1,260 research outputs found


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    When constructing a building, careful budget planning (RAB) and implementation schedule planning are required, both on a small and large scale. In the Lecture Building for the Faculty of Computer Science, Brawijaya University, located in Malang City, it is planned to use composite steel profiles as the main structure, and the floor plates use composite steel material. This final project aims to determine the costs and implementation time required to construct a building using composite steel structural materials. The reference used to calculate the costs and duration of implementation is based on PUPR Ministerial Decree No.28/PRT/M/2016 concerning AHSP in the field of Public Works and HSPK for Malang City in 2022. According to the results of the analysis of cost calculations and planning time, the total cost for the steel structure is IDR 16. ,793.933.381 with a time of 207 days according to scheduling using the Barchart method


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    The issue of drug abuse in Indonesia is currently very concerning. Drug abuse is a very serious problem. Despite increased law enforcement efforts against drugs, drug trafficking continues to rise due to several factors, including inadequate rehabilitation programs for inmates. For example, at the Kerobokan Badung Bali Class II A Penitentiary, rehabilitation programs have not been fully effective. This research addresses the following key issues:First, how is the penalization of inmates related to drug abuse for personal use carried out at the Kerobokan Penitentiary? Second, what is the effectiveness of the rehabilitation conducted by the Kerobokan Penitentiary for inmates with drug abuse cases?The research methodology used a normative juridical approach, and data collection techniques included interviews and documentation. The results of the research are as follows:First, the rehabilitation at the penitentiary for inmates with drug abuse cases is based on the Ministry of Law and Human Rights Regulation Number 12 of 2017 on the provision of drug rehabilitation services for detainees and prisoners, as well as Law Number 35 of 2009 Article 54, which states that drug addicts and victims of drug abuse must undergo medical and social rehabilitation. Second, the effectiveness of rehabilitation at the Kerobokan Class II A Penitentiary for inmates with drug abuse cases is considered to be less effective due to several inhibiting factors

    Komparasi Algoritma Sequential Searching dan Interpolation Searching Pada Studi Kasus Pencarian Data Tilang Pengadilan Negeri Samarinda

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    Pengadilan negeri membutuhkan data pelanggaran yang dikeluarkan oleh kepolisian untuk membuat jadwal sidang dari setiap masyarakat yang terkena tilang oleh pihak kepolisian. Untuk mempermudah masyarakat mencari data sidang, maka dibutuhkan metode pencarian data (searching) yang akurat dan efisien. Oleh karena itu, terdapat dua metode pencarian data yang dapat membuat proses pencarian menjadi akurat dan efisien, yaitu Sequential Searching dan Interpolation Searching. hasil implementasi ini nantinya adalah sebuah sistem yang siap melakukan pengujian algoritma sequential searching dan interpolation searching pada studi kasus Pencarian Data Tilang di Pengadilan Negeri Samarind

    Hubungan Pengetahuan Dengan Konsumsi Halal Food Pada Remaja Kalimantan Timur

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    Tujuan studi: Tujuan dengan adanya penelitian ini yaitu unutk mengetahui hubungan pengetahuan dengan konsumsi halal food pada remaja di Kalimantan Timur khususnya  pada remaja atau siswa/siswi SMK Farmasi Tenggarong Metodologi: Penelitia..ini menggunakan  penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain cross sectional dan menggunakan teknik total sampling. Hasil: Hasil dari penelitian  ini yaitu terdapat hubungan antara pengetahuan dengan halal food dengan nilai p-value (0,039) < α = (0,05) bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara pengetahuan dengan perilaku konsumsi Halal Food remaja Manfaat: Menjadi penambah wawasan serta pengetahuan  tentang Halal Food dan menjadi refrensi penelitian selanjutnya serta Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi bahan acuan data maupun bahan untuk menyusun suatu program yang dilakukan pada tempat penelitian


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    Kurangnya pengetahuan siswa SMA Panti Budaya Kisaran dalam memahami perkembangan teknologi informasi khususnya sistem informasi berbasis SMS Gateway, menjadi alasan bagi Tim PKM STMIK Royal Kisaran melakukan kegiatan abdimas dengan tema “Merancang Aplikasi SMS Gateway Menggunakan Gammu dan Modem ZTE 190 Pada Siswa SMA Panti Budaya Kisaran”. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan dilakukan dengan 2 cara, yaitu ceramah dan pelatihan. Dalam kegiatan tersebut siswa diberikan penjelasan tentang sistem informasi berbasis SMS Gateway kemudian setelah itu siswa dilatih bagaimana merancang aplikasi SMS Gateway. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah membekali siswa dengan kemampuan (skill) dalam merancang aplikasi SMS Gateway, lalu dengan skill tersebut siswa dapat menerapkannya pada dunia pekerjaan pada masa yang akan datang. Setelah melalui menjelasan dan pelatihan oleh Tim PKM STMIK Royal Kisaran, siswa telah berhasil membangun aplikasi SMS Gateway dengan baik dan benar

