftar cek observasi, catatan lapangan, dan wawancara untuk mengumpulkan data kuantitatif. Hasilnya, peneliti menemukan beberapa peningkatan setelah perlakuan pada Siklus 1 dilakukan dan sebagian besar siswa lulus passing grade. Selain itu, faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penguasaan kosakata siswa adalah penerapan strategi frontloading itu sendiri, penggunaan kamus sebagai media, dan minat siswa dalam kegiatan kelompok. Mengacu pada hasil ini, para peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa strategi frontloading dapat meningkatkan kelancaran kosakata siswa dalam teks deskriptif. Selain itu, strategi frontloading memudahkan siswa untuk memahami teks dan meningkatkan kosakata mereka


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    This research is motivated by the problem of Engineering Drawing Lectures which are still focused on lecturers, student knowledge about Engineering Drawings is still low because many student learning outcomes do not meet the criteria. Therefore, it is necessary to apply the lecture model so that Engineering Drawing lectures can increase. The model applied is Problem Based Instruction. The purpose of this study was to improve student learning outcomes in the first semester of Engineering Drawing courses. This type of research is Quasi Experimental with one group pretest-posttest design. The subjects in this study were first semester students of the Automotive Technology Vocational Education Study Program at Lancang Kuning University who were enrolled in the 2022/2023 academic year as many as 32 students. Collecting data in this study using pretest and posttest learning outcomes. Data were analyzed using Gain Score. Based on the research results, the average pretest score was 65.75 and the posttest score was 86.50. From the calculation of the Gain Score is 0.557 in the medium category using the Problem Based Instruction (PBI) lecture model for the Engineering Drawing course in the Automotive Technology Vocational Education Study Program, Lancang Kuning University

    Pengaruh Pembangunan Manusia terhadap Kinerja Ekonomi Regional di Kota Pematangsiantar

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    This analysis is meaningful in order to know the effect of people development on regional economics performance in Pematangsiantar City. The analytical method used is a qualitative method in the form of descriptive, namely by using a method where the author analyzes the data obtained and describes through the events related to the problem. The results of this study show that there has been a very significant decline in the Development of Economic Growth in the City of Pematangsiantar at 2015-2020. Where that the degree of fiscal decentralization has an impact on economic growth. This is the impact of the degree of fiscal decentralization on economic development stating that the degree of fiscal decentralization has a negative effect on economic growth

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