    Bird Species Based On Altitudinal Zonation On Mount Kerinci Hiking Trail Through Kersik Tuo

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    Altitudinal gradient has specific factors that affect the composition of the bird community. A study of bird species based on altitude zonation on the Mount Kerinci hiking trail through Kersik Tuo, Kerinci, Jambi was conducted in August 2021 to know how the composition and structure of bird communities differed based on altitude zonation. This study was conducted using the point-count method. Point-count distributed along the hiking trail from 1,755 to 2,906 m asl and included in three zones (Zone I: 1,755 - 1,900 m asl: Zone II: 1,901 - 2,500 m asl: and Zone III: above 2,501 m asl). Four hundred sixty-seven individuals from 78 species of birds were recorded along the hiking trail. This number indicates that the number of bird species in the study at Mount Kerinci was more than the number of bird species in the study at other mountains in Sumatra. Species richness was the highest in Zone I (54 species), followed by Zone II (34 species) and Zone III (20 species). The species richness decrease as elevation increases

    Hubungan Antara Pengetahuan Ibu Tentang Gizi Dengan Status Gizi Balita Usia 2- 5 Tahun di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Karangdowo Klaten

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    Latar belakang: Gizi merupakan salah satu masalah kesehatan di berbagai negara, baik di negara maju maupun di negara berkembang. Balita usia 2-5 tahun merupakan kelompok yang rentan atau rawan terhadap status gizi. Salah satu faktor penyebab gangguan gizi pada balita adalah kurangnya pengetahuan orang tua tentang gizi, sehingga pengetahuan orang tua tentang gizi merupakan kunci keberhasilan baik atau buruknya status pada balita. Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui hubungan antara pengetahuan ibu tentang gizi dengan status gizi balita usia 2-5 tahun di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Karangdowo Klaten. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross-sectional untuk mengetahui hubungan antara pengetahuan ibu tentang gizi dengan status gizi balita usia 2-5 tahun. Pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan soal pengetahuan tentang gizi dan penimbangan serta pengukuran tinggi badan balita, analisis data menggunakan Kolmogorov-Smirnov. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 51 responden. Hasil: Pengatahuan ibu tentang gizi dengan status gizi balita, terdapat pengetahuan baik 74,5 %, pengetahuan cukup 7,8 % dan pengetahuan kurang 9,8 % memiliki status gizi baik. Pengetahuan baik3,9 %, pengetahuan cukup 2,0 % dan pengetahuan kurang 2,0 % memiliki status gizitidakbaik. Hasil analisis nilai p = 0,009 Pembahasan: Terdapat hubungan antara pengetahuan ibu tentang gizi dengan status gizi balita usia 2-5 tahun di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Karangdowo Klat


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    PT. PLN (Persero) which is one of the largest electricity companies in Indonesia was not spared from negative news. News coverage commonly reported by the mass media about PT. PLN (Persero) namely: energy crisis, theft crisis ,. Crisis damage to electrical equipment such as transformers and cables, The occurrence of temporary termination and the distribution of electrical energy in rotation From the publication makes the community form a negative opinion about PT. PLN (Persero). The method used in this study using descriptive method with data collection tool through interview. The source of this research is Public Relations Staff of PT PLN (Persero) Distribution Central Java media relations can be interpreted as part of external PR Public Relation PT PLN (Persero) Distribution Central Java which foster and develop good relationship with media as medium of communication between organization and public to reach the purpose of the organization .. Research Media relations strategy PT PLN (Persero) Central Java Distribution in improving positive publicity using Darmastuti theory about strategy of Public Relations of PT PLN (Persero) Central Java Distribution with media agencies and media workers (including journalists) and theory according to Soleh Sumirat and Elvinaro Ardianto in Darmastuti (2016: 156): By supplying good copy. By cooperative in providing material, By providing verification facilities, By building personal relationship with the media. Model of Public Relations Relationship of PT PLN (Persero) Central Java Distribution with media institution that is model of imbalanced komentalisme relationship and Model relationship between Public Relations PT PLN (Persero) Central Java Distribution with media workers (including journalist) is a relationship that leads to model Harmonious Model relationship between Public Relations PT PLN (Persero) Central Java Distribution with media workers (including journalists) is a relationship that leads to the model of Harmonious Mutualism. Public Relations PT PLN (Persero) Distribution Central Java establish and maintain good relations with the media to build, maintain, and improve the image or reputation of the organization in the eyes of stakeholders